And now we know why Kate doesn't go on Patrols (LP Log while waiting for the Sala Ambassadors to come back to the Mountain)
Salamandastron: Crater
- -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
You are on the very top of the mountain of Salamandastron: a large, bowl-
shaped crater. The crater is not smooth, quite the contrary in fact.
Numerous boulders and large chunks of rock are strewn around randomly,
making the crater top just as craggy as any of the mountainside. The
crater provides an outstanding view of the surrounding country. The sea
sprawls off to the west as far as the eye can see, and north and south
along the endlessly rolling sand dunes. In the distant east, a tinge of
green is just visible from this height, marking the vegetation in the
foothills of the Western Mountains.
- -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Visible Exits:
[N]ortheast [M]ountainside [Down] to Third Level
Hare's: Kate, female. Felicity, female.
Felicity is up here, scanning the beach below for any sign of the returning Badger Lord and other rescuers. She has a cane, having healed enough that crutches are unnecessary, although her ankle is still wrapped in a bandage. She shields her eyes against the glare of the sun with a paw.
The sound of paw steps coming up the stairs is drowned out only by the wind as it rushes over the mountain. Kate's fur is ruffled as she ascends the stair case, pausing to lean against the wall. "You know, I think they only gave me this assignment to (huff, pant wheeze) to get me to exercise more. That (huff huff) is give me a second and I'll find the right -ist word to give it." The obese hare resumes her journey, carrying with her a platter filled with bread and cheese and a flask of water. "Fresh from the kitchens mate." She says to Felicity. "Well, sort of fresh. Ya know it takes 20 min to climb these stairs?
Felicity looks over her shoulder at the overweight hare, then turns back to her watch to hide a smile. "Try doin' it while having to rely on a crutch. Takes for/evah/." She glances at the bread and rubs her grumbling stomach. "They sure do look good, wot!"
"Take it from me, they /are/" The hare chuckles setting the tray on the ramparts of the wall. "And I might as well have a crutch, blazes..." The hare rubs her stomach with a sigh, "I used to bound up and down those steps all day long. Now days, I barely get out of the library, wot." Kate shakes her head, "Here I go ramblin' 'bout me own troubles. What about you? You gettin' 'round ok on that leg? You healin' up, wot?"
Felicity sits down where she can still look around the countryside and grabs a thing of bread and a hunk of cheese. "Well, the library /is/ quite nice...I sometimes don't wanna leave..." she makes a sandwich and takes a bite, and after swallowing adds, "Oh, 'tis fine. Listenin' to other beast's problems keeps me from gettin' lost in my own. My ankle's gettin' better; the 'ealer's say that I'll be able to go back out on Patrol in Febuary." She sighs wistfully and looks longingly out at the beach. "I get so tired of bein' cooped up in 'ere. I just wanna /run/. 'Tis dreadfully tiring, some days, to 'ave to stay 'ere all the time."
Kate sighs as well, leaning herself against the battlements. She looks longingly upon the scenery. "I here ya gal, I hear ya. I was a skirmisher once ya know. Grew up in a small fishing village but I didn' want to stay there. No, I wanted to travel the world. See the sites, get myself into trouble." Kate giggles with out shame. "So I joined the Long Patrol. Figured I could be like dem there fancy hero types and get to see the world at the same time wot? But you know how they say the best laid plans. Things happened and then-"
The hare cuts herself short. In the next instant there is a soft WHUMP as the beast falls to the floor beside Felicity and a loud crash as she takes the platter with her, paws tense and outstretched, eyes rolling upward and her body shivering. Her leg twitches uncontrollably.
Felicity had been listening. But then THAT happened. Gasping, she drops her food and kneels down, reaching out towards the other haremaid, then drawing her paws back. She doesn't know what to do or what's going on. Is it contagious? Will she begin convulsing like that if she touches her? She hastily yanks off her tunic, revealing that underneath that she wears a sleeveless undershirt. Quickly folding the tunic, she tries to put it under the other hare's head to cushion it.
Kate responds to the kind gesture by foaming at the mouth. The hare continues to twitch and shiver, paws still clenched and so tight it almost looks painful. After a moment the beast's convulsions subside, and her paws lay flat against the stone. She begins to breath heavily.
Felicity panics. And pulls her paws back. Augh, sick people, this is why she's not a Healer. She fans her face for a couple of seconds, then leans on them and says gently into the other haremeaid's ear, "Kate? Kate, love, can y'ear me?"
Slowly the hare's eyes begin to blink. Slowly she sits up, confused and dazed. She looks like she just got hit by a wagon in all honesty. "What in the blazes...oh." She holds up a paw for Felicity to wait, then, rolls onto her hands and knees. She continues to breath deeply before rolling her back to the wall where she continues to sit. "Ah well, doesn't that just ruin yer day, wot?" She laughs, adding a bit more seriously, "I'm still on...on the ramparts? Was I out long?"
Felicity looks basically speechless. Her blue eyes are wide, and her mouth is hanging open in a gigantic O. "Wha-wh-wh-wh-wha-?" is about all she can manage.
The obese hare merely rolls her eyes, "An' your freakin out. O' course." She rubs at her eyes, "I'm fine. Honest. OR at least will be in a....a second." She continues in a tone of voice that suggests she has said this next bit before, more times than she cares to admit, "Don't worry. It's just a, condition I got, 'kay? It's a long running one. Happens once every...week? Two weeks. I dare think it was three since my last attack."
Felicity blinks a couple times, then swallows and manages to whisper huskily, "This happens often? It.....uh....must be, uh....pretty scary." Her fur is bristling from the chilly wind, but she has yet to calm down enough to realize that she should put her tunic back on.
The hare chuckles, "For others maybe." She leans forward trying to reassure her fellow hare, "Don't worry. I hardly ever notice. I just...wake up. But you know, sometimes, just sometimes..." She leans in closer to Felicity, then with out warning flails her arms around in front of her, "BLAAAAAAAH!" Then leans back laughing so hard she clutches at her sides.
"GAHYOUFLIPPIN'JERK!!" Lissie falls over backwards, then grabs her tunic and goes to hit the other haremaid with it. Man, we thought she was fluffy before. Now she's seriously poufed up. "Why should I take you seriously next time you seem to 'ave a....whatever you just 'ad??" She grumbles angrily as she yanks her tunic back on. She sits back and crosses her arms moodily, not even bothering to put her tunic back under her sword belt. "You're a jerk. And I've probably also missed Lord Ciocan comin' back, y'little insect."
This does nothing but make Kate squeal in delight, laughing until she nearly hyperventilates. "Sorry, sorry..." She bites her lip then giggles, "No I'm not. You should have seen your face." Wiping a tear away from her eye the hare tries to stand shakily to her feet. When that fails she continues to sit on the battlement floor. "In all honesty they do happen about once per week. Ever since training." The hare points to her head, "You know how the instructah's are always droning on about keeping your helmet on proppah-ly? Well mine wasn't. Then my sparing partner, some big st-...goober..." Kate censers herself, "Buck hit me too hard, split me poor skull wide open. They actually thought I was going to die for a while. But, well, I didn't. Then the...what ever that was, as you called it, started [to] happen and now I spend my time in the library. Lovely story wot?" Kate successfully get's to her feet this time, if just as shaky as before.
Felicity suddenly looks at her with compassion and stands also, pointing to the cushy seat thing built into the wall. "'Ere, sit down. I'm sorry that that 'appened to you; 'tis a pity. You seem very brave, if a bit irritatin'." She smiles in a friendly manner as she sits herself down.
The hare nods. Grateful to set herself down again Kate smiles, "You can take the hare out of the fight but ya can't take the fight out of the hare, don'tcha know." She sits down and sighs, "Complete rubbish that is but it's fun to say none the less. Also, sorry 'bout the food. I'll have someone bring up more later."
Kate kicks her paws outward, stretching her legs, "I'm going to wait here ifin that is ok...see if it...happens again. If I zonk out again just grab a few beasts to haul me to the healers. I think...I think I am just going to take a nap here for a moment..."
Felicity smiles as she listens, trying to empathize with the other hare's plight. "Oh, it's okay, don't worry about it. 'Twasn't your fault, love." She offers her cane. "Per'aps ye should go down there now and let them know what 'appened. I'll come with you." She smiles encouragingly.
The heavy set hare laughs, "Nah nah, don't let me keep you from your duties. Then it really WILL be a bad day for me. I just...just need some time to gather my wits. I'll be fine. Honest." That was only partially a lie. Kate was far from fine. But for the moment she wasn't in the danger of relapsing. But if nothing else, at least she made a new friend. "Also...thanks. Thanks know." Kate laughs, rubbing the back of her neck.
Felicity smiles, then stands. "Alright, love, if you're sure. I need to go check the gate, but if you need to talk or anythin', just lemme know, alright?" She chuckles, then adds, "I'm a bit 'ard to miss, what with my fur and all." She goes to impulsively give the other hare a hug, then hobbles down to the guard station...only to find out that she missed the returning party of rescuers. Oh, shnap, that's bad.
Thanks for reading!