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#1 2021-07-16 07:58:56 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,659

A Family Blade Returned


Ciocan- Badger Lord

Krisha- Badger Mother of Redwall

Ciocan was in the forge fixing a couple shields that got dented in the fight with the horde.  Things in the mountain was finally starting to be somewhat normal.

Krisha  looked into the forge room. She had gotten back from a short trip to Halyard.She glanced at the forge, " Wow...this is a very large forge."

Ciocan looked up and set the shield he was working on aside." Hello Badger Mother Krisha,I hope you are enjoying your stay in my mountain.

Krisha nods." I am, I even told the leveret Caretaker I could help the next couple days, it seemed they needed a serious break."

Ciocan smiles. " I still do not know how you handle some many dibbuns at Redwall. Even the ones here get into mischief a lot."

Krisha manages a chuckle." Yeah, I am used to it. Makes me wonder how things are with me being away so long. I would maybe leave a couple days, once a week in Brockhall...not been there since...well."

Ciocan nods. " Perhaps one day I will visit it, but not anytime soon. I  am very busy and things here are not completely back to normal, still have a Major missing. Once he is home I have a memorial to plan or may just have Quinten do most of the planning. "

Krisha says, " I heard from Elbio about the missing hare. I think Elbio is at Halyard right now."

Ciocan replies." Yes he is " He moves over to a rank of weapons, and carefully takes one down." I have something here you may be interested in."

The Blade of the Northwind Storms. It's polished and sharpened and has been well cared for.

Krisha looks at the blade in silence, a frown as a tear goes down her face. " Xander's….blade..he never told me where he had it, just it was safe with a trusted friend."

Ciocan nods." Yes, he had me keep it,in case one day Oz came for it. I am unsure of keeping it now,  I can if you wish. I shall leave the decision up to you."

Krisha sniffs and lays a paw on the blade, closing her eyes a brief moment before opening them again." I...I want to keep it, I can place it in a chest at home. I do not..know what Oz will do, I..I almost don't want him to train when he is old enough but at the same time…" She sighs." I don't know...I just..just wish Xander was still alive,  it's not,  not fair.."

Ciocan frowns,  unsure what to do at first. He sets the blade down and lays a paw on Krisha's shoulder. " It's alright to grieve, but Xander would not want you to stay sad. He would want you to remember happier times,  and know that he watches over you, as well as watches over Oz and Caleb, from the dark forest. "

Krisha calms after a few moments ." I..I know and having Oz back helps, Oz looks a lot like Xander now. "

Ciocan nods." Do you have any keepsakes from Xander you keep, that helps some too…" He is quiet before speaking again." Before I came to the mountain, I had a mate. Her name was Martha. She was slain by a wolverine named Gorax.  "

Krisha listens  and looks up at him" You had a wife?"

Ciocan nods  " Yes, I never talked much of my life before becoming Ruler of Salamandastron.  I only mentioned being a captain of a ship, which is still on dry dock in Halyard, a small simple ship me,Martha and a couple otter friends sailed on. My hares and some along for the trip when we rescued the dibbuns from the island, found out if my past, so I told them...I had thought  Gorax was dead, but he was alive and on the island. I slayed him. But our first meeting I was not as wise as I am now. He gave Martha a fatal wound right before I got to her, see we were visiting somewhere..a small sea port and Martha had went on ahead to meet up at a bakery...but she saw dibbuns chained up and freed them...Gorax came.."

Krisha listens to the story and frowns " That's..sad…you  found her my guess and managed to find the wolverine?"

Ciocan invites her to sit on a bench." The 3 dibbuns she saved, found me..I got there when she stumbled from an alley, she barely got out my name and died in my arms. I found myself saying if only got there a minute sooner, I could have saved her." He frowns." Noone can I barely remember anything else and woke in an Infirmary 4 days later,  I went into Bloodwrath for the first time in my life. I had an injury on my side and left the wolverine near death."

Krisha frowns. " I probably would of...not been able to handle it if….if Xander had died in my arms, it was hard enough...finding him, he had been dead a few short hours a healer said. I slowly got over my depression but the lost, still hurts."

Ciocan nods." I almost didn't come here, but former badger lords told me how I was needed, I slowly came to see the hares as my family.  The pain of loss never totally goes away, but it fades some.My Martha and Your Xander watch over us from the dark forest."

Krisha smiles. " Yeah…." She looks at him." I want to take Xander's blade, back home. And if Oz chooses the warrior life, I will make sure he is trained,  or maybe if he finds a mate he can pass it down to his son or daughter. "

Ciocan nods as he stands, he gets The Blade of The Northwind Storms and hands it to Krisha. " Here you are, it is best it stay with your family,  it is the Winters clan blade. "

Krisha nods her thanks and heads on out of the forge." Thanks for the chat, I think I will go to bed early tonight. " WITH that she heads out.

Ciocan waves and then gets back to fixing the two shields before he himself gets some rest.

I play:
Oz-  Badger-young adult-Wanderer


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