Skarting Returns! And Wants To Help Save Redwall! (Marek's Revenge TP)
Players involved: Skarting, a mouse, Lee, an otter, Flicktail, a fox, and Alvar, a squirrel
Dirt Road: Before The Bridge
It's been a long time since Skarting Firelight has been in Mossflower. It's been a long time since she's been anywhere close to it. But as she walks along the dirt road, familiar landscapes start to slip into view and a grin touches the mousemaid's lips. She really hasn't changed much since her last visit, at lesat in appearance. She looks, for all intents and purposes, to be a searat walking along the pathway some distance from the Abbey. But the merry whistle that escapes her lips is anything but malicious, and the quarterstaff resting over a shoulder in one paw is hardly a terrible sword. Skarting.. the wanderer, the pirate, the Breaker, is back in the lands she once called home.
Presently, another figure can be seen approaching on the road, a small speck at first, but rapidly growing larger as it gets closer. As the beast draws near, it becomes apparent that he is wearing a full bodied cloak, with a hood obscuring the face. However... the end of a broad ruddertail poking out from the bottom of the cloak immediately gives away that the beast is an otter... An otter intent on keeping his identity hidden from most prying eyes.
Skarting is a pro at keeping her identity hidden and-... oh wait, no. No, she's not in the least. And anyone with an intent to do so is immediately on her suspicion list. So it's with that big jovial smile that the mouse waves toward the approaching beast (an otter, if the tail has anything to say about it). "G'day sai! Not many beasts out on this road, eh?" Though her tone is merry, her stance has a faint stiffness to it that suggests she's ready to attack if needed. This is no amateur. This is Skarting Firelight, of course.
The beast draws to a stop, and seems to be sizing up the unfamiliar mouse, trying to decide if she is friend or foe. "Oy, G'day ta ye. Not many beasts about of late... It be wise ta be wary." He decides to observe her for a few moments, before venturing to ask, "Yer not from around 'ere, are ye?"
Skarting continues her stride forward, even as the otter stops, until she pauses just a short distance away from him. "You're right about that one. It's quieter than I've ever seen it here." She observes him right back, her eyes twinkling as she shrugs her shoulders. "Me? Oh, I make my way around. I've been 'ere a time or two, eh?"
Flicktail comes trotting up the road toward his son
The otter decides to make a gamble. He lowers his hood, parting his cloak enough to reveal an acorn pin. "Well, marm, I be from Redwall Abbey, Head Guard, ta be precise... Even if *is* been usurped at the moment... All I ask, are ye friend or foe ta the Abbey?" He then spots Flick, and raises his paw in greeting, while waiting the mouse's reply.
The acorn pin means absolutely nothing to Skarting, as she's been gone for too long to even be involved. Head guard? Wasn't that Flicktail in the past? Or perhaps he was Champion. In either case, Skart's expression remains neutral when he says it's been ursurped. It's typical, of the Abbey. And also, typical of her timing to be back when they likely need help. "Depends on who ya ask, Sai. But I've been known ta help the Abbey a time or two." This time, her eyes meet his, daring him to question further. She does catch sight of Flicktail coming up behind him and waves a paw. "Flicktail, is that you, ya old mongrel!? It's been ages."
Flicktail skids to a halt and blink blinks "Skartling? ohh I LOVE sayin that nme!' he smiles "ello! yes it be me..I see you met me son, Lee...Hi Son
Lee glances at the fox. "Oy, ye know 'er?" Looking at Skarting again, he says, "Err, apologies, Marm. These be dangerous times... an' it pays ta be wary. I am Lee Otterson of Redwall, at yer service."
Skarting glances between the otter and Flicktail, walking over to offer a paw in greeting to the fox. "He sure don't look much like ya, sai. Must've gotten it from his mother's side, eh?" She grins, nudging the fox in the ribs, before turning back toward Lee with a wink. "No worries, mate. Seems every time I come to town, there's some sort of washout going on with this place. Skartin' Firelight. Some call me the Breaker. Though ain't many left that know me around here."
Flicktail asks, "Know er? why Lee me son this is the ONLy Mpuse Skarting yer ever likely ta see" he smiles "I am so proud o me son Marm......"
Lee nods. "A pleasure ta meet ye, Marm. A friend o' me father is a friend o' mine. I sincerely wish I could invite ye down to tha Abbey for our famous 'ospitality, but alas, we be somewot short on that lately. But, fear ye not. When the Long Patrol gets 'ere, we'll send those vermin runnin'."
Skarting laughs at Flicktail's words, nodding. "Aye, I can see it." Her eyes shift to the otter. "What kinda problems are ya folk having, anyway? S'been some time, but I've been known to send a few vermin packing in my day." She may be a bit older than her early seasons, but she's still young enough to pack a punch.
Flicktail says, "were aving merek problems...pesky fox went into our Abby and we needs ta get it back" he shiffles "e took me sword...I'm gettin it back"
Lee nods. "Aye, a beast named Marek... A lot more polite than Ol' Cluny th' Scourge, but just as ruthless. 'E wants ta rule Mossflower... Wi' varyin' degrees o' success."
Skarting flicks her tail, folding her arms across her chest. "Let me 'ave a go at 'im." She doesn't look to entirely be kidding. "Oy, Flickey. Isn't this always the way it is? I come back to town, bash a baddie out of your Abbey, get a few cordials, and take off for another few seasons. But seriously."
Flicktail exclaims, "I will go WIT ya Skart! Lets go! ats a sprit!"
Lee throws his paws up. "Oy, 'old on! Yer both just gonna march in there right now, past all 'is troops an' guards, an' overthrow Marek?" He then says, incredulously, "Ye an' wot army?" He didn't really mean to be quite so blunt... it just... sorta slipped out.
Skarting grins. "You got it, Flickey. Just like the old days, eh?" Her eyes shift to Lee, glancing over him, before just tipping her head in his general direction. "Look, kid. Y'might not know how things used ta be run 'round here. But all these vermin? They all think alike. Ain't hard ta get into their defenses. Oi, I'd like ta give this one a smack or two. Really, though. What kind of defenses does he have?" All this is stated in a casual tone, as if she were asking for sugar for her tea.
Flicktail nod nods to what Skart says "Aye she is roight, you take foxes, daft every one of them, couldn't think to save their lives and don't know their tail from a tree branch...They are so dumb that.....hey...Wait a min...."
Lee blinks. "Umm... Marek 'as a contingent o' body guards, an' 'e rarely exits the Abbey. He keeps 'is guards wi' 'im at all hours, in fact.
Alvar enters from afar.
Skarting scoffs. "S'the way of folks nowadays. I suppose. May'hap I'll go take a peek at some point, look through his borders. See what he's got." She glances bsck toward Lee. "I've seen my fair share, and there ain't too much that can stop me. Those hares? Eh, they're not bad at what they do. But a bit much, for one fox and a few cronies."
Alvar walks along the forest path and close to the road, he slows as he sees a group of beasts. Around his neck is a rainbow shell and he has on more war paint than he had before and feathers in his headfur. His tail flicks as he grumbles, with him is a couple other squirrels with war pain and some feathers in thier tails as he starts to go towards the river bank.
Flicktail frowns and loos at Skart "um..I'm not dave am I skart? I mean...not ALL foxes are know?" he looks bervously at Skart and Lee
Lee spots the squirrels almost immediately, and without further thought he draws his sword. "Oy, Dad, there be somethin' I been meanin' ta tell ye... I'm afraid it be... an unfortunate turn of events. We no longer 'ave support o' the Gawtrybe..."
Skarting grins. "Mayhap a bit, Flick." Her eyes catch sight of the squirrel stepping up the street, and catching Lee's shift in posture, she shifts her quarterstaff just a bit so it's more within her grip (though still set upon her shoulder). "G'day fellas!" the pirate mousemaid calls out, breaking whatever tension may have been started. Might as well see where they stand now, since Lee seems to assume they're the enemy. Though he assumed the same about her.
Flicktail wot? why? Merk coudl kill all teh tribesmen in the abbey, they won't elp their friends..." he looks atthe mouse "Sic em Skat
Alvar folds his arms over his chest as he is noticed and the squirrels on both sides of him look ready to fight if needed, as does he "It is the one know as Flicktail and the otter from the abbey. "Attcking would be unwise of me"Alvar says, ""
Lee glares at Alvar. "Oy, I thought ye were all gonna 'ide in yer little village, an' kill all trespassers? To wot do we owe the honor o' yer presence out on the road?"
Skarting twirls her quarterstaff off her shouler, before thumping it in the ground before her, paws resting on either side of it. "I only attack when I see a threat. Move on. Road's occupied." Again, she grins at the squirrels. Oh, she's just itching for a scuffle.
Flicktail says, "but Lee I LIKE the Gawtrybe...." he looks at Alvar "Flicktail asks, "Wot appened suh?"
Alvar grins, "Seems some dislike the old ways of the tribe, but it matters not I am leader now.." He looks at Flicktail, "What should have happen before, us not helping you..the ones who said they would help was wrong..too much in this new" He smirks " I challenged Treesong and she lost..she was not ready for leadership and Ekon is too old to stop me...the old fool thinks he knew best and to think I found the healer mouse to save his life...prehaps shouldnt of, I dislike that mouse, way too loud...I should of just let him fall when he passed out his landing would of been most unpleasent"
Flicktail lloks up "well this seems easy, I will find treesong and have her make me her champion andthen I will defeat you, and she will beleader again..because your not a hard squirrel to defeat.....
Lee growls softly. "Oy, yer on thin ice, Alvar, I'm warnin' ye. From henceforth, the Gawtrybe will be considered enemies o' the Abbey, an' treated as such."
The tribe squirrel glares at the fox and Lee as well and laughs "You are funny, I am not easyly defeated, I have a whole tribe . I am an expert with the longbow, you would die"
Flicktail asks, "then you acceptthe challenge?"
Skarting just glances between the group, and takes a step closer to the squirrels. "Ya heard me. Scram. Go toss your threats elsewhere. No one's afraid of ya here."
Alvar smirks as he turns to leave, "I will go and by the way if anyone not of tribe sits foot on our land, they will die..I not care whom they are and you will not find Treesong foolish fox, and even if did she can not say you are her champion, you are not of tribe nor are squirrel..."He looks at Lee" Tell the ones who come they are not welcomed on MY land, they will die too, I do not care..order beast.not order beasts, or the fox...woodlander or vermin, no one. Gawtrybe not help Abbey beasts at all and no talks either..good eve" He turns to leave, his squirrels with him and rustleing in the trees show there may of been more.
Lee likewise steps forward, resisting the urge to foolishly run after Alvar to fight. "OY, YER A FOOL TA DO WOT YER DOIN'! YE WATCH YER BACK!"
Skarting calls after the group, "Oy, don't let the door 'it ya on the way out!", waving a paw cheerfully. She then rolls her eyes, turning back to Lee. "Right nut, that one, eh, sai? This place hasn't changed in seasons. Same as always. I love it."
Alvar snorts as he heart the otter and mouse, he turns to aim an arrow and then lowers it and just walks on down the path and away from the two beasts as he mutters to himself.
Lee chuckles ruefully. "Oy, yer right, things never change. The seasons pass, but beasts stay the same, always. Sometimes things just get a little more crazy than usual, like now."