Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2021-01-06 07:15:23 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,659

A New Friend-LP LOG


Zolomon- Sargeant, Runner and Archer in the LP

Elbio- Ensign...Fighter and Archer in LP

Rufus- Sea Gull


Rufus was in a grumpy mood today. His one wing still in a sort of splint, but it was healing at least. His nest was still in the infirmary old cot lay on the floor with a couple of old towels and feathers, some moss was even found.

Zolomon poked his head into the room and slowly walked over with some bread and rice cakes, also some water"Here ya go Rufus, ya doing ok?

Elbio tagged along and gulped as he looked in at the seagull, this was a bad idea, to go into the room so he backed up and then tripped over a bowl that was left in here, picking it up he slowly got up.

Rufus quickly looked at the doorway."Wot bunny want?" he eyed Zolomon "I looks ok bunny? No..wanna fly, wanna soar"

Zolomon nods "Well ya need ta get better first my feathered chap." He  smiled at Elbio "Elbio...come on in and say hi to Rufus"

Elbio frowned but he came in and set the mug on a table "I..I am fine over here sur" He says, he feared the bird, all birds he feared ever since the eagles that were after those bats he helped save.

Rufus watched the hare then spoke, "This bunny,....has fear, why is bunny in patrol if have fear?"

Zolomon went over to the other hare "Hey, Rufus is nice if ya worried...and everyone can have a fear, Rufus, it doesn't make ya less of a patrol hare, we all have strengths and weaknesses."

Elbio let himself be lead inside after a few moments "I...I'm..." He sighs "I had to deal with eagles once on a very tall mountain, the eagles had these bat dibbuns....also after that faced...very strange creatures...."He looks at Rufus and speaks "A nice...sea gull?"

Rufus shivers "Rufus no like eagles either....eagle once ate seagull from my old home.....not that is home now, here..mountain is home" He tilts his head at Elbio "Rufus be Elbio?"

Zolomon smiles to encourage Elbio "Wot ya say chap, maybe he could even follow ya to Redwall in de spring"

Elbio reaches out a paw to touch Rufus's head and then stays where he is. "That is up to...Rufus...and a bird as a friend, could be..."He smiles "Neat"

Rufus nods "Ya get new friend to Redwall ya..when Spring, then Rufus come back here to let other bunnies and Bunny Lord know made it ya ya"

Zolomon chuckles a little, he hmmms "We should see on getting Rufus elsewhere...maybe his Lordship room...ya for sure not be bothered thar Rufus"

Elbio hmmms"But...where? And shouldn't we ask Lord Ciocan first sur?"

Rufus nods "Rufus would like yaya..Bunnys be plenty quick and ask..yaya..ya"

Zolomon nods"Right away chap....come Elbio, let's find Lord C..I bet he is in de forge"

Elbio frowns "It's Lord Ciocan...not  Lord C sur...."

Rufus just waits, hopefully, he gets a reply after dinner time as too many bunnys did come and go into the room.

Zolomon just nods "Yes, Lord C...we can talk to him at dinner  which is..."He frowns "IN 5  BLOOMING MINUTES!" He races on to the Dinning Hall, he will make sure Elbio gets there also.

I play:
Oz-  Badger-young adult-Wanderer


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