Just, like, no. Basilisk would eat you, dude. Sorry :( or Marek shares the events of Longfang's death

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

FV:Infirm:Main Room

This is the infirm. The far walls are lined with simple cots with clean sheets and pillows. The sheets and pillows are mainly white and blue.The room is keep clean and well sweeped. Cabnets are agaist one wall full of healing supplies and herbs,each marked in its own jar. A examineing table is seen and a wash basin.

Exits: [M]aster [H]ealer's [R]oom, [R]ecovery [R]oom, [H]ealer [D]orm [H]all, [B]ack

Marek the stoat. Blisa the cat, Butterclaw the sparrow, and Ferdinand the ferret.

Marek has been in and out of consciousness and has finally be able to stay awake and managed to eat and drink a little bit but he will be stuck in here a few days still to recover. He is still weak and very sore.

But he is no longer going to have any peace and quiet. Why? Because Blisa and Butterclaw have arrived!! Oh, and Ferdinand's with them, too. They enter to Infirm, and the Sparra starts chirruping excitedly. "Marek Lilyfriend stoatworm is backsafe!" The young cat runs over to his bedside and says happily, "Hi! Can you talk yet?" The ferret hesitates, then says quietly, "Perhapth we thould let him retht thome more..." but he is ignored.

Marek looks at them and coughs a little, "I can...talk fine" His throat feels better he just sounds weak and tried still. bandaged up and his arm is bandaged up too and in a sling.

Oakenpaw comes walking in with a tray of fresh dressings and bandages ALL just for Merek, as he sets the tray down "well Hello Blisacat...Butterclaw...and Ferdie your all welcome wot?"

Blisa smiles and goes to pat the stoat's paw...the one belonging to the uninjured arm. "Good. Now maybe you can tell us what happened. It must've been awful." Butterclaw chirrups again. "Lilymouse friendworm will be smilehappy that Marekworm is backsafe!" Ferdinand glares at the hare. "Don't call me Ferdie."

Marek nods, "Well...simply put the ermine hated me, then had his reasons suppose." He sighs, he hates feeling this way as if he moves it hurts, so he is not moving unless needed right now.

Oakenpaw sits down beside the bed with a cup of willowbark tea "Apologies Sir Ferdinand, I thought it a term of endearment wot?" he looks to Marek "here this should 'elp wi' that pain and Blissa can 'elp me change yer dressing if she like"

Blisa balks and hides behind Ferdinand. "No, thanks. I don't wanna help change dressings." She peeks around his arm. "You mentioned something about an eagle the other day, Marek. What was that all about?" The ferret purses his lips. "Apology accepted." Butterclaw seems to shrink. "Eaglebird?! Scarybird eagle huntseats SparraWarriors!"

Marek answers, "The eagle was...north of the river, it...ummm" He remembers as it's hard to forget but he skips details and gets to the point, "It killed Longfang, right before Longfang was going to remove my head." He sighs "But that ermine had friends who was gone before the bird came and he had them take someone away who tried to help me"

Oakenpaw sits down and begins removing the older dressings very gently "Well Sir Ferdinand, I, for one and glad you, and Marek ere...are on our side" he looks at Butterclaw "Not to worry bout no Eagle me Fine Feathered friend, Me and Matilda will WHACK any Eagle wot tries to harm ya....Oh and Blissa, how is Basilisk? will you tell him I'd like to see him and bring him some muffins?"

Blisa wrinkles her nose at the hare. "Uh, no, sorry. Basil and visitors would not be a good thing." She turns back to the stoat. "So, the eagle is still alive, huh? Was this a golden eagle, by any chance? If so, then it's not the first I've heard of it." Butterclaw Chirrups happily. "Thankyou niceHealer hareworm! Butterclaw SparraWarrior will rememberthat, yesyes." Ferdinand smiles softly. "Thank you. I'm glad to be on your thide, too."

Marek growls slightly, he is still sore but he doesn't look at the hare, less chance to say something rude. He nods "Golden...eagle, left before it wanted dessert." He speaks through some pain. "But...Longfang's friends has the old badger now, but not before he killed 3 of Longfang's troops."

Oakenpaw sighs "that "Old badger gets into MORE trouble..." he mumbles something about a hare named Dafney, and looks to Blissa looking disappointed "Awww....Blisa m gel...I want to know Basil....can't we work...SOMETHIN' out?"

Marek says, "I wouldn't want to be his enemy, he looks a bit...scary when he is truly angry"

Blisa comes out from behind the ferret and taps her chin with a finger. "Longfang.....I'm not a hundred percent sure who that is....er, was." She glances at the hare and shakes her head. "I'm sorry, Oakey, but Basil would eat you, probably. I'm afraid that this is one beast you can't be friends with."

Oakenpaw says, "but YOU are friends with basil...why would e eat me and NOT you?" he looks curious..as he gently works on Marek, almost done changing the dressings

Marek only listens, the snake creeps him out a little but he trusts it...well sort of trusts it. He allows himself to try and relax, still tried and recovering.

Blisa really hasn't thought about that much, so right now she's just trying to make something up. "Well.....it's probably because....um.....I've proven to him that I am meaner and tougher than he is, so he sees me as the boss." Ferdinand rolls his eyes, but says nothing. Butterclaw takes this opportunity to fly off and take his friend Lily the message that Marek is home safe and sound.

Oakenpaw washes his paws "Awww...Blisa...I...just really....." he sighs "alright..." his ears droop he is obviously disappointed "Sir Ferdinand...when was your last check up?"

Blisa giggles as Ferdinand stumbles back a pace. "Wh--wh--what?! My latht what?! Thtay away from me!" he jumps backwards over a cot and lays his paw on his sabre hilt.

Oakenpaw chuckles and holds up a paw, though still disappointed about basil "I was not gonna do anything...but you should have one Sir Ferdinand...it's painless and Blissa needs you"

Blisa sits on a cot and struggles to keep from laughing. Ferdinand narrows his eyes. "I'm fine, thank you. I had one a few month ago. I'm jutht fine."

Oakenpaw asks, "yer sure Mr. Ferdinand? I wanna make sure yer in BEST o health...when was Blissa's last check up?"

Ferdinand nods quickly. "Pothitive." He then smiles as the attention is removed from him and transferred to Blisa, who exclaims, "Hey! Don't bring me into this! And when was YOUR last check up, oh Great and Mighty Hare?" The title she just gave him is oozing with just a touch of sarcasm.

Oakenpaw asks, "Me? I am a Healer I get one every week...'sides there is honeycomb for all beasts wot get their check up's done"

Blisa shakes her head. "No, thanks, I'm good. That last time I had a check-up I got poked with a sharp object. Not my favourite." Ferdinand looks at her curiously. "That wath 2 weekth ago--" "Yeah, that one. That Valerie did. It hurt. Allot."

Oakenpaw says, "I don't use sharp objects...just me paws and me ears...no pain atall"

Blisa grisnand holds up a paw. "Well, my last check-up was 2 weeks ago, so I'm just fine. Thanks." Ferdinand relaxes and stands up straight. "And I'm fine, too, thank you."

Oakenpaw nods "verra well...but the Honey comb are only for patients"

Blisa nods. "I'll keep that in mind. I prefer cooking with honey, anyway, to just straight honeycomb." Ferdinand looks out the window to try and figure out how long they've been in here.

Oakenpaw says, "I still want to at least VISIT Basil...with YOU Blisa...please? see wot ya can do?"

Blisa shakes her head. "I'm sorry, Oakey, but for your own safety, I have to say no. I'm sorry. He'd just eat you." She then waves and walks out the door. After bowing slightly, Ferdinand follows her, and they are gone.

Thanks for reading!
