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#1 2020-08-29 07:50:09 PM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Been A While Since I Had Fun-Redwall Log


Krisha-Badger Mother



Krisha is sitting under one of the trees in the orchards looking at some of the pictures she has been given and smiles a little. The harvest is in, even the fruits and vegetables now as of this morning. The day is sunny and the weather is slowly starting to be less hot now as Autumn is upon them as some colored leaves are falling now, not too many yet but a small few.   
The badger isn't the only one out enjoying the early Fall day. Gracie the gosling is wandering around in the grass, stomping on leaves and grinning at the crackle they make. Her blankie trails behind her leaves clinging to it as it drags on the ground. She is also clutching a piece of paper that has many colorful scribbles on it.   
Krisha looks over as the gosling gets closer and waits, she then speaks "Hello Gracie dear....your getting leaves all on your blanket"   
The gosling looks at her blankie, then picks it up off the ground and toddles over to the badger. "Cans /you/ hewp me get 'em off, Muvver Krisha?" Gracie goes to sit in the Badger Mother's lap, still clutching the drawing close to her. "Why are da weafs fawwing off da trees?"   
Krisha smiles, she has started talking again, though she still is sad. She picks off the leaves slowly from the blanket as she speaks "Its autumn, colored leaves fall, soon the trees will be bare for winter season, then come spring the leaves grow back." Gracie is still the only dibbun, at times there is a shrew dibbun when the GUOSIM is here.   
Gracie doesn't mind being the only Dibbun when she's with the Badger Mother, although she's gotten very tired of the extra attention from everyone else. "Ooohh.....why da weafs have to faww? Don't da trees get cowd?" She helps to pick the leaves off her blankie, then suddenly remembers something. "Wookit! I drawed your picture fo' t'day!" She shoves the drawing into the badger's face. It's of some of the trees turning different colors with the badger and the gosling (in crude little kid fashion) holding paw and wingtip underneath them.   
Krisha smiles "Its a very nice drawing Gracie and...I suppose trees don't get cold, maybe bark protects them I am unsure."She looks at a leaf she twirls in her paw and sighs a little laying it down again.   
Gracie beams at the compliment and lays the picture down on the part of the badger's lap neither she nor her blankie are on. The goose snuggles closer, watching some leaves flutter down to the ground. "Dey wook kinda wike fwowers on da ground." She points to a big maple leaf that is nearby. Its edges are curled up some, forming a kind of cup.   
Krisha studies the leaf "Yeah, sort of...."A smile forms" This time of the seasons is..."She stops then clears her throat "Always nice"   
Gracie wriggles out of the badger's lap, mostly oblivious to the adult's sorrow. Snagging the maple leaf, she brings it back over to the badger, smiling. "It'sso pretty!! I didn't knows weafs couwd turn red!" She twirls it on its stem, then fumbles and drops it. She then gets distracted by another leaf falling on her head! She pauses, then giggles. "The tree gave me a hat!"   
Krisha smiles but then frowns as if remembering something. She stands up slowly as she looks around at the falling leaves.   
This time, Gracie sees the frown. Gathering up her blankie and draping it over the top of her head, the gosling goes to tug on the badger's habit, eyes wide and staring. "Muvver Krisha, what's wrong?? You no wike my hat?" She gets another leaf and puts it on her head, eyes widening even more as she waits for a response.
Krisha nods "I do,I was just thinking is all."She kicks at some leaves and smiles again, she walks over to a novice and quietly speaks to them, they nod and get some others to start putting the leaves in a pile in the orchards. She walks back over and kneels down, a small smile "Sorry I am just still...sad, but I am starting to feel better and you have helped a lot, Gracie"   
Gracie giggles when the badger kicks the leaves then watches quietly as the grown-ups start doing things. When the Badger Mother kneels before her, she blinks a couple of times, listening. A shy smile crosses her face. "I /have/??" She goes to hug the badger, still smiling.   
Krisha nods "Yes."She is smiling and its a real smile. She looks back to the novices and smiles "Thank you" She looks at the pile "There is another thing that's good in Autumn" She goes to jump in the pile of leaves and starts laughing, something she hasn't done since the dibbuns were taken. The novices even laugh a little and will help fix the pile of leaves again.   
Grinning, Gracie follows the badger over to the pile of leaves, her eyes wide as the adult jumps in. The gosling's grins fades, and she hugs her blankie close. "Wiww I get /stuck/? I'm wittler'n /yous/." She looks nervous by the prospect of jumping in a huge pile of leaves.   
Krisha smiles "You won't get stuck and I am here to get you back out. I did this as a dibbun too, it's fun...others have also"   
Gracie hesitates for a few more moments, then decides to trust the Badger Mother and try it out. She waddles forward and tries to jump, but she doesn't do a very good job and ends up basically just falling and belly-flopping onto the side of the leaf pile. As some of the leaves collapse under her, more fall on top of her, effectively burying the little gosling. She honks in alarm and starts flailing. She's still holding her blanket, too...   
Krisha gently gets her out and smiles "It's ok, some like it and some don't."She smiles still "Still good to get them in pile still, one of the chores this time of the seasons"   
Once she is rescued from the leaf pile, the gosling just stands there. Gracie has leaves sticking in her downy feathers and on her blanket, all over herself. She blinks up at the badger. "Why some wike it? It scary! An' why da weafs needta be put in piwes? Why can'ts dey jus' stay all over da ground?"   
Krisha says, "The leaves can be turned into something to help things grow later, also...hmmms"She gets a few "Maybe you can make something pretty with the leaves also, press them onto something and make a picture of sorts"   
Gracie has to think about this for a few moments, but then a slow smile forms on her face. "Wike wif cway?? Ooh, ooh, or I couwds gwue dem onto paper!!" She looks a little silly, standing there covered in leaves, but her smile at her ideas is lovely.   
Krisha nods " Paper be good I think, not sure what else"   
Gracie thinks for a few more moments. "Maybes we couwds sews a tapestry wike Martin da Warrior's, 'cept wif weafs??" She has no idea that that won't work. She starts to brush leaves off of herself, starting with her blanket.   

Krisha chuckles and lays leaves in a line of sorts " Leaf necklace " she smiles " crown "   
Gracie hops up and down, clapping. "Wike wif fwowers!!" She starts laying the leaves out in a line, too, just mimicking the badger, not sure what they're doing, but having a good time doing it, anyway.   

Krisha smiles" Sort of yes" she has a novice get glue and string.   
Gracie has gotten distracted with staring at the veins and patterns on a leaf. It's so interesting! "It wooks wike /me/," she states, holding up the leaf, then spreading apart some of the feathers on her wing to show the blood vessels under her pale skin.   

Krisha says, "just be careful ok... let's can make a necklace or crown like this" She shows her" See?"   
Gracie's attention is redirected back to the task at hand. She watches, then tries to imitate the badger. "Wike /dis/??" She doesn't realize it yet, but there's glue on her feathers. And her blanket.   

Krisha nods" Yes...also we will need to get the glue off your feathers and blanket..hmms pond maybe"   
Gracie looks at the glue on her feathers. "I wike pwayin' in da pond. Cans it waits, dough? I wantsa keep doin' dis." She continues to use glue to attach the leaves to the string.   
Krisha smiles " Ok maybe a bath then after this." The badger has even made a string of colored leaves and smiles more than she has in a long time.   
"Okies.....can we use da soap dat smewws wike wavender? I wike dat one best." Gracie's string of leaves is much messier than the badger's, naturally, but she, too, is smiling a lot. She seems content just being here with the Badger Mother.   
Krisha chuckles "Sure, this has been has been fun and I have not had fun in a long time" She smiles, she had lost hope of seeing the others ever again, deciding maybe they would never come back and maybe she still believes it but today has truly cheered her as she smiles, laughs and is relaxed and stress-free right now.   
Gracie gasps in horror! "YOU haven't had /fun/in a wong time??!" She goes to feel the badger's forehead with a sticky wingtip. "Are you /sick/?? Do you need /med'cine/??" She leans close and whispers, "Dat's whot Miz /Angewa/ asks when da Dibbuns gets /bored/."   
Krisha blinks "Huh...odd, and no just been, sad suppose but I am feeling better now and things will be ok, they will...just may take some time"   
The bells start to ring, and the gosling jumps. "It dinnertime!!" Gracie pauses, looking at the glue on her wings and blanket. "I need to wash my feavvers." She will toddle after the Badger Mother to get the soap and get washed off, then she will lead them to get food! This Dibbun likes mealtime.

Krisha smiles and makes sure they both get inside and to dinner after getting cleaned up. They make it to dinner just in time.

Last edited by Mother Krisha (2020-08-29 09:07:32 PM)


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