A talk leads to threats leads to more chatter leads to an emergency leads to the Abbey infirm leads to...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Redwall Entry

Cera the ferret. DoraRose, Caleb and LilyMoore the mice. Lee the otter. Emyuil the mouse. Oz the badger. Leon the mouse. Flicktail the fox.

Cera sits, well in her wheel chair, quietly and looks at one of the remaining some purple flowers before cold weather stays around.

DoraRose exits the gatehouse, holding both of the twins by a paw. LilyMoore laughs and waves at the ferret crying out happily, "Moma, lookit! Hi, fewet! I Lily." Caleb smiles shyly and hides behind his mother's skirts as she smiles warmly at the ferretmaid. "Good day, Cera. It's good to see you."

Cera looks up and smiles a little, "I..guess, still hard to get use to this chair, I am getting a new one soon but.." she frowns.

DoraRose nods as the three of them come up to the wheelchair. "I'm sorry." LilyMoore goes to scramble up onto the ferrets' lap. "Hi! Who you?" Caleb peeks around his moms' skirt, then giggles and hides behind her again.

Lee exits the Great Hall, making a beeline for the gatehouse to get his sword. He doesnt even greet the others.

Cera smiles at the dibbuns, "Are these your dibbuns?" She looks back to Dorarose and sighs "I guess its better than, being dead or being stuck with...Seth" She looks a little worried but goes on, "And Leon said something about if the dagger had been like 1 cm either direction I..I wouldnt be here now, I be dead"

Caleb looks hastily around at the ferret. "Dead? Gone bye-bye?" he looks upset at this idea, and DoraRose picks him up and comforts him. "Yes, they're Leons' and mine. I hear Seth is a very horrible fellow. Would it bother you too much to tell me a little more about him? Such as his favorite places to hide?" LilyMoore sees the otter and brightly yells, "Wee!" when he doesn't answer, she frowns a little and plaintively calls, "Wee?"

Cera doesnt see Lee her mind on other things, "Like trees..and he has his longbow and throwing daggers, he was gonna make this den north of the abbey, I dont really care where he is now, never want to see that rat again...ever"

Lee stops abruptly, looking at the others. "Dorarose, Cera. Good day...I be goin out, dont ye try ta stop me, either of ye."

DoraRose raises an eyebrow and urges Caleb to climb up onto Cera's lap, then turns to face the otter. "Excuse me? Don't you dare tell me what to do! What are you doing? Where are you going? And what on earth makes you think I'd try to stop you?" The twins whimper and snuggle up to the ferret.

Cera frowns as she finally looks up and sees Lee and the blade and.." No!"..She shakes her head, "You can't go alone..your die!"

Lee frowns darkly. "I be goin' after Seth. 'E took Stream'eart, so this be between me 'n him. I do not want any other beasts ta be hurt by 'im, so I be doin' it alone. Please, do not stop me."

DoraRose frowns slightly. "Alone isn't always the best idea. If you get injured or knocked out, who will help you? I'm not going to stop you, but I will insist that you at least take a few guards. If they get hurt, well, they should've kept their guard up better."

Lee sighs. "Lissen, yer right, but I need ta do this. Give me at least an hour's lead, okay? Then follow. I 'ave reason ta believe 'e be north of the Abbey."

Cera frowns, she has been quiet and has heard what happen yesterday from beasts talking around the abbey.

DoraRose shkaes her head. "No lead. Either they go with you right now, or I will try and stop you. No ifs, ands or buts." LilyMoore and Caleb looks nervous, catching the tone in their mother's voice more than her words.

Cera speaks "I could let Elder Benar know, it..it wouldnt take too long and...safer with others."

Lee frowns. "Let the guards know, then, and Benar...I shall wait 'ere."

Cera sighs and just leans back in her chair.

Emyuil walks out to stand by his sister's side, not saying anything, but smiling slightly, secretively.

DoraRose nods and tells the guards, and soon four are standing there in the entryway, looking ready for battle. All of them are vetrans, webbed with scars from battle wounds, with bulging muscles. They nod and get ready to follow Lee.

Lee then leaves without bidding anyone farewell. "These guards better not get in me way...Seth is mine...DoraRose, ye tell Flick ta be lookin' should we not return, but don't ye let Zork come, 'e been attacked by Seth too many times." Lee walks boldly through the gates and leaves.

Cera watches as he heads out, looking worried still.

Emyuil whispers to his sister, "The dreams aren't as bad now. When can we leave? I really don't want them to come back." He watches the guards go and looks a bit annoyed that he hadn't been informed; too late to go with them now.

DoraRose shakes her head absently. "Not right now, Emmy." Caleb pats Ceras' paw. "'T okay. He be okay." LilyMoore holds out her paws to the newcomer mouse and shouts, "Nunncy Memmy!"

Cera smiles some as she watches the dibbuns, its true dibbuns can cheer one up

Emyuil grins and picks up his niece, laughing. "'ey there, Lily. How are ye?" All his worries and annoyances dissolve in the mist of Lily's smile.

Caleb smiles and inquires, "What name?" LilyMoore tugs on her uncle's ear. "Why no eewing?" DoraRose glances over, then turns to a Sparra that is hopping around nearby and holds a short whispered conversation with it. The sparrow flies off.

"Eewing? What d'ye mean, little 'un?" Emyuil asks, confused. He glances over at the Sparra and looks at his sister questioningly.

LilyMoore frowns. "Eewing!" Caleb tugs on his uncles' shirt. "Where earring?" DoraRose is too lost in thought to notice her brother's look, even though she's staring right at him.

"What earring?" Emyuil asks. "I got one on Nevermore, but that's the only one I can think of. Is that the one?" Never mind if they can understand him or not. He looks to DoraRose for help.

DoraRose blinks and comes back into reality. "What? What's going on?" She smiles as she figures out what's happening. "Oh, they're just wondering why you don't have an earring like me." LilyMoore tugs harder on her uncles ear. "Why no eewing?" Caleb stands on tippy-toe and echoes his sister. "Where no earring?"

"I'll show you where 'tis," Emyuil says. "Follow me." He picks up each Dibbun, one in each arm, and walks into the gatehouse.

DoraRose follows her family and stands off to the side, giving her brother a warning look. No death. Caleb can't handle it just yet. No death. The twins laugh happily as their uncle carries them.

Emyuil nods to DoraRose. Don't worry about it. Emyuil walks over to the weapons locker and finds the key, opening it up and drawing out a wrapped cloth package after he sets the twins down.

The twins watch their uncle curiously. DoraRose sits in a chair, and her children crawl into her lap and yawn in sync.

Oz is at the entry and pokes his head into the gatehouse, looking for someone as he holds his staff in his paw and sighs, then giggleing is heard as a small hedgehog crawls into the room, Oz smiles as he hears the dibbun, "I found you and its still time for Sister May to give you.." Yes the dibbun knows whats next and screams "No Baffffff!"

Emyuil meanwhile says to his kinbeasts, "Now pay close attention." He unwraps the bundle and Nevermore, in its wickedly gleaming, dark, shadowy glory, is revealed. He walks over and kneels by the chair, with the blade pointed towards the floor.

Caleb whimpers and LilyMoore cries happily, she sliding off her mothers' lap to touch it while the male Dibbun hides his face from the sword. DoraRose smile and cuddles him. A pounding suddenly resounds on the door, and an injured guard, on of the ones sent with Lee, enters. "We...we need....help....help..." and he collapses. DoraRose Strongheart gasps and sits forward.

Oz grips the staff tight, ok where is the hedgehog dibbun, its hiding behind Dora's chair, "What is going on, whats happen?" He asks moving to the side some, he can't see whats happen and its clear this brothers him, a small whimper lets him know the hedgehog dibbun least stayed inside here.

"Careful, Lily," Emyuil whispers softly. "It's dangerous." The guard's bursting in snaps him back to reality. His head whips around. "Where? We'll be there as soon as we can!"

LilyMoore pouts since that means she can't touch it, the squeaks and hides behind her uncle. The guard gasps and points in the direction of the road. "Dirt....road....couldn't...couldn't stop...." he falls to the floor, out cold. DoraRose stands up, holdign the scared Caleb. "It's Lee. He must be in danger. We need to help him. Guards!" she steps out the door, and after a few moments a pair of hare guards go running out the gates.

Emyuil stands up, petting Lily's head reassuringly, but absent-mindedly. "Should I go?" he asks DoraRose.

Oz reaches out for Lilymoore, well someone needs to hold her.

LilyMoore reaches out her paws and allows the badger to pick her up. DoraRose hands Caleb over, too, and nods, all buisness now. "We probably should. Let me get more guards on the way there first." After doing so, she goes over to the weapons' locker. "I'll take Nightsong." She digs out a night-black battleaxe.

Emyuil gives a quick twirl of his blade, forged from the same ore deposit as Nightsong, and sheaths it on his back forcefully. "Let's do this."

Oz sighs, "You two need to be careful"

DoraRose nods, then stops beside Oz and kisses each of her Dibbuns on the forehead. "I'll be right back." They start crying and hold onto her neck. She frowns, then sighs as she struggle to extricate herself from the embraces.

Oz is still curious as to what happen as he sits down, the two mice dibbuns and the hedgehog one close to him.

A Sparra flies into the gatehouse and whispers something into the warrior's ear. DoraRose nods and exits, heading down the road.

The road...

Lee is slowly making his way along the road painfully, trying to reach the abbey. He spots somebeast approaching, so he pauses to see who it might be.

It's DoraRose Strongheart, carrying a jet-black battleaxe. She rushes up to the otter and kneels beside him. "Lee. I'm here. Can you walk?"

Lee looks up. "Yes...painfully..." he winces a bit. "That rat...he slashed me side...bled a bit...not fatal, thankfully..." he seems to be holding something back, though.

DoraRose helps him stand and gives him Nightsong to lean on. "What? What is it? I know all but one of the guards is dead. What is it?" They are now on their way to Redwall...

Lee leans on the axe, wincing. It is apparent his face has been cut as well. He remains silent a bit as they head for the Abbey. "He..." the otter starts to break down. "He killed 'er...He took me heart..." he begins weeping. "She's gone..." his voice is full of despair.

They go to the Redwall Infirmary.....

Leon is finishing up placeing dried herbs in jars and jotting down the names on the jars and putting them up, some fresh herbs are still on the table, he has just finished helping a mouse that burnt thier finger and now goes to sit down.

DoraRose opens the door and rushes in, helping Lee to a bed. "Leon! I'm so glad you're here! He needs help." she takes her battleaxe, Nightsong, away fromt eh otter, then flushes as she realizes that she just brought a weapon very far into the Abbey.

Lee slumps in the bed, groaning a bit.

Leon eyes go wide, ok Dora is not hurt he goes to check on Lee and looks for the more serious wounds first, "What happen? Where?" A novice can put the weapon away, he quickly gets a clean cloth to clean wounds, some herbs, bandages and is back at Lee's side, healer mode.

Lee sighs. "The rat slashed me side an' me face...probally other cuts...I dunno...It don't matter anymore..." .

Flicktail hears lee and shakes his head "How many time ave I told you when fighting DON'T let the other best SLASh ya."

Leon nods, he looks at those wounds, ok peppermint oil to numb it, then he can sew after he cleans it and does so with a skilled paw not speaking to anyone, its not till then herbs are applied and the side wound is taken care of, he checks for other wounds, more serious to not so serious and cleans, applies herbs and maybe a couple stiches, he looks at the face and hmmms.

Lee sighs, letting Leon work without comment.

Flicktail asks, "So what did ya fnd out Lee?" Flicktail smiles to DoraRose "Ello DR, Love seein ya"

Lee looks up at the fox. "She be dead. The rat tol' me he killed 'er...Ye said she'd be safe! I shoulda gone after 'er last night! Then she WOULDNT BE DEAD!! Now wot will I do? YE TELL ME!" He looks away after he finishes yelling.

Flicktail asks, "Lee lad, how can ya believe a rat? I don't believes it"

Leon finishes tending to the wounds and starts to bandage them as he finally speaks, "Did you...see her?"

Lee frowns bitterly. "How can I not believe 'im? He killed two guards and thought 'e killed me...thought 'e slashed me deeper n' he really did. I can't not believe 'im... If he said 'e killed 'er..." he sighs

Flicktail says, "Cause e as nothing ta gain by beastnapping her THEN killing her, but he knew howto rattle ya"

Flicktail says, "an had ya waited fer me Seth might be dead nows"

DoraRose frowns, remembering a time when she thougth the same about Leon....she leaves to find her Dibbuns and eat in the gatehouse and wait for her husband to show up...

Thx 4 reading! :)