Finding Thorn, meeting Hyde (Redemption of Marek TP, at least a smidge...)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This happens after this log: this log.

Mossflower Woods: Pathway
------------------------- Mossflower Woods -------------------------
The long path that forks off the broad dirt road descends
down a gentle sloping hill that evens out as the woodlands
swallow it up with grass and trees. The trees here are sparser
and more spread out.  Allowing for thick vegetation to cover the
ground instead.  It is easy to stray from the path, but then again
quite easy to find your way back.  The dirt is packed down
tight with paws and wagon treads that lead into the path of
Exits: [T]he [C]rimson [A]nvil, [N]orth into Mossflower Woods, [S]outh into Mossflower Woods, [We]st along Path, [D]irt [R]oad

Thorn the rat. DoraRose the mouse. Flicktail the fox. Hyde the badger. [And please remember that this list is all info for you the OOC reader. Thanks :)]

Thorn is lost in the woods and running at every little noise has made her fall and twist her ankle so now she is limping. She has some cuts on her paws and bare footpaws, so its a good thing its warmer weather. Her tunic is also torn and dirty as is her headfur which she picks a couple twigs out of. She sighs and sits down as she starts to cry for the 5th time today.

DoraRose has left the Abbey to try and find Thorn. She has a small haversack strapped to her back and she sword at her side. She decided to travel South, for no other reason than the fact that she had a feeling that she should go this way. So, she did. She is dressed in simple green tunic, pants, and black boots. She comes to the fork and pauses, trying to decide which way to go now. "Thorn?" She calls in a quiet voice, just on the offchance that the rat is within hearing distance.

Thorn is a little in hearing distance but she is also jumpy at any voice or noise and backs up to against a tree and lets out a small whimper. She looks up and is willing to climb if needed as she is a great climber for a rat and her size, she proved it only earlier this morning.

The Warrior heads down the path that Thorn is on, mostly by chance. "Thorn? It's me, DoraRose." She walks steadily down the path, on the alert for anything, good or bad.

Thorn has a dagger she stole from one of the dead rats near the church and shivers a little, it could be a trap after all so she is being careful. She climbs into the tree and waits for her to pass, she goes to climb down and slips, falling with an oof onto the ground. Luckily its only about 10 feet she falls but it does further hurt her already sore ankle and jars her shoulder a little as she sits up and rubs her ankle.

DoraRose comes into sight of the tree and sees the rat fall. Gasping and calling out her name, the Warrior runs forward, swinging the haversack off her back. "Are you alright? Oh, Thorn, we've been so worried about you!" She pulls out bandages and herbs as she kneels beside the rat.

Thorn looks at Dorarose and frowns as tears go down her face but she remains quiet as she lets her tend to her ankle and a couple cuts on her paws. She is still a little jumpy it seems but trying to calm a little.

DoraRose bandages the injuries. The bindings are clumsily made, but are sufficient and good. The Warrior finishes her healing, repacks the haversack, then goes to tenderly, motherly cup the rat's face in her strong paw. "What happened? You've been missing for days! I asked a guard and they said you left with some beasts. What did they do to you?" This last question is asked in a compassionate tone.

Thorn just frowns as what ever happen earlier left her in shock as tears go down her face. She suddenly goes to hug Dorarose and sob into her cloak and shivers a little from her crying as tension and stress all come out at once.

DoraRose goes to hug the rat back, compassion, motherly love and anger at whoever did this coursing through her veins. She goes to stroke the young one's ears, saying soothingly, "It's alright, I'm right here, you're safe now. I won't let anyone hurt you."

Thorn nods slowly, she looks behind her down the path and whimpers a little as if she rather avoid certain areas, like near the church building.

DoraRose follows her gaze, then goes to tenderly wipe her tears away. "Let's go home, okay? Back to Redwall." She slings the haversack onto her back and goes to hold the rat's paw.

Thorn nods as she takes her paw, but if she goes near the church path she may grow tense as near there is a couple dead rats and some dead beasts, including Bramblefur inside.

DoraRose stands and goes to lead the young rat back home to the Abbey. She plans on immediately taking her to the Infirmary for a thorough look-over by Angela. She hurries by the old church, noting the rat's discomfort.

Thorn gulps as she glances at it and shivers, she could of easily of died in there either by falling or even by that ferret and mouse she saw. She limps a little more as they get closer to Redwall abbey as her ankle is now very swollen.

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]

Angela is in here, brooding as she goes about her duties. She has allot on her mind. DoraRose opens the door and goes to lead the rat into the Infirmary, having left her weapon with the guard. "Nana, I found Thorn, but she looks like she was hurt badly."

Flicktail's ears perk "Who hurt her THIS time? I am glad she is here, but I swear we should change this into a full time room for this rat maid...."

Thorn has a swollen ankle and some cuts on her paws and bare footpaws. Her fur is dirty and a couple tangles is in her headfur. She has also been crying and is right now a little tense and jumpy, like when a novice bumps into the cabinets she jumps, she looks at Flicktail and then the floor.

Angela stares at the fox as she hobbles over to the ratmaid. "Yer an odd'un, Flicktail. This is, I think, the first time I've ever treated this young lady. Sit 'ere, sweet'eart." The old healer pats the examining table. DoraRose goes to gently help Thorn onto the table, saying softly, "It's alright, you're safe now. Nana'll take care of you better than I can."

Flicktail walks over "Sorry I must be thinking of that other wot 'appened ere? no one should be harming our beasts"

Thorn does as she is told and slowly sits down with help. She does remember being in here when she got like a ton of hotroot all down her throat, nose and lungs but she recovered from that in a couple days, she frowns as this is far worse than Hot root dust.

DoraRose sighs and shakes her head as she goes to hold the rat comfortingly in her arms as Angela goes to begin to unwrap the clumsy bandages the Warrior had put on the injuries. "I don't know. She couldn't tell me earlier, and I decided it would be unwise to press. All I know is somebeast kidnapped her before the funeral."

Flicktail says, "I will have to tell the Abbot he may want to keep beasts from going out alone again"

Thorn frowns and starts to tell him she didn't go out alone but she can't get the words out and just frowns instead and she has no idea who the abbot is right now as she lets them tend to her.

Hyde has decided to get a look inside the abbey, he has heard of it and decided to take a careful look around. He keeps his cloak on and the cowl, or large hood, over his face. He is slightly small for the type of beast he is and keeps his paws at his side as he walks slowly into the room. He stays by the doorway and quiet as that's best to avoid too many greetings from beasts.

Angela has rewrapped the injuries in a much better manner, and now goes to look at the ratmaid's throat. "Can ye say anythin', darlin'?" DoraRose notices the cloaked beast and nods a greeting to him as she answers the fox, saying, "From what the guards said, she left through the gates with 2 beasts. And I went out by myself to try and find her, and I'm just fine."

Flicktail nods "I understand I think Thorn...I was not saying you did an a thing wrong...I am sorry this 'appened to ya" he eyes the Beast...Strange cloaks STILL make him a bit nervous

Thorn sighs, she then sees the cloaked beast and about falls off the table she is on and whimpers. It isnt her fault as she doesnt like cloaked beast right now, she starts to shiver a little and become tense.

Hyde frowns, he then speaks in this monotone voice and it stays monotone too, "Sorry...not here to harm, curious of the abbey...see" He shows large dark black paws "No harm...I can go now...suppose." He shrugs .

DoraRose goes to make sure the ratmaid doesn't fall off as Angela scowls at the cloaked one. "Ye don'e 'ave to go, just take off yer 'ood and it'll be fine. There's not much 'arm ye could do 'ere anyway, since the guards took yer weapons..." The old healer is grumpier than usual today...and her usual is very grumpy, so most of the Infirmary helpers are keeping far away from her.

Thorn shivers as for all she knows someone came after her, but they are taller than that beast or maybe someone wasn't dead after all. She slowly calms down but is still clearly jumpy and still not speaking. Her throat seems fine inside and out if examined.

Hyde frowns but does as he is asked, "I...ok" Yes still monotoned voice as he lets the hood fall to his shoulders showing he is a smaller than average badger, he stays by the door for now and looks around, he says a quiet "Sorry..."

Angela did check the ratmaid's throat, and now she's frownign slightly with concern. DoraRose smiles to the badger. "It's fine, you have no reason to be sorry. You had no way of knowign that it would scare her. I didn't even know that..." The old healer stumps over to the herb cabinets and starts digging through them.

Thorn curls up into a sort of ball or as close to one as she can get, she sniffs as some tears go down her face and soon she lets much needed sleep win its fight over her and is soon asleep, but its soon clear its a very restless sleep.

Hyde looks at the rat and back to them and shrugs, then tilts his head "Know what?" He asks in his flat mono tone voice. "Then I am not...from around here."

DoraRose smiles slightly. "That being cloaked would scare her. And I'm not originally from around here, either. I was a wanderer until about...." she trails off, frowning as she tries to figure out how many seasons she's been living in Redwall. Angela looks at the sleeping rat and sighs. Hobbling over, she goes to cover her in a blanket and says, "Well, yer welcome 'ere at the Abbey, I can assure you."

Hyde nods "Its safe here...then are a lot of beasts here. Then it is an abbey."

DoraRose leaves off trying to figure out how long she's lived here and says, "There are allot of creatures here. It's...sometimes oppressive. I like to go into the woodlands when I'm feeling stifled." Angela goes back over to the counter and pours 3 beakers of tea. She hobbles over and hands one to the badger and one to her granddaughter, who takes a sip. It smells and tastes like raspberries and mint.

Hyde looks at the tea "I had an Uncle...he made tea alot." He sips it and nods, he still has yet to and maybe never will change that tone of voice of his. "This place is ok, I may stay a little while...and I wouldn't go into the woodlands, or the roads without something sharp"

DoraRose smiles slyly. "I'm a Warrior. I have a bastard sword and a battleaxe. I never go anywhere outside of Redwall without a weapon. So, thanks. I'll be fine." Angela sits down with a groan and sips her tea, suddenly lost in her own thoughts again.

Hyde nods as he sits on a cot and nods, "Sounds good....I don't fight much." He sips his tea and finishes it as he yawns, he is tried from his trip here and falls asleep soon. May or may not be a good plan, but he is tried and can deal with a lot of strangers later when he wakes up.

Flicktail walks over to Dora Rose "how are you..ave ya seen more o the Lilly known as Lillymoore?

DoraRose chuckles slightly at the fox's play on words. "Yes, I have, actually. Somebeast brought her to the Infirmary after she passed out on Saturday. She's now eating and everything as she's suppossed to, and she's not as depressed."

Flicktail says, "that's good a d neither are you"

DoraRose laughs slightly. "Right. And neither am I." She sips her tea and then asks, "And how are you this day?"

Flicktail says, "I am always better when i see you smiling muzzle, but I must tend to my duties"

Thanks for reading!
