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#1 2019-02-21 07:45:12 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

News To Share and Updates To Give-LP LOG


Ewan-Me-Resident Redwall Abbey Hare/Private in LP

Ciocan-Badger Lord


Ewan was looking around, he had gone inside quietly ahead of the others while they were talking and likely was not noticed by many. He knew his way around and decided to head to one place he liked to think, the crater.

Ciocan was already up here looking out over the shores and sea. paws behind his back and in a relaxed stance

Ewan walks closer and stops a short distance away and clears his throat "Sur..." He waits on a reply

Ciocan turns and smiles as he sees Ewan "Private Ewan, it is good to see you lad. I am glad it seems your travels were good"

Ewan smiles and goes over and hugs the badger "I..I missed the mountain and missed you and..missed...ummm some of the hares"Ok some he knows disliked him, ok maybe he missed them as well.

Ciocan smiles and returned the hug "You seem to be feeling better since last I saw you Ewan, it seems time at Redwall has done you good then"

Ewan nods as he steps back "Yeah...yes it has helped, it's peaceful there......mostly...well all the way, winter been a little bad for some."

Ciocan asks, "Nothing has happen there has it? I assumed all was well, is it now?"

Ewan says, "All is..fairly good. They are repairing wood beams in the bell tower and some yolks of the bells, oh and they polished the bells and they will likely be back up by Spring Feast..which me and Brother Sinway will miss but thats ok."He frowns "Brother Sinway is sad, cause Kenya died...she drowned an icy creek saving another young beast named he is sad cause of it. Other than than nothing else...oh wait the tavern and Mossflower Defenders base is still slowly being rebuilt, maybe by Summer time..mid Summer maybe""

Ciocan frowns as he listens "Maybe being here will cheer him some. I do hope so and there is the dinner of course. Zolomon and Rudolfo got blueberries as well as some clams and water shrimps, should be good time for all I do hope"

Ewan says, "Also I noticed..Zolomon is not acting like..Zolomon at all."

"That's because....."A voice started as Zolomon came into view.."She died, the Blackrose..k..killed her"Some tears in his eyes, his one ear drooped.

Ciocan looks up to see Zolomon,"Private Zolomon....I thought you were getting some rest, you and Rudolfo both are allowed to have a day off before the welcome  dinner"

Ewan tilts his head and thinks deeply, who would..and he seems to remember wasn't Zolomon falling for.." Sargent Tarsa died?"

Try as he may, Zolomon fails at holding back anymore tears, so there is your answer, "I..I am gonna go back me room" He just walks past Ewan and back to his room without a word.

Ciocan sighs and nods to Ewan "Yes....a Blackrose beast killed her and took hostage a couple privates, we did get the privates back and they have recovered mostly from their ordeal. We lost a couple other privates as well, but other wise did fairly well against them. There was even a failed assassination attempt on me"

Ewan watches Zolomon head back to bed and frowns "That's....sad." He can only guess that Zolomon and Tarsa got closer."Hopefully he himself again"

Ciocan says, "Maybe in time, things such as takes time to recover from but with help from friends maybe he can, maybe he and Sinway can help one another even, we shall have to see.""

Ewan says, "Maybe, they would know how the other feels...or somewhat...a lost of a child is different than the lost of a ...future mate, but it's still a great loss to get over""

Ciocan nods "Yes it is...some here still feel loss from the Mossflower battle..I do as well, losing all the hares, for a little while , made me feel like I failed...but someone gave me my own advise back to me"He chuckles a little "Basically no one is 100% perfect at being a leader"He sighs "Still a great loss was felt, and since then I am trying my best to better know my hares..all of my hares, to be more of a family, we..were not so family like before and being a big family can help a group be stronger..closer...and work together better to do training better and be more ready for any changes or wot ever might come in the future"

Ewan smiles "Hopefully peace will....last a while, peace is nice"

Ciocan smiles "Yes peace is nice and yes I do hope it last, it seems it will the shores are safe and at peace, the seas seem..calm, even Halyard has calmed a little with its troubles for now"

Ewan nods, hugs the badger one more time before heading to bed for the night, he needs some rest.

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


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