Just freaking chaos on Leon's day off!!!!! Whutjusthappenedhere, uh.....yeah. O.o (A Redwall log with Camp Willow, Hamster, and Taggerung guests)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]

Otters: Liask, male. Lutea Mudpaw Taggerung, female.

Mice: DoraRose and Angela, females.

Hamsters: Ping, male.

DoraRose is staring at the ceiling. Actually, she's more glaring at it. She has been stuck in here, not allowed to leave or do much of anything, for about a week, and she is...unhappy, to say the least.

Some of the other Redwallers have talked in hushed tones about her taunting the Viking who was mauling Lee, but she managed to glare them into silence. The wounded from the battle are here because, as of right now, Camp Willow lacks any decent facilities to treat injured beasts.

Sighing, she leans her head against the wall.

Angela has allowed her to sit up. The old Healer is temporarily in charge because she forced Leon to take some time off; she actually got kind of mad at him and had a guard drag him out because reasons.

Dora sighs again and looks back down at her lap. Her diary, a quill pen, and a closed inkpot are beside her on the cot; she's been journaling for the past 3 hours, her facial expressions wavering between anger and sorrow. But now she just looks grumpy.....

Lutea, on the other hand, has been quite fitfully sleeping - and reluctantly so. It's taken three healers, several bouts of herbal treatments, and some under-handed boozing to keep the otter in bed for this long - and that time is /up/. The Taggerung wakes in fits and starts, immediately sitting straight up with a gasp, a paw going to her side where the spear pierced her; she looks worse for wear, her muzzle crooked from Kolbjorn's impact, her shoulder stitched and bandaged, and the hole in her side - while miraculously shallow - is a nasty thing to behold. She seems to be phased by very little of this, and after a moment of bleary, confused blinking gathers herself together and swings her legs over the side of her cot, and stands. "Where's th'bloody loo? Been days since I took a good - hoi, gerroff!" She slaps a healer away as they rush towards her. She's fine! See? Fine!

The mouse isn't the only one who is glaring angrily at those around them. The large bandage wrapped around his head between his eyes is the reason Liask has been out of it for so long. Turns out that ax gave him a concussion as well as a nasty cut.

He is currently sitting cross legged under his bed sheets, arms crossed and tail twitching behind him. "Hey! Why are they getting all the attention! I want to speak to a healer! I want OUT OF HERE. And where are my bloody pants! So help me I ain't afraid to leave here with out them! Mark my words on that!"
It seems the healers have their paws full today.

Ping peeks into the infirm, there is so many injured in here. He seems to be looking around and just sort of stands there, he quickly moves when a healer says excuse me and he nods and sits down "y...y...yes"

Suddenly Angela is in the middle of it all. Pointing her stick at the Taggerung, she growls, "SIT YERSELF DOWN, Missy, or so 'elp me, I'll tie ye down! AND YOU!" she whirls upon the Liasky person. "I'll come talk to ye /after/ I deal with yon brute 'ere!!" More gestures at the Taggerung.

Compared to these nutsoes, Dora seems comatose.
DoraRose turns and sees the hamster. Her face softening, she waves him over to her bedside. Her left arm and leg are immobilized to keep her from injuring herself worse. "Come sit by me, you sha'n't be in the way here! Are you new to Redwall?"
Meanwhile, Angela has gone up to the grumpy female otter and is jabbing at her with her staff to gain her full attention. "/I/ am 'Ealer 'ere while my grandson is away, and whatever /I/ say goes, y'understand me, young'un?? If ye'll act like a civilized lady and stop actin' like a crazed monster of a buffoon, I /might/ let ye up. Do y'understand me?!" Do not mess with Angela.

At the hamster's sudden entrance, Lutea takes a break from batting healers away to observe. What a funny little creature - while she is /definitely/ not one to speak on beasts being funny looking, she /is/ just delirious and blunt enough to comment on the apparent futility of his presence. "Wha' are y'doin'?" She asks, wobbling to the left, wobbling to the right, and then catching her balance on the end of her bed. Steady, girl. It's hard to stay balanced, though, when she has some crazy monster snapping at her ear! "Stop /pokin'/ me, ya lunatic! I've 'ad worse than these minnow-nibbles jus' playin' as a dibbun so-" She side steps as this beast ATTACKS HER WITH A STICK WTF. "Rude!" She slaps it away with a paw, her face twisted incredulously. "Go yell at /'im/!" She waves at Liask, still trying to dodge around Angela. "'E took an axe t'the head f'the love of - Hoi!"

So this is what it looks like when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object. Taking advantage of the battle of the wills between the healer and the warrior Liask ties his bed sheet around his waist to the best of his ability. "I ain't staying here to let no mad witch doctor cut me open and mess with my squiggly bits!" He steps off the bed at a bit of a stumble, trying to make his way to the door.

Watch out! The otter is on the loose!

Ping quickly goes over to Dorarose, he mutters "Seen...worse than a...a...all this" He frowns, well maybe not but in his eyes, he looks at the mouse Dorarose "I...I should of...l...l...listened to..." He then rethinks his words, no he will just relax, "Umm...never mind...I am here to just ...couple days. Then back to my mate and...daughter" He frowns seeming worried.

The mouse Warrior looks curiously at the hamster. "You okay? You seem kind of nervous. I may be able to help you...or at least find some one who can. Oh, and my name is DoraRose, by the way, but you may just call me Dora if you'd like." She smiles in a friendly manner.

Angela growls and goes to grab the Taggerung's ear and twist it. "Ye WILL respect yer elders, Missy! If you'll be /polite/ and tell me where ye want to go, I may allow ye to go there!" She may not, too. Spotting the escaping otter guy, she shouts, "Don't let 'im get away, I 'aven't checked on 'im yet!" Liask will now find himself with 4 Novice Healers bearing down on him, blocking his exit and doing their best to wrastle him back to his bed, all the while striving to not hurt him any worse than he already is.

Ping frowns "Well...I...actually no ya can't cause I gotta ...I mean..." He covers his mouth with his paw and suddenly rushes off before he says something that will get him in trouble, not so much trouble in the abbey but elsewhere.

"YOWCH y'crazy /demon/!" Lutea yelps. She's lived a more... Savage existence than these softened Abbey folk, so the moral complexities of infirmaries escape her; complexities like laying down, resting, and /having your ear twisted off by a CRAZY PERSON/! The otter moves quickly, running on confusion and instinct, despite the drugs which still gnaw at the edge of her consciousness. She stoops, twists left, twists right, and - wrenching herself free of the mouse's deathgrip - /flings/ herself over the adjacent cot and its sleeping occupant. She hits the ground with a whump, already scrambling at the stones and making a break for the stairs on all fours. The adrenaline of escaping this apparent torture pen is working its magic on the lingering sedatives - but she can't just leave poor Liask behind, can she?! Oh, wait - he got face-jammed by a flippin' axe, so yes. Yes she can. "Sorry, mate!" She squeaks, slides under another bed on her stomach, and then makes a final break for the exit...

There are rational fears and then there are irrational fears. The fear of healers would be an irrational fear for Liask, but one powerful enough to make the otter wriggle in the grasp of the novices, "le' go! le' go!" He manages to wriggle from their grasp like a slippery fish, dashing out the door and through the hallowed halls of the famous Redwall abbey.

Minus his bed sheets...

Dora raises her eyebrows as the hamster dashes off, then stares in mild awe as the otters somehow manage to escape. "Uh, Nana? D'y'need my help?"

"NO!! Stay abed!" Angela shouts as she and half the Infirmary full of Healers dash off after the escapees.

DoraRose frowns, then goes ahead and gets out of bed. Using the cots to help herself along, the mouse (who is wearing an old habit, thankyouverymuch) manages to get a crutch and hobbles after the fleeing chaos, taking great care to not move her left arm and leg.

Angela, meanwhile, is at the back of the group because she can't go very fast, but she is LIVID beyond belief. Speaking in moderate tones for now, she urges the other Healers. One, an actual, full-fledged Sister, takes half of this crew to chase after the Taggerung while she leads the others to nab Liask.

The whole of the Abbey is starting to echo with the shouts of the Healers chasing their ding-dongy-dong escaped patients.

Dora grabbed her diary and writing equipment before she bid a hasty escape to the Gatehouse.






Thanks for reading! Isn't this hysterical? XD For the rest of DoraRose's adventure from that day, read here: http://rwmuck.limitless.org/rwmuck/content/love-everything-redwall-log-5...
