Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2022-03-10 12:16:13 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 208



Micco-Leader of the Gawribe

Patch-Tavern owner in Ferravale, spy and....a rat

Spoofs o other  squirrels and  lone slaver beast


The road was quiet, and for the cloaked, that seemed to make them even more jumpy than they already were. He looks back to another 8 beats, also cloaked, all cloaked in a brownish forest green sleeveless cloak.

"My Uncle knew of the Redhome, we go there." The taller beast said, "Only not knowing where."

Patch watched the cloaked figures quietly and a frown formed, "Great, just perfect..just great, why do  beast ALWAYS wanna go after the abbey, like good grief can't they go after, oh I don't know...the black gull or maybe some old camp or sumthing."

The leader of the cloaked beasts twitches a light grey ear as he looks around, it's likely he may have heard the rat. What he says next to the others is in some other language and whatever it was they all seemed to agree on the idea.

Patch backs off just a little more into the tall grasses and sighs,"Great."

And as if to make matters worse, one of the goons that were with the slaver fox is on the road. At least the fox was nowhere in sight. They seemed to be following the band of cloaked beasts, or at least looking for someone.

The cloaked leader notices the fox and mutters to himself. Another of the cloaked ones steps up  beside him" Micco wot should we  doa bout this?"

Patch hmmms, so the cloaked one has a name, Patch looks at the slaver and gulps, he takes a chance and goes to step into view "Ello. Ya seem..very lost, ya looking fer something? If it be room and a meal, Ferravale is  up north and then west on a path"

The slaver speaks "We lost track of a group of crazy squirrels, boss wants to add them to the slaves we already see anything?"

Micco motions for his group to go to the ditch and get low, he meanwhile slips as close as he can. He is careful to not be seen as he listens quietly to the chatting beasts.

Patch nods "Yeah I saw em'...ya going de wrong way.They headed to  de River Moss"

The slaver nods "Thank you for the help," And they rush off away from anyone on the dirt road.

Micco tilts his head, curious of the rat as he slips a little closer, flat on the ground.

Patch lets out a held breath, he then tenses as he listens, he slowly turns and speaks "I know ya thar...just come out already. I dislike cloaked  beasts, it usually ends badly and I rather not have a bad eveing ya hear."

Micco stands and snorts"Surround....coo coo.." And the poor rat soon has cloaked beast, with spears and bows, arrows notched, surround him. The main leader takes off his hood and the others follow "I  be Micco...leader of the Gawtribe..why would youa help us vermin? Speak and maybe you will indeed have a not bad day, or maybe it will be bad butta not worry...hee hee it would end  quickly fer ya, hey hey."

Patch's eyes widen as he eeeps in panic, so many, pointy sharp things. "I...I...I.." He clears his throat. " I am Patch, yes a rat but not one of the very bad ones. I am a Tavern owner in Ferravale and sort of trying to get info on de slavers, so my chief can free the slaves and get rid of the slavers. Also, I can take ya all ta abbot  knows me and can votch I am trustworthy, trust me..I..HATE slavers so does my chief."

Micco snorted"Chief? de vermin place, yeah yeah saw it, lotta vermin and yet  a woodlander or two"He points his spear at the rat's chest"Explain"

Patch tenses "Ok ya got some...nerve squirrel, ok ok. Redwall and Ferravale have a peace treaty, ok..we help one another.I am Patch, owner of the tavern in the village. I know a lot of what goes on in Mossflower or least do me best too, and I know one thing that slaver that walked in de wrong direction is  gonna figure it out and come back this way ta get could TRUST me and let me get ya to de abbey, or...well guess fight de slaver."

Micco seems to think on this and then nods, he waves for the others to put down the weapons and relax. He looks at Patch"Ok you lead way, and if ya lying...ya dying" He then chuckles, "Hee hee  I did rhyme...lying..dying, hee hee"

Patch frowns "Oh yeah...."I need to get do this quickly he thinks to himself, I am surrounded by insane squirrels."This way"He carefully heads south for  about an hour and half and goes to the gates"Hello!!!"

The rat is soon responded to."I will be there in a moment." He disappears and is soon at the gates with the Champion Matilda, the abbot studies Patch and the group of beasts with him,"Patch..who are these beasts? What is going on?"

Micco edges closer and circles Benar "Hmmm...fellow squirrel...nice ta havea squirrel in charge.I am Micco and these" He pionts to 9 other squirrels "Gawtribve, I am the chief of  de tribe.We seek  entry, we  seek food and rest and the vermin  hear said it was safe."He then says in a lower voice"I was not sure  to trusta him...still not sure."

Patch  watches listens and stays where he is and sighs "Yeah what he said Sir Abbot,"He clears his throat"There is a slaver on de roads, not to  worry  chief..."He  sighs "Blisa is on it, it will be  dealed with..also  a hare named.."What was that name "Helem.....or something close ta ath', will be her soon...maybe or maybe not...and no he isnt with de squirrels here, he was one of de slaves this fox had. I managed to find info and need ta  report  back ta fox has 3 others or least that what he had, trying ta sell  them...but as said  Blisa  is gonna  make sure they get long  gone."

Benar listens as Patch speaks,he nods "Thank you Patch"He looks at the squirrel "Be welcome to Redwall, come are just in time for dinner."He glances at Patch "You may as well stay  also Patch,you can head back in the morning, travel at night is not wise if a slaver is  around, it's also still  a little cold at night."He smiles "You can see whom wants to come to my late Winter Feast, we are also naming the Spring season, giving the  good Friar a break till Summer when we  wil have the next  feast." He goes to lead them all inside and let the kitchens know they have guests and have some novices get them rooms ready for their stay.

Patch starts to go and stops "Dinner?" He smiles wide.."Yeah yeah...leave in de morning"He can't wait for the abbey food, the good , wonderfull abbey food.He has a good eve and heads back in the morning  to update Blisa on what he learned.

I play
Cota-grandson of Dorarose
Micco-Leader of the Gawtribe


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