FV:Town Hall:Chieftain's Office This is an office where the Chieftain does some of his work. A large desk sits in the room and has varies important papers on it. A chair is by the desk and a window looks outside. Exits: [H]olding [C]ell, [B]ack FV:Town Hall:Holding Cell(#225562R) This is a simple strongly made cell for holding a captive. There is a good size bed and enough room to walk back and forth in if one wants to pace a tiny bit. No windows and only one way out and that leads to the chieftain office. Exits: [Out] FV:Town Hall:Marriage Room(#225083R) This room is fancy,maybe one of the ore fancy ones in the whole village. The windows have colored stained glass and the floors are a nice cheery wood. Benches are on either side of a cleared area leading to a stand in the front. To the side is a fancy pipe organ,thats only played for weddings. Exits: [B]ack Hall FV:Town Hall:Large Dinning Hall(#225078R) The large room before you is the dinning hall and its here large crowrds of beasts can cook a meal. A couple large tables are here as well as a couple small ones. A door leas back to the other room and one to the kitchens as well. Exits: [Ki]tchen, [B]ack FV:Town Hall:Meeting Room This is a large meeting room. A large table lined with chairs sits in the middle of the room. The table is made of oakwood, as are the chairs.A couple large soft chairs are here as well. There is a large fireplace to keep one warm in cold months and the walls have pictures of varies village beasts. A door leads to the dinning hall , as well as one to the Chieftain's Office and one back to main hallway. Exits: [C]hieftain's [O]ffice, [D]inning [H]all, [B]ack [H]all FV:Town Center The gravelly path through the village gets wider the further into the village it travels until at the centre of the village it splits off into four around a large firepit just waiting for any excuse for a feast or celebration and still showing the bones and a few broken mugs from the last one around the edges. A large longhouse for meetings has been built on one side of the road, standing important, decorated with carved wood, shields, weapons, furs and a large skull over the door with the large similarly fearsomely decorated house of the chief sitting proudly beside it. Meek in comparison across the road a smaller wooden building bares a misspelled sign over the door naming it the 'Infermery'. A few trees dot the edges of the clearing but buildings take over in most directions, only the north showing some vegetation within the village walls. To the west houses seem to spring up and take over the land while noise and masses of beasts take over the south around the market and shops. Down the eastern trail the village gates can just be seen with the tavern close by. Exits: [A]banded [W]arehouse, [T]own [H]all, [In]firm, [C]hieftain's [H]ome, [N]orth, [S]outh, [W]est, [E]ast FV:Chieftain's Home:Main Room The inside of the home is large, a door leads to the sleeping quarters and another to a kitchen area. This room has a large window looking outside with nice navy blue curtains on it. The floor is wooden and a large fireplace keeps the room warm in those cold months.Above the fireplace is a large painting of the Chieftain and his mate.In the room also is a table and a few chairs to sit in.A large bookcase is by a far wall with many books of all kinds on it. Exits: [Bed]room, [K]itchen, [B]ack FV:Chieftain's Home:Kitchen This is probally the only, or one of the only, homes that have its own kitchen to cook food in. A couple stoves are here and a table complete with cutting boards and an area to prepare food. A large wash basin is here for cleaning dishing and one for riniseing dishes as well. A couple servents can be seen working in here,making meals for the chieftain and his mate, sometimes the chieftain's mate herself will cook the meals. Cupboards hold supplies for cooking. Exits: [B]ack FV:Gates Gentle breezes softly drift through the various trees, creating a soft rustle soothing to the ears. The well-worn paw path wanders east and west, not straight as a road but definitely a line. Most of the path cuts through the thick foliage, beaten and well-trod on grass marking its main course. The trees are alive with various sorts of birds and insects, buzzing chirping and skittering about. There are flowers blooming all along the trail of all sorts of colors, scenting the fresh air lightly with their soft fragrances which almost covers the slight scent of decay that comes from the west. A large arched brick gateway rises up to end the path to the west, tall wooden palisades spreading out from either side with a ditch at their base. Along the gate's topmost arch is carved beautifully in granite, one word. Ferravale. In the vertical sections of the arch are two large openings, within are two large ferret mercenaries, the town's guard with further mercenaries in the guardhouse that can just be seen butting up to the inside of the walls. Inside of this huge arch is a well-crafted cast iron gate, very thick with bars a paw's width apart. A symbol rests is made in the iron, a large paw print, split down the center. Exits: [G]uardhouse, [Enter] Ferravale, [E]ast FV:Guardhouse The guardhouse comprises of a reasonably spacious wooden building with just one room in it and bars on all the windows. A few bunks for off duty guards back up against the wall furthest from the door often with at least one snoring lump in them. A couple of weapon racks hang out by other walls near a space of sawdust covered floor where training or just the occasional fight takes place while at a safe distance a round table surrounded by chairs holds the remains of a bit of food and drink, a tatty old pack of cards and a few dice to play with. Exits: [H]ead Guard's Office, [Exit] FV:Guardhouse:Head Guard Office Large enough to hold a desk and a wooden cabinet designed to hold scrolls, this office lacks much of the grandeur that accompanies the title. The desk and padded chair of the head guard is positioned on the left of the office, allowing the occupant to see the rooms only window. Positioned above the wall opposite is a large snarling eel head stuffed and mounted in such a way that it's the first thing anyone sees upon entering the room. If the head guard is not in he may be buried alive under the mountain of paperwork that engulfs the desk, even spilling onto the floor around it. Exits: [O]ut FV:Entry The scent in the air notably changes within the village compared to the sweet fragrant flowery smells outside the east gates. Stale air, rotting food and the occasionally not particularly pleasant smelling inhabitant all assault the nose until it gets used to things. Mercenary guards patrol the high wooden palisade wall separates the vermin village from the outside world, the only break in sight in the form of the main gate to the village to the east. North of the path one of the few stone buildings in the village stands a little run down, now an inn it butts up to the side of the tavern and boasts many beds available, at least that's probably what the sign says, much like the building it's old and the beast who wrote it has probably died of old age long after the paint was last touched up. West finally buildings begin to spring up everywhere and the path widens into a large clearing at the centre of the village. Exits: [F]erravale [Inn], [T]avern, [Back] to gates, [W]est FV:Houseing Area This is the houseing area of Ferravale. The homes look to be in good shape and each are made of a strong wood and have simple roofs, a couple homes are large than others and a couple smaller,other wise most are the same size depending on number of beasts living in the home. A small gravel walkway leads to each home and a couple large poles keep oil lamps burning at night for light on the main pathway. A path heads back to the center of town. Exits: [A]nother [H]ouseing [A]rea, [M]oonfeather's [H]ome, [N]ightbreath's [H]ome, [P]inefur and [S]unflower's [H]ome, [T]abatha's [H]ome, [D]imas's [H]ome, [Cry]stal Home, [E]ast FV: Abandoned Warehouse Just your average everyday warehouse, although the door is reinforced and sturdier than necessary. Dusty crates, barrels, containers, boxes all litter the dim, lamplit room, flickering as the guttering lights threaten to die. Ceiling is high, shadows are deep as well as plentiful, cover is rich...this would be a good place to hide from pursuers. Exits: [Out] FV:Infirm:Main Room This is the infirm. The far walls are lined with simple cots with clean sheets and pillows. The sheets and pillows are mainly white and blue.The room is keep clean and well sweeped. Cabnets are agaist one wall full of healing supplies and herbs,each marked in its own jar. A examineing table is seen and a wash basin. Exits: [M]aster [H]ealer's [R]oom, [R]ecovery [R]oom, [H]ealer [D]orm [H]all, [B]ack FV:Pond(#230063R) This is a large pond that is close to the fields and the orchands of Ferravale. The pond looks very well cared for and in warm months flowers of all colors grow around it. The pond is large enough to have a small fishing boat big enough for two beasts and also for a good number of beasts to swim in. In winter beasts can enjoy ice skateing. There is also a couple oak and maple trees here growing by the large pond. Exits: [P]ath [T]o [G]raveyard, [B]ack FV:Tavern:Fighting Pit The Fighting Pit is a circular ring set in the Ferravale Tavern, though off to the side. Metal railings surround the pit to keep the spectators out and the fighters in. The floor of the ring is set a bit lower than the rest of the tavern floor as the floor of the pit is filled with sand to make impacts a bit softer on the fighting beasts. There are little tables ringing the pit, though lacking chairs for a change. These tables sit at about the height of the railing and are much smaller than the tavern tables, and they are often either used for setting drinks down or for setting money for bets on. The floor just outside of the fighting pit is speckled with bits of sand lost from the footpaws of fighters exiting the ring or when certain fights cause sand to fly through the air out of the fighting pit, though that doesn't happen too much. A good distance away from the fighting pit, set against the walls, are tables like the ones found over by the bar in the tavern. Exits: [Out] FV:Orchards You have come upon a large orchards that has apple trees in one area, pear trees in another, some peach trees and some walnut and almond trees in another area of the orchards. A couple plum trees are on the far side of the orchards and on the sides some blackberry bushes and wild strawberries.A path heads back to the fields where crops grow. Exits: [B]ack to Fields FV:Fields A large area of fields and orchards takes over the northern parts of the village right up to the surrounding palisade walls, hiding the path entirely with just a few dirt trails leading through the vegetation. The crops now have order to their arrangement and poles tell what crops grow where. Here also is a small toolshed and an old stone cider press. Across the fields a wide stream flows and curves, cutting a couple paths, where the paths are a simple stone bridge crosses each path to the other side. By the fields a large storage building with a windmill built onto the side sits. There is also a grain Mill by the stream for wheat and corn meal. At least one beast can usually seen in the area, around the railings near the top of the newly build barn is an archer constantly watching for birds on the fields to add to the stockpile and occasionally keeping trouble from stirring. Exits: [B]ee [H]ive Area, [T]o the [M]ill, [P]ond, [O]rchards, [S]outh FV:Marketplace This is probally one of the busy areas of Ferravale during mid-day as a couple shops are here selling there wares and an area set for fruits and veggies to be sold and other goods from carts and stands.Guards wander by many times to help keep the peace and make sure laws are not broken. The area is well kept and keep clean. You can stay a while or head back to the center of town. Exits: [F]erravale [S]pices, [P]awnshop, [F]erravale [B]rewery, [P]ottery [S]hop, [B]akery, [S]eamstress [S]hop, [B]lacksmith [S]hop, [C]arpenter's [S]hop, [N]orth FV:Carpenter's Shop(#225584R) Sawdust fills the air and scatters the floor within the carpenters, as well might be expected from the amount of woodwork that occupies the building. The front half of the shop is taken up by completed items, furniture of every kind all finely carved have been placed around the floor as various bows, selections of arrows, other weaponry and tools can be seen around the walls. Further back into the building the workshop area can be found, a large workbench surrounded by sawdust stands holding several unfinished projects and a few tools while shelves and hooks on the walls keep other tools out the way. A small door leading to a set of stairs goes up to the living quarters above the shop and planks of wood pile up at the very back of the building with a few logs still waiting to be cut up. Exits: [Up]stairs, [B]ack FV:Graveyard No matter the weather anywhere else, it always seems to be foggy here, you think to yourself as you step into the graveyard of Ferravale, passing under a stone-and-iron archway with the Ferravale symbol on it. Tranquil in a stark, barren, silent way. The ground is hard-packed, with thin, yet closely bunched grass, light green, carpeting the area. There are a good many empty rows, but only the first few are occupied. The tombstones vary; some are grand, glistening, dark marble, while others are smaller, more understated slabs of ordinary stone. The graves are relatively new and lovingly tended; no moss dulls their surface and no weeds defile the earth before them. Many graves have small offerings, of simple talismans or significant objects left before the tomstones, along with more conventional flowers. There's a small white shed in the back, with, you notice with a shiver, stacks of blank tombstones piled against the back of the shed, blank slates awaiting the stamp of a death. Shovels are kept propped against the side, and several other tools of mortuary function are stored within. A few significant tombstones catch your eye-- Right in the middle--'dead center', you might say, if you had a morbid, warped sense of humor--of the first row, there's a tall, elegantly engraved marker of dark marble, that reads DAZZLE in large, flowing script. Another, to its right, is unobtrusive, yet something draws your eye to it. It's a small, sad headstone of pale grey-white granite, that reads in plain, straight lettering... Maxx. As you look at it, you get the horrible feeling that its occupant was extremely youthful, to the point where just the thought brings tears to your eyes. There's other stones here, but those were the two you first noticed. Make no mistake, everybeast here will be sorely missed. Exits: [C]reepy [P]ath, [B]ack Contents: [Tombstone-Reseda] [Tombstone-Oak] [Tombstone-Maxx] [Tombstone-Safana] [Tombstone-Raymond] [Tombstone-Shaz] [Tombstone-Sorrlagg] [Tombstone-Soarwing] [Tombstone-Dazzle]