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I hope you ok.
I have MOSWEN she is an evil weasel in the group.
*** Took a couple days but figured out how to pose a first with my weasel healer! ***
Wisteria- Healer and weasel
Krisha- Badger and fixer of forges..also a daughter to a Monitor lizard?
Ferro- Monitor and Ferravale Blacksmith
Wisteria was new to the village, new to the area and is trying her best to get a first impression here. She did find the infirmary and least this makes her feel a bit more at home, she is a healer after all.
Ferro is here slowly recovering from the affects of cold temperatures, being a lizard the cold weather effects him a great deal more. He ops his eyes “Who isssssssssss there?”
Wisteria blinks and walks over slowly “ Wisteria Featherpaw...a traveling healer looking for a place to call home...never seen a monitor this close again not seen one in cold weather either”
Ferro hisses slightly and hmmphs, “ here...issssssssssss my hone. I am Ferro the blacksmith here and yessssssss cold weather is not kind to forge stopped working and my daughter fixessssssss it assssssssss we sssssspeak...I hope ssssssshe isssssssss ok”
Wisteria frowns “But if it's not working that heat, that can't be well for your daughter can it?”
Ferro speaks “Sssssssssssshe issssssssss adopted...ssssssssshe issssssss a badger...issssssss long sssssstory”He coughs a little and sighs.
Wisteria blinks, ok she will not ask,”Oh..welll..ok that's,, that's different.”She walks closer now as she trusts he won' her for a snack.”You need anything? Also who runs the village I may be interested in a job here as a healer...your village seems to lack them”
Ferro answers “Blisa issssssss chieftain, a cat...and there isssss healerssssss here...jusssssst busy elsssssssse where..maybe 2-3 good onesssssssss....another healer would be nice to have around yessssssssssss.”
Wisteria nods “Maybe I could speak to the Master Healer or..Chief Healer?”
Ferro frowns “We lack one”
Wisteria looks surprised “You lack a Master Healer? That...has ta be..hard, who do they listen to then?”
Ferro shrugs “Each...other..they get along fairly..well the healers do. Perhaps the chieftain when issssss a problem to ssssssslove” He shrugs as he sits up a little and looks at the door with a frown.
Wisteria nods, she watches him “You...should take it easy, I can find someone if you want me too...did you need something..someone?”
Ferro nods “Check on my daughter...pleassssssssse I am unable to go out in thisssssss weather at thissssssss time.” He deep down hopes he is not stuck in the infirm too long, he has a plan to get back to the infirm as soon as possible, it just may require borrowing a few...blankets and then having another return them.
Wisteria offers s smile, yes smile at the monitor that has to be a first for her to smile at something that normally sees you as food”I can do that sir and then come back and let you know”
Ferro nods “Thank you”He lays back down, for now anyways.
Wisteria nods “Your welcome..Ferro” With that she walks off and hmms,.
=Hour later, maybe less than an hour ==
“Ok..Blacksmith shop...should of asked..”She does find it after a little while and heads inside. “Hello?”Wisteria sort of frowns, is this wise?
Krisha comes from around a corner and waves “Hello...of your looking for the blacksmith he isn't here right now and I am not sure when he will get back.” She moves to a another area and gets something “Excuse me..busy”
Wisteria is curious and follows “I..seen him, Ferro..said he wanted someone to check on his daughter, guessing that's you, seeing as he said a badger...”
Krisha nods, on another side of the room is a small dibbun badger, it's Northstar who giggles and points to the weasel. Krisha smiles “Stay there Northstar we can go to get lunch as soon as mommy is..done.”She turns a couple things and lights some coals and uses a special made blowers to fan the flames and waits, she then smiles “YES..”She clears her throat “I mean..yes it's working now it just needs to get heated up”
Wisteria watches the badger and chuckles “Your a blacksmith also?”
Krisha shakes her head “I..can fix a forge and..well not really that good at making much...though I did make a very small part” She holds up a tiny rod, this one is serious messed up “Trust me mine is much better...this is the one that needed wouldn't think such a tiny piece of metal would cause so much problems, I am only glad the new one works..I have made a replacement part of a forge before and had to redo it as it was too big, this was was lucky just right”She smiles and it's clear the forge is back in running business or will be later today or tomorrow. She checks a couple things before walking over to scoop up a giggling Northstar”We can go to the tavern first, then the infirm...we can get some to go food as my father will want lunch anyways and he needs the good news his forge is all fixed 100%”She smiles.
Wisteria nods”That;s good and I am sure he will be very happy to know, he seemed to feel ok...oh I am Wisteria ..thinking of being a healer here “
Krisha nods “Well go for it, healers are always needed.”
Wisteria nods in agreement “Yeah and I think I will see about living here and being a village lunch then?”
Krisha smiles “Yeah and...tell you want I will pay for yours today, welcome to Ferravale” She then leads the way to the tavern to get some to go lunches and then back to the infirmary.
Wisteria smiles and follows, so far first impressions of Ferravale are good. Looks like she may of found her new home.
Carmentis- my hare maid....soooo, how could she run into our recruiters? Maybe save one of their lives from some jellyfish poison, if near the sea still.? is injured and some reason separated from the other? Or they help her from bandits (Those annoying bandits do like to rob beasts) ?...
I Love this song!! There when needed and helpful all the time.
Maybe I can make a hare maid...she would be a healer after her recruitment training of course...GO HEALERS!!! And I loved the Long Patrol in the books
This is so so cool...yeah they can run into my hare....I will make her soon!!!!
I am new...well to the muck not to the Redwall World as I have read the books, seen fanfiction, and I have seen the cartoon...though didnt like the cartoon...
I play far, hey I like the healers
Wisteria- a weasel, healer around Ferravale mainly but will help woodlanders also...healer code after all.
Itsaso-a sea otter and healer in Mossflower Defenders now....healer code with her as she will help all beasts, long as they are not trying to murder her then she will not help them.
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