Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2020-05-29 09:38:42 AM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Chats With Friends-Dibbun Slaves Tp


Donica-Healer teen hare maid

Matilda-Champion of Redwall

Xander-Warrior and leader of Mossflower Defenders

Keldorn-Warrior Shrew in GUOSIM


Matilda disliked needing to stop and repair one of the log boats but it seemed a leak was in one.Luckily it was not a major leak and could be easily repaired but the patch had to dry and so they needed to wait. She walked over to Keldorn to check on him and laid down a pack they had found with Wilson"The ferret had this, not sure what's all in it"   

Keldorn takes the pack and opens it.He speaks quietly"I'm..sorry for yesterday. I..."He closes his eyes,he was still a bit tried and almost drowning does take a lot out of a beast" I saw him and....felt such anger, at the same time I am saddened that Wilson is now dead."He adds "Thank you for burying him"   

Donica has been close by as she listens.She found some summer berries, helped catch fish, and found safe to eat mushrooms and watercress.."Wasn't Wilson like...evil though?"   

Xander comes to sit close by and just listens, Keldorn knew him better after all not any of the beasts on this trip.
Matilda nods "It seemed the right thing to do..any idea who these Stream rats he spoke of?"
Keldorn looks through the pack and oddly...burns a lot of it in the fire, one paper he looks over..and keeps, he isn't sure why but something prevents him from burning it.He replies "A group of most foul pirates of the sort..they attack travelers and rob them, they will kill if they think they have something to gain. They are not the smartest beasts but some fight fairly well.If we are close to them they will attack so we dont want to stay too long. I feel Wilson told the truth on this..old dock. There is a creepy port not too far from the river, some say no one goes there but it seems...maybe at times beasts do..they just don't stay long."He finishes burning papers and just tosses aside the empty pack.He looks at the hare maid "Wilson wasn't always evil Donica..but something changed him"   

Donica frowns"Oh...."She says quietly, "Ok....ohhh, by the way, I been thinking of your idea on me maybe joining that Long Patrol, I could maybe learn more of healing,I know some from mom and grandpa"
Xander tilts his head "What's the one paper you kept Keldorn?" He has been keeping watch off and on since they got here,he got firewood once to do a quick patrol even.   

Matilda nods"We will have to keep an eye out,we are not too far from the shores now either."   

Keldorn blinks and then replies "Nothing too major..but I felt it was the one thing I should keep of all the things I owned, I am unsure why but...I felt a strong need to keep it for now.The others are just ...worthless...a shop I don't need, I don't need a fancy home in some rich area,I don't need papers of how much silk or gold I once had...Wilson seemed to of spent most of it....the rest can just..I don't know...go back to Halyard for all I care."   

Donica is surprised but doesn't say anything, she instead says "You think the Long Patrol would let me join?"   

Matilda nods "Of course they would,I am sure they be glad to have you along Donica,healers are always welcome as they need those as well not just runners and fighters,healers are just as important and in some ways maybe more so"   

Xander smiles "Yeah healers keep a group healthy and tend to wounds from battles, healers can teach what plants are safe and which are not, they even help cooks find herbs for cooking "   

Keldorn smiles, he is in a good mood "Yes.....healing is a skill most should have even if it's just basic healing.We can speak of how to treat and tend to wounds on a battle field maybe"
Donica shrugs "Maybe and yeah I might see on joining.I know basic stuff and I know safe and unsafe plants, there is plants that if you touch them,your break out in a is usually ok after a couple days but it makes your skin itchy"   

Matilda smiles "As I said healers are welcome and important all places now excuse me I need to check on Dorarose, Caleb  and Oswald"She walks to the direction of the other two beasts.   
Keldorn listens for a few moments quietly, glances around "Its a good thing and ...maybe not so good we are on this side of the river my friends, rather face rats than toads after all"   

Donica frowns "Toads?" She has heard of them before but never meet one and she rather not meet one either.
Xander yawns and lays down"I need some sleep...Keldorn you wanna take watch now?"   

Keldorn smiles "Of course my friend.I will take over watch"He seems in a much better mood now that the whole business with Wilson is over and the fact he put aside his rich fancy life once and for all. But what is the one paper he kept? Only he knows and for whatever reason had a very strong urge to keep it safe and sound.   

Donica lays down and decides sleep may be good after all, its been a long trip so far and it was likely far from over , there was likely more danger to face and it seemed sooner rather than later...........


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