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#1 2020-07-08 02:26:36 PM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Leaving The Abbey-Badger Mother Missing TP LOG


Krisha -Badger Mother

Patch- Spy, Owner of Redthorn Tavern

Ann- Head Guard Ferravale

a few various Ferravale beasts spoofed


Krisha woke in the middle of the night when all or least most was asleep.She made her bed and laid the letter down on it and left her room with a small knapsack of personal things.She slipped into the kitchen and took some simple scones, a flask of ale, and couple other things for a 2-3 day supply but not much really and then headed to the gate.

At the gate there was of course guards, chatting about how the Gatekeeper was in the infirm.

Krisha sighed and then an idea, she sliped to the south gate and lightly moved a log, she managed to stick her head inside to, sort of, move it back in place and stayed in the treeline with her dark cloak, when she got far enough she jogged up the path back to the road and headed to Ferravale .It would be sunrise as she started up the road, just out of sight of the abbey and if they seen her now it was just a random cloaked beast moving on up the road, she got to Ferravale right after lunch and was hungry as she did miss breakfast.

Krisha walked up the road, a pack on her shoulder and she was in a cloak as she came up to the gate of Ferravale finally and frowns,"Hello?" She called out and slowly sliped in when a guard was talking to some other beast, she made a beeline to the tavern and quickly went inside.   

Patch looks up and didn't seem to concern but he did keep an eye on the cloaked beast as one never knows anymore and the ones that rats were around, even if they left the area he was not taking chances they didn't have unknown friends and he knew, by size, this wasn't a rat.
Krisha walks over and sits down, keeping her head lowered she spoke in a normal but quiet tone "I need a room and you will tell no one I am here either Patch"   

Patch folds his arms over his chest, he tries to get an idea who this is and then gasps as he backs up a little "Your Stripy's mate...wot ya doin' 'ere shouldn't ya be like at de abbey, ya think de old squirrel be all worried and keepin' beasts inside"   

Krisha just glares at him "Its Krisha, my name is Krisha....."She frowns "He..doesn't know where I went,I only said I was leaving....he can worry about the others, not me. Things that happen are my fault"   

Patch tilts his head "Ya fault?" He thinks on this and shrugs "Well and on de not telling, ya see...I enjoy living and not being possible snake food"   

Krisha frowns, she lays out some coin" Here...for a meal and fine I will just stay in my father's shop, it's my shop anyways. I don't need some..inn room and I will show whoever is there if there is one there I have a right to be there and they best NOT of messed up the living quarters or......"She then frowns and looks away"You didn't see me...please, look I just will stay maybe 3-4 days and then head off elsewhere, maybe I will go north find this Send Oz always talked about"   

Patch takes the coins and shakes his head but he gets her some stew and ale, and a couple of rolls "I...well ok fine."He walks around to collect dishes and mugs to wash before going back to her"I didn't see ya, you were never here...I can..keep a secret."   

About that time a voice behind the rat "No..." It was the head Guard Ann....Patch spun around and laid a paw to his chest "I almost had a heart attack!!!'   

Krisha frowns, she eats her meal quietly and sips the ale, she stops a passing bartender and gets a 2nd ale and once done she stands"I can go elsewhere....excuse me"
Patch Frowns "I..well...huh?"He looks at the badger and Ann speaks "You can get a room but Blisa will be told your here...."She then disappears again and all in the tavern sort of look at the tavern owner and the badger.

Krisha listens and frowns at this news, she nods to Patch "Room or not?" She then speaks "I will stay a couple days and then leaving" She has no clue where, maybe North is best she decides.   

Patch nods "I can...ya can use Stripy's office he has a like hammock there.....come on, he entrusts me to keep an eye on it just in case he ever ike..wanted to use it but he is like....well away on de mission or wot ever it is and no I know nothing of where he is or whether he is dead or alive so don't ask"He sounds upset he doesn't know.   

Krisha nods "I...dodon't either"She goes to follow the rat "Thanks for the room, I can pay a little later or maybe help in the tavern..."She looks near tears as she thinks about Xander,she looks around the small office, a couple of pictures make her sad.   

Patch follows her inside and listens, he then has a rare moment"No need room is yours and ya have meals the next couple days no charge"He also sees the pictures, one is of Oz and there is one of Krisha and Xander together, he picks up briefly on of an older badger in the tavern, the old tavern Marek had before this one, it's zee winters in the picture, he sits it down"Ya never meet him probably"He points to the picture f Zee..."Zee Winters....great beast, friends ta a lot and was very much respected in Ferravale, he had a hut but de hut got messed up and its gone now...stripy was sad cause of it...but de hammock was his and this chest he had.....anyways enjoy ya stay and all that"He heads back downsteps and readies himself for when the chieftain came, hopefully, the day would remain semi-good anyways.   

Krisha nods at the pictures and once the door is shut she locks it and lays in the hammock, she seems startled and a bit curious of the hammock, its different that's for sure but she manages to fall asleep in it but will sleep in late and miss breakfast a 2nd time, least she will get lunch at the tavern.


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