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Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2017-04-01 05:53:11 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 212

The Creepy Hut-Missing Abbot TP

FV: Creepy Hut :Main Room
This hut is downright creepy, and it seems whomever the under taker is its best you leave them alone. The home is simple and odds and ends fill the room and against a far wall is a chair that looks old.

Xander is tried, he is worried, and he is staring at the wall on the other side of the room.
Markalaway enters his hut and glances at the badger, he walks over to him before speaking" Why do you still remain in one spot?"   

Xander blinks and finally looks at the voice, he frowns "You didn't find them...did you?"   

Markalaway says, "Your friends were not located no....there is vermin around, perhaps your friends hide, your abbot is safer here"

Xander just nods, he looks to the doorway   

Markalaway watches him before speaking" Going out to look for your friends is unwise right now. Let them find you or maybe find the Abbey, or the chieftain of Ferravale"   

Xander says, "And what if they get captured or...killed?"   

Markalaway says, "Then they do, you cannot control everything that happens in life"   

Xander frowns "I am their leader, Zolomon and Jasmine are out there somewhere, and so is Marek and he told me to get ALL of them to safety and I feel like I failed"   

Markalaway says, "You will have only failed them if you were not worried, you got the Abbot here, and you got a couple other beasts here as well, you keep them safe, you are a good leader. You seek help to find the missing friends."
Xander looks over where Benar, Minsc and Edson are sleeping, back to the rat" I would protect them with my very life"
Markalaway says, "Yes a leader protects and you have"   

Xander stands and checks on Benar, Minsc, and Edson before sitting beside his sleeping friends "Thanks for letting us be here"
Markalaway nods "You are welcome"   

Xander sighs "The others still need found....horde beasts or no horde beasts"   

Markalaway stands where he is by the doorway, "Then seek help. Not to go alone, as alone is unwise right now"   

Xander asks, "From whom? Rather not have anyone else missing, hurt...worse"   

A knock resounds at the door. Blisa is there, slightly worried as she lets Ferdinand do the knocking. The undertaker has never sent her a note to come to his house before, so it must be important, whatever's going on. Valerie is here with her herb satchel, just in case, and Clarissa is behind them, ready to do whatever they may need a former searat to do.

Markalaway looks at the doorway and seems calm, I mean who visits him ever "Enter my hut" He says calmly.   

Xander sighs, he tenses at the knock and lays a paw on his blade staying close to the sleeping forms of Benar, Minsc and Edson.   

Ferdinand opens the door and lets Blisa enter the hut first. As he and the other 2 bodyguards follow, the young cat looks up at the undertaker. "You sent me a message....oh my goodness, is that Benar??"

Valerie hurries over to the sleeping beasts, digging around in her herb satchel as the feline continues, "What happened? Xander, why are you here? I mean, you're welcome, of course, but what happened?"   

Markalaway answers as he steps aside "There were being chased, I simply lead them here." He lets the badger explain.   

Xander relaxes a little and frowns "I....Markalaway  brought me here...we found Benar, well he didn’t, but me and the Defenders did, but Benar  is sleeping...but I don’t know where...Marek, Zolomon, and Jasmine is...Marek was still there and Zolomon went off and..Jasmine was stabbed...and there was a lot of.....and Marek said to run and so I did....."He sounds worried, and looks near tears.   

Blisa holds up her paws and says gently and calmly. "Okay, okay, let's calm down, Xander. Take a deep breath and take a few moments if you need to gather yourself, and start from the beginning." She sits cross-legged on the floor, forcing herself to seem calm and relaxed to try and help the badger also relax. Ferdinand and Clarissa are doing their bodyguard things, and Valerie is now trying to check the badger for injuries.
Markalaway says, "I can look for them if you wish"
Xander calms, a little anyways, he does have the leg wound reopened a little, and a cut on his forehead, some blood on him but that may be from some vermin. His armor is dented in one place slightly and scratched on the chest as it seems his armor most likely saved his life.   

Valerie goes to fix up the wounds on his leg and forehead, if he'll let her. Blisa sits on the floor, her tail tip moving slightly, but nothing else does. After a few minutes, after glancing at the undertaker, she says soothingly, "Okay, now, from the beginning. Were you attempting a rescue? How did you get Benar? Who is Jasmine?" A magpie lands on the porch outside and knocks on the door.   

Markalaway sits down, all he did was find them by the path in the woods and led them here “Horde beasts are still out there, it’s not safe to go too far"   

Xander takes a deep breath "Ok so we were all walking around and I saw this robin, always saw him with Quade and when we followed him it was to Quade...he went into some mine tunnel. Zolomon went in before me and I ran in when I could and told him we had to get out...but he had overheard them about to kill Benar, it wasn’t like I could plan and figure it out, Edson got in and we killed the two rats and knocked out the cat who had the keys and unlocked the cell. Then the cat woke up and the fight started.....Jasmine is a friend of Zolomon’s...I know she was hurt, but ...well looked bad, Marek was hurt too but. He said to get the abbot and everyone out and I did, I picked up Benar and Benar didn’t seem to care and just ran, Edson and Minsc, the hamster, cleared a path but Zolomon was carrying Jasmine and went another way. We got outside and didn’t know which way to go and Mark showed up and we went down this real thick wooded back that led to a gate in the back of the graveyard and now we are here"

Blisa listens carefully, her tail twitching back and forth with increasing urgency and speed as the tale continues. When the badger finishes, she jumps up and begins to pace, her tail continuing to twitch in agitation. "Who all was with you? You mentioned an Edson and Zolomon. Who else was with you? Do you think you could find this abandoned mine again?" She makes a mental note to talk to the architect and have him help finish the walls so there's no back entrance to the village anymore. Ferdinand opens the door and tells the magpie messenger to tell Redwall that the Abbot has been rescued and is in Ferravale, and to be very careful. The bird nods and flutters away.   

Markalaway says, "The abbot is safer here for now"   

Xander frowns "The hedgehog is Edson....I maybe could....why?"   

Blisa nods. "Yes, he is. I don't want to send Benar to the Abbey just yet, but they do have the right to know what he's safe." Turning to the badger, she smiles and adds, "If we strike fast enough, Quade won't have had enough chance to move, or if he has, we'll hopefully be more likely to find his newest hiding place."

Ferdinand nods. "He thot our Head Guard" (He refrains from adding 'in the rear end') and probably took over our tavern, tho he hath bathically declared war on uth."   

Xander says, "He claimed Bolt was in charge, think he use to be 2nd in command, now some Rowtag, a cat, is"

Markalaway is staying silent as he looks at the sleeping beasts, well company is fine unless they are freaked out by him...well guess that remains to be seen.   

Blisa pauses in her pacing and frowns thoughtfully as her tail remains in motion because that's a thing some cats do. "Bolt....was that the fox you killed when you helped reclaim the tavern?" Valerie gives the badger a box of tea and a spoon. "Steep one spoonful of the tea in hot water and drink it once a day to combat pain and infection."   

Xander nods "Ok.....should I stay here or...look for the others?"

Markalaway says, "I do not know...the abbot stays here for sure"   

Blisa thinks. "I think you should stay here for at least the rest of the day. The magpie we sent to Redwall will tell us if she recognizes any beast there. You're welcome to stay here or in the tavern....but not in my house. Basilisk may eat you...." Clarissa sniggers slightly as Ferdinand looks at the ceiling. The snake is crazy, yo.
Xander frowns, wait "The...snake?" He nods as yeah "I..I need to guard Benar...but also we need to stop Quade he may still attack here or the abbey"   

Markalaway says, "Beasts don’t usually come to my hut" Gee why not, "They seem to avoid me"   

"Well, maybe you need to work on your people skills," Blisa can't help but quip to the undertaker. Turning to the badger, she nods. "Basil is still hibernating in a way in the basement of my house. He won't come hunting you, don't worry. I just....tend to not keep guests in my house." Smiling slightly, the petite Chieftain adds, "And he'll have a hard time if he tries to attack either here or Redwall. Don't worry, he will be stopped, especially since he's made DoraRose mad and angered the rest of Redwall. He's kind of doomed himself. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Worry makes it hard to plan, anyway."   

Xander says, "I...still wonder if I am meant to be leader of the Defenders...I am now by the way, but first day and...2nd day maybe.....and chaos happens"
Markalaway just frowns, he will still stay in his dark corner of the tavern, and still be the one beasts avoid mostly, but hey that’s him.   

Blisa walks over to the badger and goes to lay a paw on his arm. "I think you're doing fine. I was super nervous and afraid and unsure when I first became Chieftain; you'll get better with guidance from skilled beasts who have led longer than you, and from experience. I promise. Don't doubt your skills or your value. You can do this." She smiles.   

Xander nods, he is tried and lets sleep overtake him, he is safe here and he knows that Benar, Minsc and Edson is safe as well.   

Markalaway watches him and sighs, he has 4 sleeping beasts in his creepy hut, he glances at the chieftain as if to ask what now.   

Blisa looks at the undertaker. "If they want food and you don't want to feed them, send them to the tavern and have them put it on my bill. I'm going to go to my office and work on something. I'll check back later, okay?" Offering him a smile, she leaves, her bodyguards following.   

Markalaway watches her leave and then sits down, wait did the badger just….yes he did, great  guests in his hut, all asleep, he just stays awake, one will surely awake and most likely freak out, well maybe not or just be oddly quiet, whatever.


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