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#1 2016-11-27 10:39:55 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 212

So A Hare, Two Badgers And An Eagle Walk Into A Bar...

Happens right away after this log

Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside. here are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.
A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Zee leads the group into the Ferravale Tavern and goes to sit down slowly , leaning on his staff a little on his way here, and for a moment before sitting in the chair.

Xander stays beside his uncle, his new blade on his back as he takes a look over at the fighting pit, but decides to not go into it, least for now.

Zolomon glances around and shrugs “Neat looking place, it’s different that’s for sure” He studies the old badger, “You ok there…..Zee was it?”

Thunderwing manages to fit, just fit inside the doorway of the tavern and right away  room is clearly made for the eagle as the large bird looks around, luckily keeping his wings to his side.

Patch looks over and his eyes widen at the large bird, he is currently at a table with a couple other rats playing a game of cards, the game stops a moment and then starts up again.

Marek eyes the patrons walking in slowly, and tries his best not to face palm at Thunderwing’s insistence on squeezing into the tavern; needless to say however, Marek is not going to tempt fate by yelling at an eagle.

Very quickly the entire patronage of the bar crowds to the far wall, trying to keep as much distance between themselves and Thunderwing as possible, making things very uncomfortable for Patch and his card buddies who are clearly claustrophobic but attempt to finish their game anyway. The only patron (other than the three who have taken a seat at the counter) that has the courage to sit anywhere near Thunderwing is Markalaway, the unsettling one-eyed undertaker of Ferravale, who simply looks towards the eagle, shrugs and continues drinking his ale.

Zee nods, lying through his teeth. “Course I’m fine, boy. Just tired is all, I am old enough to be the grandfather of every beast in here after all”

Zolomon smirks. “Great-Grandfather is more like it, I’m surprised you can ever set foot in a tavern, let alone drink any ale”

Zee smiles. “Then you don’t know me very well, me stomach is iron. Even in me old age I can still drink more than anybeast in this tavern; and everybeast knows that”

Thunderwing has begun flapping his wings to get Marek’s attention. “Thunderwing have long journey, need fishys and waterdrink, bring Thunderwing fishys and waterdrink!”

Marek rolls his eyes; great, just what the bar needs….another drinking contest. Oh well, as long as the ale is paid for. He barely has time to prepare himself when his attention to brought to the eagle, holding back a sigh, he gestures for Zaram to bring a large barrel of water and a plate of fish to Thunderwing.

Xander speaks up “I know he drinks tea with ale, but I never drank anything like ale”

Patch over hears this and offers the young badger a light ale, “Here kid, ya know fer being so good in the fighting pit earlier.”

The fish and water is brought to Thunderwing who nods his thanks and starts drinking a little water, but his main interest is the fish that he starts eating right away, fish disappear off his plate as he eats and he seems to be like a hare instead of an eagle “More fishys!”

Zee frowns at Patch ”Now Patch he has never had ale before. Xander don’t drink it boy and just go to back to the hut…and stay in the hut”

Zolomon chuckles,” I can drink a good deal of ale any day old timer”

Xander glares at his uncle and takes a couple few sips of the light ale “See…it’s not that bad” It’s then clear fairly quickly, this beast can’t hold his alcohol to well as he passes out after just half a drink.

Marek sighs and directs a couple foxes to help carry the young badger up to the guest room and he has Zaram serve the eagle more fish.

Patch starts laughing and gets back to his card game.

Zee frowns, well least the boy will be fine, even if he will have a major headache when he wakes up, he looks over at Zolomon, ”Trust me lad ya can’t drink as much ale  as I can”

“Challenge accepted” The hare says as he raises a single finger and grins, he nods to Marek “A couple ales my good stoat”

Zee smirks and also orders a couple ales, “Two ales Marek”

Some of the beasts in the tavern decide to head out early, the eagle being a bit too much for them, and it leaves more room for the few that stayed, to perhaps watch the drinking contest.

Markalaway just sips his ale and then holds up his mug for a refill of the ale he had, he seems not even bothered by the eagle beside him.

Patch watches and decides to have a betting contest with his two rat buddies on who will win the drinking contest, the hare or the badger. First he finishes the card game and grins “I win again! But let’s see who wins de drinking contest, my coins are on de long ears”

Thunderwing drinks more of his waterdrinks and nibbles his fish, every so often he looks over at the drinking contest.

Marek rolls his eyes and pours the drinks, he watches as some more beasts leave and others that have more room now decide to watch the drinking contest .

Zee drinks down his first two ales and chuckles, “Another ale Marek.”

Zolomon finishes his shortly after “Me as well Mr. M.” He grins, well seems Marek is now known as Mr. M to the hare.

Thunderwing has ate his 2nd plate of fish and looks over “Thunderwing needing more fishys!!”

Zee drinks half his ale as he speaks to the hare” So hares are famous for eating a lot,  so ya think you can be famous for drinking a lot? Guess we will see, I may be old and….well old but that doesn’t matter.”

Zolomon nods and finishes his ale, and raises his mug for another. “Yes of course, we hare’s are bottomless pits don’t you know…fill ‘er up, Mr. M”

Zee finishes his ale in response. “Yes, another!”

Marek rolls his eyes. “Yes…bottomless pits, do not remind me. I find myself blessed that we do not get our fair share of hares in THIS tavern…of course when we do it doesn’t usually end well”

Across the bar Zaram nods. “Yes, that be of the truth sir” The mole then makes his way across the room as Thunderwing shouts for “more fishys!” And his complaints are largely drawn out by the sound of bets already being placed on the drinking contests.

“That’s right, every beast…fork over the coins, place your bets!” Patch grins. “Oooh, 60 silver on the badger, thank you for your bet, sir”

Zolomon smiles as he takes down yet another flagon of ale, causing a ferret to bet 20 gold on his behalf. “I don’t think you stand a chance on this one, gramps. I’ve got this in the bally bag, wot”

Zee seems forlorn, but keeps up his drinking at the same pace as Zolomon. “I’ve been winning drinking contests from here to Send Valley since ‘afore you were born…no ‘afore your grandfather was born. Experience trumps stomach, me friend. I’m going to win one last contest today”

Zolomon frowns. “One last contest, what do you mean by that?” Both beasts have their glasses refilled as the mountain of coppers gets higher on the bar table…but not as high as the two piles of coins that Patch has set up in the betting contest, hoping to see Zolomon take home the gold (relatively speaking of course)

Zee briefly puts down his glass “Well lad, these things don’t happen very often and…well, I have it on good authority that I’ll be headed for the dark forest soon. It’s time fer me to finish *hic* what I need to finish and then *hic* kick the bucket, hehe”

Marek has  already heard this of course, so the interaction between them does not change.

Thunderwing also has been told of Zee dyeing soon, he looks to Marek as he finishes up the barrel of water and asks for..”More fishys!!”

Zolomon however seems noticeably upset. “Well that’s *hic* sad to be hearing, gramps. It’s never good to know when you’re going to die, even if you should bally well expect it by now, wot?” He finishes his ale. “My apologies, I didn’t mean to be rude”

Zee too finishes his ale, and the two have their glasses refilled.

For a brief moment, Patch frowns before continuing to collect money on the bets, now feeling sorry that he betted on the hare.

“Don’t be sorry, lad. I am very old, older than you could possibly imagine. I’m probably the *hic* oldest beast in all of Mossflower. I just want you to promise me one thing, lad…don’t tell Xander”

Zolomon finishes his ale and nods. “*hic* of course I won’t tell Xandy, hehe. Me lips are….” He passes out and falls to the ground breaking a stool on his way down.

“More fishys!” Thunderwing says loudly. He finishes the last of the fish and goes to sleep, head stuck in the empty barrel.

Patch puts down his fist on his table in defeat, handing off his gold to the beasts who had placed their bets on Zee. “Well waddya know, the old stripedog can really drink. I knew I shouldn’t have bet against him” Not truly upset, Patch and his card buddies leave the tavern, leaving only a few beasts left in the tavern. 

The last couple leave, now the only beasts in the tavern are a passed out hare, an old badger, the creepy undertaker, an eagle and of course Marek as the mole Zaram finishes what he needs to do and heads off for the night.

Zee puts his last ale down and smiles. “I win again! *hic*” He looks down at Zolomon. “Somebeast should probably get the lad to a room or something” He heads off to bed, stumbling but managing to make his way to guest  room.

Marek surveys the tavern, seeing the broken stool and passed out Zolomon as well as Thunderwing asleep with his head stuck in the large barrel of water which is now empty. Markalaway has also fallen asleep at the adjacent table, his hand still on a half-empty flagon of ale. With Zaram having already gone to bed, Marek throws his paws up his defeat and decides simply to lock the tavern up with the beasts still inside, gathering the profits for the day, and going to bed.


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