"I thought Caleb hated me, so I've been avoiding him."

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This room is as wide as the one below it, if not quite as tall. The roof meets at a visible point above your head. There is a single window that looks out over the entry area of Redwall, but it is quite small and has thin pale blue curtains partially drawn over it. The room itself appears to have been very recently remodeled by a skilled craftsbeast and it also has been well furnished with a wooden bed frame that is complete with a head and footboard, two small chests of drawers, a simple chest sitting at the bottom of the bed and on the floor is spread a thick woven rug. The bed is just the size for two beasts to sleep in it comfortably and it is covered in a mid-weight blue blanket and made complete with two pillows. In one corner of the room, is a beautifully constructed baby cradle. The entire area has a very peaceful, secure feeling about it with few shadows but rather soft, warm light spread by several candles placed strategically about and a lit oil lamp hanging from the rafters.

Exits: Climb [Down] the Ladder

Leon the mouse. LilyMoore the mouse.

Leon has decided to spend, least half the day, just relaxing in his home and not worry too much on other issues .

Instead, the issues have decided to come to him! LilyMoore opens the trapdoor, slams it shut behind her, and hollers, "No, I don't wanna play jacks with you! Leave me alone!!" She then turns and spies her father. Ooops. "Oh, hi, Dad. Sorry for yelling."

Leon blinks and frowns "What's the matter Lillymoore? Every thing ok?" He sounds concern and he also sounds quiet, then he was in the infirm watching and checking on a couple beasts past couple days.

LilyMoore shrugs and looks at the floor. "Oh, one of the others wants to play jacks, but he always cheats and then makes fun of me 'cause he won, so now I'm hiding from him in here." She goes to hug her father and bury her face in his habit front.

Leon nods and goes to hug her, "Well maybe play with someone else or...your brother maybe, he has been feeling down last few days."

LilyMoore accepts the hug as she shakes her head. "I think Caleb hates me. I'm afraid that if I apologize, he'll just yell at me and not believe me."

Leon sighs, "Not what I heard, I heard he wants to ask forgiveness and talk, I am unsure where he is right now but he got really upset the other day"

LilyMoore looks up quickly, a confused look on her face. "What does he need to be forgiven for? I'm the one who made him mad. What's he upset about?" they may be in a fight, but the mousemaid's concern for her twin is obvious.

Leon says, "I am unsure, Zork mentioned Caleb was upset and that Caleb and you should talk soon. And I am unable to ask Zork what happen the other day, least right now I am unable to"

LilyMoore listens, her eyes wide. "Is Zork okay? I thought Caleb hated me, so I've been avoiding him. Is Zork okay?"

Leon frowns, he wasn't there when it happen but being the Master Healer he knows, "I am unsure how he is right now, maybe we can check later today. Your grandma knows more than I do..." And Leon is ok with that info, "As for Caleb he cried himself to sleep a few days ago and maybe he is avoiding you for the same reasons or thought reasons."

LilyMoore is obviously worried for her friend, but she doesn't press any further. "How could I hate Caleb?? He's my twin! We've known each-other for out entire lives! I love him! I would die for him if it would save his life!"

Leon smiles "Then maybe you should talk to him next time you see him, he is proba'lly helping in the kitchens a little, his paw still needs a little healing time"

The next words that come out of Lily's mouth are almost shrieked, "WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS PAW??! Why wasn't I told??" That would explain her twin-6th-sense hinting that something might be wrong....she had just assumed it was because he hated her. "What happened to Caleb's paw?!"

Leon answers "Cut the area between his thumb and finger while cutting carrots, he's been extra careful with it but it should be a lot safer from being bumped now, where before it would start bleeding again of was bumped just a little"

LilyMoore looks shocked. "So....he'll be okay?" She sits down on the bed and stares up at her father, looking much older than she really is because of her worry.

Leon nods "Your brother should be fine." He smiles a little, " His paw may even be out of the bandage is a few days"

LilyMoore smiles slightly, if half-heartedly. "Okay....that'd be good. I....are you /sure/ that he doesn't hate me?" She looks desperate as she seeks reassurance.

Leon nods "I am fairly sure, lets go find him and we can chat together"

LilyMoore nods and stands. Going to take her father's paw, she goes to follow his advice.

Thanks for reading! :)
