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#1 2022-02-08 12:19:37 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 416

The Wedding - Long Patrol 1/8/22

OOC: Realized no one ever posted this log, so, exactly one month later, here it is!

Sgt. Adrian, Cpl. Donica, Sgt. Felicity, Julia, SbLt. Lossow, Gen. Quinten, Pvt. Rhonwen, Msgt. Terrence, Mjr. Varus, Cpt. Velm, and Ciocan

While having no plans to necessarily attend the festivities himself, Terrence is still in his dress uniform. Slowly making his way through the throng of hares going this way and that he searches the crowd for the two the whole thing's about today - the two healers.    

Velm was standing in the hallway having finished some things in the infirmary and just now was in the hallway, kind of ready and kind of not at the same time. Maybe nervous just a little, but not too much.
Donica is elsewhere at the moment, but close by the hallway.

"Captain-" Terrence comes to a halt before the chief healer, bowing slightly. "I'll need to have a word with you and Donica as soon as you're able. Official stuff about conduct and all that - not that I'm worried there's a problem, of course. Though," he adds, his mind running more than is usual for him, "I will say I'm grateful yourself and she are now not in the same patrol, as that could have gotten, er," he searches for the right word, "...Awkward, if you understand me, captan."

Velm stops and listens to Terrence as he sort of rambles "It's... fine Sargrant, I am still getting use to Home guard... wot did ya need?"

Donica starts to pass by them, she is busy right now but if this is important she stops, "Wot... wot is going on? All is okay right?" She wants no issues, not today.

Felicity is also in her dress uniform, and it's clear that she almost never wears it.  Tugging at the body of the jacket, which is much stiffer than she's used to, the doe looks at her short sword and sabre, making sure their peace ties are secure and everything is well polished.  Not looking where she's going and with her mind elsewhere, she turns the corner only to almost walk slap-bang into the bucks standing in the hallway.

Quinten arrives, the General wearing his dress uniform and moving toward the front to take his seat, nodding to people politely and saying a few good days to people. He seems relaxed and quite happy to be here, if the General is here then the Badger Lord must not be far off.

Rhonwen walks in and finds a seat. A wedding seemed exciting, but also good. Something fun and good for once around here, she smiled and soon sat down near some other privates in the room.

"Master-sergeant," Terrence corrects in a quiet voice, but quickly moves on as he was NOT expecting to catch them both so soon. Terrence blinks. "Ah, hello. Congratulations you two, a bit preemptively, perhaps, but I doubt I'll have much of a chance to speak to the two of you once things begin." He clears his throat. "I had been meaning to tell you this much sooner, but in light of recent events here we are. Captain Velm, private Donica Rivershore - I need you to understand that once you're married, you will have to keep your interactions to off duty with a few exceptions, of course." He pauses for a moment, his eyes flickering for a moment to the general as he enters.

"This has been made easier with the captain being transferred to the Home Guard," the master sergeant continues, "But still - unless in an extreme situation were you, Velm, are the only commanding officer left standing, you cannot command Donica in the field; I would further request that both of you pay heed and avoid any situations that the interest of your duty as a captain and private conflict with that of spouses. Is that understood? The reason for this is that if, say, let's a rather extreme example, you, Velm, were in a situation were you had a choice between another private and Donica here and you had to send one of them to more or less certain death, you may pick the other private for obvious and personal reasons. We want to avoid ever forcing either of you into that situation, or anything like it. I realise this is quite a lot to say right before your wedding, but hopefully you understand."

Probably for the first time he's ever given either of them the expression, Terrence offers a small smile. "And good luck, of course."

Velm nods "Of course." He does understand what Terrence is saying. He nods "We should, head into the room." He takes a deep breath, stupid nerves, and walks in slowly going to where he will need to be.

Donica nods, a small frown but then another nod."I am fine and know Velm... The Lt. will mostly be at the mountain, I don't look for him to be out on the field unless something major happens." She offers a smile "I got to change, be back soon" And she is off to do that. She will be back in time, duhh for her own wedding.

Felicity manages to recover before actually running into anyone.  She stands and listens quietly, nodding slightly in agreement.  They need to avoid a conflict of interest as much as possible.  Once the other 2 leave, she turns to the Master Sergeant.  "Terrence... I 'eard 'bout whot 'appened.... wi' Zolomon..."  although all of the details have not been shared with her.  She has, however, heard the rumours that Terrence did it out of hatred for Zolomon and wanting revenge.  But she doesn't believe rumours.  There is no anger in her gaze, but rather sadness and compassion.

Rhonwen waits quietly till the wedding starts, some slight chatter among the privates beside her.

Blowing past Velm on his way in as the junior officer has the vaguest of ideas who exactly was getting married today, Walter S. Lossow enters the meeting hall with a grandness that doesn't fit the fact he's one of the lowest ranked officers present. The dark forest green uniform with crimson lining and golden lapels is a stark contrast to nearly every other hare in the room - not to mention the way the double breasted jacket's silver buttons stand out with his coat hanging off one shoulder and his polished sober shining at his side.

This is undercut by the fact that as soon as he enters he realises he has absolutely no clue where to sit, and ends up picking a chair at random (squeezing in between the privates near Rhonwen) grinning from ear to ear. He knows he's crashing but hey. It's a wedding! big_smile

"Ah." Terrence hadn't seen Felicity approach, nor did he particular wish to hear the deceased hare's name today. "Yes, I suppose you must have." He watches the sergeant's face closely as if looking for any sign of a hidden meaning. "But its no matter now, - it's done, finished." He sighs, morphing into a weak smile. "Anyway, I intend to put it out of mind for today, if you'll excuse me - I shall talk about it later if you wish, but please, not now and not here. Not yet." He's begun moving into the meeting hall already.

Lord Ciocan approaches down the corridor, the Badger Lord dressed in his best, a long flowing tunic of grey with an over-robe trimmed in green. He slows as he spots Terrence and Felicity in the Hallway and moves toward them both, "Come along you two, get inside and take your seats."

The Badger Lord smiles, "Today is a day of good things, of celebration, of two hares coming together," he looks down at Terrence, "I very much hope you saved the 'Appropriate conduct as married officers speech' for later. Doing it before the wedding would be rude and I might have to insist you sing at the Wedding Breakfast as part of the chorus."

The Badger Lord smiles knowingly at Terrence and then moves on into the room and starts to move down toward the end, nodding to his hares and smiling at everyone as he passes toward the front and his place.

Velm stands up straighter now as the Badger Lord comes in, he moves a little as he tries to not be nervous today, all is good.

Donica has been getting ready, and soon is ready to go into the meeting room. She has of course her dress uniform on and, for the wedding, some paper flowers on her head as a sort of wreath of sorts. She smiles happy about today.

Rhonwen looks around, this is likely her first wedding she been out before, she glares at one of the recruits who grin at her, the recruit seems to like her, well she dislikes him, so there.

Felicity goes to grab his sleeve, to say something more, when the Badger Lord appears.  She smiles, then side eyes Terrence.  No, he did not save that speech for after the wedding, but she's not going to sell him out.  "Aye, sah."  As Ciocan enters the room, she shrugs.  "Guess we should go in thah...but we will talk latah, alright?"  Before she can even take a step, though, Julia bursts around the corner and flings herself at her sister, wrapping her arms around Felicity's legs.  "I wanna go to a wedding!!"  Felicity looks horrified.  "'Ow did y'escape th' Caretakahs??"  She hesitates, then grabs her sister's paw.  "We don't 'ave time foh me t'take y'back, but so 'elp me, if y'make 1 single peep, I'll 'ave y'ears, d'y' 'ear me?"  Julia nods and quietly enters the room with her sister.  There isn't a chair for the leveret, so she has to sit on Felicity's lap once she's seated.  Looks like Lossow isn't the only one crashing the party.

"Ah, yes, sir." Terrence murmurs as he follows the badger inside with Felicity. "Though have pity on me - my ribs haven't quite fully healed yet." He gives another weak smile - growing into a much wider grin when the leveret appears. "Does this mean Grace'll be on her heals, I wonder?"

Lossow looks around at the hares nearby. "Say, lads, who exactly is the lucky pair getting attached at the hip today?"

Ciocan moves to the front and smiles, "Velm, Donica would you both join me up front?"

The Badger then looks across the crowd and smiles, he seems relaxed and happy right now, "Welcome my friends, today we are gathered for a very special occasion. It is not often I get to conduct a Wedding so I am very glad to have you all here to join us in this special service today."

He glances toward the young couple and waits for them to join him.

Velm smiles as he stands in front of the Badger lord, a smile is given also to Donica.

Donica nods as she walks forwards till she is beside Velm, a smile on her face.Its a good day, she is happy and a lot of others are happy as well. It felt good to bring some cheer to the mountain and a wedding was perfect for that.

Rhonwen watches and quietly listens, a small smile for the couple as the wedding starts. Others in the room also get quiet and watch.

Felicity looks slightly exasperated at the suggestion that Grace may be following, but she smiles slightly at Terrence as he seems to actually, genuinely be happy at her sister's arrival.  They all settle down and listen and watch, Julia doing her best to not fidget in her sister's lap.  She and her doll are wearing their light blue dresses, as usual, although the leveret is clutching something in an envelope close to her chest.

Truth be told Terrence hadn't really planned to be at the ceremony itself today, but here he was and he supposes he won't complain as he settles into his seat. However, just then he remembered the letter he had tucked into his uniform, his paw ghosting over it with sheepish expression. Oh well - he'd have to give that AFTER the proceedings.

For his part Lossow closes his month when the badger-lord speaks, which semi-answered his question.

Ciocan smiles at Donica and Velm, "Please join hands," he rumbles then addresses them and the crowd, "We are gathered here today to all be witness to a most sacred event,"

He lifts his hands, holding a long piece of silk rope dyed in the colours of the mountain, sandy brown and white and green, "We are here so that Velm and Donica may express their vows and join together as Husband and Wife, it is a big and grand step they take."

The badger smiled down at the two hares before him, carefully tying the silk rope around their joined paws, "Today you stand together, to join in Matrimony and promise to love and to hold, to work and live together as one family, if any here know a just reason why this ceremony should be halted, speak now or forever remain silent."

Velm smiles as he takes Donica's hand into his own.He listens as Ciocan speaks and wraps the ribbon around, another smile crosses his face.cAny nervousness he had earlier slips away.

Donica nods as holds velm's hand as well.She is happy, happier than she has been in a while and this is one of the best day's of her life.

Unfortunately, it is right at this moment that a hare suddenly clears his throat, disturbing the otherwise silence of the moment quite rudely. At some point Varus and his wife Olivia had come in, being quiet at the time. Olivia is wearing a dark blue dress. Looks fairly expensive. And Varus is wearing his dress uniform, with all his medals AND his rank insignia signifying him as a Major. The irony is lost on no beast. As a few eyes turn their way, the older hare coughs into his handkerchief, and mutters a quiet, "This damnable weather. Sorry." Olivia smiles wanly, and mouths a wordless "Sorry."

Rhonwen blinks "Wot who would interrupt a....." Oh darn it's the Major and it looks like he surely knows who he is now as the haremaid  sinks into her chair further, and further down, quiet now... so quiet.

Quinten asks, "As the pair of you stand before me, I ask you first Donica, do you take Velm to be your husband, to hold and guide and walk beside him from now until the day the dark forest calls you home?""

Ciocan raises an eyebrow and stares at Varus as he coughs like that, once it becomes clear it was just a cough and not an objection he gives Olivia a "You poor thing" look then turns back.

"As the pair of you stand before me, I ask you first Donica, do you take Velm to be your husband, to hold and guide and walk beside him from now until the day the dark forest calls you home?"

Felicity smiles for her friends and their happy day.... but her smile vanishes as she looks around the room, glaring until she sees who's coughing.  And then she continues glaring for a moment.  She doesn't care who it is, how dare they?!  Julia stuffs her paw into her mouth to stifle a giggle, glancing at Terrence in the hopes that he finds it as funny as she does.  Felicity returns her attention to the happy couple, hoping Varus didn't distress them too much.

The irony of Varus' uniform is not lost on Terrence, that's for sure - but he resists the urge to bury his face in his paws, instead turning his full attention to the front of the room. It's a formal affair after all!

Of course, Lossow has barely any context for who exactly Varus is, though he does look vaguely familiar. The junior officer can't hide his small snicker, though he tries his best.

Donica hears the voice being cleared and frowns, she blinks quietly as, okay just a cough and not something against the wedding.A smile returns she turns her view to Velm again, smiling as Ciocan asks her the question "Of course I do"

Varus falls utterly quiet again, and the ceremony proceeds, as he is left utterly oblivious to all the stares.

Rhonwen sits up better now that things seem to be calm again

Julia bites her lip, then silently scrambles from Felicity's lap onto Terrence's -- which is easy since they're sitting next to each other. 

Felicity looks mortified, and with one paw she makes a shushing motion while with the other she gestures furiously for her sister to stay put, all the while trying her hardest to not be noticed by those up front.  Julia nods, and while she snuggles down better on Terrence's lap, she pretends to lock her mouth shut and throw away the key.  Unfortunately, the leveret doesn't know the Master Sergeant is recovering from injured ribs, and so she may accidentally make him have some pain.

It's probably for the best that any sort of sword is absent from Terrence's side - so his slight jump of surprise doesn't quite end in disaster. He hadn't seen Julia crawling over as his eyes were on the two hares & badger at the front still. "Oh-" he says, a bit loudly, blinking and unsure what to do. ESPECIALLY as there's pressure on his ribs. Tears are forming in his eyes and the hare sitting next to them - Redford, as it happens - pats the master sergeant on the shoulder. "There, there, we know it's an emotional time." The healer lieutenant sniffs.

Lossow, grinning still from ear to ear, turns his attention to Velm - who has yet to say yes. He looks ready to cheer as soon as the captain does though, even if he has never met the hare in his life.

Ciocan is doing a good job of ignoring the noises from the audience, but he does raise his head to GLARE at Julia and Terrence, his brows drawing together into a small frown before he is all smiles again and back to the ceremony.

"Velm, do you accept Donica to be your wife? To walk beside her and be together from today until the end of your days?"

The badger smiles down at them both, waiting for Velm's answer as he holds their tied hand with his.

Velm smiles, "I do... yes" He smiles, he had worried this wedding wasn't even gonna happen, he is happy the wedding did happen. He is very happy right now.

Donica in return, she has not focused on the crowd at all, just Velm and this moment in time.

Felicity and Julia both freeze as the badger glares at the leveret and the buck.  Oh, crud.  Julia decides to just sit very still, which has the unfortunate effect of leaving her leaning on the buck's injured ribs.  Felicity notices the tears forming in Terrence's eyes and cringes.  Did he say he had injured ribs?  She thinks he did.  But she's not sure what to do without disrupting the ceremony even more.  So she just sits there, hoping to move her sister when the cheering starts.

"WOOOOOOOOOOO!" Lossow stands with the other hares at the 'I do' and whoops, whistle, and thumps his footpads agents the ground in an all around show of good cheer.

Terrence didn't even see the glare or even hear the cheering. The tears are coming on fast as he tries to manoeuvre the leveret away from his ribs. "Hey......" He mutters in a very, very quiet breath, almost like he's hissing out of his teeth. "Julia, I'm still injured. It hurts. Please, get off."

Ciocan smiles as Velm says yes and lifts their joined hands up into the air above him, "And so, here before all sat here today as witness let it be know, that these hares, Velm and Donica are joined as husband and wife."

He smiled at the crowd and slowly unwinds that rope of silk and drops it into the brazier to one side with flares with green light as the flames catch and the badger lord claps his hands together, "From this day forth go from here together, your lives are now intertwined together, your life ahead of you is an adventure that will throw many things at you. Some unexpected, some to be expected, but you will face them together as one family."

Ciocan then bows to Velm and Donica and smiles, "Congratulations both of you."

At this word most of the room bursts into cheering, hurling confetti at the newly weds to shower them in good luck as the badger lord steps back to let them be the centre of attention.

Velm nods "Thank you sur." He chuckles some as some colored paper lands on him. His mood is good and he  won't let anything ruin it today.

Donica smiles"Thanks."She is still smiling and happy. Likely the two hares will get a day off, then back to duties and all that.
Varus claps his paws, as does his own wife. "Huzzah!" they cheer, though Varus adds, "I should probably think about tyin' th' know wi' you, too, Olivia..."

Some in the crowd start chanting, "Kiss!  Kiss!  Kiss!  Kiss!"  Felicity grabs her sister and pulls her back onto her lap, hugging her close.  Julia is horrified that she made Terrence hurt, and tears of remorse well up in her own eyes.  "I'm sorry, Terrence, I didn't know y'were 'urt," she mumbles, trying hard not to cry.  Felicity strokes her ears.  "Thah, thah, love, we know y'didn't mean to.  Are y'alright, Terrence?"  The older doe looks anxiously at him, glad the cheering crowd is hiding this little mess.

"Of course," Terrence manages, "Don't you worry about it." Beyond those words however is a bit much for the NCO to handle at the moment, so he stays as he is while everyone cheers around him.

"CONGRATULATIONS VARIK AND MONICA!" Someone shouts - probably Lossow.

Velm blinks as someone gets the names wrong and sighs. He can speak to them later if he needs to.

Donica chuckles and speaks "That's Private Donica and Captain Velm." She smiles now.

Olivia looks back at Varus. "Dear... We're already married, don't you remember?" He gives her a glassy-eyed stare, then nods after a moment. "Righ', yes, o' course, dahlin'. 'Ow could I forget our weddin' day?"

Felicity can tell he's not actually fine, but doesn't comment on it.  "Whot's this, Julia?"  The leveret sniffles, then looks at the envelope in her paw.  "I made Velm an' Donica a cahd for their wedding."  Felicity smiles.  "'Ow lovely an' thoughtful o' you!  I say, we're gonna 'ave a special breakfast t'celebrate 'ere in a minute -- may'ap y'c'n give it t'them then!"  Julia smiles slightly and nods, hugging the letter close.  Felicity turns back to Terrence.  "D'y'think y'c'n make it down thah on y'own?  I c'n 'elp y'."
"I'll 'elp, too," Julia promises.

At Donica's mention of private, Terrence finally manages to look up and begin to stand. "Er, excuse me for a moment-" he breaths to Felicity and her sister, only half paying attention as he's still in a bit of pain. "I think I'll be fine." Now that the ceremony is finished he gathers himself for a moment and strides to the front reaching into his uniform tunic to pull something out.

"Congratulations, Donica," he speaks clearly as if he hadn't just doubled over from pain, "But it be more proper to say corporal Donica and captain Velm." He holds to the letter to the healer. "Two-fold congratulations, I suppose, mrs. Velm."

Velm blinks at the news "Well another reason to celebrate dear." He grins and will help led the rest of the hares to the dinning hall, cause no celebration is complete without... food!

Donica is shocked "Wait... c... corporal?" She just stands there as she takes the letter, reads it... yep he spoke the truth, a smile "Thank you"

Varus approaches the happy couple. "Congratulations on your promotion," he begins, then smiles. "And your marriage. May it be truly happy for you both..."

Felicity watches Terrence walk away, then Julia leaps off of her lap.  "Hey, he's givin' 'em a letter!  I'm gonna give 'em my cahd!"  Before her older sister can say or do anything, Julia dashes up to Donica and goes to give her a giant hug.  "Congratulations!!!!"  Julia shouts, her face wreathed in smiles as she shoves the envelope at Donica's face.  "I made y' a cahd!!"  The card is actually very pretty, with flowers painted on the front in watercolour.  The inside says "For your speshul day" with lots of hearts around it, and Julia's name signed at the bottom.  Felicity comes up, hiding her embarrassment at her sister's exuberance.  "Congratulations!  I'm so 'appy for you two!!"

"Of course; you're now to work directly under Felicity - after the honeymoon, of course."
Terrence can't stop the laugh at the leveret's and the mentioned sergeant's antics,  even if he winces afterwards while clutching his side. "Well." He mutters stiffly. "I am going to make my room to the mess hall and find some brandy to try and tack the edge off, methinks."

Lossow is already off to party.

Donica takes the card and nods her thanks, she then heads to the mess hall. Of course there is the cake cutting, and then everyone getting to sit down to enjoy food and fellowship

Felicity leads her sister down to the Mess Hall for the celebratory breakfast.  The party is full of exuberance and cheer.  Felicity will just have to catch Terrence another time.  Julia, for her part, is having the time of her life, although when she gets back to the Caretakers, she makes sure to make a card for Terrence to apologize and to wish him to get better quickly.

For his part Terrence will hang around the party for a little while, chatting with whoever and avoid any serious topic - and meeting Lossow for the first time when the junior officer spills his drink on the master sergeant. After that, Terrence laughs again and leaves to clean up (and go to an early bed).

In the dinning hall is a large cake, there is some ale also. A lot of food, cause hares like a lot of food! There is even some dancing for those who want to dance, some hares likely sleep in and some don't, but another good thing is no training or drills, well till after lunch anyways.

Varus and Olivia will of course attend the party, Varus acting the part of the officiating Captain of the occasion (because of course he would.) Adrian turns up as well, and offers well-wishes to the happy couple. but they have no idea who he is.

Lossow beelines for Adrian as soon as the sergeant appears, handing him a drink. "Good gracious, sergeant, but can you believe I'm the only one of our party 'sides you that showed up? It's nice to see a recognisable face, you know."

Ad looks over at his parents, then back at Lossow, and he smiles a little. "Well, I don't know th' couple, mahself, but, 'ey... Free pahty, eh?" He raises his drink. "I'm 'appy t' see y' here, though..."

"Indeed, indeed." Lossow empties his glass. "What was the couple's name again? I realise I should learn these things, but to be fair to myself I haven't been here since I was a leveret, wot. I think I recognise - Keith, there, I believe." He points with his glass at Konner who's chatting with a haremaid.

Varus looks across the room. "Velm. I think 'e was a recruit back when Mont 'n I left. An' 'is new wife is Donica. I know 'er in passin'. Both capable fightahs, I'd say." He takes a slower, more measured sip from his own glass. "Wot o' you, though? Evah considahed settlin' down wi' a spouse?"

"Pfft, as if that'll happen anytime soon!" Walter Lossow laughs. "But I like to think of myself as more free spirited than that! But find me a good officer and I might consider it."

Adrian smirks. "Only eyein' officahs, eh?" He looks down at his drink. "I'll admit I've 'ad mah eye on a few buc... A few hares, the past few seasons."

"I feel like crossing ranks gets a little bit awkward in the end don't you think?" Lossow thinks he knows which hares the sergeant referring to. They did travel all together for over four seasons, after all. "In fact, no offence, but part of my reasoning is to avoid the uh, well, not drama but er, dynamic that happened in our old troop."

Adrian sets his empty glass down on a nearby table. "Dynamic? Why Loss... I thought we got along famously aftah the iciness wore off. That business in Mahshank. An' we caught those con-ahtist cats that were stealin' money from those poor voles. We made a good team there, an' Monty, too."

"Oh, I was simply an observer, that was all I meant." Lossow says knowingly, even if he isn't quite sure of himself. "I didn't have much a paw in the business of the hare - but yes, Marshank I think may have earned me something, I think. The voles as well. I for one wonder why those cats weren't simply mugging creatures considering how bloody big they were."

Adrian turns, facing Lossow. "I..." He flushes a little, and tries to play it off, but the alcohol has loosened him up a bit. "I'm confused. About things. I spent two seasons traipsing around with my best friend Monty, an' then two more seasons traipsin' around wi' you, too, Loss. Things... 'Appen." He lets the noise of the partiers mask their chat from everybeast else, especially his parents not that far away.

"Er, wot?" Lossow blinks, unsure. "Four seasons in total it was with my company, Adrian. But regardless!" His face flushes. "I, well," he mumbles, embarrassed. "I just you know, assumed there was something going on between you and one of the haremaids. Like Monty's thing........"

The hare leans back against the wall. "Eh, I don't know. There was. There was back before I left th' mountain, too, but she got transferred to Mossflowah, I think." He's flushing just as red as Lossow now. "Agh, I'm sorry, Mate... I'm sorry. This is a terrible time an' way... I've been drinkin' a li'l. For th' pahty. An' seein' Velm an' Donica."

"Velma and Darrick, you mean." Lossow corrects, swaying slightly. "But it's a wedding! I think we've all had a bit much. I'm gonna go find some of that cake I saw. Might cut it myself if the couple hasn't yet managed, wot!"

Adrian claps a paw on Lossow's shoulder. "Hey... We c'n cut it togethah, huh?" He reaches for the other buck's glass. "An' we'll cut back on th' booze before we make a scene. C'mon, pass it ovah, wot."

Nearly as soon as Adrian snatches the glass out of his paws Lossow grabs another from a passing tray. "Nah, wedding's are rare. I intend to have fun before I get sent back to Mossflower, wot!" And with that he heads for the cake - whether it's been cut or not. "COME ON SERGEANT! THERE'S CAKE TO BE HAD!"

Setting the empty glass down, Adrian sighs. "Leftenant..." But he can't help chuckling at the other hare. And he can't help hoping the younger buck forgets the rather frank feelings he bared not two minutes before. He'll abstain from anymore drinks, lest he get that into his head again. "Yes, Cake. Lead the way!"

Last edited by Ol'random (2022-02-08 12:29:08 PM)

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


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