Boris, the 'Mean, Self-centered, Snotty-nosed Old Mouse' Returns to Redwall for the Last Time (maybe)
RW Abbey: Entry
You stand on a grassy sward between two cottages. To the south you see a small, calm pond. To the north lies an open space where the Abbey has its feasts in the warmer seasons. To the east is the Great Hall, a massive structure that rises far above the abbey walls and is completed with large towers that pierce upwards into the sky. The main building is completed with a large, iron banded door that would allow one into the Great Hall.
The blanket of snow is replaced with the vibrant greens of spring. Newly sprung flowers and young shoots dot the path. They hold a promise of color and enhancement. The earth is relatively dry here, and the soil rich for growing, but muddy patches of dirt still can be found. Many Abbeybeasts can be seen tending to the gardens, though some are content with just being out and about, enjoying the warmth of the virgin sun and the pleasent weather. Dirt pawprints are tracked upon the clearing's surface, serving as witness to the fact that the majority of Abbeybeasts are caught up in the "spring fever." Most will will do just about anything, or make any excuse to be outside, eager to watch as spring colors emerge in scraggly clumps.
[G]reat [H]all [C]limb to the [R]amparts [A]bbey [P]ond
[Ga]te [H]ouse [Leave] through the gates [Open] Ground
[C]hampion's [C]ottage
Leon is near the gate area, looking around maybe in hopes of finding someone, his travel cloak is on just in case its needed.
Corinne is staying by the entry to the great hall, she knows no one here, except Leon, but she would have to go past so many to get to him.
Shandar and Ahndia come running out of Great Hall as fast as they can, the voice of a sister following them. "You two stay out, you hear me? I will not stand for wrestling in here! Take it outside!" The two dibbuns slow as they see others in the area. They smile at Leon and Ahndia waves. On an impules, Shandar turns to make sure the irritated Sister isn't giving chase, and doesn't see the sister, but does see Corinne. The mouse waves. "Hi Corrine. how are you? Good?"
Leon nods and looks to be heading outside, he sighs and slips off.
Mossflower - Dirt Road ---------------------------
On the east side of the road rises the main gate of Redwall Abbey, a massive, ancient structure of red sandstone that nearly obstructs the entirety of the eastern horizon. Here the road has been noticeably better cared for--ruts and potholes are few and far between, and the surface is smoothed and kept free of cropping weeds. Despite this, there is the sense of a thousand pawtreads beneath your feet, taken by beasts long forgotten. Only the Abbey seems a constant, unchanging sentinel--worn and battered by the elements, but still standing tall.
Exits: [D]itch, [G]rasslands, Redwall [Gate], [S]outh, [N]orth
Leon walks onto the road heading a little ways, he doesn't plan on going to far away from the abbey, he frowns as he takes a quick look around.
The mouse is being watched, someone who may of acted somewhat nice in the abbey but doesn't mean he is nice, he waits till Leon is a fair distance from the gate and steps out of the grasses, "Hope your not looki' for me, not planing on going back in there, be lucky I did once"
The wind is a bit chill, and Shandar flips up her cloak's hood as she follows Leon. Ahndia comes along, though at a slower pace, more likely to get in trouble than Shandar will if she leaves the abbey.Shandar stops a short ways from the gates, wishing she had a weapon, just in case. Ahndia squeaks softly in surprise as the mouse appears, and Shandar puts a paw in front of her friend, whispering, "If you're frightened, go back in. Wait with the guards." Ahndia nods, heading for the gates where she can watch in saftey.
Leon stops, he slowly turns answering the question, "Yes, was my plan,but if didnt see you anywhere woould of just went back inside."
Boris walks closer, "Well you found me and means nuttin', not intrested in caring for a dibbun, and I have had to lately,well went to find you, could of just left her elsewhere, not the abbey"
Shandar is trying very hard not to get angry at this strange, new mouse. She steps forward, next to Leon, and stays silent, her face concealed by her hood.
Leon says, "Renee wouldn't of liked that.."
Boris rolls his eyes, "What ever, she is not around, took ill....oh yeah you know that already" He smirks.." Wasn;t really for caring for the dibbun, some other beast helped for a short while,till they died..grandparents go figure."
Leon makes a fist and walks closer, he looks ready to punch Boris but stops and lowers his paw, "No, not going to do that, even though feel like it, your fault Renee died, the herbs could of helped, but you didnt let her have them and didnt really want to care for Corinne, and you told lies and made Renee get mad at me, then she...." He sighs.."She got worse."
A smirk is seen from the other mouse, "Your sister wanted to see you,but you had left,...told her you died in some freck accident, didnt go well for her health, the herbs may of helped if I had achally given them to her...oh well.Course the dibbun...well" He shrugs, "Not my problem now."
Leon achally gets a look of anger and goes to start to punch him again, but stops and takes a couple deep breaths "Your not worth it, and abbey brothers dont punch others so...leave and dont come back."
Boris chuckles at this, "You may not but I do." With that he gets a good chance to punch Leon in the lower jaw, rather hard, not hard enough to kill but will hurt thats for sure."Oh and no plans to come back...heading down river, and off on a boat to some island..have a wonderful day" He walks off now, not careing on Leon or the abbey or anyone for that matter.
Leon shakes his head not fullu paying attention, thats a mistake as the punch conencts and all goes black as he is knocked out, a little blood on his mouth and snoat now, and he is out cold.
Shandar has had enough of this 'Boris' character. She's fed up and very angry. So after seeing him knock out Leon and then just /walk away/, she clenches her paws tightly. This cannot be allowed to pass. Oh no. Her eyes narrow as she takes off after Boris. When she is close enough to him, she jumps, completeing what is probably the best flying tackle she's ever done.
Boris was not expecting a dibbun to just show up and do this, he falls flat on hs face and spits out a mouth full of dirt and gets up onto his knees and looks at the dibbun and narrows his eyes."How..dare you!"
Shandar hits the ground with Boris, rolls over, and grabs his shoulder's with both forepaws, locking her footpaws around his knees so he can't bend them. "How dare /I/? You're a mean, self-centered, snotty-nosed old mouse! And you need to get over it! You /hurt/ Corinne! And then just /dumped/ her on Leon!" She barely knows Corinne, but she can't stand anyone who would do that to another young one. Shandar twists around, hoping to bring Boris back on his stomach.
Boris tries his best to try and kick the dibbun off or to punch her in the arm, luckly he cant get to his dagger.
Leon groans as he strarts to wake up, he sees Boris fighting or least trying to fight Shandar and frowns, he gets up slowly.
Shandar either has to let go of Boris to dodge the punch, possiblely letting him go, or get hit. She lets herself get hit, tugs his shoulders down and his knees back, forcing him to go to the ground. The little mouse draws back both paws, bringing them down on Boris, aiming for his stomach to wind him, and his face just because she knows it hurts. Her fists are small, sure, but she has practice punching other beasts- mainly her brother when he was alive, and just other creatures in general- so they won't kill you, but it certainly will hurt.
Boris tenses up as he is hit in the stomach and tries to get the dibbun off so he can just run off.
Leon frowns, he then speaks "Stop fighting...someone is going to get hurt, " He looks to the gates but doesnt want to leave the dibbun here.
Not even Leon, wounded and talking, can distract Shandar. His voice drifts to her through some smokey cloud, and she keeps drawing back her fists to hit Boris. Ahndia, watching from the gateway, eyes wide, recalls that she was told once that when Shandar actually fights, she may not stop. And now Ahndia doesn't know what to do. She looks at Leon, Boris, and then Shandar, before finally running out and grabbing Shandar's wrist as the mouse is mid swing. "Shan! Stop it! Let him go!" Shandar hears her too late, and Boris gets punched again as Ahndia hits the ground next to him. Shandar shakes her head. Ahndia? Where'd she come from? Glancing around, Shandar lets Ahndia help her stand. The mousemaid glares at Boris, her face revealed from when her hood fell back, muddy and scratched. "Don't you ever come back."
Boris snorts, "Ya..all crazy!Oh no worries never comin' back here" With that he rushes off towards the river Moss, no plans on returning at all and not even looking back. His arm has some blood and he has his own scrapes and cuts he can deal with later,once he is away.
Leon quickly goes over to Shandar and Ahndia, "You two ok?" He feels his snoat and mouth and frowns at the blood.
Shandar nods, and wipes her forhead, leaving a streak of mud, staring at the retreating figure of Boris. Ahndia looks up at Leon. "We are. But you're not." the squirrel takes Shandar's paw firmly in her own as she heads back to gates. Now that the fighting is over, she has her confidence back. "You're gonna want to go to the infirmary."
Leon watches Boris head off and goes to follow the two dibbuns inside, "How did you guys get outside anyways?"
Shandar shrugs, having found her voice again. "You left, we followed. The gates were open."
Leon motions them to go inside and he heads inside as well.
RW Abbey: Infirmary
Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.
Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]
Ahndia follows Leon into the infirmary obediently, pulling Shandar along. She sits her mouse friend on her usual cot. "Stay there. And..." She spins in a little circle, locates a bowl of water and a cloth, and hands it to Shandar. "Clean up."
Leon sighs as he gets a clean ragg for his snoat, his nose is bloody and his bottom lip swollen some, and his jaw some.
Ahndia's mother Odira has been alerted by the noise, and she sticks her head into the infirmary, a roll of bandages hanging on her arm, evidence that she's busy. "Oh, you three look a dreaful mess! I don't want to know what you two have gotten into." She points at the dibbuns. "Leon, if you need heelp, just call." She withdraws back into the recovery room to go back to the beast she had been helping. Ahndia is releived her mother didn't pry too much. She herself is not that dirty, but..oh. The entire back of her dress is one big muddy splotch. She sighs as she goes to her room to change into a different dress. Shandar watches her go, gently dabbing at her dirty scrapes, then turns to Leon. "Who was he?"
Leon answers, "No one important, dont think he will back"
Shandar wrinkes her nose. "He was important, I think." But she doesn't say anything else. Ahndia comes back in wearing a light blue dress with a new cloak. She holds a paw out to Shandar. "Give me your cloak. it has to get washed. And you should go and change your tunic. Wear one of mine." Shandar stands, almost spilling the water dish, but rights it just in time. She shrugs, undoing the clasp at her neck, drapes the cloak over her arm, and goes to find a tunic her size in Ahndia's room. Ahndia takes Shandar's place on the cot. "What was all that about?" well, that isn't so far away from Shandar's question.
Leon cleans his own face and sighs, not too much he can do for himself, he walks over to check both dibbuns to make sure they are ok.
Ahndia, too, doesn't push the question. "I'm fine. Was just a little muddy." She scrathes behind an ear, and winces as she move her head. "And a little sore. hit the ground kinda hard." She chuckles. "Shandar can throw pretty hard." The creature in question enters the infirm again, wearing one of Ahndia's old brown tunics. It is a little worn, but it fits. Shandar sits next to Ahndia and sighs.
Leon listens, "You two should of stayed in the abbey, not followed me outside"
Shandar shrugs, and a tiny trickle of blood makes its way down her face like a tear. "What were we gonna do inside? And he needed to learn something." Ahndia knows what Shandar means, and she doesn't like it. "Shan, what did we agree on? Nothing of that sort. Hush, or Mum'll hear. But yeah, there wasn't anythin' t' do inside."
Leon frowns as he listens, " I tell Benar and Oz you were outside, or tell Flicktail or keep that part quiet?" He has made sure they are ok and goes to sit down going quiet, "And one last thing before I take a needed nap...Corinne is staying here,under my care, so she'll be here in the abbey now"
"Umm.." Not telling that part would be lying, Shandar knows. But she doesn't want to get in trouble. But maybe.."Can I tell Flicktail?" The part about Corinne makes both dibbuns happier. Shandar smiles, wiping the blood away, and Ahndia claps her paws and grins. "Yay! I like Corinne. She's very nice. We are going to have so much fun together!"