Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2019-07-17 09:16:17 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Fights and Cloaked Beasts!

*** I have the cloaked figure with the longbow...yeah ya get to see whom it is by the end, he's....been away...yeah..***


Cloaked Figure-Me

Xander Winters- Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Northstar Winters- Daughter of Xander,Dibbun

Mudjaw-Ferravale Guard

Rubblethorn- Ferravale Guard

Kalypso-leader of the Blackrose

-Spoofs over various evil vermin


Kalypso was exiting the Black Gull, with her is the two foxes she seems to have a round, also exiting is 2 rats and a ferret as she grins, seems she has recruited.”Oh trust me, I aim to make the Blackrose truly remembered.”

A cloaked figure watches from the side of the road, a longbow and arrows over their shoulder as he mutters “Blackrose?” Seems they are familiar with that name and so they follow the feline and her friends.

Rubblethorn was walking along the dirt road, he may be a guard for Ferravale but he can still go on a walk outside the city and in the woods, right now he is near the bridge along the road that's just after the turn off to the path to Ferravale.

Xander was walking back from Ferravale, at his side his daughter”So, your visit with your grandfather went..well?” He looks around and frowns “Only wish he had come along as well.”

Northstar smiled “Why you so worried Daddy..”She giggles and does a cartwheel, she smiles again”And yeah....he is gonna make me a sword when I turn 6 seasons, wont that be neat? And you and him could teach me to use it”

Kalypso ears perked up at...voices and not just any voices as she singled for the ones with her to hide as she scanned the path and her eyes narrow “If it isn't the stripedog and...oh how intresting”

Also around a cloaked figure, who watches from the sidelines and has their longbow and arrows ready, but are they friend or foe, that remains to be seen.

Rubblethorn frowns as he catches a quick flash of color “Mudjaw...what did de cat look like again?”

Mudjaw comes closer”Calico....had two foxes with her at the time...why?”

Xander sighs “Well...we can see,,maybe be a novice or..who knows maybe one day Badgermother....though rather that be any future dibbuns of yours becomes Badgermother or their dibbuns...”

Northstar chuckles “Daddy...I not gonna be married...and boys are yuckie”Sighs no badgers her age for miles and miles as she smiles at the side of the path seeing some wildflowers “May I pick wildflowers for table decorations daddy....please, its still light out and its just over there”She points to a small area off the path, yes she can be seen from where he is at.

Kalypso  grins, the fox asks “What is it...the dibbun?” She nods “Yes..something tah twas rightfully to belong to Ormaz..but it was assumed she died with her mother....guess she did not, Hanzi mentioned it..course I didn't believe him, he always seems to be seeking to take over my leadership....word of advise he found out it was unwise as he got stabbed in the back...literally and died.”The fox frowns, not that he had plans to try and be leader, he was happy with being a sidekick and bodyguard.

The cloaked figure tries to listen as the two speaks and sighs, ears flatten agasist their head. He spots the dibbun and, he moves a branch a little, the other badger....interesting.

Rubblethorn frowns “ That the cat from the tavern?”

Mudjaw frowns “This is might be, not sure..come on” He singles to try and get closer to
Kalypso and get a better look at her.

Xander smiles at his daughter and manages a chuckle as he sits down on a log, there had not been any trouble so he figured it was ok to relax, he was just too worried.”Stay within my sight Northstar”

Northstar nods and goes to get some flowers, orange and white ones and some with black lines in them and smiles

Kalypso smirks”Surround her...”She nods to the rats and the ferret and one fox, the other she grins “Come with me...”She says quietly and smirks, she gives no warning, no hello, not even a hiss as she appears and right away is attacking Xander!

The cloaked figure frowns and draws forth a arrow but also frowns, he can't fire it and accidentally hit the badger.

Mudjaw frowns “Oh no..we gotta help!”

Rubblethorn right away and heading to the dibbun to try and hold off any evil beasts.

Xander gasps as he barely catches movement out of the corner of his eye and rolls to the side, the cat's blade cuts into his arm some, he draws his own blade and slices at the cat!”YOU!”

Northstar looks up at the sound of her dad's yell and drops the wildflowers she has collected and goes to hide behind a tree, no way she is staying near fighting, she looks at the tree and starts to climb it.

Kalypso grins “Yes it's me....and I have friends!” She says something else and the fox appears, along with a couple beasts also her friend it seems, two other foxes and some sore of ..wolverine

Meanwhile the dibbun is climbing that's nice, but the stoat can climb as well as a fox with a longbow who fires an arrow at her, to scare her and maybe cause her to fall, not so much hurt the dibbun. A ferret also heads towards the dibbun another side of the tree.

Mudjaw comes to the aid of Xander, blade out “Ya look like ya need some help to defeat this feline”

Rubblethorn goes to stab the ferret before it has time to climb too far”Take that ya foul one...not nice to try and harm a wee lass”

Xander nods to Mudjaw and blocks one move and frowns...oh great a wolverine “Why a wolverine..why”

Northstar screams and the arrow barely misses her but it does cause her to lose her balance and fall, lucky not too far up but she does knock herself out when she falls, she will be ok...just sore.

The stoat jumps down and quickly scoops the unconscious dibbun up and heads towards the bridge, he can likely lose  the helpers by the river.

The wolverine snarls and swipes at the badger and then spins and attacks Rubblethorn.

An arrow fires out of no where, tight towards the cat once there is an open shot to be had.

Kalypso chuckles and tenses up as an arrow buries it self into her shoulder, she growls and claws out swipes at Xander's face!! She turns, oh good the stoat has the brat as she grins and nods to the wolverine”Have fun....”And to the others “Retreat...!”

Rubblethorn slices at the rat and ferret and almost stumbles backwards when the stoat jumps down, he cusses and gives chase.

The fox following his leader, Kalypso , first fires an arrow at Rubblethorn and then goes to follow Kalypso .

Mudjaw frowns “Ok we have two archers!”He ducks the wolverine and tries to stab at it and frowns , the fox archer “Rubblethorn outta the way !!”

Xander screams as the claw goes across his eyes, it gets his right eye and part of his chin and forehead, He has blood going down his face but he wipes it away, kicks the wolverine and goes to follow the cat “Get back here!!!”

The cloaked figure frowns, well this is not a good thing, he finds an arrow, aim...waits...fires at the wolverine!

Kalypso  manages to get away, just barely as she swings a blade at Xander again, the wolverine goes to try and tackle the badger as he cross the bridge! The cat uses a possible distraction to flee.

Rubblethorn is hit with the arrow, from fox and falls face down onto the path, the arrow clearly in his back and he is also clearly not moving

Mudjaw quickly rushes over “Rubble!” He goes to check a pulse and frowns as he tries to find one and pay attention to what is going on as there is still a wolverine and some other archer.

Xander slices and stabs at the attacking wolverine, jumps onto the bridge and beheads the weasel that slices at him, the wolverine then gets a lucky tackle it in sending the badger backwards into the rushing river!His blade falls from his paw , onto the railing and balances there.

The wolverine snarls and gets hit in the neck with the arrow from the cloaked beast and also falls into the rushing water, the water makes it crash into the side of the bridge, finishing it off, well...wolverine is dead.

The cloaked figure rushes to the railing of the bridge and scoots the blade to fall onto the bridge and takes off his cloak, arrows and longbow, he is a wildcat! He looks at the two guards”Stay” He dives into the water and swims towards Xander.

Rubblethorn is dead, some blood trickles from his mouth and wound.

Mudjaw feels tears form and jumps when he sees the wildcat and lays a paw on his blade, he blinks “Stay...wait ya not me boss...”He lays Rubblethorn down and looks over the bridge railing and frowns, maybe the wildcat is on their side, he hopes so anyways.

Xander is a very poor swimmer and there is some fast moving water, he ends up sinking and resurfacing once, sinks again and this time stays under the water!

The Wildcat dives under and goes to grab the badger, the wildcat is strong and starts to pull him towards the shoreline by the bridge and draw him further onto the shore and examines him.

Mudjaw walks over, carriyng his friend Rubblethorn “Rubble..tis ..d..dead.”He looks and frowns “He isn't dead he?”

Xander looks...dead, at first and then a gurgle and vomiting of water, a shiver and cough as he groans...”North...Northstar...”He focus on the wildcat and blinks as he focuses, a snarl and then he gets a better look “WOT..?” He starts to get up.

The wildcat makes him stay put “You almost drowned, your need a healer, lucky I have learned some healing since I....been away”He looks at Mudjaw and frowns, he speaks “We can track the evil beasts...but first, Xander needs help”Oh he knows the badger. He will go to get the blade, its a little heavy for him as he sits it down and makes a campfire.”Ferravale is closer....though I do know a healer close by...grumpy old, foul mouthed hedgehog, but he is a healer....I will be back” He stands, he has placed temporary bandages on the badger.”Then maybe we can get him to Ferravale or ..abbey be best”

Xander groans as he looks at the wildcat..”Your....”He passes out, yeah worn out and the injury, this could be a long night.

Mudjaw frowns “Wait who are ya, who this hedgehog? How ya seem ta know Xander...and what we supposed ta just sit and wait on your furry behind?” Grumpy much himself?

The wildcat turns and nods “You will wait, I will return..the hedgehog is an old hermit who refushes to even tell me his name but he will help....”He turns to head off”And my name is Vojin Longtail.”He then heads to the road and is gone, yes he does return with the healer hedgehog, and come morning they will get to the abbey.

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


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