Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2021-03-12 12:38:18 PM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Midnight Snack and Chat


Krisha- Badger Mother

Xavier- Log-A-log


Krisha made sure the dibbuns were in bed.She had felt better after a rest in the library and went to sit in the Great Hall and have some cucumber mint tea.

Xavier woke from the infirmary and slipped quietly out,luckily not caught and went into the Great Hall as well. A sigh as he guessed his raspier was elsewhere. He got lucky with a wild crazy filled attack on the two main foxes, he also had help of his GUOSIM.

Krisha looked up." Shouldn't you rest more? Unlike me you don't have anything to do ."

Xavier shrugged and then looked wide eyed at the badger.He rushed over to suddenly hug her." Mother Krisha..your..your ok. You're alive."

Krisha was in a bit of shock from the hug." Yes...I am.." She then remembers,"I had a book and stuffed toy in my front pocket..the arrow went into that.Very thick book that Brother Gorvenalus is gonna fix."

Xavier nods and backs up. A smile shows. " I..thought. " He just shakes his head." Never mind,  your ok and that is what matters and the abbey camp is ok as well, where are the others?"

Krisha replies." Not sure, somewhere in the abbey,  probably asleep. They are fine."

Xavier finally sits down." Yeah..your right." A smile again. It felt good to smile.

Krisha stands."Want a midnight snack ?"

Xavier nods." Sure.." He then quietly speaks." Sorry by the way."

Krisha looks confused. " On what?"

Xavier speaks." Just being a rude, not always listening teen. I..still am a little scared of leadership."

Krisha gets more tea and some cucumber sandwiches. " It's ok and your learn.I think your doing good.You show you care,  you made sure all was safe and you might have a temper but it can be worked on. " She frowns." Xander was young too when he was leader of Mossflower Defenders at first. He got help and asked for advice.He had good and bad times. He also didn't always get along with members."

Xavier chuckles." Shrews don't always get along either. The GUOSIM will argue over pie or cake, once argued over weather to fish in the morning or at dusk."

Krisha smiles some." Interesting." She sipped tea and got a scone.

Xavier eats also and drinks a little tea." When is your Spring Feast?"

Krisha shrugs." I don't,  Benar will usually bring it up.we might be waiting till our hare, Elbio returns. He is to be back in Spring."

Xavier asks " De other hare, Velm...he heading back?"

Krisha nods." Most likely yeah with who ever tags along with Elbio...probably stay till Spring Feast if we haven't had it yet."

Xavier says." You think….de abbot would have the feast at my camp?"

Krisha hmms." Your need to ask him. But be wise to ask soon,so he can plan."

Xavier nods." It's an idea..just an idea for now."

Krisha nods again." Ask in the morning...goodnight for now."

Xavier waves. "Night…"


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