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#1 2021-02-07 06:48:00 PM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Squirrelbabe has a Name?!- Redwall Log

Who :

Krisha- Badger Mother

Squirrlbabe- Dibbun

Ciana- Dibbun

Angela- Chief Healer


Krisha sits in her chair aipping tea and nibbleing on some fruit and cheese. She is looking over a list of helpers and sighs a little.   

Squirrelbabe still hasn't shared her real name. However, ever since she's started Warrior lessons with DoraRose, she's been behaving beautifully. The suspicious adults of the Abbey are thinking she's plotting something, and have complained to the Abbot and the other Elders as such. Dochas right now comes dancing into the Great Hall, her bag of treasures on her shoulder, chanting as she goes. "To be Bruvvers an' Sisters of peace an' goodwill, livin' t'gether in harmony..." She's been trying to memorize the Abbey Charter to try and make the Badger Mother happy with her.   

Ciana is sitting on a blanket by the wall, she has had one of those so so days.
Krisha looks over at Dochas, " Your in a good mood, that's nice." She is still sad,one day at a time she has decided, good and bad days, she will try and be ready.   

Dochas looks up, noticing the badger for the first time. "I'm tryna 'member th' Abbey Charter. It's hard." She spots Ciana and goes over to her to give her a hug. "Whatcha doin' o'er here? C'mon, let's go talk t'Muvver Krisha." She goes to grab the hare's paw and lead her over to the badger.   

Ciana nods and follows, she does speak quietly, " She been sad...but she not in her room so that good."   

Krisha manages a smile" Yeah it is long but your remember it soon Squirrelbabe just keep studing it." She smiles a little at Ciana as well,there is still sadness though.   

"So we gonna help her feel even better!" Squirrelbabe declares. Once they reach the badger, she releases the hare's paw and goes to bound up to the back of Krisha's chair with all the agility of her species. She wrinkles her nose. "Th'Abbey Charter has a lot of big words in it, too."
Ciana smiles back at the badger, she then sits downin a chair beside her and listens as they talk.   

Krisha nods " Yes but...important words." She frowns as she remebers Xander saying the charter in front of the abbey leaders and sighs at the memory,memories just make her sad right now."And there is other things to learn and..keep and track of as well."   

Dochas goes to pet the badger's stripes. "Don't be sad, Muvver Krisha. I'm tryin' as hard as I can." She then pauses. "Whot else have I got t'learn?? Or keep track of??" She flops dramatically, laying across the back of the chair. "I don't /wanna/ learn more!!" Even her tail is droopy.
Ciana makes a face" Maths...maths is yucky. " She smiles "I like reading better," She stands." Maybe cookies help her be happy."
Krisha says, "Not sad over you and there is lots to learn, the charter, rules, how to care for others and even care for plants and day to day things to learn." She manages another tiny smile at cookies and a small laugh, she is trying to be cheerful."
Dochas spreads her paws wide, then twirls her tail and sits up as she feels herself sliding off the chair. She manages to correct herself and stay on the chair, continuing to wave her arms around emphatically. "Why do I gotta learn how t'take care o' plants?? I'm gonna be a Warrior like DoraWose, not a gard'ner!" Squirrelbabe pauses, then adds, "Cookies make everybeast better."   

Ciana smiles. " Cookies are good, we needs lota cookies"
Krisha sighs sadly, she then clears her throat." In case...your lost or need to know what is ok to eat in the woods or anywhere or what plants heal and which are poison"   

Dochas hops to the floor. "Let's get some cookies." She gives the badger an exasperated look, but relents. "Ffffine! I'll learn about plants. But first I'm gonna get cookies." She dashes off to the kitchens. Slowing when she arrives at the door, she sneaks in like a practised thief.   

Ciana frowns, she looks back at the Badger Mother. " She being...naughty."   

Krisha stands up a little too quickly to go get Squirrelbabe and gets a little unsteady and dizzy on her footpaws and grabs a nearby chair to steady herself.A frown forms as she still is to take it easy and slow.   

There are shouts from the kitchens, and Squirrelbabe comes running out at full speed, her bag of treasures bouncing against her back. In her paws there's a bowl full of cookies and scones. A Brother of the Order who helps in the kitchens is dashing after her, waving a ladle and shouting dire threats. "I'll cut off your tail and boil you in the soup! I'll pickle your paws and feed you to the Abbot! I'll make you wash dishes until you're as old as Angela!!" Dochas darts across Great Hall and hides under the badger's chair. "I'M JUS' GETTIN' A SHNACK T'SHARE WIF MUVVER KRISHA!!"   
Ciana frowns as she looks at the order brother, " Thats mean..." She says quietly and looks at Krisha "You okies?"
Krisha stands strighter " Its..fine Brother Ted..yes she..should of..asked..first." A frown as still a little dizzy and the room spins and she passes out briefly, luckly onto a couple pillows that fell off the chair.
Brother Ted scowls at Ciana. "That little miscreant deserves all that and more!!" Dochas gasps as the badger faints, and quickly runs to her. "Muvver Krisha??" She goes to shake her, then whirls around and shakes a fist at Brother Ted. "YOU KILLED MUVVER KRISHA!!" Because there's nothing Squirrelbabe does better than creating drama. Brother Ted rushes over, then backs off as the DAB Ringleader tries to bite him. "You," he points to the hare, not knowing her name because he usually tries to avoid Dibbuns as much as possible. "Go get Angela...and hurry!!"   

Ciana whimpers and rushes off to find the healer, yes let's cause panic! The hare is one that believes a lot so...this should be intresting.
Krisha is not dead, but she is passed out a couple mintues minutes before she groans and starts to come awake slowly.Her eyes open a little as she blinks a couple times,she frowns at the headache and ill feeling she still has.   

Angela is actually coming down the staircase right now, on her way to get some vegetables from the kitchen for the broth she always has in the Infirmary. She nearly collides with the hare. "Whoa, there, little miss! Where are y'off to in such a 'urry?" Squirrelbabe gasps as the badger wakes up, then returns to accusing the Brother. "YOU MADE MUVVER KRISHA FAINT!!" Brother Ted throws up his paws, backing up in fear of being attacked. "I did no such thing! She probably just needs to eat something, you little rapscallion!!" "I'm norra scallion, I'm a Squirrelbabe! Don't call me bad names!!"   

Ciana sniffs and is just crying and points down the steps, " She..." A frown and then likely hears the yelling and whimpers again.
Krisha groans and glances at the fighting beasts and frowns, she is dizzy and feels ill, " Stop..shouting headache" She stays laid down .
Angela hears the hollering and sighs. "Lead me to 'em." She goes to take the leveret's paws and head down the stairs. Dochas scowls darkly. Brother Ted sees Angela coming and points at the badger. "Krisha fainted, ma'am. I think she stood up too fast." As the Healer approaches, the Brother jogs off, back to the relative safety of the kitchens. Squirrelbabe starts muttering about feeding the Order member to eels.
Ciana follows and looks happy the Badger Mother is ok or least ad ok as she can be. She sits in a chair and just warches from a distance for now.
Krisha rolls onto her back and frowns as she glaces at Squirrelbabe, " Calm,.please" Her voice is tried and she goes to slowly sit up by the chair.
Dochas bares her teeth and growls, but she marches off and crawls back under the chair, bringing out the bowl of snacks she stole. She walks over to the hare, munching on a scone, and holds it out so the leveret can get a scone or a cookie. Angela kneels beside the badger and goes to feel her pulse. "'Ave y'eaten today, Krisha? 'Ow do y'feel?"
Ciana frowns, then there is food and she grabs a cookie and scone and eats them, then another scone. She is likely well on her way to beinf a proper hare.   

Krisha pulse is a little weak but still good. She frowns, " Tired...and I ate a small snack, didn't have breakfast ..." She frowns as lunch was likely her small snack.   

Dochas shares her snack with the hare until she wanders off, then the squirrel comes back over to the badger. Angela scowls. "Y'need t'eat, Krisha. What would Xander say if he could see you, starving yourself t'death?" Squirrelbabe thinks for a minute, then holds out a scone to the badger.
Krisha frowns, " He would not like it, he be..worried. I just miss him so much and sometimes it seems...I just want to lay down and neverwake up, but other days I see...I am still needed." She frowns remebering being in the wall and being talked back to the main grounds." I..I just miss him,and there is no proofOz isnt..dead too . The one cat is dead I heard but not who ever she worked with. .and now Velm is in the infirm, everythingis a mess." She sighs at the scone.

Squirrelbabe goes to place the scone in the Badger Mother's paw. "We gotsa have hope, Muvver Krisha!" Angela sighs. "I understand....when my 'usband died..." she gets a far away look in her eyes, then shakes her head. "You are needed more than you know, Krisha," the Healer says instead. "Y' 'ave t'keep hoping. To honour Xander's memory." Squirrelbabe seems to be thinking very hard about something.
Krisha lets tears fall, she does eat the scone though and just grows quiet." Hope is hard sometimes. I always worried he get hurt or...and..then my worse fear happen...I thought at first he was skipping novice duties...but he wasnt he was..was..." And sobbing now.
Angela goes to hug the badger and just sit in silence with her. Squirrelbabe pensively eats another cookie, not sure what to do or say other than offer the Badger Mother another scone (or cookie, if she wants one).   

Krisha slowly sits up after a long while, she gently returns the hug and will even offer one to Squirrelbabe. She will eat a cookie too and sniffs. " I..should get some rest....suppose after I eat something. "
Surprisingly, Squirrelbabe accepts the hug (which she never does). "My Mammy an' Daddy almost gave up hope," she suddenly says. "Dey had 3 babies before me, but they all were borned too early an' died. Then I came at jus' th'right time. My Grammy an' Granpy came t'Mossflower from someplace across the sea where they talk in anovver language. When I was born, they said I was their hope for the future. So they named me Dochas. It means Hope in their language." The DABer blushes and looks down at her feet, embarrassed to have told her secret. "Dey didn't give up hope, an' you shouldn't, either. Ozzy will be back. I knows it." Angela just stares wide-eyed at the Dibbun, not having expected to ever learn so much about her.   

Krisha smiles at the name " Dochas...thats a very nice name dear. " She smiles, happy and feeling better ." Your right..Dochas, I need to have hope " She will need help to her room but is smieling at least now " maybe we should..share some cookies and milk."   

Angela slowly stands, leaning on her staff and grimacing. "Accursed cold weather. I'll let you 2 do that. I need more ingredients for my healing broth. Excuse me." The old Healer hobbles off to the kitchens waving her staff at a nearby Novice, who hurriedly rushes over to the badger. "Ms....Ms. A...Angela need help?" The obviously nervous Novice stutters. Dochas goes to hold the badger's paw. "That's sounds nice, Muvver Krisha. I likes cookies an' milk."   

Krisha stands, she smiles at the novice " Yes..a snack, for me and the dibbuns..cookies and milk and." She gets the,last scone" Some more berry scones. I need some time with the dibbuns."She eill let Dochas decide whom else learns her name but it be nice for all to know.

Last edited by Mother Krisha (2021-02-07 06:50:29 PM)


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