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#1 2020-01-17 09:33:39 AM

Elbio Hare and Alts
Registered: 2019-06-22
Posts: 188

Chaos At The Mill!-Ferravale Log

== So..I made a vermin character, he is a weasel who hates woodlanders, hates rules, and hates badgers..his name is Jakan and in this log he shows just how much he cares about things!==


Jakan- An evil weasel, robber-beast, fighter and poisoner and just evil

Vilfred- Log-A-Log

Texo- Architect of Ferravale

Nardo- Master Healer of Ferravale

Halfnose- Evil weasel friend to Jakan, or..least he was....

Some assorted Ferravale  villagers are spoofed


Texo raced away from the mill as fast as he could, to find the first beast he figured would help, time was not on his side he believed so he needed to be quick

Patch was on his way to the Black Gull as he did get  one of his rarer ales from there and usually got a good price for it, well depending on whom was on duty at the time he did.With him was a fox who sometimes acted as tavern bouncer.

Texo slowed some as he seen Patch and frowns, a sigh and he walks over “Patch! Patch I need you to get a message to Chieftain Blisa for me...please it’s a matter of life and death,there is two beasts that fell into a hole in the mill floor and yes I plan to talk to Chieftain Blisa on that subject as well but first the subject of the fact two beasts are in mortal danger!”

A chuckle is heard and then appears Jakan” The best kind of danger, so..whom is in danger or as you sau mortal danger?” He takes a big breath and puffs out smoke from his pipe as he listens.

Patch frowns when he sees the weasel and just looks back to Texo, “I can find Chiefy”He decides to ignore the weasel for now.

Texo stares at the weasel and speaks “It's not a funny matter..Nardo and Log-A-Log are the ones down there.”He turns back to Patch “Yes tell her and..and I am gonna see if I can find anything in my office,old blueprints of the area..maps...I know old blueprints are in my office, I keep them..old ones,new ones and even a couple ideas for  future projects even”

Jakan shrugs “Who cares about a shrew, it’s a woodlander..I say let it die and Nardo..oh yes the Master Healer”He chuckles “ Well maybe they just find a new one, hmm..I mean who wants a Master Healer who wants to help bandage stripedogs..he is a friend to woodlanders sounds like, let him die with one I say”

Patch has one of his brave moments as he glares at Jakan “You..shut up, tired of ya mouth and your attitude..and thar is beasts lifes at stake ‘ere ya ….” Its likely good no one is around as that last word would likely get most beasts mouth washed out with soap.

Texo just frowns as he  decides “I am gonna go ahead and find Chieftain Blisa.” Ok so where is she, he can check her office first and then her home!

Jakan smirks “That gonna make me shut up? Your just a bartender and I seen how in the face of any possible trouble, you seem to disappear and ..hide like a coward”

Patch stays where he is and just glares, he knows how this weasel works. “Nope..cause one day some beast will make ya shut up and that will be that cause ya will be dead” With that he turns to head on to the tavern.

Teco frowns and runs to find the chieftain and once he does he tells her of the trapped beast, he doesn't mention Jakan as its more important to mention trapped beasts

Jakan just chuckles as the rat leaves, he watches Texo and shrugs “All this fuss over a couple beasts and HOW many are in Ferravale?”He shakes his head as if it’s just foolish, he smirks “I need some wood pigeon and ale...and since the chieftain here don't allow it..I will just have to go elsewhere”He smirks as he adds “For now” He then walks off.


Vilfred can’t really walk to well, it’s more like limping as it was decided they may need to find their own way out, that and where they were  had thick mud and bits of the floor were still unsteady, in fact the whole place was a bit..unsteady.”What is plan now sir ferret?”

Nardo sighs, “I don’t know, I mean..”He looks at the tunnel and frowns “We need a way to get some light down here..”He looks around for anything to use.

Vilfred looks around “Is nothing more than..mud and..thar is the crates yes?” He points to the crates.

Jakan comes wandering into the mill, not too far into it as he smirks “Well now...this place is sort of old, needs fixed up”

With him is another weasel and in their paw a torch tro try and see as the light fades into nightfall “So..why we here then, I thought we were gonna get a drink at the Black Gull and some wood pigeon ...they like don't serve it anywhere in this village”

Nardo shrugs and walks over to look threw the crate “He smiles as he finds a couple oil lamps that seem to still work, even a small bit of oil is left in a bottle, he then looks up to voices “Hey..down here, we are down here!”

Vilfred  listens to the voices “Is being the friend or the foe up there?” He is ever alert and concerned since he can’t really move very fast.

Jakan pulls out some flint and stone and lights a torch as he glances around and walks over to a pile of old crates and...sets them ablaze! He does the same to a pile of old cloth and book of some kind and grins as his eyes reflect the fire light, and the fire starts to spread fairly fast.He looks down at the two as he carefully places his foot paws right “Hello..or maybe goodbye”

The other weasel frowns “Umm..ya..ya didn't mention doing this!” He turns to Jakan “I am gonna report you to the Chieftain!” He starts to run outside!

Nardo backs away, oh no not that voice..please not that voice, he frowns more as is that smoke? Is!He looks to Log-A-Log”Umm...we are gonna die."  But he clearly has no plans to die and so panic sets in as he goes to pick up the Log-A-Log, oil lamps and oil bottle in his pack and goes towards the tunnel he seen earlier, or that direction.

Vilfred does not protect as he is picked up and blinks a couple times, fire is not good, not like this it isn’t.

Jakan places a foot paw out and purposely goes to trip the other weasel”I didn’t, then you didn’t ask why did you Halfnose..nope your fault, so sad..”He decides to quickly back off and then bolt outside just as the building creaks and starts to collapse! He chuckles as he watches the disappear unfold “Oops..”He sneers and just walks down the path, it shouldn’t take too long for the fire to be noticed as it glows brightly in the soon to be a pile of rubble!

His so called weasel friend is tripped and groans, he gasps as a burning board hits his leg, then another and his eyes widen as the floor caves in more from the fire making it even weaker!

Nardo screams and moves faster making sure to try and not drop Log-A-Log, the fire does help him see the entry to the tunnel easily and for that he is glad, but he is not glad to be under a doomed building, that's on fire of all things! Its like some very bad dream one has when they eat too much onions..only he is wide awake!

The building caves in, making the hole even larger and fills in the pit they just barely escaped from,some of the mud,dirt and such help lessen the fire a bit. Though it's still going fairly good as only half the building caved into the now bigger hole, the other half is still above ground and even more dangerous to explore. The hole is gone, gone only cause it was filled up with half the building and some loose dirt and rock and some assorted odds and ends left in the forgotten mill, well if it didn't need repaired before it FOR SURE does now!

Vilfred frowns as he doesn't totally trust Nardo but lets him get him to safety in the tunnel.The lack of light puts them in..




But at least  the Log-A-Log and Nardo are alive, but will they stay alive?

Jakan dusts off and chuckles as he looks from where he stands away from the  burning mill, he then places a fake look of shock and horror as beasts from the village come to see what is going on, they also start to put the fire out, lucky it's by the river, also lucky the only thing beside the mill was an old cottage no one lives in that's also caught fire, so the fire won’t spread much and the snow covered ground helps save any trees, though one does have a branch on fire and that branch crashes into the cottage.

The fire is put out within an hour and news of the fire, on top of 2 lost beasts, quickly gets to the Chieftain who if she isn't already there will likely be there fairly soon!

Jakan has slipped off to the back and smirks, the only one who knows he did this  is the other weasel, who is likely dead and there is that  stupid Log-A-Thing...and the Master Healer of Ferravale, he chuckles as he believes them dead for who survives a building, and fire collapses on top of them! He smiles coldly “Such lost...I need an ale”And now he truly does head to the Black Gull Tavern

Last edited by Elbio Hare and Alts (2020-01-17 10:12:47 AM)

I play
Elbio-LP Hare


#2 2020-01-17 09:56:42 AM

Elbio Hare and Alts
Registered: 2019-06-22
Posts: 188

Re: Chaos At The Mill!-Ferravale Log

I play
Elbio-LP Hare


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