A LP hare is being held for ransom. Because that is what we do. (A Long Patrol log)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

In which Felicity and Feanor "bury the hatchet" and decide that their feud is so middle school, and they're better than that.

The Western shores, on the beach.

Lizardy peoples: Tska, a useful spoof X)

Hares: Feanor, male. Felicity 'Lissie/Lissy', female.

A follow up to this log: http://rwmuck.limitless.org/rwmuck/content/and-what-i-get-helping-fox :)

The great mountain of Salamandastron looms over the beach, a beacon of security to all woodlanders, a beacon of terror to all vermin...peaceful or not...

For Tska it was a challenge to overcome. He could not fathom why the Jim was so paranoid, this was going to be fun!

The lizard scurries on all fours across rocks and the sand with agility despite having a pot belly that would encumber other beasts. He wears a harness and trousers as clothing, with a cutlass at his hip and a dirk at his side and smile on his lips.

This was going to be fun letting the hares know they are missing one of their own...

In the dunes, hard eyes monitor the approach of the reptilian. Feanor waited in the brush with rising fury, paw on the hilt of his sabre and itching to draw it. The waves roar steadily and calmly, at odds with his rising pulse.

Felicity exits the Mountain, unaware as of yet of the lizard's approach. Clothed in her uniform, she jogs to the water's edge, then back up to the hard sand, where she starts walking. It's a good day for a walk, right? She has her weapons with her, of course; she is not an imbecil. (Usually.) She still has yet to see the lizard, or hear what little noise he makes....although the crashing of the breakers would cover up most noises.

That is about to change. The lizard peers over his sand dune as Felicity draws nearer and nearer, as oblivious to his (Tska's) presence as he is to Feanor. He was hoping to actually reach the mountain before someone spotted him but, she would do. Hunched low to the ground he dashes across the sand making a bead line for the hare.

"On guard, lass!" Feanor bellows to Felicity as he springs to his footpaws from behind the dune. He scales it quickly and slides down the front, drawing his sword at the same time. He doesn't like Lissy but he still can't do /nothing./ Besides, he hates lizards. His sabre flashes brightly in the sun.

Felicity whips around at the shout, finally spotting the lizard. Realizing that she doesn't have enough time to fire off a slingstone, she instead draws her short sword and gets into an at-ready stance. "Stop right where ya are and I won't gut ye, wot!!" She shouts, ready to hit first and ask questions later. The picture of her standing there with the blazing sun and crashing sea would be pretty under other circumstances....but right now it's just threatening.

The lizard tucks and rolls across the sand, landing on his feet with both his cutlass and fencing dirk drawn and facing both beasts. "Huzzah! Yonder hares. Listen and listen well! I have a message for you..." He says as if he has rehearsed this speech at least a dozen times before. "And the message is...DEATH! MWhahahahahahahaha!" He pauses for a moment, "Oh and there is an actual message as well, one sec, uh...it's...it's around here some-" Tska pauses realizing that the ransome note is still at home...on the dresser...where he left it.

"Ah blasssst..."

Feanor advances quickly even as the lizard speaks, and in a flash his saber is leveled at the scaled one. /Give me a reason not to gut you/ is a demand made by his fierce expression.

Felicity advances, aswell, her blue eyes hard and threatening. "Delivah your message and I won't kill ye slowly, wot! What's ya message??" She is ready to hop forward and start giving the lizard a resounding beating if he gives her even just the slightest reason to.

"The message, ah, yes, the message." Tska thinks for a moment then his smiles returns, "You lot can try to catch me if you can...but if any harm comes to me you will never see you harey friend again! Hehehhehheh, that's right...the hare, with one ear. He will die unless you bring-" How much was it they were holding him for ransom again? "The badger lord's weight in gold to the docks by next week..."

Felicity freezes. The hare with one ear.... "Well...." she says quickly, trying to cover up her sudden, overwhelming panic. "Y'ave t'be more specific than that. We 'ave lots of 'ares with only 1 ear. This one that ye caught might be a defector. What colour are 'is fur and eyes?" It can't be her uncle, it can't be....

The lizard crosses his arms and twirls his saber idly in the air, "I don't know...like a hare? Brown...ish? Yall look the same to me, ok? Tall, fluffy, and dressed like soldiers?" He shrugs, "Point is we have /a/ hare and unlesss you want him to be sent back in pieces, you will bring the money to the docks in one week..."

The haremaid is struggling to not jump the lizard right now. Her paws shaking with pent-up frustration and sheer helplessness, she manages to grate out, "If you 'arm one /hair/ on my uncle's 'ead, I give ye my word as a Long Patrol fightah that I /will/ 'unt ye down and turn yer 'ide into a raincoat for my baby sistah." Lissie bares her teeth. She is almost positive that the kidnapped hare is Flint.

Feanor holds up his blade. If Felicity wants to gut the lizard, he won't stop her. If anything, he'd help her. But he's trying to work his way through the situation--trying to get the best outcome. Should he knock out the lizard so they have a hostage of their own? Decisions, decisions...

The lizard only smiles, "I'm only the messenger. Now, so are you. Why don't you go hop along to your lord and master and tell him the good news, hmmm?" He takes a dramatic bow, stepping away from the beasts with his swords still drawn, about ten feet away he turns to run!

"Aye, AN' YE CAN TELL YER BOSS THAT IF 'E 'ARMS FLINT, I'LL GUT 'IM PERSONALLY!!!" The haremaid shouts after the lizard. She then collapses to her knees as he runs away and buries her face in her paws. Lissie is afraid of what would happen to her uncle should she actually attack the lizard, so she refrains from giving chase. Even though it's obvious that she really wants to...

Feanor growls and sheathes his saber forcefully--he was too late to intercept the lizard. He instead crouches down next to Lissy. He doesn't like her that much, but she's a beast in need and he'd feel guilty if he just left her out here. "C'mon. We gotta go back."

Tska just continues to giggle like a school yard dibbun. It was about time to see those long eared barbarians on the defense. He dashes away until he is out of sight, hoping over the dune and vanishing from the beach.

"Uncle--they 'ave my uncle," Lissie manages to choke out. "'Ow.....I don't think we 'ave that much gold 'ere," she adds, sounding like she's on the verge of crying. "An'....an' what...what'll 'appen if we try to....to rescue 'im??"

"Won't matter. Y'know why? We have a badger, and enough hares to bury the lizards alive," Feanor mutters to Felicity. "We just have to be smart about this. Paying gold isn't an option--it'd show them that they could push us around, and soon they'd be around getting cocky and asking for more. So we fight."

Felicity looks up at her....well, he's no longer the enemy, but he is not a friend. So.....fellow fighter? Tears have trickled down her cheeks, but she brushes them away now and sniffs. "Ye're right, I"m just bein' silly. Of course we'll fight. And I call dibs on the leadah's hide, wot!" She adds fiercely, picking up her sword and sheathing it. "NOBEAST messes with what's left o' my family and gets away with it!!"

"Fair enough," Feanor says encouragingly, standing up now and offering a paw to help the lass up. "We'll take 'em all out, you an' me, wot!" He glances over to the mountain. "And I s'pose we'll leave some for the rest of the crew."

Felicity actually smiles. Accepting the paw, she stands, then goes to give it a shake. "Deal. ...I suppose we really oughtta tell some of our commandin' officahs...." she adds as she loops both thumbs through her belt and follows his gaze to look over at Salamandastron. "They might wanna 'elp."

"S'pose so," Feanor says with a wary smile, returning the pawshake. "C'mon, I'm starvin'." He heads towards the mountain, occasionally peering back to make sure his companion is following.

"Okay, but first we needta report this," Lissie says, completely serious. She follows him to the mountain, hoping to find someone, anyone, but Dagda, her [and her Uncle's] commanding Major, would be best.

Thanks for reading!

Also, Here's where to find out what division your hare is in: http://rwmuck.limitless.org/rwmuck/content/patrol-divisions

This is continued in this log: http://rwmuck.limitless.org/rwmuck/content/new-title-runner-halyard-spy-...
