Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 Re: RP Chat » When did the abbey get a new Frair? » 2024-02-28 01:03:13 PM

This is news to me, because I've been playing the Friar.

#2 Re: RP Chat » Ideas to start RP again! Maybe a Feast again? +Where I've been » 2024-02-28 01:00:56 PM

Dude, I'm still here, too, if barely.

I've been logging all my characters on weekly to keep myself from getting wiped again, but I literally cannot remember the last time I had a scene.
I'm 100% down to get back into playing again, though.

#3 Re: RP Chat » We need a regular time to RP as a community again! » 2023-07-09 09:04:07 PM

I know it seems like I dropped off the face of the earth. Just got major depression for awhile.

#4 Re: RP Chat » So uh Lossow and Terrence got wiped, oops » 2023-02-28 01:46:52 PM

I'll get back to playing with you again soon. We could do a scene this week if you want? I've been making sure my characters don't get wiped.

#5 Re: RP Chat » Been on this Muck a LONG while... » 2023-02-28 01:37:46 PM

Yeah, I've pretty much disappeared for months, too, only showing up for a feast here and there.
You will be missed.

#6 Re: RP Chat » Need Help With an Accidentally Deleted Character » 2022-01-12 06:09:16 PM

Ayesin, I just tried @chown here, and was told "Permission denied."

#7 Re: RP Chat » Need Help With an Accidentally Deleted Character » 2022-01-12 05:59:22 PM

A follow up question is that three zombies I had on that character are now chilling unowned in his room.
Is there anyway I can take them back?

#8 RP Chat » Need Help With an Accidentally Deleted Character » 2022-01-11 06:06:18 PM

Replies: 9

I don't know where else to put this, so I'm putting it here.
Anyway, I just discovered that I accidentally let my character Lee get p-wiped off the Muck because I lost track of how long it had been since I last logged him in.
I know the character is gone for good, which annoys me, but I have another more pressing issue to deal with.

Several years ago I built an area on Muck and now that Lee has been wiped I've lost ownership and build rights to said area.
Are there still any Wizards about the site that can help me regain ownership of the stuff I built? Or will I have to find Otter?

#9 RP Chat » Adrian is Home, and the Others are, too. » 2021-11-25 12:16:21 PM

Replies: 2

So yeah, because that plot ran WAYYYYYYY longer than it should have, I'm just oficially putting it out there that Adrian, Monty, and Co. all got home around late September, early October.

I don't care to bother with making an actual scene of that, so assume there was a welcome home feast, or whatever.
But it's been a year too long, so I'm finally putting it to bed officially.

Lossow and I will continue to play out the Noonvale rescue until that plot is wrapped up, but otherwise this expedition is officially finished.

#10 Re: RP Chat » Monty and Adrian's Excellent Adventure (Now With Extra Lossow!) » 2021-11-25 12:07:47 PM

Regards when the group gets back, I'm planning to put up a thread detailing their return to the mountain sometime in the next week.
Since it's just me and Lossow's player carrying the torch for Noonvale, I don't rightly know WHEN that'll wrap up.

But anyway, Adrian, Monty, and the others would have got back home near the start of October.
Not gonna bother with any sort of RP scene for that, I'm just wrapping it up.
So yeah, ICly, they're back, and they've been back for a month now.

#11 Re: RP Chat » Monty and Adrian's Excellent Adventure (Now With Extra Lossow!) » 2021-09-08 01:18:36 PM

Sorry I've been super quiet, guys.
I've been involved with a play since the middle of August, so I've been extremely busy.
This past week I also got vaccinated and it wiped me out.
But, I'm back, and I'm gonna say our next scene will be this Saturday, Sept. 11th, again at 1PM EST, 12PM CST.

This is a heads up for Lossow/Terrence, Monty/Dominik, and Log-A-Log.
Hope to see ya'll there.

#12 Re: RP Chat » Monty and Adrian's Excellent Adventure (Now With Extra Lossow!) » 2021-08-03 02:58:45 PM

Hey, sorry I've dropped off the face of the earth, again.
I got a part in play recently and rehearsals have left me feeling pretty exhausted whenever I have my downtime.
I'm still alive, though.

That sounds perfect, thank you for helping, Xavier.
If it comes down to it, I'll do the brother and the fox.
Having someone else to play the vermin leader is immensely helpful, however.

I'm aiming for Saturday, August 7th, at 1PM EST, 12PM CST.
I'm afraid I don't know what time that translates to on the muck.
We'll do it at Noonvale.
Be there, or Be Square.

#13 Re: RP Chat » Monty and Adrian's Excellent Adventure (Now With Extra Lossow!) » 2021-07-21 02:07:20 PM

The basic gist is that a weasel named Plague-Eye took over Marshank, along with his younger brother Ripgut, his fox lieutenant Halfsnout, and 300 other hordebeasts.
Noonvale is currently being threatened with slavery and worse.

#14 Re: RP Chat » Monty and Adrian's Excellent Adventure (Now With Extra Lossow!) » 2021-07-19 05:09:16 PM

Either one of you can play. I'll gather up the stuff I've written, get it up here, and see about getting this Noonvale story going.
I'd still like to have at least a 4th player involved to make this seem like a more weighty and meaty plot.
If you see this, Bandit, I'm talking about you. PM me.

#15 Re: Open Chat » We Need A Discord Server » 2021-07-17 07:32:32 PM

Ol'random wrote:

I mean, I would have used it! It's very useful for planning things and for keeping people up to date in real time, and is very convenient for me to use- but it does require people to actually use it to work well tongue

Ah well i'm luke skyotter#1438 on discord if anyone wants to reach out - I'll probably respond much quicker there than my email or even on the muck itself

That name doesn't seem to work, mate.

#16 Re: Open Chat » We Need A Discord Server » 2021-07-17 07:24:58 PM

Well, Terrence, I'll add you, at least.
I'm Bleu#0222.

#17 Re: RP Chat » Monty and Adrian's Excellent Adventure (Now With Extra Lossow!) » 2021-07-17 07:18:04 PM

So instead of cancelling it all outright, then, I'd prefer to angle the Noonvale arc as the grand finale.
But I need help because I just CANNOT do it by myself.
Hosting TPs is apparently just not my thing.
So please, I'm begging for a volunteer here.
I just need you for a one and done vermin warlord.

#18 Re: RP Chat » Monty and Adrian's Excellent Adventure (Now With Extra Lossow!) » 2021-07-17 07:14:00 PM

If Elmef or Bandit or somebody would be willing to play that Vermin warlord that would make it so much easier on me.

#19 Re: RP Chat » Monty and Adrian's Excellent Adventure (Now With Extra Lossow!) » 2021-07-17 07:11:57 PM

I mean, I'm fine with completely scrapping finding Adrian's AWOL older brother and never mentioning him again, but I'd much prefer to still do the vermin attack on Noonvale arc.
If I could coordinate at least two of us, then I could knock that whole thing out in just a few weeks.
But I've got a whole vermin warlord and a horde at Marshank written up and everything, and I'm quite loathe to just throw all that away.
I did that once before with the cannibal serpent cultists at Loamhedge, and the possibility of that plot ever actually happening dropped to basically zero, so I'm very much not keen on dumping stuff I have written up here again.

#20 Re: Open Chat » We Need A Discord Server » 2021-07-17 01:43:45 PM

Well, then, I deleted it, and I will be deleting this thread, too.

#21 Re: RP Chat » Monty and Adrian's Excellent Adventure (Now With Extra Lossow!) » 2021-07-17 01:37:38 PM

This is a hard decision, but I may have to end this plot outright.
This isn't a done deal, but just...
I don't have the management skills of Jinora, so it's paddling in circles and getting nowhere, so unless someone else wants to take over managing it...

#22 Open Chat » We Need A Discord Server » 2021-07-16 05:00:56 PM

Replies: 10

So, exactly what it says on the tin.
It has increasingly come to my attention that coordinating days to be on with certain fellow players so we can continue our long term exploration plot has become untenable.
Just saying I'll "be on every Monday," is no longer enough.
So, I'm proposing we start a proper discord server that the majority of us can join, and then we'll have a more interactive and easily monitored space to announce when we will and won't be on.
I'm going to create the server, anyway, but I'd love feedback from you guys about what you think.
I'll share the invite link in a separate post in this thread.
Thank you all again.

#23 Re: The Long Patrol » Danger comes to the Western Shores!!!! » 2021-06-09 02:50:15 PM

Varus will stumble into the battle during the middle of the siege.
I don't know how he'll get past the horde unseen.

#24 Re: The Long Patrol » Danger comes to the Western Shores!!!! » 2021-06-08 03:36:22 PM

To clarify, I assume at least a small number of villagers did not come to the fort, and they weren't captured, either, so there's definitely a group that fled Halyard over land, away from the refugees going with Terrence to mountain by boats.
It was incredibly chaotic, so survivors scattering in all directions is very much not a surprise.

#25 Re: The Long Patrol » Danger comes to the Western Shores!!!! » 2021-06-07 12:24:05 PM

SinceI haven't been able to RP as much last week, I'll clarify here what amnesiac Varus has been up to.

He's taken to being a scavenger, and harasses Zoltar's horde now and again, but he does it under cover of darkness, so nobeast has seen him clearly.
His wife Olivia and other children besides Adrian are in full mourning at this time, convinced he is dead.

Varus has been seeing glimpses of Zoltar and Ciocan in his dreams, but the images are all jumbled and confusing.

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