Clash Of The Titans....oh, wait...wrong fan-world.... (Only a teen tiny bit Marek's Revenge TP...not enough to really be worth mentioning...)
Redwall Abbey Infirmary
Emyuil, mouse. Angela, mouse. Zork, badger.
Emyuil paces back and forth through the infirmary, paws folded behind his back, knuckles white with tension. He growls something to himself. He's eager for battle, and thirsts only for blood as of this moment.
Angela comes hurrying into the infirm, then relaxes as she spots her grandson. She covers this with a stern look. "An' where 'ave ye been? I've been lookin' all over for ye!"
Zork is sitting up in bed and looks to be debating on trying to stand up, which he could easily do, walking is another issue.
"I've been right here the whole time," Emyuil says, a tad irritated. "Why?"
Angela scowls at him. "I thought that per'aps ye 'ad done somethin' stupid, like challenged Marek or somethin'." She hobbles across the Infirmary to the cabinets.
Zork slowly stands up by his bed, he is doing ok standing so far and manages to take one step towards a table and another step, but it becomes clear he is shaky on his footpaws.
Emyuil watches his grandmother impassively, murmuring, "I should've."
Angela is suddenly over in front of her grandson, going to ram her staff crosswise across his chest. "Are ye really tryin' to send me to an early grave? Do ye really care so little about me that ye'd leave me with no family in a fortress full of vermin? I thought ye were better than that."
"Well, I wouldn't die," Emyuil says defiantly. "So you wouldn't be alone." He growls a little.
Angela rolls her blue and violet eyes. "Oh, so ye wouldn't die? How can ye be so sure? Are ye a Seer now as well as a headstrong warrior? Marek's got an Abbey full of fighters. I bet he'd have ye executed slowly, just for kicks."
Emyuil shrugs. "I'd like to see him try." He storms out in a foul mood.
Zork watches the mouse storm off ,"He should be carefull" He mutters softly.
Angela sits in the now-vacated chair and buries her face in her paw, holding her staff with the other so tightly that her knuckles are turning white.
Zork slowly moves over to the mousemaid and once almost falls sideways but grabs ahold of a cot just in time and mutters a cuss to himself and uses the cot to walk around to where the mousemaid is, "Ya..ok lass?" He asks and slowly sits on the floor beside her.
Angela sniffs and looks up, then quickly wipes away her tears and stands. "No, son, I'm not, but neither are ye. Sit in this chair." She drags over a second chair, then sits down again.
Zork slowly stands and goes to sit down in the offered chair. "Yeah...I know. I can't even help me friends fight and I want ta."
Angela sighs and covers her eyes agian. "I wish all my family were healers and not warriors. It's a very stressful life I've got for me." She sighs again and looks at the badger through spread fingers. "Are ye feelin' any pains in yer chest? I can get ye somethin' if ye are."
Zork frowns, "Guess in times like this...most gots ta fight I suppose, like I would if I could and no pains of any sort..worry maybe but that's all."
Angela nods. "Aye, they do. But I don't understand those who are always seemin' to be itchin' for a fight. I'm thinkin' of havin' ye 'elp me in here durin' and after the battle, since ye say yer fairly food at healin'."
Zork nods and smiles some, he...well if able, goes to gently hug the mousemaid, "I can help in here lass sure. And...well I know I fought ta help me family or friends, sometimes I would just go off and I have..." He stops there, "Well not that I will do any battling again looks like"
Angela allows the badger to hug her. "Aye, and thank ye. Ye sha'n't be warrin' ever again. I'm sorry." She sits back and smiles slightly. "'Ere, I'll make some tea. Mayhaps that'll cheer us both up." And she does just as she says, brignign a tea made of white willow bark, mint, and some other mysterious herbs. Enough for 2. It's actually surprisingly good....
Thanks for reading! :)