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#1 2019-03-01 11:52:53 AM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Do You Know A Weapon's True Purpose?


Hanzi Conrad Firepaw Jackson -Me- Member of The New Blackrose

Rigel- Archer in The Mossflower Defenders


==Somewhere close to Ferravale and the Mossflower River/North path Bridge around Dusk... ====

Hanzi sighed as they were making good time, they had left almost 2 weeks ago and was finally in the area of Mossflower, not too far from Ferravale, like a little north and west of it. He was practicing some moves with his dirk, the only thing he keep of his life in the Long Patrol and he had gotten better using the dirk, as well as throwing daggers.

Rigel was close by walking along and slows when he sees the hare “Is that being the Hanzi hare…yes it is..what is it you are doing in this place, are you not with the other jolly hares?”

Hanzi slowly turns to the fox and straightens up” It’s Hanzi Conrad Firepaw Jackson and I am not a Long Patrol hare anymore, I left the losers and became something…much better”

Rigel tilts his head “What is being much better than that for a hare beast as you are….Mossflower Defenders?” He grins “That is worthwhile group yes, very much so it is being..helpful and I am a member”

Hanzi rolls his eyes “Ya fer you….so the badger let’s vermin into his group…how lovely” He spins his dirk in his paw.

“I am being de..good fox. Rigel, I am archer ya.”Rigel offers a paw, “I remember you from abbey place, you left with the hares of the Patrol and their leader, the really really tall badger!”

“Do you always talk like that, you sound dumb and…no the Mossflower Defenders are…stupid also but that’s fine let them be….and weak maybe, gives others time to grow..Ever hear of the Blackrose?”

Rigel nods “Oh yes and be hearing they are gone….and over all de way, no Blackrose beast around, nope is being all…how say…not living”

Hanzi just chuckles “Well I wouldn’t say that’s…totally true but there is the old saying….wot one doesn’t know, won’t hurt them..Or maybe it will be their downfall” Just the way he says it just sounds so..cold and hollow and..just so void of emotion almost as he looks at the fox “I know some of the Mossflower Defenders, hmms good or bad?” He smirks “You decide Rigel”

Rigel blinks and frowns at the hare “You are sounding very very unhare like, is seeming…sound like not meet in dark area of the woods.”

Hanzi walks closer to him “You know…your right. You also know something I always thought I was a loser, a failure, a no body but look at me now…I have grown and..changed, for the better and what does a hare sound like? Hmmms..I mean…really?” He looks at his dirk as he spins it, “The only thing I have of my very short patrol life, long patrol dirk, do ya know a weapons purpose….Rigel?”

Rigel stays where he is “To…protect the weak and defenseless, to help…though did be seeing Jaxson use weapon once to slice apple in pieces.” He hmmsm as his tail swishes behind him back and forth as he thinks not really paying the hare any attention at all.

Hanzi nods “Yes yes it can be used for that but a weapons true purpose…”He smirks, good the fox is a fool to not pay attention to the hare, oh yes trust the hare as he spins the dirk and quickly stabs it towards the fox’s side” Is to..kill” He says coldly.

Rigel was clearly NOT expecting that and he doesn’t have any armor on just a tunic as he gasps in pain and red blood starts to soak the tunic and his fur, and run down his side to the snow, he speaks and coughs up blood “W..what is….being……?”

Hanzi just watches and tilts his head, twisting the dirk and stepping back leaving it there a moment, showing him his shoulder, the tattoo..of The Blackrose.” Beautiful…isn’t it? I’m like a temporary…maybe full time..2nd in command, sort of….”

Rigel frowns as his vision spins “I will…tell Xander…owwwww…..”More pain courses threw him as the hare twists the dagger, the fox goes to grab the hare and shove him away.

Hanzi just watches the fox and stands his ground, he has gotten stronger “Sorry…your tell no one…anything Rigel, because sadly you died..too bad they won’t know…why” He goes to rip the dirk out from his side and sends a swift kick to the fox jaw! Then backs away, in a fighters stance.

Rigel yells in pain and coughs, tensing up in pain as his vision spills and he already feels his world fading to black even before the kick connects with his jaw, the kick breaks the jaw slightly and he falls laying sideways. Blood still pours from the wound on his side and now his jaw as well, his life quickly fading away, his breathing slows and stops after a few moments and he goes totally limp and lifeless.

Hanzi watches the fox die and then takes any valuables, he looks at him a short while “You don’t get a flower like….some…no” He smirks “That will come…later for others, not sure when later that’s up to my leader…..I do hope that your own leader is not too upset at your passing…oh well one less beast to worry on…huh”He chuckles coldly and just walks off, leaving the dead fox to be found later by its friends  while the hare slips off and disappears leaving no trace he was even there.

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


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