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Elbio-LP Residental Hare of Redwall
Cloaked Beast-Zolomon
Vermins(weasels and a fox)-spoofed bt elbio
lbio had spent the last 3-4 weeks in Ferravale, getting to know some of the residents there and just learn more about Ferravale it's self. This ended up being a good experince as he learned Ferravale was no threat to the abbey as he had worried, most vermin just wanted to be left alone to live thier own lives and just the fact of living as a sort of group,well village, was just helpful. The chieftain keep things in order,the village even helped the abbey with some goods they didn't always have and the abbey helped them. Yes a small few didn't like woodlanders,but at the same time those few obeyed the chieftain and wasn't too much a threat,if woodlanders left them alone they left the woodlanders alone.
Speaking of groups of vermin, a small group was at the midway point between the abbey and Ferravale,a fox seemed in charge of a group of about 5 weasels.They sat in an area of the woods
A claoked figure watches the group,hidden in the tall weeds as they seem to wait. There has been reports of robbers on the road,prehaps these are the bests involved.
Elbio also heard of the robbers, one reason he is on alert as he walks. He does have a large knapsack of assorted things and being a Long Patrol he is always on alert where ever he is.
The fox clears his throat,"The abbey is will be a good plece to go, lots of beasts there , food and who knows what else."
"But...they likely won't let us past the gate."One weasel spoke up.
"Well, we tend to that when we get thar "
Suddenly an arrow flies threw the air,hitting a weasel, shortly after another flies into the camp at another beast. Movement is seen by a tree and the crunching of fresh authumn leaves.
Elbio is not yet to the area where the camp is,but his ears do hear faint sounds,so he goes a little slower,listening and keeping his eyes open.
One weasel is down, another is soon after as one female one screams and rushes into a tent.The fox is on high alrt now and draws out a dagger,he motions fo one of the weasels to follow him."Rest of ya..try to stay calm" Like...that is easy right now.
The cloaked figure appears behind one weasel on the edge of camp, the cloaked beast has a short sword and stabes the weasel a couple times."3 down."Says a voice "2 to go and also"
Elibo hears the scream and gets out his saber and rushes towards the sound, he is unsure if they are friend or foe.
The fox, and the weasel with him look around.One weasel hies in a tent,this one female and has a young dibbun in her arms,she decides to bolt out of camp with the child.
The cloaked beast appears suddely"Yo.."and fires an arrow stright into the fox chest, unless he moves and looks towards the weasel,going to trip them.
The fox indeed dies,a puzzled look on his face, the weasel flicks a dagger at the figure and narrows his eyes "Ya a dead beast now ya pest"
Elbio sees the weasel running"Halt....don't move."
The weasel stops and gulps,she looks at the LOng patrol hare "Please..we mean no harm to anyone,we are just looking for a place to rest, we..we have traveled a long way...some cloaked beast attcked my camp."
The claoked beast seems to chuckle, he almost falls once but barely misses a slice to his cloak,he goes to punch the weasel a couple times to knock them out."Roobers.....are...not....welcome" Eack word he throws a punch.
"Robber?" Two punches miss, two connect and the last one the weasel is knocked out cold.
Elbio looks at the female weasel and the small dibbun,"Go to Ferravale,your be safe thar...telll them Elbio sent you" He then goes to see who this cloaked beast is,maybe this robber beast he was told of.
The cloaked beast smirks under thier clloak and finishes off the weasel, he checks the tent and snorts.
The lone weasel with the child nods and hurries off, she has yet to learn she is the only one of the sall camp to get away.
Elbio slowly goes into camp, he has his saber out as he speaks "Drop ya weapon and longbow and no one gets hurt."
The cloaked figure slowly turns around"Oh no need...problem sloved, well one got lower our weapon Lt."
Elbio grips the saber tighter and looks ready to fight as he studies the beast"Remove your hood."
The claoked beast snorts" Your not my boss Lt. ELBIO...I am my own boss and I seem to take protection seriously...are you? Or lagging behind in your work?"
Elbio narrows his eyes and then goes to try and knock the claoked beast down.
It seems that was unexpected as the tall beast stumbes backwards, and the hood falls to his back"Jerk....ya almost broke me bow."He looks right at Elbio ,looking a bit peeved now"
"Zolomon?!"The Lt. is surprised at this and then speaks "Wot in de ya self for..."He points to the camop"This"
Zolomon slowly stands and dust off"Pobbible robbers and they were vermin, I am preventing future problems."
Elbio looks ready to punch the other hare"They were not who ever these robber beasts are, they were just a small group....looking for a place to stay the night maybe, who knows....seen one from this camp clearly, and she had a dibbun...her own my guess, gee would ya of hurt it too?"
Zolomon snorts "Vermin are vwrmin, maybe you should rethink things and ya never know they may of been the robbers, even so..."
Elbio takes a deep breath "Not all vermin are an enemy...I thought ya learned that in Halyard...wot suddenly changed your mind again?" He shakes his head "This can't go...unpunished."
"Punished?" Zolomon speaks"A small group of vermin, turn into a large happens and most lie...wotever.....see ya" He rushes off at top speed.
Elbio blinks and does try to follow,he then trips over some loose rock on the path and starts cussing loudly as he stands and limps towards the abbey.He will get to the infirm and learn he ended up breaking his smallest toe on his left foot, he has to stay off his footpaws a couple weeks while it heals.
This day has not been enjoyable, at all.
OOC NOTE: I will be offline couple weeks so this broken toe works out...hey least Elbio didn't injure his whole foot
I play: Xavier ( Log-A-log of GUOSIM) Elbio (Lt.,Archer, and Fighter in Long Patrol and RW Residential Hare)
Pages: 1