Looking for Leon...again. 'Cause he, like, always gets kidnapped :P ;) (Redemption of Marek TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This happens during and after this log: this log

Here there are the remainders of a once well-used fire pit, though now several new plants spring up from the charred blackness of the ashes.  Once again the Phoenix of life brings back something from the dead, though in the air a burnt tinge just flees your sense of smell.  More overpowering is actually the grasslands, the musky scent of vegetation filling the air.  Now deep enough in the grasslands to have no actual landmarks to go by, the sun or stars is the only sense of any thing pertaining to movement.  Farther and farther the fields go, as endless as they seem.
Exits: [T]oward the [R]oad, [D]eeper into the [G]rassland
Small tent

Boaz the hawk. DoraRose the mouse. Irinevok the crazy mouse. QuickArrow the ferret. Leon the mouse. Chud the otter with otter spoofs and Emyuil the mouse.

Boaz is flying around and lands in the grasses as he preens a wing and looks around. What he is looking for is not clear but he is clearly looking for something.

DoraRose is also looking for something, or rather, someone. She has left the Abbey, alone, and is now struggling to cross the ditch. Going down the one side was easy, it's getting up the other side that's the challenge. Hooking the blade of her battleaxe onto the side of the ditch, she uses it to lever herself up, out, and onto the grasslands. Rolling, she comes to rest on her back, staring up at the sky. After a moment of catching her breath, she stands and hefts her axe, looking around. She is dressed in thick barkcloth armour over her black tunic, leggings and boots, and she has a bronze helmet on. She watches the bird land, then jogs over to him, waving a paw and calling out to him. "Hey! Um, you! You're a friend of Leon's, right?"

Boaz tilts his head as he looks at the mousemaid and puffs out his wings as he eyes the battleax "What want from Boaz...why have ax?" He doesn't answer the question just yet.

DoraRose slows and holds up her empty paw. "I'm not here to hurt you. Leon's been missing for almost a whole day, and I've gotten concerned. I was hoping you could help me find him. And I have my axe because I never leave the Abbey unarmed." She lays the battleaxe on the ground and spreads her paws wide. Her sword is strapped to her back, and she has a haversack on over it, which makes it hard to see. A sling is wrapped around her waist, and a stone pouch is hanging from her belt. When she leaves the Abbey armed, she really goes out ready to defend herself.

Boaz studies her and nods "Boaz seen Leon friend...then didn't see Leon friend. Boaz got rats away.." He doesn't add gee then I ate the rats, "Boaz then look, not find friend...thought found little bit go but was not friend"

DoraRose lets her shoulders slump a little, partly from relief that the bird can help, and partly from the idea of the hawk needing to get rats away. "Rats? There were rats chasing Leon? How many? Did...erm, do you have any idea who they were working for and if they managed to catch Leon? Where they might've gone?"

Boaz tries to remember, he was only there briefly but flew over the area, "3..then take away 2..leaves 1 ratty...yes." Boaz looks towards the woods a little "Seen close to woods yes...thought be ok but not think is..one bad beast have arrows, Boaz hates arrows and arrow hit....some beastie, but not friend"

DoraRose bites the inside of her cheek, struggling to keep her temper in check as her impatience mounts. "The guards said that Leon had left the Abbey with a mouse Novice named Rory. Was the beast that got shot a mouse? Can you take me back to the place of battle?" Her voice has taken on an eager tone, and she bends over and picks up her axe, ready to follow the bird at a moment's notice.

Boaz frowns, he backs up and flaps off towards a wooded area not to far away, he also makes sure no other bad beasts are around as he lands and looks around. He sees the novice and hangs his head...least no one seemed to bother the novice so that's good...right? He looks around for anything else, signs of a little bit of a struggle are seen, some tuffs of fur maybe that's black and a satchel of herbs that may of been dropped.

DoraRose follows the bird as fast as she can. She has been diligently keeping up her training and excersise while in the Abbey, so she's as fit as ever, and so is only just barely winded when she comes to the scene of battle. Sorrow and anger fill her face as she kneels by the dead Novice. Frowning, she stands and looks around the area, noting everything, including a couple of teeth laying in the road, along with some drying blood. She shakes her head as she picks up the herb satchel. "I think this is more grave than I first realized....did you see if the rats were obeying anybeast, and if so, who he was?" She has a feeling....a hunch...that she knows who did this horrible deed.

Boaz says, "Dark furred beast, tall like rat but not rat...Boaz confused but cloaked beast didn't go try stab Leon friend, rats did...so Boaz take rats away and..." He thinks on his words "Rats not coming back but then Boaz No find friend Leon or the odd tall beast, or 3rd rat." He tries to think, he didn't see the ferret with the longbow, "May been other beasties...not sure""

DoraRose clenches her jaws and stares down the road. "That almost sounds like Irinevok...this is bad. If he's in Mossflower..." she can't finish her sentence as she goes to put the herb satchel in her haversack. "Did you see where they went? Do you have any idea at all? Even just a little hunch would be better than nothing."

Boaz shakes his head and looks down sadly "Boaz is sorry...Boaz should not of ate lunch before make sure friend was ok...Boaz couldn't find friend and he not ok probably, Boaz is very bad friend yes he is"

DoraRose sighs and goes to lay a gentle, comforting paw on the hawk's wing. "You're not a bad friend, you just made a mistake. Don't worry. You can fix it by helping me find Leon and get him home safely. You're not a bad friend, I promise." She smiles kindly, trying to help him understand that she's not mad at him.

Boaz nods "Boaz help find friend, fly high and fly low Boaz will."

DoraRose smiles reassuringly and nods. "Good. Now. Let's look in the surrounding woodlands. I'll go East and you go West. We need to stay within hearing distance of each-other, so that way if one of us gets attacked or finds something, the other will be able to come and help. Sound good?"

Boaz nods "If rat come and hurt Dora friend..Boaz will eat rat...not had food yet today"

DoraRose pauses, unsure what to say. She just nods and says, "Well....thank you. Just...don't eat him until we're sure the threat is gone. And if somebeast attacks you, I'll come and chop their heads off with my axe." She smiles.

Boaz nods to this as he takes flight to get a birds eye view of the area.

DoraRose nods and goes to the East, searching the woodland floor for any signs of anything at all. Using her axe to clear some brambles, she continues her search from the ground.

Boaz searches from the sky and looks around. He carefully dives a couple times and looks for signs of anything and frowns more as he lands in a tree and peers around some more "No beasts no where...is none."

DoraRose has found footprints going in the direction of the river. She wipes some dried blood off a leaf, then runs over to under the tree where the hawk is perched. "I think we should check by the river. I...I have a feeling that there might be a clue there." She really can't explain what her feeling means, exactly, but she's starting to get an idea.

Boaz nods as he goes to fly closer to the river and if nothing else there is fish there to eat and he can serch better with a full stmach.

Mossflower Woods: Bank of the River Moss

You stand at the river bank. The trees stand behind you as you face the water. further east,down the river, you see a bridge to cross the river. You glance at the muddy band and think the river might have overflowed every now and then.

Exits: [N]orth into [R]iver [M]oss, [U]p [R]iver, [W]est to [R]oad

DoraRose comes up to the bank of the river and glares at the water. She is finding no more footprints, or any other kind of track or sign, and she is very angry about it. Kicking the shallows, she sits on the bank and buries her face in her arms, her battleaxe laying beside her.

Boaz watches the mousemaid and tilts his head, he then straightens up and looks down the river as if hearing something.

DoraRose looks up at the hawk, then comes on the alert as she notes his body language. "What do you hear?" She whispers, standing and hefting her battleaxe.

Irinevok is by the side of the river useing a bandage to tend to his paw, a bandage he stole. He looks at the river every so often.

QuickArrow limps till he is beside the cloaked mouse and kneels, he has an injury on his leg and shoulder, "Master...I delivered the message as you asked"

Boaz suddenly flies off and scans the area, seeing the cloaked beast he narrows his eyes and goes to dive bomb him aiming to hurt not kill yet.

Leon is unseen, but also not in the safest of places during times the river is slightly flooded. An old beaver den that has only a small area above the water inside the den and a couple holes in the roof of the den as maybe a storm messed it up some. He is laying down catching his breath and trying to figure out what to do next as this is also not the best spot for passing out or the safest for very long.

Irinevok looks up and screams as the bird gets a couple talon marks down his back, "Kill that darn bird!"

QuickArrow glances up and readies his arrow and takes aim, he then fires off an arrow, he is a little off as his shoulder still bleeds some but just a little off.

DoraRose follows the bird, then sees him dive bomb the pair and screams, "No, Boaz, don't!" She rushes in, swinging her battleaxe at the ferret. She is wearing a tunic, legging, boots, thick barkcloth armour and a bronze helmet. Holding her axe in one paw, she shrugs off her haversack and tosses it behind her, revealing that she also has a bastard sword strapped to her back.

Boaz goes to claw at the crazy mouse again as the arrow hits his wing and he about crashes, he is not hurt too badly but his left wing is messed up now as the arrow hit it and then continued till it sank into a tree, he ends up landing in a tree and starts trying to tend to his hurt wing. Not broke but its hurt enough where he cant fly well.

Irinevok narrows his eyes at the mousemaid as he looks ready to make his retreat, "Quickarrow...kill her!" He goes to back up and dash into the woods "I already killed someone today your turn!"

QuickArrow smirks as he goes to aim his longbow and notch an arrow "With pleasure sir." He aims and gets ready to fire it.

Leon can hear the fighting and frowns but he can't yell out to any beast and he isn't sure if he has the energy to swim right now either.

DoraRose roars with fury and closes what little gap is left between her and the ferret, swinging her axe at his torso. The good news is that she'd also be chopping his bow in half. The bad news is it's almost impossible to miss at point blank range. But the warrior mouse doesn't realize that because the Bloodwrath is starting to take control.

Boaz scans the area and puffs out as the crazy mouse flees, he looks around for any signs of other vermin, or possible friends as he looks at his wing...flight feathers messed up and there is a gash where an arrow slid across it.

"FURY OF THE STREAM!" comes a shout from the undergrowth and a slingstone comes whistling through the air to smack Quickarrow in the shoulder, and a certain teenaged otter, that being Chud, charges out of the forest, wielding a wooden cudgel and with his dirk at his belt. A few otters are with him, all similarly garbed in green tunic and brown pants. Camp Willow scouts.

QuickArrow eyes widen as the bow is cut in half and he tries to hit the mousemaid with the broken bow, at the same time the rock hits his shoulder that's already injured and causes him to fall sideways in surprise, a crack is heard as the shoulder breaks from impact on the ground.

Leon frowns as he stands a little shaky, still inside the darn beaver den, he gasps a little as it is only falling apart more and looks on how to get out safely, he is still tried and sore from earlier...great trick the insane one into thinking you drowned and its possible he may drown for real as even the best swimmer can only do so much in a falling apart den of...well logs and sticks.

Boaz goes to try and fly off for any help...well that fails so he hopes a little ways...stupid hurt wing.

DoraRose doesn't notice as the bow hits across the face, scratching her forehead and causing half of her face to swell. The Bloodwrath full upon her, she sees the ferret going down and goes to chop off his head! However, she trips over the broken bow and stumbles, not only missing her target completely, but dropping her axe and falling into the river. The wet and cold of the water bring her to her senses, and she struggles to keep her head above water, clothed as she is in thick barkcloth armour with her sword strapped to her back. Her bronze helmet keeps her head safe from the branches floating over and by her.

The otters fan out, noticing the collapse. One of the burlier ones dives sleekly into the water after DoraRose; meanwhile Chud crouches by QuickArrow and draws out his dirk. "Don't move," he hisses. Two other otters go towards the beaver den.

QuickArrow looks up at the otter and narrows his eyes at him, he says nothing but stays still.

Leon frowns and takes a chance as he can't stay in here and takes a deep breath and dives under the water, he is tired yes but he manages to slowly resurface after bumping into a couple logs and grabs one to hold onto and looks around. He has a black eye, a few cuts on his arms and a gash on his left leg, but not too deep of one and his neck is bruised and swollen as he looks around.

DoraRose thrashes around, panicking as her armour gets waterlogged and she goes completely under. The burly otter dives deep in the river, dodging logs from the disinigrating beaver lodge. The warrior mouse looks up and sees the log that her husband is holding onto pass by over her head. She relaxes slightly, knowing that he is safe.

Leon's eyes widen, ok he forgets being tired and lets go of the log. He is smaller than an otter and uses some of his skill to swim in between the logs and when the otter loses track of her he doesn't and grabs Dorarose and starts to resurface, he almost gets to the surface when he grunts and looks ready to pass out. Luckily an otter grabs them both just as he passes out and gets them both to the shoreline.

QuickArrow tries to kick Chud and is knocked out cold, the otter with Chud discuses what to do and its decided to take him to the abbey after tying him up of course and leaving him in the care of the head guard.

DoraRose coughs up water as her head breaks the surface. She is nearly unconscious as the otter lays her and her husband on the bank of the river. Slowly reaching over, she goes to grab her husband's arm. "Leon..." The otters go to do as they planned, leaving just the burly otter behind with the 2 mice.

Leon coughs a little and opens his eyes looking at Dorarose, the coughing makes his throat hurt even more as he goes to slowly sit up looking to see whom is here and making sure no one else is here as he hears the final bits of beaver den float off he frowns, well that could of been bad to be in or near.

DoraRose sits up slowly, coughing up more water. "Leon...Leon what did he do to you?" She asks, going to lay a gentle paw on his cheek as she looks at his injuries. The burly otter coughs and dives into the water to get away from the awkward-for-outsiders scene.

Chud, who had escorted Quickarrow to the Abbey, returns now...bringing Emyuil with him. The Half-Rat charges over to his sister and brother-in-law like all the demons of Hellgates are after him, fury, concern, fear, and Bloodwrath all playing equally on his features. Chud watches from a distance.

Leon frowns as he still can't talk, but he does hug Dorarose showing he is glad she is ok as well. He looks for a way to write something but not really able to here, he sees Emyuil and nods towards him to tell Dorarose he is coming over.

DoraRose decides to ignore her brother for once and goes to gently kiss her husband. The burly otter, who chose just this moment to come up for air, hops out onto the bank and trots over to Chud, saluting with his tail and reporting that there were no more beasts in the river. Except for a pike. But the fish doesn't count as a person.

Emyuil looks a bit hurt, still on high adrenaline, and Chud nods to the otter. "Good work," Chud says. "We should probably get a healer, but I can do first aid for now." He reaches in his pouch and walks quietly over to the couple, asking if he can tend their injuries.

Leon tries to say something and frowns when he can't get anything out, its clear he tried though

DoraRose keeps her paw on her husband's cheek and tenderly touches her swollen and bruising face. Half of it was hit by QuickArrow's broken bow, and she has a cut on her forehead, too. "That would probably be good. Please see to Leon's neck first, please. Emmy..." she looks up at him, trying to communicate with her eyes how much he means to her. "Can you find Nightsong for me? I think I dropped it." She goes back to looking into her husband's eyes as she murmurs, "I thought Irinevok had killed you..."

Chud pulls out a few healing herbs, pulped and in a jar, and begins to make a compress for the various wounds of the two mice. Emyuil smiles faintly, message received, and heads along the riverbank to look for the ax.

Leon lets someone look at his neck and stays still. He also has the gash on his leg and cuts on his arms. His neck is swollen and bruised and he has the black eye also.

Chud looks at Leon's neck closely. "Got off lucky," he murmurs to himself. "It ain't broke." He hmms to himself. "Can you swallow? Nod if you can."

Leon nods, he can carefully swallow.

Nightsong the battleaxe is laying half in the water, looking very lonely. DoraRose waves off the burly otter's administrations, getting up and going over to her haversack. Picking it up, she goes back over and sits by her husband again as she digs out a satchel of herbs and hands it to the Master Healer. "I think you dropped this." she smiles and goes to hold his paw and his stump, just glad to have found him alive and relatively safe and sound.

Leon smiles as he takes the satchel, he didn't have his surcoat of herbs on him so also proof he didn't plan to stay out to long at all.

Emyuil grabs Nightsong and hefts it fondly. Knew it wouldn't be lost. Chud pulls out a small vial of amber fluid and passes it to Leon. "It's just honey; this'll soothe your throat. Gonna put a cold compress on your neck to kill the swelling too." He heads over to the stream after giving Leon the vial.

Leon watches the otter head off and sniffs the vial, yeah he is making sure as he is just edgy a little maybe, hey he can make sure.

DoraRose smiles at her brother, but will wait to thank him when he comes over here. She digs around in her haversack and pulls out a sturdy book. Opening it to a blank page, she lays it on her husband's lap and pulls out a quill pen and some ink and sets it beside the book. "This is my diary, but you can write in it what you need to say. What happened, Leon? You've been missing for more than a day."

Leon goes to write down- Irinevok, a mouse, is around the area and got me. He also has a blacksmith named Javier and the master healer of Ferrvale as captives. He said something about the chieftain of Ferravale also. the mouse choked me after I punched him in the jaw he..- He starts to cry slightly and writes- His ferret killed Rory and he laughed...so punched him and then he grabbed me by the neck. I woke up in this cell and that's when saw the other captives, shortly after that he came back , and attacked me in the cell and then dragged me to the river and threw me in...I got into the old beaver den to try and make him think I drowned...then heard yelling and you know rest-

Emyuil saunters back over, offering Nightsong to his sister. Chud meanwhile has soaked a rag in crystal-clear, fresh, cold, clean water from the river and walks over to Leon and instructs him to wrap the rag around his neck to get the swelling down.

DoraRose reads the note as she waves for her brother to carry it to wherever they're going from here. She looks up, compassion and anger filling her eyes, and, after showing the other 2 the note, she goes to hug her husband tightly. "Oh, Leon. Don't worry, Irinevok will be stopped. Even if I have to be the one to do it."

Leon shakes his head at the idea that she face him as he tries to speak, "N...No" It sounds horrible when he speaks, and he coughs a couple times after wards and writes- that mouse is too insane-

Chud hands the compress to Leon and gathers up his otter buddies. "If we're all set now, me an' m'mates gotta get back t' the camp. I trust you beasts can make it back to the Abbey?" Emyuil nods.

DoraRose stares deep into her husband's eyes as she puts a finger to his lips. "Have you never seen me in the Bloodwrath? I'll be fine. Trust me. I'm a warrior; taking down beasts who intend to harm others is my job. I'll be alright." She goes to kiss him again, then stands and shakes her head at the otter leader. "I don't think Leon is strong enough to walk back to the Abbey. We're going to Ferravale, at least for a few days. Thank you very much." After making sure on everyone else's plans, she goes to go to the village, helpign her husband if he needs it.

Chud heads off, Emyuil remaining with the mice naturally. Chud is whistling to himself. Another day, another heroic act. Heh.

Leon stands and allows the help, he nods to her as Ferravale is a good idea, and a note to abbey be good too, he then writes that down and hands the book back to his wife.

Thanks for reading!
