Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 Re: RP Chat » We need a regular time to RP as a community again! » 2023-06-29 10:50:51 PM

Oh! And my hare! Kipp, short for Kippadoodle Bubbaloo Jebediah Debekenoosh Bananahat Razzlefrazz the Third, the Fourth.

#2 Re: RP Chat » We need a regular time to RP as a community again! » 2023-06-29 10:48:07 PM

Oh, I also had a shrew named Sheila and a vixen named Shritana, but I don't think I ever actually RP'd them with anyone.

#3 Re: RP Chat » We need a regular time to RP as a community again! » 2023-06-29 08:51:36 PM

Ol'random wrote:
CovertMako wrote:

Hello! I used to RP in the chat occasionally, many seasons ago, though it was after the decline had already begun. But, I would love to get back into it!

Hey, welcome back! I've been meaning to try and get an IC plot going on here again, and any new or old characters would be welcomed!

Also, I'm curious what characters you ran?

I played an Irish squirrel (I think?) named Nicholas. I mostly RP'd with the warrior known as Flicktail.

#4 Re: RP Chat » We need a regular time to RP as a community again! » 2023-06-29 12:12:36 PM

Hello! I used to RP in the chat occasionally, many seasons ago, though it was after the decline had already begun. But, I would love to get back into it!

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