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#1 2017-01-17 08:38:39 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 212

The Shadow Won't Be Defeated Easily :Part 3-Defenders Log

==Follows ==

==ICLY  Happen Jan 18th,2017==

Marek looks to the hare “She is about to give birth!”  He nods for him to go to the other side of the badger.

Zolomon helps instantly and nods as they go to the abbey gates.

Marek  sees the abbey gates and motions for the hare to get on the other side and they get the badger to the gates “Help is needed” He explains whats going on.

The guard on duty eyes widen and he frowns “Brother Leon is…elsewhere…Angelia is..I don’t know, somewhere inside and maybe asleep”

“What is going on….” A voice says and the tapping of a staff, he stops as a familiar scent comes to him…”Zinnia?”

“Uncle..Oz….”Its clear she is in pain. Zinnia whimpers as another guard explains what Marek mentioned.

Oz nods and frowns thinking fast ”Take her to my room…find Rayen…” He hears a small eep, “Sister Ginny tend to the dibbuns, I will be busy for…not sure”

Zolomon blinks “You know how to…help her?”

Oz speaks as he leads them to his room, a lot more quiet there “I am the dibbun caretaker Zolomon, and I have helped someone birth a dibbun…though it’s been a while” Yeah like a LONG while. “Is there anyone else outside that needs inside, if so get them to the abbey, I will take care of this, me and Rayen she is a healer.”

Marek  nods “Let us go Mr. Zolomon, we need to get  Mr. Xander, Mr. Takeo and Mr. Leon back to the abbey…” Snow starts pouring, “As soon as possible” He doesn’t wait on the hares reply as he heads back towards  where they are, luckily just a little ways north.
Also there is a small campfire and he can change his outfit into a dry one.

Zolomon quickly follows, saying a prayer his friend Xander will survive.

Patch is at the abbey and once he sees the others he goes to follow “What is happening now?” He stays in the Great Hall.

Zinnia breaths in and out and tenses up shivering .

Oz helps her lay down on his bed and as he hears Rayen “Dry robe please and help her..” He will help her out of the wet robe and into a clean dry one as he hears  Rayen enter the room and tells her,”She is with dibbun…”..”WHAT?!...ok ok…we can tend to this”

Zolomon stays close and watches, curious maybe or just he wants to try and help.

Zinnia whimpers and breaths in and out as not one but…two newborn badgers are born, a boy and girl…tiny but they are a little over two months early, she shivers and has little energy as she looks near to fainting.

Oz has held Zinnia’s paw while Rayen helped her, offering words of encouragement and when needed help Rayen to better help Zinnia. “Zinnia…zinnia?” He frowns worried now that Zinnia is not responding as well as before "Zinnia!"

Zolomon blinks…wow miracle of birth “Oh..That’s how….born…” And he luckily falls backwards into Oz’s soft chair, yep he fainted.

Zinnia has a fever it seems and shivering a little still from the icy ditch, her breathing is a little rough and her pulse slightly weak…this can’t be good as she has also passed out.

Rayen frowns, “Oz..she is burning up..she has a fever, this can’t be good..we need Leon or Angela in her now!”  Oz nods and goes to try and find one of them, whoever he comes across first.

Meanwhile at the gates Marek walks with Takeo, whom is carrying Xander. Beside him is his sea gull friend Aira.

Leon shivers, luckily only slight cold, he will be ok…”I think…cause of storm and fact who helped free can be inside for now Marek….I think…I will take you to the abbot”

Xander lays in Takeo’s arms, in a deep deep faint and a bandaged chest and left shoulder, bandages on both arms and doesn’t look too good at all.

Oz appears “Leon you are needed in my room, it is Zinnia…”

Takeo frowns “What is wrong with Zinnia?” He sounds worried “She is with dibbun!”

Marek frowns seeming unsure “I was invited to the feast, nothing else Mr. Leon. Besides I need to check on my Tavern….Thunderwing can come with me, I have been in worse weather” He then exits  The entry area and heads back to his tavern while he can.

Oz speaks “She…had the dibbun, two…a boy and a girl but she has slipped into a…for now light faint and has yet to awaken”

Leon  frowns “I will check on her...”

Takeo stops the mouse ”Please Brother Leon, tend to Xander first”

Leon sighs “There is not much I can do for him that I haven’t done…Angela  is in the infirm and can help tend to him and let me know changes, I can tend to Sister Zinnia…now get Xander to the infirm and then you can come to where she is” He heads to Oz’s room.

Oz follows Leon back to his room, “Well this has turned out to be a rather interesting afternoon Brother Leon”

Takeo gets Xander to the infirm, after making sure he is tended to he goes to see Zinnia.

Zolomon  sits by Xander’s side refusing to leave it, he could care less.

Leon checks Zinnia and checks on the two dibbuns, “Well…we wait and see, the dibbuns are in fairy good shape for their size, I am more worried for Zinnia.”

Oz nods as he sits down in his chair.

Takeo enters the room, “It is alright if I am…here”

Leon nods “Of course sir, she is your mate”

Oz nods “You and Zinnia are always welcome here, I can sleep in the chair…you can stay beside Zinnia, she needs to know you’re here for her. " He then gets another idea "I can sleep in my brothers old room”

Leon looks to Oz ”You sure Oz?”

Oz nods as he stands “It is fine…I am sure he wouldn’t care” He smiles a little and exits the room.

Takeo sighs and lays beside Zinnia “Please wake up soon love our dibbuns need you, Xander needed you…your Uncle Oz..your friends need you love” He looks to Leon “get some sleep Brother Leon, you must be tried after tending to Xander, even with my help….I have healer skills as well and can wake you or fetch this….Angela if I need to…alright”

Leon nods, he is tried “Alright…” He goes to head to where ever his wife and son is.

Zinnia stays silent, it’s unclear if she hears anyone or not. The two newborns sleep as well, novice have volunteered to help feed them when needed.

Takeo watches Zinnia closely all night, never leaving her side.

Xander lays in his infirm bed, a mere hairline from entering the dark forest gates, he is still alive but just barely. He lost a good deal of  blood . Healers  check on his a lot during the night and mutter quietly on whether he will survive till morning or not, if he does he has a decent chance to pull threw but the first few hours are always the most stressful and important ones.

In the infirm Zolomon has fallen asleep but still is near Xander. This has been a long  day for many it seems.

Outside the snow storm shows its fury, but beasts are safe at the abbey and recovering form injuries, from time outside, freed slaves are enjoying freedom, some new friends are being found and old friends coming back to the abbey. Inside the tavern in Ferravale Marek makes sure beast are warm and have a place to stay.....the storm will last most of the night and end once daylight comes.  What the next day brings, well....that is yet to find out.

Last edited by The_Brony_Marek (2017-01-18 01:12:25 PM)


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