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Nearly a week late posting this one, so sorry about that!
Pvt. Donica
Sgt. Felicity
Cpt. Gregorian
Pvt. Rhonwen
MSgt. Terrence
Pvt? (Mjr) Varus
& Lt. Velm
There was still a little while before the appointed time, and Terrence knew most hares would be loathe to leave the mess hall before they needed to. Yet here he was on the beach. Luckily the sky was clear and the air warm for the autumn, a perfect time for what he had in mind for the battalion and recruits. Yes, it should work...
Varus comes out of the mountain, dressed down in a training uniform, but he's followed close behind by his wife Olivia, who's been hovering around him for the past couple months since he was brought back. It's been slow going. "Dear, wouldn't you rather rest in your quarters?"
"SAH!" Terrence can't hide his surprise when seeing Varus, and he habitually snaps to attention. He'd been facing the opposite way, breathing deeply of the crisp fall air. "I hadn't known you'd be joining us personally, sah." The sergeant glances at the retired lieutenant, raising a questioning brow. "Is the major....?"
Donica walks out and gives a salute to Terrence and seems unsure how to address Varus right now, so a simple nod.
Olivia shakes her head. "Not entirely, I'm afraid. We've been workin' with him, but memories are strange things... He thinks he's a Private, right now." All of this said in a whisper that only Terrence will hear.
"Ah. I see." Terrence still hasn't relaxed and frankly doesn't seem all too sure how to deal with 'Private' Varus. "Sah, if you'll excuse me then-" He turns on his heel, rubbing his forehead and marching over to a rock - he'd have to begin soon, regardless of the major's confusion.
Donica waits for the training drill to start, she glances around as if seeing if someone else was around and then reeling a bit as she waits.
Rhonwen walks into the area, followed by another couple privates as they take their places to see what is gonna happen today.
Gregorian wasn't scheduled to be there, officially he was busy. He was always busy it seemed. He'd turned out to watch though, lurking back at a distance and just observing for now.
Varus salutes Terrence. "Sah, I'm 'ere t' train, eh wot!"
Lunch seemed to be over, judging by the semi-steady stream of hares coming down to the sand. After a pause, returning the Major's salute with an unsure one of his own, Terrence leaps up onto the rock and clears his throat. "Alright, hares, you're probably wondering why you'h out here! Well, we've got a cleah sky above us and a mostly empty stretch of land before us. How does splitting you lot up by squads for a race sound? Racing together as GROUP, mind you - you stick with you'h squad and go as fast as the slowest membeh, understand?" He spots Greg coming down as well - "Captain, sah! Welcome - wanna add anything?"
Donica nods in understanding at this, she is not too fast of a runner but also not one of the slowest either so this should be good.
Rhonwen sighs, she so rather not run right now but she still listens as the sergeant speaks.
Gregorian's attempt at being the unseen observer ends as soon as it begins with Terrence addressing him. He kind of figured it would take long "No sabotaging the other team?" he suggests as he gives up lurking behind and approaches the other officer.
Olivia frowns, and goes to try and persuade her husband to sit this one out, but he's having none of that. Instead, he looks at Gregorian. "Hey, aren't you gonna race, too, Greg?"
"Yes, that seems sensible." Terrence calls out, unaware he'd spoiled the captain's attempt. "Now then, I want the hares to split up into companies, then patrols, then squads. Seeing how quickly you do that'll make this all go by fastah. And I should mention aftah we're done today the best squad gets two bottles of thei'h choice from the cellah, and the losing company gets to fill in fo'h the other's the duties fo'h a few days. That'll be a week fo'h anyone who tries to sabotage anyone else, cleah?"
Donica nods as she listens.She still is slightly distracted as she tries to figure out a group that be best to get into.She seems to avoid a couple hares who seem to just want to make her grumpy for what ever reason.
Rhonwen frowns, great groups as she rather just be on her own. She glances around and finds one other hare she knows and thats Donica "Hallo, mind if I join your group of hares Donica?"
Gregorian is watching Varus out of the corner of his eye anyway but becomes distracted by the question of him running the race. He raises an eyebrow quickly at the idea "I'm not sure anyone wants tah see that" an awkward pause and he shifts on to one footpaw, waving his pegleg very briefly in the air and hoping that would get the point across "Tempting though the reward may be I'm sure it's not for the officers anyway" he could run but he avoided it if he could.
Varus stares at the pegleg, mouth agape for a moment. "When on earth did that 'appen? I didn't know y'd been injured recently. Y' shoulda tol' me, mate."
Olivia blanches visibly.
As the hares gathered are already moving into their groups, Terrence adds one more thing from atop the rock (and ignoring the exchange between major and captain. Greg can handle that.........) "The pointof what we're doing today is to get you working together as unit as both squads AND companies." The master sergeant hops down, clapping his paws. "Alright, I'll give you a few minutes to split up before ordering you to come to the start line to explain where exactly you'h going."
Konner waves to Donica and Rhonwen, as they're in the same company. And no ones standing by him yet. "EY! Need a healeh and anothah hare, I'd say- come on!"
Donica shrugs and decides why not, she mutters a "Hallo" to both Konnor and Rhonwen as she walks over and stands, she also has, at least today, avoided the infirm.
Rhonwen grins and heads on over"This should get interesting wot ever tis gonna happen anyways." She tilts her head "Your usually more talkative aren't ya Donica, everything ok?"
Gregorian stares back at Varus silently for several seconds before he gestures to the hares getting ready to run "Why don't yah find yah group and I'll catch yah up on everythin' latah" a run he figures probably won't do Varus any harm and putting off that conversation is appealing. He's not even sure if pointing out its been years would be a good idea.
Varus's wife nods in agreement. "Yes. Hey, how about you run with Konner?" And so the forgetful Major makes his way over to Konner's group. "Konnah, I'll join y' sorry lot. Let's get movin', wot." He nods to Donica and Rhonwen. "We'll show those blokes they don't know wot 'it them."
Terrence eyes Varus joining the group of privates warily, coming to a stop near Greg and Olivia. "I wonder if it's the best idea, sah, to let the majah run amuck among the hares. O'h maybe it'll do them all some good. It'd certainly have been terrifying to have the majoh join my squad, and I wouldn't be keen on tripping up. Anyway, captain, lieutnant, if you want to join me at the starting line, you're welcome to."
Konner, of course, is grinning. "We'll win, I bet, w-" Suddenly the major is standing right there. Joining them.
"S-SAH!" Snapping to stiff attention the private stares out at sea, not making eye contact with Varus. "SAH! YES SAH!"
Donica sighs, "Some males are jerks...."She then blinks when Varus is by them and mutters a "Hi..." and looks ahead as Terrence speaks now.
Rhonwen isn't sure how to reply, "Umm...ok."She tenses a little, it's the Major yet he doensn't know his high rank, she just nods"Yeah...beat the other team sounds good.."
Gregorian watches Varus leaving before he glances at Olivia "I'd heard about" he gestures in the major's direction "Didn't realise he'd gone back so far" he was concerned. His eyes go to Terrence when he approaches "I don't see what harm it can..." he pauses to reconsider his words as he watches Konner snapping to attention suddenly "...They'll be fine. Maybe he'll help, years of experience whether he remembers them or not" Greg's trying to be positive. A short nod and he starts to follow Terrence towards the starting line.
She sighs. "It's been slow going. He didn't know who I was when he first came back. Now he remembers being a Private, but that was a long time ago. At any rate..." The doe watches her husband, and follows Terrence and Gregorian. Varus, meanwhile looks at Konnor. "At ease, Recruit. I'm only a Private, y' don't 'ave to blow yahr gasket, wot."
"Alright, I suppose it'll entertaining eithah way." Terrence replies with a light chuckle, already walking over past the rock he'd used as a stage earlier and to a long rope stretched out across the sand. He turns to face the hares, clearing his throat again.
"Right then, hares!" He calls, "Here's the deal - in you'h squads, line up in single file behind this line in whatevah ordah you see fit." The sergeant points upshore. "That away the quartermastah is waiting fo'h you all on the outskirts of Halyard on a big pile of field kit. You are all to get to him as quick as you can so he can issue you'h pack to you, and you'h watch ration - which I encourage you all to make use of - then march back here. The packs have rocks in them that make them roughly the same wait we carry when we're out fighting, wot, and each one is counted fo'h each of you. So we'll know if you ditch you'h geah coming back, o'h if any of you'h squad doesn't reach the Quartermastah." Of course, Varus kinda threw a wrench into that- but there was no way to really warn the old hare about that now. "First squad to get back to this line with all thei'h kit wins, and the last one to make it loses. Understood? Then get ready on my mark!"
"With all do respect, sah," Konner mutters in a scared voice, as he gets into position at the starting line, "I'm actually, uh, a private, sah."
Donica gets ready to go as she listens to Terrence and the directions, making sure to remember it and keep it in her mind as what is needed to do and how fast.
Rhonwen groans "Heavy packs....oh great, not"She says and frowns, she hated training stuff like this but the idea of what they get if they win seemed fair so she can put up with it today, well if they win that is.
Gregorian nods slowly at Olivia's words "At least he's rememberin' somethin'. Perhaps it will all come back. Is it best tah point out that it was years ago or will that make things worse?" he asks quietly as he takes up his place near the start line. There's a faint chuckle as Terrence describes the task ahead though "The old classics" he mutters.
Varus peers at Konnor, nonplussed. "Well, if yahr a Private th'n why in th' bloomin' hell are ya salutin' me for?" But then as Terrence lays out the rules, he grins. Easy-Peasy. "Rocks? I c'n carry 100 pounds. This'll be a cakewalk, you'll see." Olivia, meanwhile, looks over at Greg. "Tell 'im. Th' healer I've been workin' with says that the more contradictions he's exposed to, eventually his mind will be forced to reconcile them. The hope is that'll jog his more recent memories."
A troubled expression passes over his face as Terrence hears the older hares talk. "It's been nearly a season, though considering he didn't know his own name back then..." He shakes his head. "Well, if you two'll excuse me fo'h a moment, I'll be right back."
"Uh, of course, sah. Though recruits don't salute- well, eh, nevehmind." Konner figures letting it rest might be is best, taking the rear of the squad. "Rhonwen, Donica, you're good? The packs'll be the same ones we always use, I bet."
Stepping out and to the side of the long line of hares, Terrence draws and lifts up a saber. "ON MY MARK! GET SET!" The master-sergeant deftly brings the point of the blade down; the signal. "GO! GO! GO!" He shouts, urging them all on.
Donica nods "I can handle it yes"Of course running time, but also making sure to keep a pace with others at the same time, she glances at Varus and kind of frowns a little but then focuses on the task of trying to help the small group win.
Rhonwen looks at Varus 'Well you're usually wearing a different uniform sur...I mean....." She is slightly unsure how to address him and then, oh yeah the race she almost forgot the race and the pack...well she hates those packs but she will handle it best she can.
Gregorian nods at Olivia "Alright. Later" the next time he had a conversation with Varus he'd have to go over a few things. That was going to be such fun. Maybe he should have stayed in the forge doing paperwork after all. He looks back to the groups of hares suddenly sprinting off with a faint smile "I forget what the record was for this"
Varus takes off with the others, though he keeps a good pace. He's certainly still pretty fit. "Let's get a move on," he calls to the other three. "I certainly don't plan t' do any extra work, wot!" Olivia leans forward, to watch. "Didn't you hold the record for a time, Greg? Or am I misrememberin'?"
"I nevah thought to check," Terrence says, sheathing the saber as he walks back. "I'd wageh it took the captain probably at least fou'h hours, maybe three. I doubt any now'll get back undah fou'h, though. This reminds me of course - which squad'll get back first, you'd say? Addersmith's, Darrick's, o'h maybe Varus', eh?"
Konner, meanwhile isn't having trouble keeping pace with the major, Rhonwen, and Donica, instead huffing and puffing along through the sand.
Donica slows a little, one is to keep same pace of everyone, that is what was said fter all.She does watch Varus. and then back to Konnor "Should we tell him his real rank or just...petend we forgot?"
Rhonwen shrugs as she speaks "No blooming clue worry about it later and focus on the win for now"
Gregorian barks out a sharp laugh at the idea of him holding the record "Ha! I wish. The weight was nevah a problem but always out classed by the runnahs on the speed. I swear some of them knew it was comin' and trained for it, probably passed down tales through the patrol families. No, the strength trainin' was my realm. Had the fastest time in swimmin' for ages" he chuckles faintly at Terrence starting the traditional officer betting "Well, Addersmith does have Odiver but he tends tah get a little overly competitive"
Velm decided to slip out and see what was going on, most of the day in the infirm and then the library doing paperwork.
Meanwhile, in Halyard, Sergeant Felicity stands ready with the Quartermaster, waiting for the troops to arrive. She checks the position of the sun as she munches on a cheese roll. "I wondah 'ow they're doin'? I can't see any yet, can you?"
Varus is keeping very good time, despite his age, and he keeps barking out encouragement to the younger hares. "C'mon, Konnah, y' c'n do it, y' c'n keep up, can't y'? An' Donica, look lively there!" Olivia, meanwhile, sighs. "I'm not goin' to bet on my husband. I'd prefer he not exert himself, honestly..."
"Swimming? I wouldn't have guessed, to be honest." Terrence looks surprised. "But was fo'h the two- they're both b-company, so I haven't worked much with them." He says, shrugging "Suppose the question is whether Odivah and Addersmith actually work togetheh, and don't try winning by themselves. Oh, Lieutenant!" The master sergeant waves the officer over to join the others at the finish line. "Welcome back."
"I'm not sure that'd be a good idea," Konner replies, keeping in step with her, "I mean, maybe he's testing us? And I'm not one to second guess what the major - er, 'private' - tells us. So maybe we just try and keep him happy, wot?" As Varus dresses him, his ears shoot up. "YES SA- I mean, of course, V-Varus!" Saying the officer's name so casual feels so wrong.
Now, at Halyard, the quartermaster doesn't respond to the sergeant right away, having drifted off for a moment. "Eh, what? The hares? They'll be here whenever. There's still a bit of time, I'd bet."
Donica is likely glad she is in the race and not still on the beach right now, she just focuses on the race and getting to where the packs are.
Rhonwen shrugs and just, well she manages to keep up "The packs will like soooo slow us down, I hate those heavy packs"
Velm makes his way to Terrence and Greg, a simple nod. " how is this day been for anyone else so far?"
Gregorian shrugs a shoulder "Raised by otters" he explains so the swimming kind of makes sense. He tilts his head at the idea of Addersmith and Odiver together "I've seen worse combinations" he glances at Olivia "I'm sure he'll be fine, it's nothing he hasn't done a hundred times before and there's plenty of hares around" he says more softly. A quick glance over his shoulder and he nods at Velm's arrival "Lieutenant. Come to watch as well?"
Felicity nods as she pulls out a carrot to munch along with her cheese roll. "Aye, 'm sure we do. Least 'tis a nice day out 'ere, wot!" She finishes her food and pulls out a veggie pastie and a slice of cheddar cheese, taking a sip of cider. "I wondah which group'll make it 'ere first."
Varus looks back over his shoulder. "Rhonwen, are y' laggin' back there? Step up! We're gonna win, wot!" Where is he getting all this energy from, anyway?
"Otters?!" Terrence is completely taken aback by that. "How- what in, I- how, sah? THAT is certainly something I was unaware of, wot. How have you nevah mentioned that before?" Addersmith and Odiver are completely pushed from his mind, distracted by this new information about Greg. "...Otters, really."
Konner forces a grin. "The packs'll be fine, wot! Don't worry about it, right now, we have to actually make it there first - right V-Varus?"
"Well, aren't a few of the hares coming from your company, sergeant? Shouldn't you be saying they'll be first?" The quartermaster laughs before stretching his arms, "And more importantly, where'd you get your paws on the cider?"
Donica glances at Rhonwen and gives an encouraging smile to have her keep up, the group does slow a little bit.
Rhonwen frowns, the worse is to come ...the dreaded rock pack so she best save her energy for that task. "Yeah yeah...." She mutters and does her best and will for the rest of this race here and back again.
Gregorian just smirks at Terrence's surprise as he calmly looks back at the buck "It's not a secret, it just doesn't really come up much" but it's entertaining for him that no one ever expects it when it does.
Velm shrugs. "Watching, seeing how training has been so far. I am back on full time duty now."
Felicity scowls slightly. "If they apply theih trainin' they would be, unless Shorewind's paw is actin' up again. She's a 'Ealah an' no' a Runnah foh a reason. As foh this," the Sergeant holds up her cider jug, "I bought it 'ere in town." She describes which tavern she bought it at. "'Tis new cider, just recently pressed an' spiced. Quite good, an' perfect foh waitin' on a bunch o' lowah rankin' 'ares t' 'urry up an' get 'ere."
Or so she thinks, Lower Ranking. But, there's Varus, of all hares, still mustering on the other three in his group like an old Major. "Konnah! Yahr fallin' be'ind. Y' need to run smaht, not hahd. Remembah, ya'll be wearin' at least 50 or more pounds on th' way back, wot. Y' bloody well not fail us now!"
"It certainly doesn't come up, does it?" Terrence laughs, honestly fascinated. "Of course, now I feel I must ask - how did that come about? If it's not prying, o'course. Oh, and lieutenant Velm-" The master-sergeant sobers up, turning to the healer. "I suppose I should ask you - how's private Donica? She seemed a bit down earlier."
"Wait, is that the town?" Konner breaths, pointing northwards, and completely ignoring Varus. "WE'RE ALMOST THERE!" He speeds up and quickly catches up to Varus and Donica, moving past them in his excitement.
"Hmm, I'll have to go fetch some after we're done then. Speaking of which- sergeant, that dust cloud?" The quartermaster gestures south, standing up. "That might them, or at least the first of the hares."
Gregorian chuckles at Terrence as he turns his eyes back to the beach to keep an eye out "There's nothin' much to tell really. They found us on a rivah, no sign of anothah hare around. Don't know how we got there, nevah will" another shrug, he's not bothered by it. He squints down the beach "How far do yah reckon they could have got by now?"
Velm sighs but replies to Terrence. " Not..sure...she found out was back...but a.." A sigh." A why was not de best reply to give her..." He still has the engagement ring in his pocket and pulls it out." Thee wedding is cancelled...for now, maybe..ling while."
Felicity nods and puts her snack into her own heavily-laden haversack (although her's isn't filled with rocks). "Certainly looks like it, doesn't it? I'll be runnin' back wi' th' last group, but you really ought t' take a gandah at whot tha' tavern sells. They 'ave some delicious stew, too." She closes her haversack and stands beside the ones that have been prepared for the trainees.
And as the Quartermaster and Felicity talk, Varus comes into view as his group nears the town. He calls to Konnor, "Y' don't need t' use up all yahr energy. Y'll nevah make it back, at this rate." Back at the starting line, Olivia looks over at Greg and Terrence. "Pretty sure that tale used to be pretty common knowledge back in the day. But that was awhile back."
Terrence nods, slowly. "Ah, I see...Well, it isn't well known among the younger hares, at least not one's youngah than me. As fo'h the hares running," looking up to the sky then upshore, he shrugs. "Probably nearly to Halyard is my guess, wot." He turns as the Velm answers his question, wincing. "Ah. That'll do it. Though perhaps I don't blame he'h, lieutenant..." He trails off to look northwards again.
"I'll be sure to, sergeant," The quartermaster grunts before he goes out to meet the first hares. "ALRIGHT! YOU LOT- let's get your names and the bags ready right quick, eh? Smoother it is, the smoother time we all have."
Konner isn't quite there yet, but he's close. "NEVER MAKE IT BACK, EH? I"LL SHOW YOU!" He shouts over his shoulder to the squad but this glance costs him: tripping over a rock he tumbles head over heels into the unfortunate squad in front of him.
"Shorewind, here's the water and pack, Addersmith the same - Odiver, is it? you look like you got run over lad- tuck in your shirt, wot. Here's your pack and-" Odiver stumbles forward into the quartermaster, who takes one look behind the hare. "NO SHOVING, KONNER ATTENBOROUGH!"
Gregorian nods to Olivia "Probably. I forget who knows. It's not like the recruits are goin' tah line up and ask personal questions" His smile fades when he looks back to Velm as the ring is pulled out. He doesn't know all the details but he gets the jist of it "Mm. Sorry tah hear it. Time is all yah can give that sort of thing" even then it doesn't always work out.
Velm sighs, "Should I...try and talk ta her or...leave her alone till she wants ta talk?". He puts the ring back in his pocket." I didn't tell her as didn't want ta worry her, just told his Lordship I be...away a short while." Ok it was 3 weeks, but he is back at least now, to stay.
Back in Halyard, the chaos caused by Konner's impulsivity and lack of coordination is spectacular, and beautifully amusing to some of the villagers who are nearby watching. Shorewind squeaks as she falls on her haversack in the chain reaction of tumbling hares. Felicity scowls fiercely. "KONNAH, F' TH' LOVE OF EV'RYTHIN'!!" The Sergeant is in their midst, hauling hares upright, helping them shoulder haversacks, and berating poor Konner. "CAN'T Y' EVEN 'ALT WHEN Y'NEED TO?!" As the first group of hares hopefully takes off to go back to the finish line, Felicity sighs. Oh, look, and there's Varus! What's he doing out here? "Is everybeast alright?"
Varus steps up to Felicity and salutes her. "Sah, I'm here for mah pack." This earns strange looks from the other younger hares. What on earth? Varus' current condition has been carefully concealed from becoming common knowledge, so the display must be more than a little odd. "Konnah, wot did I tell y' about gettin' ahead o' yahself? I'mma have to report y' t' th' superiahs."
"Oh hell, and here I'd though you not telling me was bad - the amount of work that got shoved on my desk...." Terrence shakes his head. "As the captain here said, not sure if there's anything beyond time that can help you, lieutenant."
As Konner is currently being reprimanded by the sergeant, the quartermaster moves onto the rets of the squad, not really paying attention beyond his clipboard. "Private Rhonwen, here you go, Private Donica, here, Private, wait, who the- who, wha- Major Varus, sah!" The quartermaster salutes, obviously not expecting Varus to be there with the privates.
And as the major joins in with the reprimands, all Konner can manage is a squeaky, "Y-yes sah."
Gregorian grimaces a little at Velm's question "I really don't know her enough tah say if anythin' would work aftah that. Work at it and hope but yah might just have tah accept yah consequences there"
Velm sighs, "I am...sorry...look..Sergeant Terrence I will do any paperwork of yours ya need...I am going inside." He walks to head inside, hmmm do his own and Terrence paperwork...was that wise to say, oh well...he will be most likely super busy the next couple days!
Felicity gives everyone around her (except Varus) her best Drill Sergeant GLARE. She knows of Varus' predicament, and she also knows that many of them don't know. "Aye, Varus is 'ere, now give 'im 'is pack, an' you lot, get a move on! This ain't a picnic, 'tis a trainin' session, now MOVE!!" Make them think he's testing them to see how they respond. That's what the doe is trying to do by acting like this is just par for the course. "Konnah, listen t'Varus while y'runnin, y'klutzy oaf. 'E's been in th'Patrol a lot longah than y' 'ave. May'ap y'won't create a pileup once y'get back if y'do as 'e says, wot!"
Varus accepts his pack and slips it on, seeming to not notice all the extra weight. "Y' heard th' Sahgeant," he says. "We'll win this if we work togethah, Konnah." He pats the younger hare on the shoulder. "Don't worry, we all 'ave accidents. Just get up an' dust yahself off."
Terrence watches the lieutenant go, scrunching his snout. "Well, he's back at least. Wasn't sure if he would evah come back...." He looks up at the sky. "They'll be back in a while. Captain, if you don't want to spend all afternoon waiting here with me, I'll be sure to tell you who won - if you don't hea'h it from the hares themselves."
Both the quartermaster and Konner try to move on as quickly as possible. "Right, sarge." Konner again speaks in a squeak, pale faced as he grabs his pack. "Right major, sah." He says to Varus as he keeps pace next to him. "Right."
Gregorian tilts his head, his eyebrows raising "Mm, well work will be the least of his problems" he stares down the beach again for a few seconds before sighing faintly "Aye, I suppose the pile of paperwork has probably multiplied in my absence. Keep an eye out for the Major, I look forward tah the results" he doesn't really want to go back to work but back he goes anyway, heading for the mountain.
Once the last hares have left, Felicity nods to the Quartermaster. "Well, guess I'll see ya at th' Mountain!" Shouldering her pack, the Runner takes off like a shot, swiftly catching up with the trainees. She only shouts at them if they do something ridiculous. Once they're back and the winners and losers are determined, she heads inside to give her sister the trinkets she bought while waiting.
I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438
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