Another otter prisoner of Nightfur's...great. Just brilliant. How wonderful. Exactly what the rest of us wanted. :P

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This happened literally immediately after this log:

Nightfur's Hideout:Slave Cell 1

Flamefur the vixen. DoraRose the mouse. Derean the sea otter. Powell the otter. Nightfur the fox.

Flamefur arrives and makes sure the otter is cozy, wait you cant be a cozy slave he is throw in and the cell locked very well!She snorts and goes to report to her master

DoraRose had been sitting quietly in the corner, fuming and thinking and trying to figure out a way to escape when, without warning, her plotting is shattered by the clang-y arrival of yet another prisoner. Before the mouse can react, the door is shut and locked. The gritting her teeth, the warrior kicks the wall, her blue eyes blazing angrily.

Derean hits the ground when he is thrown in, rolling several times before coming to a stop. There is a noticeable bruise on the back of his head and he seems to be unconscious.

Powell opens his eyes and blinks as the cell opens and closes just as quickly, his eyes go wide at the sight of another otter and quickly sits up and then stands up going over to the otter.

DoraRose sighs and stands, also approaching the sea otter and muttering something about getting healing lessons from Leon. She kneels beside the otters and gently takes hold of the newcomer's paw. "What should we do for him?" she asks, not afraid to show her lack of knowledge in the area of healing.

Derean's wrists are both scarred, as though from shackles, and if one were to remove his leather vest, they would see a patchwork of scars there as well that cover his back along with a brand on the back of his ear in the shape of the letter f, showing this may not have been the first time this has happened to him.

Powell sighs "I..I don't know, see if he wakes up soon lass"

DoraRose nods and continues to hold the sea otter's paw, waiting patiently for him to awake. The sight of the scars angers her, but the only sign of that is the hardened look in her eyes.

Derean eventually groans, his deep blue eyes slowly opening. "W-Wha..." He mumbles.

Powell looks at the wrists, "He has been a slave before Lass..."He looks at the otter coming to.."Ello lad, ya be in a cell with me and some others, take it easy thar"

DoraRose sighs. "That's just great. I only hope we can escape before he gets more scars that match." As the sea otter's eyes open, she leans forward slightly, pressing gently on his shoulder with a kind paw. "Ssh, you just got a little bump on your head. I don't think it caused too much damage." Not that she examined the wound. It's mostly just wishful thinking.

Derean slowly attempts to rise, though he's a bit too out of it to do much of anything. "Got t' get out..." He mutters, though all he's really doing his laying there mumbling to himself.

Powell frowns "That will be hard lad, ta get outta here' Name is Powell, who are you ?"

DoraRose smiles, but she's so angry, the smile doesn't reach her eyes. "And I'm DoraRose Strongheart. What's your name, and how did you come to be captured?" she lets him sit up, but she is ready to help him not bump his head should he become dizzy or lightheaded or anything.

Derean groans again, deciding to sit up only since that's all he can do. "D-Derean...m-my names Derean.." He says, still too stunned to even register the names he was told.

Powell nods, "Just take it slow, this is Nightfur's base, not sure where de evil fox is right now and could care less"

DoraRose growls deep in her throat. "I hope he's crawled up in a corner and /died/. Last night I wished for a curse to befall him; if only we knew wishes worked." She glares at the iron bars holding them in the room, as if her very look could melt them and set the prisoners free.

Derean shakes his head. "I-...I killed Storm..I think they captured me fer revenge...."

Powell listens and nods "Very possible...well besides me and Dorarose here, there is also Starlight, she be a-sleepin' right now and some others are inna another cell"

DoraRose frowns, looking slightly mystified, then her brow clears as she asks, "Oh, was that that swan that was killed a few weeks ago?" She goes to look at the wound on the back of the sea otter's head, now that he's awake and sitting up.

Derean nods, wincing in pain and raising a paw to gently touch the back of his head. "Aye, Lee told me t' kill him, and so I slit 'is throat."

Powell nods "Well, looks like Nightfur lost his main way to pass messages around,..thar also be Safana and Aster and others working fer Nightfur"

DoraRose gets the lone cup of water in the cell and digs a surprisingly still clean handkerchief from her pocket. Getting it wet with a little of their precious water, she hands it to the sea otter. "Put this where it hurts. You seem familiar; are you from Redwall?"

Derean grimaces as he presses the handkerchief against his head. "I don't live there, an' I only recently came there." He sighs, looking around the cell. "I can't believe...after all this's happening again.."

Powell sighs as the otter seems to pass out again, "Its proba'lly best he gets his rest lass"

DoraRose nods and sighs. "I wish this cup was glass...then I'd smash it and use it as a weapon..." she grumbles, setting the little wooden cup on the floor. "We've /got/ to figure out how to get out of here!"

Powell says, "I agree, has to be a way out, before anything else happens or anyone else is captured"

DoraRose nods, then jumps up and looks out into the hall. For some reason, there are no guards close enough to see inside the cell...but they would definitely see if the prisoners were trying to escape that way. The warrior backs up and goes to the back wall and begins to press on the wall blocks.

Powell watches "Wot are ya doing lass, walls don't move"

DoraRose continues to press on wall blocks. "My Papa made the greatest weapons in Tuscani, and creatures from far, distant lands would come traveling to get custom swords from him. They also came from quite close. We lived a few hours walk from the great city of Roma, and one day Papa took me to one of his customers there. This rat was rich, almost bathing in gold and silver and precious stones. But he was always terrified that somebeast would steal his wealth. So he had a secret room built in his bedroom, and when it came time for him to pay for the sword Papa had made him, he took us back there, pushed on a certain block, and a hidden door opened, revealing the room full of dazzling treasures. I'm just checking to see if this room has a door like that." by now she has pressed every block on the back wall, with no luck.

Powell says, "I see interesting lass"

DoraRose has checked out all the blocks in the wall as far towards the door as she dared without being seen, all with no luck. She sits down and sighs wearily, staring at the door.

Powell offers a smile "Not ta worry lass we will get out soon enough, your see"

DoraRose looks at the otter, looking tired and worn. "Aster said something about lying to Leon...what if he was told I was dead? He would go insane! I...I'm afraid of how he might be when I get back...or how he might not be..." for the first time since she's been captured, the warrior looks to be on the verge of tears.

Powell is unsure what to do, he doesn't know the mousemaid that well, he gently goes to hug her, if she allows a hug "Its going to be ok...who is Leon?"

DoraRose stiffens slightly, then relaxes, recognizing the attempt to comfort her. "He...he's my husband, and the Master Healer of Redwall. We have twin Dibbuns, a male and a female. He works so hard, and hardly ever gets any sleep, and then to be told I'm dead..." she hiccups as tears start to trickle down her face.

Powell frowns and lets her cry on his shoulder if needed rubbing her back slowly "Tis will be ok Lass...and hopefully Leon will be ok as well, you are alive and just need to stay alive.." He frowns, "My mate is whole...clan is dead but me daughter, all cause of Nightfur and his vermin"

DoraRose cries herself out on the otter's shoulder, listening to him. When her tears are all but ceased, she sits up and sniffs, wiping her eyes on her sleeve. "I'm sorry for your loss..." she whispers. "Most of my family is dead or vanished, too. Leon, our children, and my brother Emyuil are the only family that I have here in Mossflower..." she digs out a rather dirty bit of cloth from her apron pocket and wipes her nose with it.

Powell says, "I am sure they have beasts searching for ya, maybe they will catch one of the evil beasts helpin' soon""

DoraRose nods. "I hope you're right...I wonder why Safana is working for somebeast so evil. I mean, she's Scioto's sister. I...yeah. I hope you're right..." she wipes her nose again and sniffs, still looking very sad and melancholy.

Powell listens and shrugs "I am not sure who Scioto is, prehaps he is a danger as well?"

DoraRose shakes her head. "No, Scioto is a friend. He's the Chieftain of Ferravale, and they have a peace treaty with Redwall. But Scioto hates slavers....I feel sorry for his daughter, Blisa...he and Safana are the only family she has left."

Powell says, "Well if he hates slavers sounds like a very good beast to have on our side"

Nightfur walks up to the cell doors and looks in "Well, how are my slaves today, cozy?..I do hope not"

Powell glares pure cold hate at the fox as he shows his face.

DoraRose also glares at the fox, her blue eyes like chips of ice, but she says of yet.

Nightfur smiles coldly and looks at the mousemaid "I remember you well, from the abbey gates."

Powell folds his arms and just glares "What do you want Nightfur?"

Nightfur chuckles "What do I want? You dead riverdog, but you already know that, obey me and I wont harm your dibbun"

DoraRose smiles icily right back at the fox. "Oh, really? I'm glad to hear that..." she almost sounds bored, even after the threat on the Dibbun's life.

Nightfur smirks, "Better get use to the cell, your be here the rest of your life and depending on how well you obey...will determine how long you live mouse maid, and I can harm your friends if I want so...obey me"

DoraRose pretends to yawn in a bored way, covering her mouth, then she goes back to glaring and smiling icily at the fox. "Then what is your order right now, /master/?" she asks mockingly, daring him to come in there and mess with her. Yes, she would probably die, but she could most likely take an eye of his with her....never underestimate fingernails. Or claws.

DoraRose sighs and goes back to thinking of ways to kill Nightfur, and how to escape, and she doesn't even notice when the fox walks away, leaving her to her thoughts.

Thanks for reading!