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#1 2018-03-09 06:22:02 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Its Cookies,Fizzy Stuff, And A New Story!!!!

In Log:
Atvi-Me- Dibbun Vole

Oz Winters-Badger Mother of Redwall

Ace-Member of Mossflower Defenders

Chestnut-Cook for Mossflower Defenders

Friar Lacota- Friar of Redwall Abbey

~~~~Log, my first with my dibbun char! He doesn't have a last name like my other characters...enjoy~~~

Atvi was one endless ball of energy today as he climbed a chair, jumped off, then run to jump onto the 3nd step, then tried the forth after that, but he learned the 5th was just a little too far to safely get to. So he frowned and sat on the floor to rest or was it to recharge his energy levels.

Oz enters the room and clears his throat, "No..running" It had already been a long day and the day still had time left in it.

Chestnut watches from the doorway and after a while, "Ever wonder where they get all that...what ya call it?..Just never get tried at all state?"

Ace had been bored at the defenders base so he wandered over here, he smirks at the hare"Its a skill only dibbuns have, ya lose it after you get past like 5 or 6 seasons"

Atvi looks over at the others, at the no running he whimpers..." go fast and fasters!"

Oz says, "And fast can get one hurt."He listens to the others "It's not always just dibbuns with endless energy at times, they just seem to have it more often than others"

Chestnut says, " does wonder ya know. Anyways there is a story today I heard of the snow badger? Not heard it since I was a dibbun."

Ace tilts his head "Snow badger? Who is he so great warrior or something?"

Atvi smiles "He helps snow come and snow stays and his hares...umm him lots and lots and lots and lots and...lots"

Oz smiles"Your have to stick around and listen but it will be Abbot Benar who tells the story this time."

Chestnut nods "And does he know the story well?It will be nice to hear it as said I always liked it"

Ace chuckles "Brings the snow, that's one can make snow happen"

Atvi eyes go wide, "He does TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....he brings snow and...and..he DOESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Oz frowns "Atvi...please not so loud. Inside voices inside and outside voice outside"

Chestnut ears flatten, who knew someone could be so loud. He gives the hedgehog a glare like it is your fault my ears now hurt.

Ace tenses at the yell and frowns, "ok..ok...well guess I will have a listen to the story then and see what this is all about"

Atvi frowns, no running and now no yelling. He pouts and just stares at the floor. He glaces at the hedgehog and sticks out his tongue.

Oz goes to sit in his chair, Sister Ginny still has most of the dibbuns, least for now."The story will be soon, but your need to behave to hear it all"

Chestnut keeps an eye on the dibbun and then it seems to dawn on him"Wait...a story that means more that wise?" One was already loud enough.

Ace asks, "Well don't think the story is just for one dibbun, what you dislike dibbuns now?"

Chestnut says, "I didn't say I didn't like dibbuns......its just....controlling them and all...and noise levels and such"

Atvi just looks back and forth at the beasts, who couldn't like him?He smiled wide at the hare. Hares were cool but he was curious "Why ears soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long?"

Oz raises an eyebrow"It does at times depend on whom is in the room" The dibbuns know to mind Oz and do fairly well with Sister Ginny."And yes the other dibbuns will be here very soon"

Ace nods as he sits down"Well most dibbuns love stories...usually"

Chestnut says, "Stories are always nice, well there can be some not so nice ones but good ones also. Funny...sad...happy...maybe a little of all 3"

Atvi is growing bored, that's not good. He sits in a chair and then like sort of hooks his foot paws to the back and looks at the hare upside down."Why ears longs?" He wants an answer and he didn't get one.

Ace smirks he likes this dibbun "Yeah Chestnut...why?" He grins a little.

Chestnut frowns as he watches the dibbun, "I...cause they are, I'm a hare."

Lacota pushes in a wheeled tea cart from the kitchen, and he pauses, surveying the scene. "Don't encourage them, please... It's enough that they're all here, and not... Making a mess."

Atvi looks at Lacota and sits up better. He frowns at the hare, it didn't seem like a good reply to him.

Oz is use to dibbuns questions, well most of the dibbuns were gone and it seems, and sounds, like the class Sister Ginny had is over so hopefully a story will be soon.

Chestnut shrugs "I just answered a question, a rather odd one at that"

Ace chuckles, "Not odd for a dibbun"

Lacota fusses over the items on his cart, hmming. "One question leads to another, leads to another..."

Atvi smiles "Another....another....another....hehehehehehehhehe" Least he didn't laugh loudly.

Oz says, "Why don't we all get ready for the story time, which should be very soon"

Lacota pushes the tea cart toward Oz's chair. "I brought the refreshments, like you asked. Sugar and Cinnamon cookies. They ought to like these, at least."

Chestnut frowns "How do you...make sure all the dibbuns pay attention when there is a lesson, or story or just to behave mainly?"

Ace just listens, but he does put out a guess"Seasons of practice most likely"

Oz smiles"There is times they do not always listen and times they listen. They do mind fairly well but at times, like in winter months, they do tend to grow more restless as its cold out so they can not go out doors very much"

Lacota says, "Heavens if I know. I've never had a dibbun, myself... I nearly did, once..."

Atvi looks at Lacota curious now but he decides to stay seated. He does seem interested when cookies are mentioned.

Chestnut says, "Well I don't look for me to...adopt or find a mate so I most likely wont ever have any dibbuns...sides they be a paw full to care for, even one it seems"

Ace says, "Adopting a dibbun is nice to do"

Oz says, "Not everyone is interested in dibbuns, some do help watch them though and that's helpful at times"

Lacota says, "I have an adopted daughter, but she was no longer a dibbun when we met..."

Atvi asks, "where she ats now?"

Chestnut nods, he starts to tell the dibbun that was rude but decides to not start some argument.

Ace says, "Well...suppose one can adopt someone not a dibbun if they be needing a father figure or maybe they were a teen?"

Lacota isn't expecting that question. "Cynthia? Well, err, she's married, now, my boy. She still lives here in Redwall."

Oz says, "Yes Cynthia...a very good singer now in fact. Maybe we can get to see her sing at the next abbey feast which I am unsure of when it is"

Atvi smiles he likes singing"Cans she sing a story one day?"

Chestnut blinks "That be a jolly well interesting thing...a story that is also a song"

Ace nods "Sounds like something that would be nice for a feast sometime."

Lacota nods. "I'm sure she'd be agreeable. I'll talk to her about it... Next feast should be in April or May, I think." He turns to look Atvi over. "I say, Oz, is this a new one? I don't recognize him."

Oz nods "Yes he is new, there is another dibbun that's new but I am unsure if they will be at the abbey or not...I will have to ask, if I am able to..."

Atvi smiles "I is Atvi...."He then frowns a little, ok why isn't a dibbun able to be here "Whys dibbun not be a here fers?"

Chestnut frowns "Did something happen it wise to ask?"

Ace is slightly curious, "I heard some dibbun was saved by the river...whom was that, guessing the one not here or another dibbun?"

Lacota frowns slightly, and asks, "He have any... Parents?"

Oz answers after clearing his throat"Another dibbun, the one I am not sure will stay here or elsewhere. Right now its in the care of Krisha and Ferro and they are in Ferravale right now" He shakes his head "Atvi is an orphan no one knows what happen to his parents he was found all alone and brought here"

Atvi frowns a little and looks at the floor. He does at least stay in the room.

Ace hmmms "Yeah I say the dibbun in Ferravale is one is going near it unless they are insane"

Lacota hmms, looking at Atvi again. He seems thoughtful, but says nothing for several moments. "I am... Sorry to hear that... Being orphaned is..." The squirrel trails off, and he selects one of the cookies from his tray, offering it to the dibbun.

Oz nods in agreement,"Yes....hopefully perhaps Krisha will be back soon, need to ask her a couple other things as well."

Atvi looks up in time to see the cookie and smiles as he reaches out to get it "Thanks you!" He takes a small bite and then smiles taking another couple bites "Cookie is good cookie"

Chestnut says, "Why would someone have to be insane....who is Ferro anyways, I meet the badger maid before"

Lacota nods. "You're most welcome, my boy." He says to Oz, "He seems very well behaved..."

Ace blinks, "You don't...know....he is a monitor and no worries he is on our side"

Oz says, "For now he seems to be being good"Meaning the dibbun, he tilts his head as he listens to Ace"Ace is correct Ferro is a monitor lizard"

Lacota watches the young vole. "Who is taking care of him?"

Atvi says, " that?" He looks at the squirrel and smiles "Atvi takes care of Atvi." Not true he is under the care of dibbun caretakers, he eats more of the cookie and frowns "Me..bored..when story?"

Chestnut says, "Well..maybe we can do something else no need to be bored right?"

Ace says, "Maybe the abbot got busy, he is the abbot after all and has a lot to do as its spring has to get things ready to plan crops and see whats in storage still and all this and that"

Oz has a novice go see where the abbot is as he listens quietly to the talking.

Lacota nods at the dibbun. "You take care of yourself, you say?"

Atvi nods and frowns a little "S..Sometimes needs help...but no mama or dadad rounds"

Ace asks, "no parents?"

Chestnut frowns as his ears droop, ok he doesn't always get along with dibbuns but all of them should still have at least one parent.

Lacota mhmms. "I understand. I never had any parents, either. " Surprisingly, it would seem Lacota of all beasts is warming up to the dibbun.

Oz nods as he quietly speaks to a novice that returns and smiles "wELL seems Benar will be a little late but that is ok, we can maybe have a short story of some sort while we wait" Some other dibbuns entering the room seem to like that idea as the badger smiles "Just need to think of one, that's maybe a little new"

Atvi nods, he then smiles "Story...story...make a good story"

Lacota pours himself a cup of tea as he somewhat listens.

Ace says, "I think any story would be nice"

Chestnut says, "I don't know a lot of stories my self"

Lacota says, "You know, we have a blind mouse named Thomas around here somewhere that tells some pretty good stories. You should look for him sometime..."

Atvi asks, "He blinds? How he no get losts?"

Chestnut frowns, "Maybe someone helps him or....he knows his way around maybe, like very well"

Ace says, "I am sure he has his ways.."

Lacota takes a sip of his tea. "Well, Atvi, he once told me that in spite of his lack of sight, he does actually know Mossflower like the back of his paw..."

Oz listens as he gets some tea to sip, he smiles "I am blind but remembered every inch of the abbey top and bottom"Well almost he doesn't go into the attic much at all, once maybe.

Ace says, "Maybe your friend could tell a story if the abbot is busy, well if he is around the abbey that is"

Chestnut sighs a little "Maybe one of us could figure out a good story...or one we have heard even from another beast"

Lacota glances at the hare. "I am sure Brother Oz has a story. Just give him a moment to think."

Atvi smiles , he waits and seems to be doing well sitting still...well for now anyways.

Oz smiles,"I may have one that has not been heard yet." He sips his mint tea and sits down the mug as he smiles " A story of someone who needed friends but didn't know they needed friends"

Chestnut grows curious so he decides to listen

Ace says, "Not many have no friends, usually there be at least 1 friend someone has"

Atvi says, "Why they no have one like them?"

Lacota hmms. "Some beasts are just very selective about whom they consider to be their friends..."

Oz goes on" He didn't want friends and live far from here...if any beast came he would walk away or slam a door in their face, he was...well grumpy and in time all left him alone. He found himself having to make an unwanted journey, a long long trip to find a beast and to get that beast he was looking for to return back with him to a village, a village not that close to his den or place he called home"

Chestnut says, " they send the one who didn't talk to anyone it seemed..why?"

Ace says, "I say Chestnut listen, maybe he had skills others did not"

Atvi crawls closer and listens closely "Was he a good or bad beast?"

Lacota sips from his tea. "Obviously it was a job no other beast was willing to do..."

Oz speaks "Your find out....anyways he found whom he was looking for and they didn't want to go back...course the beast didn't like this at all, and the place they were at had so many beasts he gave up trying to get the other beast to go back with him ...last for the time being he would make him go back or least that twas his plan...plans do change though"

Ace says, "interesting...go on"

Oz smiles and clears his throat" He would avoid beasts at the new location as well....but they didn't avoid him, some did....but not certain others...these beasts knew where to find him, so his words put up with them and they seemed to put up with him.....slowly he would speak with them and even seek company from them. He even talked to the beast he was looking for....maybe staying at this new place was good, did they have to return to a far away they didn't it wasn't truly was better where they both were"

Atvi asks, "Whys they able to be rounds him and no one else? Who he lookings for and why no go home...home bad?"

Ace grows more and more curious but lets the badger finish his tale.

Lacota listens quietly as he finishes his tea.

Oz says, "No....home wasn't bad...just in his mind it was"He smiles "The beast he looked for was his adopted son, who heard of a place south and grew curious as beasts do who want adventure and even though his son was no longer a dibbun...he was even almost of adult seasons....still a parent worries for a child either way." He smiles "The beasts who...befriended the beast in the story was special indeed..small...innocent curious ..."He smiles "Dibbuns....not grow ups who helped him find he needed friends when he didn't think he dibbuns helped him"

Chestnut blinks "And they let dibbuns near him?

Ace rolls his eyes "He clearly was food or they wouldn't of...duahhh....."He then hmmms."Ok...who was this mystery beast?"

Atvi grins "Yeah Dibbuns!"

Lacota says, "I imagine I know... This was before my time, naturally."

Oz chuckles as he smiles "Yes...and it" He smiles "I was a hermit before I came here, didn't want friends and the dibbuns helped me to see I did need friends and I am glad I have many friends now...and I am glad to of became the dibbun caretaker also."He smiles and adds quietly "As to why I was a hermit a story for another day perhaps, not cookies and what ever there is to drink?" He smiles "I am sure the abbot will still tell the story of the Snow badger, maybe tomorrow before bed time" Dibbuns giggle and go to hug the badger who smiles.

Ace smiles "A very good story...I need to get going excuse me all"

Lacota nods. "Like I said, before my time."

Atvi smiles and giggles. He watches the other dibbuns but waits till most of them sit back down before he goes to hug Oz also.

Oz smiles, he nods a novice can help pass out cookies and a drink..Only when Lacota allows them to as maybe he wants to pass them out instead

Chestnut says, "wELL..that was interesting and sounds like it was fairly interesting time I am curious of the hermit issue but I wont ask"

Oz nods, he has told the story of why before so some know.

Lacota does indeed get a novice to help pass out the cookies and cups of strawberry fizz. "Beasts have many reasons to be hermits... I was one, once... Somewhat. But that was many seasons ago..."

Atvi would ask what a hermit was but he has a mouth full of cookie and gets a drink of the fizzy drink to wash some of the cookie down.

Chestnut stays seated as he watches the dibbuns, he wanders if they will be running around later or maybe sleeping after the story and snack "I do say this...brave job ta watch and care for all the dibbuns here...I would run away most likely or scream"

Oz smiles as he makes sure the dibbuns only get one cookie and a glass of fizzy drinks, he smiles "I have been told I am brave to care for them, but I rarely have issues with them, sometimes with the DAB...but usually I put a stop to any mischief before it happens and if it happens its usually when I am not here, which also is rare...once in a while one may...get mischief past me, but they later know never to again"He chuckles as the dibbuns, even a couple novice know of his long lectures.

Atvi yawns and rubs his eyes a little, he is tried at least.

Chestnut smiles and decides to slip off....before the dibbuns do get restless, too many in one place to suit this hare.

Lacota nods. "Every so often they try to steal my pies."

Oz says, "I know the dibbuns have been fairly good lately, due to wanting to hear a story..oddly the DAB been behaving lately....hopefully they are not up to something."

Atvi half listens, he has no clue what DAB is and hopefully for all beasts sake he wont find out at all.

Lacota hmms. "Sounds suspicious..."

Oz says, "Well maybe a good idea to keep alert....still remember when they had the bucket of pink dye or blue maybe..I had to take the beasts word for it, but I think they were looking for you....not come threw the doorway to the kitchen, lets just say a fairly long lecture happen and a lot of extra chores"

Atvi has fallen asleep now, a couple other dibbuns are asleep as well...others who are done are most likely led out by novice to clean up and maybe have a nap as well...maybe.

Oz listens and smiles "Seems some are tried now...always wondered where I would be now if I had went back to Send Valley like I planed.....glad I didn't though"

Lacota frowns. "Hmmm... Thank goodness that was averted. Well....I should probably see to dinner later..."

Oz nods, "Of course" He smiles "I am glad too and glad your one I call friend"

Atvi will find himself waking up in a soft bed, oh well better than the floor as he yawns and goes back to sleep. He needs to recharge that energy of his !

Last edited by Karth Riverbark (2018-03-09 07:33:06 PM)

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


#2 2018-03-15 04:20:43 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Its Cookies,Fizzy Stuff, And A New Story!!!!

Atvi is very well run; good job, Karth!  You captured the rambunctious and hyperactive Dibbun very well smile

Also, Cynthia and Caleb are not in Redwall anymore ICly; they're with a traveling circus.  The RP where it was ICly decided is here:  They are both still alive and maybe occasionally visit for the Autumn feast, and that's it.  And I'm not sure how to get permission to spoof them because I don't have the contact information for either of those players, so it'd be best if we don't spoof them sad

EDIT:  Also, a DAB shenanigan would be marvelous!  Hopefully we can do it soon xD

Last edited by BlisaMarshmellow (2018-03-15 04:29:22 PM)


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