Blisa of Ferravale vs. Tavis of the Mossflower Malitia...oh my. (Marek's Revenge TP...mostly a little sort of kinda :) )
You have come upon a large orchards that has apple trees in one area, pear trees in another, some peach trees and some walnut and almond trees in another area of the orchards. A couple plum trees are on the far side of the orchards and on the sides some blackberry bushes and wild strawberries.A path heads back to the fields where crops grow.
Exits: [B]ack to Fields
Tavis the mouse. Blisa the cat, Ferdinand the ferret, and DoraRose, another mouse. And a couple of...friends. Let's call them friends. Yeah.
A cool breeze blows through the Ferreval Orchards offsetting the heat of the noon day sun. A series of clouds gather to the north in the far distance, promising rain later on. Among the trees there is a small clearing where a trio of beasts have gathered. Prehaps the first, and last Militia beasts to enter the village of vermin willingly. Tavis Longtail is among them. The grey furred mouse is out of his sling, mostly by choice and against healers orders, and is wearing a light chain mail tunic. A broad sword rests at his side. "Are you sure you want to do this alone?" Asks an otter wearing a green tunic with a short sword at his belt. "I'll be fine. It will appear...less hostile." The two militia beasts bow slightly before dissapearing to their assigned places well out of ear shot but still close enough to rush in to defend the mouse incase this goes horribly wrong.
Through the orchards, between the trees, comes Blisa. Her petite white form is slightly veiled under her perfectly fitting chainmail tunic. Her green eyes smile out from under her helmet. And that is the extent of her armour. Hey, it takes a while to make! Ferdinand walks beside her, double checking that the kitten has her dirk and knife, and that his sabre is easy to remove from it's sheath. He is also wearing a chainmail tunic and helmet, aswell as guantlets, but they have an odd symbol on them; not the Ferravale crest, but instead a paw holding a sword aloft with an iron ball on a chain beneath it. DoraRose comes up behind them, battleaxe in paw, bastard sword sheathed at her side. She has a loosely-fitting chainmail tunic, gauntlets, and no helmet. Like she needs it when in Bloodwrath. The trio approach the male mouse, then Blisa steps forward until she is only a few steps away, leaving the other 2 a good yard behind her. Nodding, she says, "Afternoon. I hope you don't mind the precautions I have taken by bringing my friends along with me. You never know who you can trust nowadays, it being wartime and all."
The mouse raises the remainder of his eyebrow that is torn in half from the series of claw like scars across his face. He is now realizing why Luco sent him of all beasts to talk with this kitten in armor. Everyone else would have lost their composure, broke down laughing, and very likely started a war. Not to say that Tavis isn't tempted too, but his professionalism holds out. "Not at all. I share the feeling. And truth be told the Moss Flower Militia does have a bit of a...reputation." The mouse smirks slightly, "I am surprised that you accepted my invetation...and rather pleasantly surprised you chose me out here. It is a wonderfull spring day."
Blisa smiles, letting her many pointy teeth show as her soft green eyes sparkle slightly. "Indeed, it is. I am actually quite surprised that the famed Militia-that-hates-all-vermin-period would want to speak on slightly friendly terms with a vermin village. How may I help you?" Her demeanor may seem friendly, but underneath her chainmail and tunic and leggings and soft white fur, she is like a tightly wound string, ready to fight if need be. DoraRose has a blank look on her face, neither friendly nor menacing, but somewhere in between. Ferdinand is scanning the orchards, looking for trouble.
The mouse Tavis nods his head, "Oh, we love Ferraval. It serves a purpose in the Mossflower woods. If you destroy a vermin stronghold..." he almost says homes...or villages... "Then they just scatter about finding other places to seek refuge from. But if you leave one holding intact then they tend to go to that one place. And if they go to Ferreval then they are setting up shop in the woods." The mouse says almost casually. "Speaking of Vermin strong holds, after I finally got back with my troops our Leader Luco has sent me to talk to you about Redwall." The mouses tone goes flat, serious, and with out humor, "I think we can both agree that Marek left unchecked in one of the most heavily fortified places, in Redwall, is bad news for all beasts, vermin and woodlander alike."
The tip of Blisa's white tail twitches in an irritated fashion, but says nothign as of yet about the first subject, instead focusing on the second subject. "Yes, I do agree. Although the battle is deeply personal for me. Marek once almost killed my father and made him forget me. Our Seer had to bring back his memories. Then he has the gall to take my Daddy captive." She laughs now, a mirthless, dark sound. "I have sworn to dance upon his grave." The cat fidgets slightly as DoraRose speaks up. "A group left Redwall almost a month ago to go and get help from Salamandastron, the badger mountain and base of the Long Patrol. They should be arriving back any week now." The kitten nods, then asks, "Did you have a plan?"
The mouse folds his paws behind his back, "The illustrious Leader of the Militia has authorized me to send you three seige engines, catapults, fifty lancers and thirty archers in the aid to take back Redwall. And a non aggression pact between Farreval and the Militia. Provided one thing." Tavis begins to pace back and forth, "I won't beat around the bush, there is some discussion among our leaders as to your...intentions regarding Ferraval's new have a reputation as so much that you are like a wild card. We are honestly worried that you are going to just take over Redwall and expand Ferrval's boarders..."
Blisa poufs up, enraged. "Excuse me?!" she growls, green eyes flashing, tail lashing back and forth. "How dare you insult me in this way?! Some of my greatest friends live in Redwall! My only goals are to rescue my father, take back Redwall back /for immediate return to the woodlanders/, and KILLING MAREK. I have no other motives! How /dare/ your stupid leader accuse me of wanting to take over my greatest ally! And what in the stinking seasons does 'wild card' mean, anyway?!" DoraRose is fidgeting, her blues eyes flashing and fur poufy, aswell, but for now she keeps her silence. Ferdinand fixes his golden-eyed gaze on the male mouse, lips pursed and muscles tense as he waits.
If the mouse is fazed by the cat's outburst he doesn't say it. Years of staring snarling enemies in the well as pleading for their lives, has deadened Tavis's ability to be shamed. "Be that as it may..." He says finally. "Any time vermin gather armies to themselves for the express purpose of conquring others...even if those others deserve it... you can understand why that would make us, nervous to say the least. With your permission," Tavis says with little tact. "Luco would like to have me stay here for the duration of this crisis, as a liason between the Moss Flower Militia, and Ferreval...and mostly to make sure that you are not corrupted by the power you are going to be wielding soon...and using said power against us. The only other condition is that you stay out of our affairs after Redwall is taken back...and we will stay out of yours..."
Blisa stutters for a moment, then bares her teeth viciously. "I am not gathering an army! Anyone gathering an army for Ferravale is doing so without my permission! I am waiting for the Long Patrol to get here, then join forces with them and possibly Camp Willow! And you have no idea how much power I have! I have a snake! Yes, I do! I have a snake, and he's my pet and my bodyguard! And sure! You can stay in my village! And, if you like, you can even stay in the cellar--WITH THE SNAKE!! How do you like that?!" There's a line between confident and cocky. The kitten has crossed that line. DoraRose takes a few steps forward, her eyes flashing slightly. "I will vouch for this cat myself. And, besides, any agreements you make with her will become null and void when we rescue her father, who is the actual Chieftain here in Ferravale. Blisa is just holding his place until he returns." Ferdinand nods vigorously in agreement.
The Militia leader raises an eyebrow for a change, showing his first real sign of shock and confusion. "Miss Dorarose I presume...your name has gained quite a reputation as well through out the forest...I was...also not aware Scioto was still alive." The mouse crosses his arms, "And what do you mean you haven't been gathering an army? You left a pretty good mark on the Verdant Guard." Tavis pauses then looks between them both, " have no idea what I'm talking you?" Tavis rubs at his eyes, "My, applogies. One of the other militia's in the woods, yes there are a few right now, or at least were. Got taken out. We...uh, found their main camp in ruins with their soldiers remains decorating the gates. We were hoping that was you." He's going to have words with Militia Intell when he gets back...oh so many heated words...maybe with a battle ax. " have a pet snake?"
DoraRose nods curtly. "Indeed, I am DoraRose Strongheart." Blisa interrupts, having calmed down, but not enough to have good manners. "The who Guard? No, I have no idea who you're talking about! It might've been my father, but I doubt it to the extreme. And, yes, the last we knew he was still alive." She almost chokes on the word 'alive', and for the first time in this meeting, she looks like a scared, sad little Dibbun. But her face quickly hardens again. "And, yes, I have a pet snake. He is a whipsnake named Basilisk, and he is also my friend. And what would you do if I said you couldn't stay?"
"Probbibly Nothing." Tavis says with a strait face. He almost believes it himself. "You have a pet...snake?" Dibbuns. Does she honestly expect him to believe such nonsense? The mouse begins to think until he feels a shadow fall upon him. Slowly Tavis turns around and stares up, and up some more into the eyes of a very large, very obese snake. The latter detail is lost for once as the snake is also /Armored/. He wears a large iron chest like peice over his chest, covering his heart both in front and in back. His head bares a helmet with a red feather plume and the crest of Ferreval on it. Tavis can only stare at the snake as it coils around the nearest tree, standing tall over him. After a lengthy pause Basilisk says, "It'sss...a little tight." He says sheepishly.
Blisa smiles slightly. "Yeah, that's 'cause you're overweight, genius. So, Tavis is it?" She takes a step forward so she is now toe-to-toe with the mouse. "And I would hope that you would do nothing, seeing as I am the best protected creature in the entire region. But now my question is this; do you really /want/ to stay in my village, seeing as how my largest and strongest bodyguard goes everywhere with me?" DoraRose rolls her eyes at the snake, still ticked off and twitchy because of the other mouse's accusations.
The mouse grits his teeth. He had most certainly not been expecting that. The mouse turns abruptly heading away from the party. That is probably a big fat 'no'. He pauses only to say, "There is a hare staying at the fang and claw, Cisco. When you need to get in touch with me, talk with him." The mouse continues away from the party, paw held tightly about the hilt of his sword. He is going to relieve some stress by having words with his 'bodyguards' for letting such a snake get so close. Basil watches him leave, "Doessss thisss mean I can't eat him?"
Blisa pats the snake on the nose. "Sorry, Basil. You can't eat him today. Maybe here really soon." Ferdinand chuckles slightly as he watches the mouse guy scurry off. That reaction is actually quite common upon meeting the snake. DoraRose watches the other rodent wander off, muttering to the kitten, "I don't trust him." The feline nods to the warrior, then hollers at the militia-beast, "Okay, Crisco, y'say? I'll make sure and do that. And I'll try to not scare him /too/ much with my snake. Oh, and be careful out there...I hear there's another whipsnake and some adders out in the woods. It was /awesome/ talkin' to you!" She adds with some sarcasm.
Tavis responds by drawing his sword and beheading a stalk of tall grass as he walks. The snake chuckles as he watches the beast disappear into the distance. "Pleasssent fellow." The snake begins to grin at the thought of a tasty hare to eat, "I hope this Cisco is a real fat, plump and tasty beast..."
Blisa giggles a little hysterically, coming down from an adrenaline high, her emotions going haywire. "He might be. We'll see soon. I liked the look on his face when you appeared behind him." She can't stop giggling, even though she looks about ready to cry. Ferdinand scoops her onto his back. "I think you need thome food." He goes to carry her back home, hoping Tavis doesn't see this. DoraRose hefts Nightsong, twirling it in her paws, expertly missing the snake by mere inches. "C'mon. I'm hungry, too." and follows the feline and the ferret.
With the beasts gone and out of sight Tavis comes to a small thicket of trees. His two body guards, the otter and a very plump grey furred hare appear out of the bushes. "Cisco, you already have your orders, Malo, go report to Luco in Arundal." The two militia beasts nod respectfully before leaving the mouse alone with a third newcomer. Tavis turns to address the beast. A brown furred weasel with a spotted hide. He wears a fox hide sash of sorts over his bark leather trousers with a copper iron plate over his left shoulder. His chest and abdomen are left mostly bare save for the harness for his short sword. "Keep an eye on them. The cat, her body guards, the head guard, even that reptile of hers." The weasel's eyes light up when he sees the pouch of gold the mouse tosses at him, "Don't mess this up..." Tavis says before turning away...
Thanks for reading! :)
If you'd like to listen to some songs that I think sort of go with this log, listen to "Me Against The World" by Superchick, "Cage" by Plumb, "Running Out Of Time" by BarlowGirl and "One Girl Revolution (Battle Mix)" by Superchick :) You don't have to, though. It's just a friendly offer. :D