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Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2020-08-09 02:34:08 PM

Registered: 2020-04-29
Posts: 621

Something Hides In The Woods-Dibbun Slavers TP LOG


Elbio-LP Hare

Cloaked,Hidden vermin spoofed by Donica


Elbio walks along the woods and kicks a rock, he muttered as he was lost, lost in the woods and had gotten little info on anything really.
The hare is not in the best area of the woods, though he is close to the river now and likely could maybe even faintly hear it with his long ears. But the wrong path will lead to not so good places   

Elbio stops as he perks his ears and hmmms as he , by luck, heads towards the river path. He looks around the path and frowns.He hated being lost.   

It was starting to get slightly dark as the sun was going down now. This was not the best time to get lost, not in this area of the woods.
Elbio shakes his head and looks around. He stops and comes to a path as he looks left and right and again frowns.He thengets an arrow and lays it on the ground and spins it, it comes to a stop and he grins,heading that way as if thats the best plan ever to get out of the woods.
The path the hare choose, was not wise as even though it's oddly clear, its also oddly quiet and a thin bit of fog like stuff is in the air slowly,though hard to see and there is a smell slowly getting stronger that is sort of herbal and also a bit woody and another odd smell that if breathed too long makes one..very....sleepy.   

Elbio sniffs the air, likely not the best plan but he is trying to ID the smell, he slows and coughs a little and rubs his head as if he has a headache now and looks around starting to feel a little ill, he decides he might want to get out of this area just he isnt sure what way to go as it seems the woods sway oddly now.
The smoke thickens and odd shapes seem to come closer, what will look like walking globs of leaf and twigs,patchs of grayish or maybe brownish fur or maybe it's mud.The shapes go to surround the hare.
Elbio coughs and frowns as he backs up and gets out his saber. He sways a little and coughs again and backs up and trips over a fallen branch and groans,he swings at a shape as it gets closer.   

The shapes have...eyes! They speak in some odd voices as the smoke thickens and one shape makes a gurgle sound as the blade seems to of hit a mark,then only makes it worse as more shaopes come and a powder is blown in the hare's face, the shapes look like they have...ropes, yes ropes.
Elbio snorts and groans, he tries to stab again but the saber falls from his paws as he groans and his eyes close as he goes unconious as the powder is a stronger, maybe stronger, version of the smoke.
The shapes drag the hare away and take him to thier camp, the camp of.......   

The Flitchaye!

I play:  Xavier ( Log-A-log of GUOSIM) Elbio (Lt.,Archer, and Fighter in Long Patrol and RW Residential Hare)


#2 2020-08-15 08:31:18 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Something Hides In The Woods-Dibbun Slavers TP LOG

LilyMoore is going to be worried!

How exciting!  big_smile


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