Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-08-01 07:44:20 PM

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 102

A Couple Hares,A Fox Kit, And Annoying Sand Lizards-LP Log


Vanya-Runner/ Archer Hare in LP

Ewan- Fighter hare In LP

Crevan-Dibbun Fox

A couple Lizards- Spoofed

Log:(On The western shores)

Vanya was glad for a little bit of freedom from training. A chance to run a bit and even do some cartwheels.

Ewan just watched and sighed "How do ya bally well do that, I dislike de sand, tis hard to run it the stuff"

Vanya rolls her eyes "All you do is complain, find something else wot" Of course she is still alert to anything but a lot can be seen here.

Crevan isn't paying attention to or even aware of the two hares as he plays down closer to the water, the little one running and jumping about doing his own cartwheel and even a couple of front flips every now and then stopping when he finds a sea shell he might like, though never keeping hold of one long

Ewan blinks "Ta complain bout lass?" He sits on a long large rock here and rubs his footpaws, training all day and his feet hurt."Trainin' been too bally well tuff last couple weeks"

Vanya shrugs, she does notice the small fox and watches it for a little while before she speaks to Ewan" Well we need ta be ready, ya know in case vermin cause major issues or sumthing"

Crevan ears perk when he hears the talking they twitch and turn in the direction of the voices before his head turns, the hyperactive fox quickly changing his course to dash over to the pair of hares smiling and tail swishing about happily

Ewan frowns"Rather not..."He lays a paw on his dirk when he sees the fox and then relaxes slightly when he sees its a dibbun and looks to Vanya on what to do.

Vanya keeps an eye on the fox and glaces around,"It's a kit...relax..."Though there could be other foxes around so she is now very alert.

Crevan is just a ball of hyperactive fluff, bouncing about the pair with what seems like endless energy "Hi names Crevan, whats your name?" He asks Vanya before dashing over to Ewan "Are you rabbits or hares? I forgot how to tell the difference."

Ewan says, "We are hares chap and ya should be careful out here"

Vanya asks, "I don't  tell names that freely, where is ya parents lad?" She is still alert as she watches the dibbun, for now its just the two hares as most are....well inside their home"

Crevan ears lower at the word parents "Crevan doesn't have parents.....not anymore." He turns looking to Vanya "Crevan be all alone, well......the folks at that place over there." He points in the direction of halyard "Give Crevan food."

Ewan ears droop but he won't ask why "Oh....well shouldn't be alone..too much"

Vanya says, "Interesting..still bad beasts could show up, not any right bally now, good thing too"She then decides"I am Vanya"

Crevan smile returns "Hi Vanya" He then turns to Ewan "What your name?" The fox then looks around the beach "But Crevan was lookin' for sea shells, and hares aren't bad beasts right? At least that's what the ones who give Crevan food say."

Ewan waves to the dibbun and catches up to Vanya, but the night will not stay simple...sand lizards, only a couple, want to try and ruin the evening.

Vanya turns and then her eyes widen when she sees the lizards and draws out an arrow and right away fires one towards the lizard"Down Ewan!"

Ewan drops down and eeps as the arrow goes past him and turns to see one of the two sand lizards fall and frowns as he quickly gets up and gets out his dirk. He gets into a defense position and then sort of freezes in place and frowns..this isn't happening, this isn't happening, a real fight.

The sand lizard hisses and backs off, it then seems to find it funny the hare isn't attacking and lunges at him.

Vanya has another arrow ready and narrows her eyes, she can't fire and risk hitting a fellow hare, she mutters a couple cuss words and slowly gets closer looking for an opening.

Ewan kicks out at the lizard but that only briefly stops it before he does manage to grab him and lay a blade at his throat. He drops his own dirk and has panic in his eyes.

Vanya takes a deep breath and speaks "Release my friend...or I give a call out and have others come running." She still has an arrow draw and ready to fire but won't fire as she could hit Ewan.

Ewan gulps as he stays calm..ok calm fails quickly.

The sand lizard just seems to chuckle, this is funny he has a hare captive and maybe he can get another one too.

Vanya mutters some choice words again keeping an eye on the sand lizard and ears and eyes open for any other friends it may have.

Ewan whimpers now, the sand lizard has a dagger at his throat.." me"

Vanya nods as she is trying to help, just figuring it out how. Eyes and ears

The sand lizard just watches the hare maid and grins,He goes to push the dagger against the hare's throat enough for blood to form, but not kill its like this is a fun sort of game.

Ewan closes his eyes and takes a chance, he stomps down on the lizard's footpaw, he can feel the small line of blood and he rather not feel any more.

Vanya watches, waits and is ready. If the lizard just moves his head a little she will fire, if he kills her fellow hare she will fire.

The lizard hisses and his grip loosens on Ewan, who struggles and drops to all fours and rolls to the side before the lizard goes to try and kick him.

Vanya fires off her arrow at the lizard just after the other hare drops down, she stands at the ready and already reaching for another arrow.

The lizard gets hit in the chest and falls backwards dead.

Ewan breaths in and out and scoots back quickly shivering " could of killed me...I could of died..."

Vanya walks over, and sighs "Your alive...come on lets get back and you should take a nap"

Ewan nods his head and stands slowly, the it a small and barely anything, he walks slowly inside, still a bit shakie but he survived and...ok pay better attention maybe that's the key.

Vanya sighs, she has to admit that was a little scary and maybe they just got lucky...maybe she needed a nap too and an ale.


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