John and DoraRose have a slight.....tiff, among other things. (Marek's Revenge TP...we're building up to the finale! :D)
FV:Path to Ferravale
This path heads along a wooded path to the west and if one heads east they see the dirt road. Trees and bushes line the road here and slightly off the path is some berry bushes.
Exits: [F]orest [P]ath, [D]irt [R]oad, [W]est
Anomen the squirrel. Blisa the cat, Ferdinand the ferret, DoraRose the mouse, 10 bodyguards, and a bunch of regular soldiers. John, another squirrel. Leon, another mouse.
Anomen sits by the path heading into the woods, he has had alot on his mind lately and right now is alone in his thoughts
But he is not alone for long. Coming down the path from Ferravale is a petite white cat, followed a ferret and 10 other bodyguards, aswell as 50 village soldiers. It's none other than Blisa and Ferdinand. The almost-not-a-kitten stops by the Redwall guard and smiles. "Good day. Do you have any idea how to get to the Long Patrol camp? I'm Blisa, temporary Chieftain of Ferravale, by the way." she politely holds out a small, almost delicate looking white paw. "I can't quite remember if we've met before."
Following the pair, there can be seen three beasts: A rat, a squirrel, and an otter. They are walking in silence.
Anomen looks up "Sorry I can't let you know that and...well no vermin species is allowed in the Long Patrol camp, sorry" He stands up, around his neck is a rainbow shell necklace and he has some feathers in his headfur now, some white and grey ones.
Blisa sighs, then nods. "Well, I guess that's alright. I'm just really anxious to take Redwall back, and I haven't had any meetings with the leader of the Patrol as to when we should attack." Through the crowd of village warriors, a female mouse with a double-headed black battleaxe in paw and a bastard sword strapped to her side can be seen, coming towards the front. She stops just behind the cat and listens, assessing the situation before speaking.
Anomen nods "I am unsure, I am just...well I have gained recent responsibilities but I do have other good news" He smiles.
The squirrel's group merges with Blisa's warriors, and the squirrel heads towards the leaders. "Ma'am, friends." John says, nodding to the beast around him. "Ah hear we're finally makin' a strick at Marek?"
DoraRose Strongheart nods in return to the squirrel's greeting as Blisa says, "We don't know. We're waiting for word. I could use some good news," she adds, turning back to the befeathered squirrel. "I am listening." She smiles and folds her paws behind her back.
Anomen smiles "I have asked Treesong to marry me, and she said yes. As for my new umm...job, I am , for now, chieftain or leader of Gawtribe as Alvar has been defeated and is dead."
John glances at his fellow squirrel, shaking his head. "Ah still can' believe ye got 'em tae follow ye..." He grunts, saying , "Ye should 'ave waited till this all was gone an' down tae ask 'er tha'."
Blisa gasps and claps her paws ecstatically. "Oh, wonderful! Does this mean we'll have your help in the battle?" DoraRose turns her sharp blue-eyed gaze to John. "No, he shouldn't've. Asking for somebeast to marry you is one of the ultimate signs of love, and it would be better to express that love now than to regret it after the battle if she dies."
Anomen smiles and nods "The Gawtribe is helping to take down Marek and they are on our side.." He listens, "I asked cause I felt like asking she needed to know, I meant to ask a while a go and I didn't, and we had not seen one another for over 3 weeks"
John looks long at the mouse. "Ah guess ye could be right..." Turning back to the squirrel, he asks, "Are thae trybe still, er, frightened o' my tae beasts? Thae Otter an' Redtail?"
DoraRose nods. "She did need to know. It's a horrible feeling loving someone but knowing that they do not know." Blisa pumps a fist into the air and immidiately starts h a whispered conversation with Ferdinand.
John nods slowly. "Aye..." he sighs. "Ah 'ave known thae fellin'..." He says, darkly. He shakes his head, as if to clear his thoughts. "Anyway, thae task at hand. Marek. What shall we dae with 'em?"
Anomen looks between them "Well we fight Marek that's what we do ."
"Aye," John says, his tone irritated, "Bu' /how/ dae ye do tha'?" his paw strays to his sword hilt. "Las' Ah remember 'es still in thae abbey." His face darkens again. "Ah don' knae abou' ye, but Ah have nae plains o' dying anytime soon."
Blisa looks up from her whispered conversation. "If I could talk with the leader of the Long Patrol, I would know when we will attack. As of right now, I don't even know what the plan is. The Mossflower Militia will supposedly bring siege towers and such, but since I insulted one of their leaders, I don't know for sure..." DoraRose suppresses a chuckle. "You didn't just insult him, you /taunted him/." The cat shrugs. "Whatever."
Anomen frowns "I am unsure, Lord Sebastian may or may not be coming here or he is staying with his hares. Benar may know...I am unsure sorry, I just know the Gawtribe is helping now and seems I am in charge of them, well for now."
"Ah have a few beasts tae 'elp." John motions with a paw to were an otter and rat are talking. "Those are tae o' 'em. All good fighters."
Blisa nods, and taps her chin with a paw. "Combined with my nearly tenscore warriors, that should be good. Do you have any idea how many hares there are? I am okay with talking to Benar as a liaison if necessary. I just need to know if there is a plan."
Anomen nods "There is a plan and he is a liaison anyways and I am military advisor under him." He hmms "Lets just say a LOT of hares"
The Squirrel in chain-mail shakes his head. "Nae, Ah'm afraid no'. Yore husband," John says, turning to DoraRose, "Was a bit dodgey abou' it..."
Blisa nods descicively. "Good. Are you allowed to tell me, or is it a military secret?" DoraRose looks sharply at John. "What do you mean, dodgey? Is Leon alright?"
John rolls his eyes. " 'e is fine, as far as Ah knae." He shakes his head. "For what Ah meant, he wouldn't give a stright forward answer...Can' say Ah liked him all tha' much."
DoraRose pointes her battleaxe at the squirrel, her blues eyes flashing dangerously. "Don't roll your eyes at me like that! I was asking because I haven't seen him for 3 weeks and your comment caused me worry. And I'm sure he had a good reason for not coming straight out and giving a good answer. I will now ask you to kindly not speak in such a poor manner of my husband." Blisa shifts nervously. "Um, maybe we should go and get some tea to calm down..."
John sighs, then raises his paws. "Ah was only speakin' me mind. Ah meant nae offense." Hearing the cat, he turns and smiles. "Aye, we all need tae calm a bit."
Ferdinand grabs the shaft of the mouse's axe and glares at her. After a moment of slight struggle, DoraRose stops fighting and relaxes, letting her axe fall back to her side. Blisa relaxes, too, and smiles. "Okay. So shall we adjourn to the tavern?" The mouse mutters something, which the cat takes as an affirmative. "Good. Would like to join us, Mr. John?"
Blisa nods in an understanding manner. "That's a good idea. I'll let the wall guards know that you're bringing a group of warriors here." Ferdinand smiles also, but DoraRose just looks away. Her obvious respect for the ferret keeps her quiet, but that doesn't mean that she still wouldn't like to "argue" somemore.
John narrows his eyes at the mouse. "Ah don' doubt ye could hew me with tha' thing, but Ah'd give ye a hard time doin' it." He jokes, in poor taste. Turning back to Blisa, he bows his head. "Thank ye, Lady Blisa. Well," He says, backing away, "I must bae off. Rutsnout! Broadbeam!" He call the rat and otter to himself, then walks down the path towards the dirt road.
Blisa waves to the receding figure, then rounds on the mouse as the group of 63 heads back to the village. "Why did you /do/ that?! We /need/ his help! Why couldn't you have stifled your anger until /after/ Marek is dead?!" And the group enters the village with the mouse and the cat arguing, with Ferdinand shaking his head sadly behind them.
Later, in the
Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.
There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.
A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.
Exits: [UP] Stairs, [K]itchen, [F]ighting [P]it, [Out]
Leon sits at one of the tables having a coridal and some sort of soup. He hasn't been back too long, maybe an hour and probally would of been back ealier but he had to deal with some things going on and collect some herbs. He takes a drink of his coridial and looks around.
The door opens and 10 beasts in the uniform of Ferravale, with a white band around their upper right arms ot indicate that they are the bodyguards of Blisa. They take over the seats surroundign the healer, but none sit in his booth. They are all laughing and talking loudly, and just being all around rowdy. Then the cat herself comes in, seeming to be in a rather heated argument with DoraRose. Ferdinand is behind them, looking a little stressed. The trio makes their way over to the booth that Leon is sittign in, DoraRose sliding in beside him and the other 2 sitting across from them. The kitten looks at the male mouse and says, "Do you think that takign offence quickly is the cause of many of our wars?"
Leon looks at her and blinks "I..don't know. I dislike war..yes I will be there but only to heal not fight" He smiles at Dorarose "Hello Love"
DoraRose forces a smile and rests her head on her husband's arm, laying her battleaxe on the tabletop in easy reach. Blisa nods and turns to Ferdinand. "Why do opposites attract? It seems like every other healer I meet is married ot a warrior." Ferdinand stifles a sigh and covers his eyes. Why, oh, why is he gettign stuck with some of the awkward questions?)
Leon hugs Dorarose "I am sorry I disappeared like that Dorarose, I was..sort of dragged off" He stops, more like flown off, he sighs "But I was very safe"
Blisa elbows the ferret and starts whispering to him, obviously asking him a question about what to do. DoraRose nods. "Treesong told me. I felt so sorry for you, what with your dislike of heights." Just after she said that, the group of bodyguards behind them laughs so loudly that the warrior winces.
Leon frowns as he hears laughing and sighs but he says nothing.
Blisa turns back to the mice. "My bodyguards and I need to have a meeting. Do you two think you'll be alright here alone?" DoraRose looks at her husband, waitign for his opinion before voicing her own.
Leon nods "I will be fine, I walked back here alone..well from the Long Patrol camp that is, I was with them the past almost 3 weeks. Go ahead and have your meeting"
DoraRose nods. "Yes, I, too, will be alright. I just...need to be quiet and spend time with my husband for a while." Blisa nods and shouts, "Bye!" as she and her bodyguards stand and leave the tavern in a cacophony of stomping paws and raucous shouts. DoraRose stays quiet beside the healer, eventually fading into the background, almost, and only leaving when he leaves.
Thanks for reading! :)