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#1 2017-11-11 04:33:15 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Save The Bat-Willowbark Trip TP(ICLY happens Nov 13th)

!~ ~ ~ ~ IN LOG ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Karth Riverbark(Me)-Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Flea Underwood(Me)-Scout in Mossflower Defenders

Xander Winters-Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Krisha Winters-Badger  and mate to Xander Winters

Rupert-Recorder of Ferravale

Gorvenalus-Recorder of Redwall Abbey

Minsc-Warrior and Healer in Mossflower Defenders


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~LOG -ALONG THE RIVER MOSS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Karth was relaxing, or least trying to relax and that was hard as he finally just sat up and sighed.

Flea walked over “What is the matter me friend ? We have had a good couple days”

Krisha was sleeping, for now which was most likely a good idea.

Xander smiled at his wife and then looked to Flea and Karth “So whats the matter you two? I say this trip has been…well fairly good so far”

Karth frowns “It’s a small boat with not much room and I dislike it. The only good thing is that hare decided not to camp and take turns on watch to get to the port a little sooner”

Flea just shrugs and smirks “Fishing is good though”

“Yes this exploration is just the best “Rupert speaks “And I am a lapin” He rolls his eyes “A rabbit, not a hare. And I agree this vessel is much too minuscule. I want off as soon as possible.”

Xander blinks as he listens to the hare “You mean it’s too small of a boat?”

Gorvenalus wakes up and looks over “Please friends no arguing, we shall get to where we are going soon enough”

Minsc looks towards the shore and up the river a little “Yeah, soon…couple days’ time looks like. Then we find who ever we need to find, and the ship and get going on the real part of our mission”

Moonbeam was following them and stayed fairly close, but her wings were starting to hurt and she was tried as she went crashing towards the water with a splash.

Karth just frowns and starts to say something to the rabbit when he hears the splash and then sees the bat and dives in to get her.

Flea frowns “Can ya like..speak normal words Rupert….” He then stops mid-sentence as Karth dives into the water.

Rupert looks like he is ready to scream and takes a deep breath and glances over to where the bat crashed and a frown sits upon his face “OH…my.”

Xander eyes widen “Moonbeam?!” He starts to dive in himself and then waits when he sees Karth dive in.

Gorvenalus frowns and just watches, no since in another going to help as well.

Minsc says “I do hope she will be ok, she is a good creature and a friend”

Moonbeam felt herself sinking into the cold water and then something seemed to grab her, at first she struggled a little and then found she was too tried to do much.

Karth gets the bat to the surface and lays her in the small boat.

Rupert stays where he is letting the others tend to the bat and looked over a map, just what they need he thought, another passenger but at the same time he did hope the bat would be ok and recover.

Flea walked over “Is she being ok?”

Gorvenalus goes to help tend to the bat best he can.

Minsc nods “She be in good paws now”

Karth shakes water from his fur “I hope so, rather not have any bad news on this trip.”

Moonbeam coughs a little and shivers, she will be fine after a good couple days of rest and some nice food and drink.

Gorvenalus smiled as he nods “She should recover, seems we have an extra friend for our trip”

Minsc nods “Any friend on a trip is good to have”

Karth decides to have the next watch, they should be at the port city within a couple days’ time.

****Guess after some talk its Wednesday 15th  or Thursday 16th  depending on when most are on ****

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


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