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#1 2016-11-28 12:15:21 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Redwall Log: Guests At The End Of A Picnic

Redwall log…sort of: I spoofed some random tavern beasts in Ferravale and then a group of beasts led by Zee talks to Oz towards the end of a picnic with the dibbuns in the clearing north of the abbey-
Those in log:
Oz-Papa Oz and dibbun caretaker of Redwall
Zee-Old Badger
Zolomon-Hare archer
Marek-Tavern owner in Ferravale
Thunderwing-Large eagle and friend to good beasts
Zaram-Recorder of Ferravale
Spoofed dibbuns
Spoofed Sister Ginny
Spoofed random tavern beasts at beginning of log

Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside. here are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.
A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

The tavern has just opened and a small crowd for breakfast arrive, the tavern is usually busier about an hour after the tavern opens. For now a couple foxes enter and a rat talking with a ferret.

Zee was awake, and with a slight headache as he made his way down the stairs and glanced around. “I will…let Marek know I will pay for the bar stool and those fish me bird friend ate last night”

Zaram  nods as he was already up and waved,”Zur Marek  says to wake the hare and head on off ya go.”

Markalaway has already left and gone back to his creepy hut, he didn’t seem to care to much being locked inside the tavern all night.

Thunderwing yawns and looks around, or least tries too….slight panic as he walks backwards and shakes the empty barrel off his head, it breaks into a few pieces as the eagle stretches out his wings and flaps a couple times. Thunderwing get good sleeps, Thunderwing ready for day”

Zolomon is still a bit out of it as he groans, “My aching head, tis hurts wot….the pain, and the ache of me sore stomach…maybe I need food” He opens his eyes and blinks a few times, hangovers are so annoying. He slowly stands and grins as he sees Zee “Yo Gramps!”

Marek walks down the stairs, “Well seems everyone is awake finally, well almost as Xander is still asleep.”

Zee nods and smiles as he sees the hare is awake now, “Let’s go lad…Marek, can  you make sure Xander gets to me hut safe and keep him company,  or maybe just let him stay in de tavern, keep him ouuta trouble I got ta go talk to Ozzy and get me hare friend here me secret hangover mixture, I will return by dinner tonight.” He nods to the hare “To the abbey lad” He nods to the stoat again  “And the barrel will be replaced.” He then heads on outside.

Thunderwing nods and heads off to do as Zee asks.

Zolomon smiles wide “Abbey ya say gramps, don’t have to tell this hare twice they have lovely great food” He follows as quickly as his headache lets him.

Marek starts to say something and then just sighs, it’s no use arguing with the old badger, he will just have a long talk with him later.

This clearing is reminiscent to the meadows to the south of Redwall Abbey, yet strangely different in its unusual silence. No birds seem to banter in the trees surrounding its tall grasses on three sides. The well-traveled road to the west is barren, at the moment. Mossflower looms silently to the east, north, and south.

It was the last good day of fall and it was decided that a late autumn picnic was in order, the dibbuns get some time outside the abbey while some other abbey beasts got to rest from being around restless dibbuns the past few days after some windy cold, and a couple times rainy days. Today was finally a clear day, and not too cold. The dibbuns have even made a large pile of leaves to jump and play in under the watchful eye of Sister Ginny, also nearby as always was Papa Oz. There is some food from a picnic, some leftovers now as some food has been eaten already. What is left is a few apple halves, a little bread and some cheese. A little water is left as well so must have been a good lunch!

Zee walks into the area and speaks “Hi ya Ozzy, need to talk to you bout something, well couple things but one can wait till later. The first one be more important lad, oh and this be me friend Zolomon and someone else be with me as well”

A couple mice dibbuns nibble on some apple slices and candy chestnuts and one waves to Zee.

An answer to this is a loud CAW as the eagle Thunderwing lands nearby. “Friend Oz ! Thunderwing happy to see!”

Zolomon stays beside the badger as he sips from a canteen and makes a face “This hangover mixture smells bad and tastes worse Gramps….”He then notices the group of dibbuns, the abbey sister and Oz “Oh..Hallo!”

Oz smiles, the dibbuns gasp and a few whimper, “It’s alright my dibbuns, the eagle is a friend and will not harm you” He does make sure the dibbuns don’t get too close as he walks forwards to hug the bird best he can “ I am glad you came for a visit as well Thunderwing, it’s been a while. But what brings you this far south my feathered friend?”

Zee frowns, “Same reason we need ta talk Oz. By the way I left something in your room, we can discuss that more  in private later”

Thunderwing returns the hug best an eagle can anyways and tilts his head at all the dibbuns “Many many eggchick.”

Oz snorts “Yeah I noticed you left something in my room, a warning would have been nice so I didn’t bump into it, I am fine just hurt my knee a little”

Zolomon is drawn to the food, “So this a picnic…anything I can munch? Not ate since last this morning and that was just some toast, salad and pie, and had some water ”

Zee sighs, but first he frowns at the hare “Calm yourself lad, we can still go back to the abbey  to have something to eat, wouldn’t be polite for a hare to join a picnic without a warning.” He then takes Oz aside “ Oz” A pulse and he continues “ I am not sure how ta say it, so just will. I been around a long, long time…almost as long as ya Uncle Soot was, and me time has come to let death catch up ta me, I have avoided it and it’s just time, first have some things to tend to and making sure all is in order. I have me will wrote already, just as said last bit of things ta take care of, one we discuss once you head back to the abbey, then I need ta head back to Ferravale as promised I be back thar by tonight and I wouldn’t want Xander to worry bout me, …I mean he may be a bit….well,  energetic or wot ever, troubled some but he still worries most likely, also don’t tell Xander of this talk, please Oz”

Oz nods “ I won’t I promise.” He gives his uncle a hug.

Thunderwing watches the dibbuns and even carefully joins them in their leave pile jumping, though when he jumps into it it’s basically ruined as leaves fly all over the place. “Thunderwing is sorry.” Her looks down at the ground.

Zee returns the hug “Tis ok lad….”He looks over at the eagle and the flying leaves and chuckles loudly “ I don’t think leaf piles are your thing me friend! Maybe we should head back to the abbey now”

Zolomon grins “I like that idea and get some jolly good food…meet ya thar!” He rushes off ahead of them to the abbey.

Thunderwing caws lightly and nods, he looks back to the dibbuns, or eggchicks as he calls them.

Oz watches the hare rush off, “Well I do hope Friar Lacota doesn’t get too upset with a hungry hare in the abbey.” He nods “Alright my dibbuns let’s head back. Clean up the area and then we head home.” He speaks to Sister Jenny” Sister Jenny can you and a couple novice watch the dibbuns once we are home, me and Zee need to discuss something in private” The sister nods in response and helps the dibbuns clean up and then helps led the dibbuns back to the abbey.

Zee simply follows quietly, once at the abbey he and Oz can better discuss somethings that need discussing, important things and more on why he left something in Oz’s room, that and his wishes before he dies. Zee leans on his staff and walks along slowly, a bit slower than he has been lately, but he will get to the abbey fine, chat with Oz and most likely take a nap afterwards, after the nap and dinner he shall return to his hut in Ferravale, perhaps a little later than he planned but  he did say he would return at night after all.

Last edited by oz (2016-11-29 06:39:32 AM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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