Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2022-12-31 07:17:27 PM

Proud LP
Registered: 2021-06-14
Posts: 172

A Meeting is called after Dinner-LP LOG


Velm -Chief Healer of LP/Captain

Ciocan-Badger Lord


Velm was outside, taking deep breaths and trying his best to regain focus on what just happen but a few morments ago.He looked downshore as if trying to catch sight of something,or someone.A frown on his face but also confusion and a slight bit o anger,though the anger was worse ealier.So bad in fact a couple Privates who started to go out decided it was best to just stay inside for now.

Ciocan liked to go outside and be near the sea shore.He had briefly spoke to the two Privates and nodded as he dismissed them and went on outside to where his chief healer stood.

Velm starts muttering and rubs his temples"Wot to do...go after her, no can't..should tell...someone.I..I don't know..."He shakes his head and looks ready to try and bolt after her,maybe he could get her back weather she wanted back or not.

Ciocan wentto lay a gentle paw on the hare's shoulder"Velm..." He had  heard most of what happen thanks to a Private Milo,who seemed to of spied on the two hares Velm and Donica.After hearing the report he told Private Milo to next time just get an officer if he was concern,  not just stay and watch a argument.

Velm jumped and spung around going on auto pilot to knock out who ever sneaked up on him ,his eyes widen and he managed to stop himself just in time.."S..S..Sir!"He quickly saluted and stood at attention.

Ciocan rasied his paw"No need for that Captain Velm.Now let's go my office, shall we? I like to know your side of story as I have heard bits and pices of what the Private said they  heard or maybe thought they  did."

Velm sighs and nods as he goes to  follow the badger to his office, the walk there is quiet,then again most are still in taining drills or maybe eatting dinner.Velm was not intrested in dinner at all.He still was a bit confused and some shaken up over Donica just, just leaveing.

Ciocan has a runner get him and Velm a plate each,and also to bring up one of the apple pies, and some drinks."Now Velm...what happen?"

Velm took a deep breath to calm himself,it worked mostly but still he was still a bit tense."Corpal Donica sur...she...she .."He frowns and tried to form the words"She left sur, she just..left, left me..left the patrol and I don't know why.She said she was done with the patrol and ..I told her she couldnt just walk off and lave, it was a form of abandonment and she just  yelled at me...and yes I yelled back,I was..upset.She then just walked off,and...and worse she..she had..had and her..son with her. She just suddenly said she was leaveing and for me to go with her, I told her..I couldnt..couldnt leave..and so ..."He fights some tears "She's gone..sur.Somewhere headed downshore...should I go after her?Bring her back? Not go after her?"

Ciocan frowned as he listened to what was said and sighs deeply.This was a serious maatter tio leave to desert the patrol like that."No stay here Velm. Your my chief healer...I need you, the patrol needs you."He shaked his head"As for Corpal Donica....this matter will be dealed with"He stands up"Captain, inform any leaders with the rank Sargeant and up,there is to be a meeting in the meeting room."

Velm stands"Yes sur...ummm when sur?"

Ciocan looks up as food arrives,he then speaks"In an hour,gives time  for them to have dinner first,you go deliver the message of the meeting.No need to tell them what it's about they can find out when they arrive..and then come back here to eat  dinner with me"He wants to make sure Velm eats."Then when it's time me and you can walk in together."

Velm nods and goes to tell those who need to be at the meeting Hall to go, and when to go and then heads back to the Badger Lord's office to eat dinner and he does eat so thats good.

The meeting is had in the meeting room and all called in is informed what happen and a discussion of what to do about it is had. Also for the officers to remind all hares of how serious it is when anyone does an action such as desserting.

I am :
Velm-Captain and Chief Healer at Salamandstron
Jaison-Soon to be Master Healer at Redwall


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