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The player that played Kenya....will not be back.Sorry...this is someone else posting this as I already updated the hare she played reason for the novice otter's reason.
I gave someone permission to spoof her since don't have pwords ect....this one was saved and just signed in when looked at wedsite( some computers will save pwords for sites after all to save time )....hopefully no one gets upset at this....Kenya dies in a log that will be posted from the winter storm role plays..sorry again I didnt know what else to say happen as it's a 100% the player will not return and sort of going with what another player said about characters they one should role play another's characters and I think that's best for KenyaAndJacenta...thank you for your understanding.........
The player that placed Jacenta won't be back. I am not sure what to say happen to Jacenta and hate to say she died since they did lose a hare to death recently. Let's just go with she left one day, going with character history here..she did have a brother that died in the fight with the horde that killed so many, many hares in Mossflower....she tried to stay in the patrol to honor her brother's memory and too many things keep reminding her of him so she went to the badger Lord and told him that sadly she quit..and walked out of the mountain and never returned, no one knows where Jacenta went, she didn't tell anyone one else she was sort of a sudden thing, even turned in her there your update for Jacenta.
I say cool to Hullabaloo in summer also. It's like summer to Autumn isn't it? And by the sea coast..:)Kenya will be there most likely
Singing...dancing....lots of hot root stew..sounds fun
Also ideas....
I like the idea of a snow storm...the only good is the abbey is ready for winter...but Ferravale isnt so much or I think they arnt as well clue on Camp Willow. A group of beasts could be out helping FerrVALE OR heard hey otters are freaking back at camp willow and went to see...but on the way back to the abey...BLIZZARD HITS...they have to find shelter in some old cabin or ...well somewhere till it passes..maybe they get to Brockhall(SHURGS)..the abbey could worry, sent out a serch party and find out the travels are safe and sound at BrockHall sort of a bad problem at first but at same time not........I dont know
Other ideas...
I don't know will have to think...I know the Western Shores need role play but looks like they have some TPs to happen...there is the Shew camp, maybe something with them needing help?
Maybe Kenya can run into Melantha..there is a planed trip she and her father are taking to the western shores, not sure who is escorting them though
ya fun
Who in the log:
Jacenta- Healer in the LP, Private
Felicity-Runner in the Lp.Corporial
Zolomon-Runner in the LP, Private First Class
Isla- Recruit in the LP
Varus-Fighter in the LP, Major
Dominik- Fighter in the LP, Private
Jacenta is in the infirm, checking supplies and making sure any injured hare is ok. She jots down another couple things quietly and checks another cabinet.
Zolomon was in her overnight, just a simple make sure he was ok and he was, just tired and so they made him stay here. He yawns as he wakes up and glaces around"I bally well need a drink...but an ale, like in Halyard."He stands and watches the healer "Supply checking lass? Always a good idea"
Felicity enters the Infirmary, having changed into her Corporal's uniform. Looking up from the paper she's holding in her paws, she smiles grimly. "Ah, good, I was looking f'r you 2. Tarsa wants a meetin' of the whole Patrol here latah today. Apparently there's some slavah group in the area who's taken a Patrolah captive, and since Majah Varus is injured and Corporal Adrian is about to go on a mission, she's inn charge an' I'm second in command." Her eyes widen, and her businesslike air vanishes. "Holy mussle soup, I 'ave no idea what t'do. The most I've been in charge of anythin' is when I volunteer with the leverets...." She sighs, then looks back at her paper, scowling slightly. "So you lot will 'ave to forgive me if I totally botch it, wot."
Jacenta nods "Need to make sure we are well stocked, some herbs are in the garden and some in Halyard and now that tis safer travel...not that I ever went out at night..usually"She isn't sure why she went to look for foxes anyways..insane but they did end up needing a healer even if they had to go to Halyard for some help with that."She..likely just wants our...unit, nit the whole patrol..slavers?"
Zolomon blinks "Young ones...they are their own horde"He then starts chuckling and grins, but then gets serious " it the same couple on de beach few days ago? I think Private R was taken..."He grins "Need an archer?"
Sitting near the back of the room on a cot by himself (he really would be extremely difficult to miss, in all honesty) is Private Dominik. It seems he had purposely positioned himself away from the others in the room, choosing to remain solitary for the time being. The massive buck stares off into space, his expression a grim one, his icy eyes haunted as he mutters softly to himself. The activity in the room doesn't seem to phase him, as he is in his own little world...and as others have found out recently, it likely would be unwise to disturb him until he came out of whatever odd trance he is in. The activities of the previous evening seem to have affected him quite a bit, as he constantly replays them over and over again in his head.
Felicity's scowl deepens. "What did I say? Did I say th'Patrol? Yeah, I meant our unit....ARGH, she just came in an' was like, 'You and I are in charge to 'unt down some slavahs,' and I'm just thinkin', why do I 'ave to 'elp be in charge??" She sits on a cot and rests her head in her paws. "Oh, yeah, we'll need an archah, Zolomon. And I 'ave no idea who was kidnapped. Sargeant Tarsa didn't tell me." She has actually somehow missed the behemoth hare in the back of the room. It's not her fault, she's just a tiny bit overwhelmed, is all.
Jacenta nods, "I...don't know a name either"Hmmms who is missing she wonders then she can think one is and they are just elsewhere as she sighs, she glaces over at the large hare and frowns....she would check on him but he is fine, wound wise anyways she will just leave him alone for now."I can fight...a little with a dirk and sling, and offer any healer aid needed."
Zolomon nods "Private Rudolfo he had stayed behind when others went ta Mossflower cause he had a broken leg like a week or so before paw when they left to head thar....well there is me, Tarsa, Jacenta and you...oh and him"He points to the large hare "Dominik"Yes Zolomon will say full names when needed and its important."Hmms...who else..Major V tis a bit...unable ta do much yet healing from a mission last night."
Dominik had obviously removed the blood-stained clothing from the previous evening, now wearing a simple tunic instead of his usual uniform. After a short time (and after hearing his name mentioned by Zolomon), Dom turns his head and stares quietly at the others in the room. He hadn't spoken a word since returning to the mountain after they had finished their mission involving the dark foxes, and the trend seems to continue. He doesn't seem to be in a trance anymore, however, though the haunted look still remains in his eyes as he watches the others.
Felicity looks up, then gives a startled yelp and falls off the cot onto the floor. "Blasted.....'ow did I not see you, Dominik?" She just sits on the floor, scowling darkly at the paper she still has clutched in her paw. "Aye, me, Jacenta, Tarsa, Zolomon, Dominik.....oh, Alpine's in our unit...Oh, there's an ottah in 'Alyard named Hawkeye. 'E 'as a fox cub 'e's takin' car of, and we are not to 'arm it, no mattah what, as per Tarsa's ordahs." Sighing, she closes her eyes and rubs her forehead. "The group is called the Blackrose. Blast.....I /'ate/ slavahs......"
Jacenta frowns "Some slaver tried ta...harm a little one?" She walks carefully over to Dominik " ok there?" She speaks softly and offers a smile even.
Zolomon frowns "Hawkeye? He be..Xandy's friend..old old otter Hawkeye be and de fox cub is Crevan...fellow likes his name a blooming lot too"He chuckles and looks over at the large hare "Ya want to go after some slavers, might get ya mind off other things"
Dominik turns his gaze down towards Jacenta as she approaches him, expression sullen although he does make a weak attempt at a smile. His ears twitch at the talk in the room of slavers, another topic which he is not particularly fond of being that his family had likely been taken by a similar group a couple of seasons ago. "Is okay," He confirms to Jacenta, finally speaking though his usually booming voice is quiet. "Lot on mind. Thank you." He turns his attention to Zolomon as he addresses him, the look in his eyes seeming to answer the question for him...if he was able to physically shoot fire out of his eyes, he likely would be doing so. "Slavers. Bad as dark foxes. Vill have same end result. Ask fox how turned out."
Felicity looks up at the huge hare as he finally speaks. "I don't think 'e really 'as a choice in the mattah, Zolomon. We're all prob'ly gonna 'ave to go on this mission whethah we want to or not. Though why anybeast wouldn't want to kill some bloddy slavahs in beyond me...." She sits up straight as something the other Runner said sinks into her mind. "Wait, Crevan? I think I met 'im once. 'E was sad 'cause nobeast was talkin' to 'im and 'e 'ad no family and 'e couldn't come into the Mountain. I felt sorry for the poor little tyke. I'm glad 'e found somebeast who'll take care of 'im."
Jacenta steps back a little and sighs "I..dislike slavers, its what the Long Patrol went to save Redwall from, was one of them that...didn't come back"
Zolomon nods "A..lot of good hares died. As fer slavers...we need to stop them, if its the Blackrose we need to double stop them before they get form too large of a group. the leader...a cat been in Mossflower she killed a couple Mossflower Defenders and fled, looks like she came to the western shores to try and start over"
Dominik allows a smirk to drift across his muzzle, though his eyes are still flickering with multiple emotions. "Solution, is simple," He grunts. "Find slaver. Take to cave vere fox live. Show vat ve can do." He apparently takes quite a bit of pride in the large mess that was left behind there. "Cat vil see, is mistake to set foot in Halyard. In Patrol territory. Vil be biggest mistake in life." He slides himself off of his cot, standing at his full height. "Sword tasted blood yesterday. Liked. Vil taste it again, yes." He balls his paws up into fists, ears folding back against his head as he glares at the others in the room, thought it's not so much at them as it is at the situation.
Felicity scowls and covers her eyes with her empty paw. "Okay, lemme think....Zolomon, whatevah information y' 'ave about this group, please write it down and give it to Sargeant Tarsa when we get to th'meetin'...I'm sorry 'bout yer brothah, Jacenta. I remembah when my brothah was killed. 'Twas one o' the 'ardest days o' me life." She sighs heavily, then glances at the now standing giant hare. "Oi....y'do realize I was forced to 'ave about a zillion duties 'ere in the Mountain and so ave no idea about anything that 'ad to do with these.....zombie fox things, right?" She is so out of the loop here, it's not even funny....
Jacenta says, "I say we..don't worry about the foxes, they all yeah not to be worried on now...dead foxes, so very very dead." She frowns and asks "So..whats needed?Where do we start? Do they have a base?""
Zolomon says, "Lets hope they don't have a base...and de Blackrose been around Mossflower.. a long time, always disappearing and reappearing with a beast that survived..first Quickclaw.....then Blackfur..then Blackfurs daughter now. She had teamed up with Ormaz and well he attempted ta kill her...and now we find out where she disssapeared hopefully isn't large yet, she hasn't had too much time...right?""
And in comes a recruit, laden down with bags of herbs and bandages, delivered from the Mountain's supplier and handed off to the poor sods on duty... Which includes Isla. The recruit stumbles into the infirmary, searching for the healer on duty. "Er - special delivery!" The young doe announces.
Dominik glowers down at Felicity, before showing her the gnarly scar etched into his left shoulder from where he had been nicked by the poison dagger. "Is better you knew nothing. Safer in mountain. Almost kill Dom, but...Dom kill foxes. Mistake make, Dom fix." He grins a malicious grin, the large hare kinda scary whenever he does that. No more creepy smiles, Dom! The buck peers curiously at the new arrival as she stumbles into the room, and he watches her carefully for a moment before doing what he can to bring himself back to his normal state. He was intimidating enough as it is without having to talk about stabbing foxes in the face with swords.
Felicity stands, grabs a stack of paper and a quill and inkpot, walks over to her fellow Runner, and shoves them at him. "Write it all down on this, please, thanks!" Glancing at the hulking hare, she frowns slightly, taking him at his word. She then waves her arms around at all the questions. "I 'AVE NO IDEA!! All I know is that I needed to find you lot an' let you know that we 'ave a meetin' later -- OHMY'EAVENS -- WAAGH!" The Corporal whips around and looses her balance, having been startled by the Recruit. Crash! Smash! She lands almost on a cart and knocks it over, its contents and the hare maid falling to the floor. A string of angry sounds escapes her mouth as she tries to estricate herself from the bowls and dirty sheets and things.
Jacenta looks over and smiles "The supplies...herbs, this is good I wont have to worry about getting them myself"She will need to look over the things, and place them where needed so that will take some time. Well there is always the recruits or other privates maybe to do it also, but she will at least start and see what is needed from the gardens, yeah and check the herb garden as well, busy busy. She then stares at Felicity and just...stands there, does she help or just...hmmmmm decisions and the hare maid looks a bit upset also."Ummm?"
Zolomon frowns as Felicity crashes, and stuff falls everywhere...ok who was supposed to take that cart away, well not him. He looks at Dom and nods "Yeah more talk of..what ever foxes." His guess any fox in the Blackrose will die first, they surely don't stand a chance.
"Oh - jeez!" Isla winces as Felicity goes tumbling over. "You lot scare easy, eh?" She asks, tilting her head and staring at the doe upside down. With her paws full, she steps back awkwardly and starts to set the herbs on a free table. "I've been instructed t'help in th'infirmary fer a spell." She hums, moving towards Felicity once her paws are empty. Should the hare maid still be prone, she extends a paw. "I go' me a talisman t'protect against th'ghouls!" She brags, perking at the talk of foxes. "Ain't a soul wots dead or 'live gonna lay a paw on me, mark me words!"
Dominik also does his best to help Felicity up; it seems the poor doe has been having a right awful time of things today. "Should go to dorm, get rest. Slaver is not going anywhere, ve vil find soon enough. Should not panic, vil do no good." He's never really been that good at comforting, an awkward smile on his muzzle as he rights himself again. Peering down at Isla, Dom tilts his head curiously as she mentions talismans. "Has talisman, you say? Is very wise, good thing to have..." He nods sagely, still being quite superstitious despite having gone through what he'd gone through. "No need to vorry about ghouls, is taken care of very good." The buck grins.
Felicity is still laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling. When the paws appear in her vision, she accepts the help and lets herself be helped up. "I'm not panickin''s just....this was supposed to be my day off, then this 'appened. I'm overdue for an /actual/ day off, with no studyin', eithah....." She glances between the 2 and decides to not comment on ghosts and talismans and things of that sort.
Jacenta will slowly put things away "Maybe...have a half day off at least?" She checks and double checks the new supply and nods a couple times as she will lay something to the side, put something else on a shelf, and keep a couple things in a bag."Well...after the meeting..maybe?"
Zolomon says, "We all need a day off...and a feast, hmms I will make it my mission ta ask Lord C for a feast day...welcome back, remember loved ones a couple weeks be totally good, am I right? Maybe even add defeated some slavers oh yeah to the reason for a jolly feast""
"oh aye!" Isla grins at Dominik, patting the lump on her chest, hidden under her uniform tunic, once they've hauled Felicity up. "They sell 'em in Halyard, they do!" She looks back to Jacenta, seemingly the only healer on duty. "Er, I'm meant ta be 'elpin. Mind pointin' me in th'right direction?" She grins, throwing up a playful salute. "I love a good bally beast, too." She nods.
Felicity sighs heavily. "Aye....I 'ope so. Maybe a couple days off....go to 'Alyard now that this zombie fox thing is ovah an' done with....." she smiles at the other Runner. "Oh, aye, a feast would be /amazin'/. D'y'think it could compare to a Redwall feast??" She has attended one feast at the Abbey, and it's pretty close to the top of her list of wonderful experiences that have happened to her.
Dominik hmmms, and nods his head slowly. "Is true, sell in Halyards, but find that lot of times, is fake ones. Many in Halyards know of stories, know of beasts who belief in, and so they are making ones that have no workings." Dom chuckles, as he ambles back over towards his cot. He begins to rummage through his things there, as if searching for something. "Dom find that best talisman, is vun you make yourself..." he calls over to Isla. "This way, you know vere is from, and for vat purpose it is for." He still continues to look through his things intently.
Jacenta smiles and nods "You can help Isla..any herbs that need dried go there" As she speaks she will point to where things go "Bandages there...other herbs there, and a couple things go there...we should be nice and well stocked...hmmms do we have mint?"She is curious "Mint sort of..helps not just with upset stomachs and headaches but flavors some mixtures...ya know hides the blah taste of some things"
Zolomon says, "Yes..couple days off, hmmms maybe after we hunt down slaves and free Private R...right?" He glaces at the healer "I know some beasts that drink mint tea a lot""
"Oh, t'ain't never 'ad nothin' wot compares t'those Abbey vittles. Think I piled on an extra me an' a half while me an' Uncle Fergus were trapped there with th'horde business." While she talks, she does as Jacenta instructs. Laying out the bags of herbs to dry. "Mint? Oh - aye! 'ere, 'ere." She looks over her shoulder to Dominik and gives a squinty-eyed grin. "Oh, bu' I could never make somethin' like tha'! I may be a magician, bu' I don't 'ave any /real/ magic powers!"
Dominik finally finds what he had been searching for. It is a stone vaguely in the shape of a star, with a ruby stuck right dead in the center. Isla's words cause him to grin in return as he makes his way back over to where he'd been previously, carrying his own talisman he had made as a leveret. "Is magician? Vat can you do? Used to know one or two back in Northland, could do lot of tricks. Vas alvays entertained." He holds out the stone to show the doe, apparently quite proud of the thing, as odd as it may look. "Helped many times, feel safer ven has this. Had it yesterday, too." The large buck nods his head seriously. "Is back here, alive. Is not coincidence."
Felicity barely stifles her dirisive comments about magic talismans. Just because she doesn't believe in that kind of stuff doesn't mean she should try to talk them out of it. Turning to the other Runner, she sighs. "'ll /'ave/ to be aftah we get our missing Patrollah back. *Sigh...* Does anybeast 'ave anythin' else for me t'know afore I go find Sergeant Tarsa and we 'ave our meetin' 'ere in..." she gives them the time they're supposed to meet.
Jacenta says, "Not that I know of...I am sure the Sargeant will let his Lordship know whats going on or well...someone will I am sure.""
Zolomon nods "After the meeting and when we get back General Q likes those written reports also...think he just likes ta read a lot"He smiles"I say we head off tomorrow...after breakfast, can't fight evil on empty stomachs after all"
Isla beams at the stone Dominik shows. "Yer from th'North, arencha? Ye go' th'accent." She nods, sagely. "Spent th'worst Winter of me life up North - nearly froze me scut off!" She points at her boot. "Lost a toe!" She laughs, loud and gleeful - a sound she quickly stifles at the serious talk that permeates. "Ain't got nothin' fer ya, Corp!" She offers Felicity an apologetic shrug. "M'just a recruit, wot."
Felicity smiles at the Recruit. "Well, that's alright, wot! An' Zolomon, ye'll 'ave to run that past the Sargeant. I 'ave no idea when 'twould be best for us to leave." She jabs a finger at him. "But this time you WILL write up y'own report, or so /'elp/ me, I'll make y'run th worst kinda drills I c'n /think/ of out on the beach!" She sighs, turns, grabs her original paper off the floor, and stuffs it into her pocket as she walks out the door. "Now excuse me, but I 'ave to go find Alpine. Oi....this 'as been a long day. See you 3 in th' meetin', and catch ya latah," she waves at the Recruit before the door closes behind her, and off she goes to find the remaining member of their unit. Why is she a Corporal again?
Jacenta does more after getting the help and smiles, some supplies will go into storage "Now we can check the herb garden and see what is needed from thar..if anything"
Zolomon frowns "But writing is better..quicker..."He sighs as Felicity walks away and shrugs "I can do both..right?"
Dominik seems to be quite pleased with the conversation, a marked change from a bit earlier when he was moping and sulking in the corner...and so it's probably a good thing that Felicity doesn't comment about it. A happy Dom is much better than creepy trance-y Dom. The large buck nods his head to the question. "Yes! Is from North. Is accent obvious?" he jokes, quite aware of how hard he can be to understand at times. "Spend lot of winter freezing scut off. Learn to make things to keep warm, not lose it." The buck grins. "Worst winter here is like spring day in North, but...ven live there, learn to deal vith much easier." Dom tilts his head at Isla's last remark, expression shifting to a bit more serious one. "Lose toe, for real? Is sorry...can see happening, but...seem to walk okay, yes?" He isn't quite sure if she was joking or not. After a moment, he smiles again. "If want, can show how to make..." he nods towards the talisman he still holds in a paw.
Isla laughs and unprofessionally kicks her left boot off, yanks the sock off and wiggles the toes there. There are only three. She gives a playful shrug and puts the sock and boot back on, hopping to keep her balance. "A'course ye can do /both/!" She grins at Zolomon. "I can't even read, bu' beasts used t'pay lots wot jus' t'hear me tell stories. Long Patrol jus' 'as they stuffy ways'a dealin'." She clears her throat and checks to make sure Felicity was gone for that last remark - she doesn't want extra pushups. "I don' want t'risk makin anythin' with power, no I dinnae think s'a good idea. I'll leave /tha'/ t' the real magic-ers."
Jacenta says, " I don't think I would like the snowy north, not one bit...dislike cold, but it's not as cold on the shores as it is in Mossflower, they do still get snow here I am fairly sure, like..a little""
Zolomon says, "I know a badger that lived in the snowy north...hee hee...and not much snow here? Guess I will find out soon enough huh, tis still cold a little though but snow can be nice also and fun at times...but yeah bad at times also""
As Isla kicks off her booth and reveals that she is indeed telling the truth, Dom blinks and gasps, obviously impressed that the injury doesn't seem to affect the doe hardly at all. "Is not joking," He replies. "Already missing parts, is perfect for Patrol..." he chuckles. "Dom is not missing toes yet, but at rate is going, something vil be lost sooner or later. Almost lost all of it, few days ago. But, did not, is better now." The hare nods his head in agreement at the comment about the talisman, "Understand, makes sense. Sometimes is best to not mess vith things of power, especially ones that has influences on us."
Jacenta says, "I wouldn't want to lose anything...toe or finger, it would be too bad for me, even if I am mainly a healer."
Zolomon points , one missing ear as he grins."I am de one eared hare, but its ok still have the one ear and that's good...some vermin shot me poor ear with cross bolts, couple arrows...think a monitor may of tried ta chew it...not fun monitors, other than me ear I survived an ambush"
"Me da was a healer an' he was th'best fighter tha' ever lived!" That is, likely, an exaggeration from Isla. "So me Uncle Fergus said, at least. /An'/ me Uncle Alban backed 'im up, an' he never lied t'me. He didn' tell stories like me an' Fergus, 'e was always rollin' 'is eyes at th'shows." With a wave of homesickness, her grin falters, but she shakes it off and looks at Jacenta before turning to laugh at Zolomon and Dominik. "Oh, ya proper scarred hares missin' bits an' all. Seems t'be th'trend, least I fit in."
Jacenta says, "Maybe you can be a healer...or a fighter, who knows. The healers are expected to learn some fighting now....soooooo I will learn some, I mean I can sort of use a dirk fairly well, I did survive a mission"Yeah sort of forced to fight to not die but she did survive and avoided getting hurt so she is happy for that."I bet others will learn like more healer stuff than normally did before""
Dominik notes the grin faltering a bit, and the buck seems to understand the reason why...however he doesn't mention it as he moves back over to set his talisman back with his other things. "Is almost Patrol tradition, having injury. But, is supposing is good, in long run. Learn how to deal vith situations, if hare not has injuries, it means hare is not fighting vell." Dom chuckles as he moves back to join the others again. "So, is new recruit, yes?" he asks Isla. "Is Dominik, nice to meet. Is having lots of things happening, not gotten chance to meet new hares. If is needing help vith, boxing, things like that, let know. Vould be happy to help. Knows Mountain is hard, ven first get here. Understand a lot..."
Zolomon says, "Also its a maze of tunnels ta get use to and I know a ...little bout healing, be good to know more but also tis be hard to bandage one's self though but can bandage another least till get to a better healer""
"'Now'?" Isla tilts her head in confusion. "Way I was told, was allays th'way. Bu' I dinnae know much of anythin', just what me Uncle an' his mate told me. Neither of them was in th'Patrol." She shrugs. "Us recruits are told t'learn a little bit of everythin'. I s'pose I'll wind up where I'm needed most, bu' so far I'm pretty rubbish at everythin'!" She laughs and turns to regard Dominik with a flourishing bow. "Isla Kincallum Lachlamuerial Zafirah Hornskewpit Muit th'Fourth! Atcha service." To Zolomon, she shyly rubs the back of her neck. "I've been lost since I got 'ere. Any tips?"
Jacenta says, "I think...well never was nearly as many healers as say fighters and runners so healers usually stayed here, went out on a patrol as all patrols need a healer..others stayed here. They learned self defense but then again everyone training drills are more intense now since...well...after we lost so many beasts sadly." She frowns"Guess gonna be a lot of change""
Zolomon smiles "Well your learn the tunnels and maybe even shortcuts. Also always listen to higher ranks. Also there is days off still and the tavern in Halyard is the best place to go for a good drink."
Dominik grins, blinking as Isla uses her entire name. After a pause, he scratches an ear. "Vil call Isla, if not minding..." He quips. "Dom is Kasimir, is only name. So, you say you spent vinter in North. May ask vhere, exactly, and vhy? Is guessing you vere travellers? The magicians ve knew were, so makes lot of sense if true." The buck nods to Zolomon's words, "Yes, is many tunnels in Mountain, easy to get lost. Is finally learning way around place, just got here not long ago. But yes, Halyard good place to get drink, but has to be careful. Lots of ones to not trust vell there..."
Jacenta says, "I been to Halyard...few times, its ok but i don't think the hares will go as often now, then I don't know maybe they will still just not with much?" She is still slightly confused on what can or cant be done in Halyard."
Zolomon says, "I only get one ale, been ok so far. Now there is some dangerous beasts in Halyard and de boat docks likely be best to stay clear of""
Throwing her paws up in a shrug, Isla gives a lazy smile. "Change is th'natural way'a thing, I s'pose. Tunnels an' shortcuts an' all these rules, though... Takes some gettin' used to." To Dominik, she taps the side of her muzzle. "We started with them Saltmoon otters, them coastal fighters. Uncle Fergus wouldn' let me get tattoos there - ya shoulda seen 'is face when his mate did!" She laughs. "Uncle Aldan go' some weird designs all on 'is arms." She flexes. "Then we wen'deeper North an' climbed t'the Stone Eagle with a family'a all white rabbits... Tha's when I lost me toe." She grins. "Halyard, eh? I guess I been there when I was a wee dibbun, bu' I want ta go as soon as they release us poor recruits fer a day off - see th'fightin' pits an'shoppin' areas. Maybe find th'magic beasts wot make th'talismans."
Jacenta says, "My guess no recruit goes anywhere if slavers are out there, have to stop those slavers first and rescue whom ever needs saving""
Zolomon says, "And we will save the day, stop the slaver...that Blackrose group. Which reminds me still need ta write up things I know of them too. I know they have a tattoo on their shoulders..fancy black rose with vines,leaves and thorns in like swirls and stuff"
Dominik laughs at Isla's story, his voice booming throughout the room. "Yes, know otters vell. Besides Patrol, is no fighters like the otters. Is impressive to see. Vould help train sometimes, is vhy Dom got better quicker than brothers. Never vent for tattoos, though, is being honest." The buck grins. "Alvays say, if vun complain about vinters here, spend any time in North, and it make vinter seem like varm summer day. To us, ve vere used to. Coats thicker, makes easier to keep varm." Dominik nods to the comment about going to Halyard, "Yes, if go, let know. Vil go vith, show around if vant to. Lots to see there, if anything else."
Isla sighs, shrugging again. "S'pose yer right. Feelin' trapped like a moth in a lamp, I am." She doesn't seem to be down for long, though. "I'm sure slavers is no match fer th'bally Patrol, wot. Proper Patrollers, at least." The recruit tugs on her black uniform with a shy smirk. "I'd love t'see Halyard again, though."
Jacenta shrugs "Its ok...Halyard is. maybe we can soon get a couple days off, who knows..."
Zolomon says, "Got to have time off at times, too much work causes stress and over working tis bad but also we need to keep the shores safe and ta do that we defeat these Blackrose annoyances and also save Private R..they have him captive can't let that stay happening""
Dominik shuffles back over towards his cot again and rummages through his belongings. He removes a small vial, before uncapping it and downing the contents. It's likely something to help hold off the effects of the poison, which had weakened him even after he had recovered. Wincing for a moment, he sets the empty vial on the nearby table, before seating himself on the cot. "Last few days, been very busy. Is tired, should get rest." He rubs a paw over his muzzle, pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment. Glancing to Isla, the buck smiles. "If need help vith training, vil help. Have tips that only Dom know...vil help to deal vith better."
With another grin, Isla notches a mock-salute to the three of them. "An' I 'ave t'get back to me chores afore th'Sarg makes a rug from me hide." She laughs, though nervously. "... An' maybe get some more trainin' in. I'll be, uh, seein' ye all around!"
Jacenta says, "I plan to work on my dirk, maybe sling too some before any missions as sounds like finding the slavers is soon"
Zolomon nods "Yes...very soon, in a day or two I would think. Rest is good before a mission though and if anyone needs to heal some before paw also, good idea...not always wise ta rush off"
Varus shuffles into the room slowly, leaning on a walking stick. He looks quite a bit more tired than usual, after dealing with that poisoned arrow the other night. "Oy, Privates... Is there a 'ealah about, wot?"
Dominik cannot help but smile as Varus enters the room, looking none the worse for wear, but still alive. "Sir, is good to see! Hit vith bad arrow, know vat the effects were. Glad is alive..." The hare nods towards Jacenta, "Is healer, probably who you vant to see, yes?" Dom scoots back on his cot a little, pulling himself up onto it a bit further. "Has medicines too, for poison effects, if need. Was given by Saja."
Jacenta looks to the door as Varus enters "I am a healer on duty sir"She gives a salute to Varus and stands quietly to see what it is he needs.
Zolomon nods, oh yes the salute also "Sur..."He says quietly as he stays seated for now.
Varus harrumps. "Yes, well, err... I will be fine again, soon." He nods, despite how tired he looks. "Yes, Jacenta... It is probably best if yah change th' bandage on mah shouldah, wot... Also, I suppose ya ought ta check there's no signs of infection..."
Dominik grins. "Fight good, for being old..." the buck jokes. "Is glad vas able to join Patrol again." He gets a little serious though a moment later, as he peers at the older buck. "How is Major Jinora? Vas she not injured, too, sir?"
Jacenta nods as she goes ahead to check on that"Making sure to take what is needed for the poison is good as well, seems its wise to take the mixture a few days. You..could of died sur"She is careful to change the bandage and apply any needed herbs to the wound, "So far it appears to be healing, your need to take it easy best you can sur." She is curious as well, where is Jinora anyways?
Zolomon frowns "A slaver would pick now ta bally well start problems"He sighs " but guess Tarsa and Corporal Felicity be thar to help us.....though other help be good as well"
Varus sighs, and nods at Jacenta. "Aye, I plan ta, thank yah." Looking toward Dominik, he replies, "Th' othah Majah is recoverin', wot. She's still in Halyahd, I believe."
Jacenta listens and then begins rebandageing the shoulder"I..hope she is ok..there is a couple slavers around Halyard. But I believe some of us will go after the slavers here soon"
Dominik nods his head, "Good. Vil go to see her tomorrow, if can. Vant to make sure she is okay. Is probably good idea for you to stay here, for awhile. Even after being recovered, Dom is still feeling not as strong, and is days later. You were just hurt, so...imagine is feeling worse, yes?"
Varus can't help but smirk. "Some'ow, I think even in 'er current condition, Jinora can defend 'erself against a couple mangy slavahs, wot." He also nods, and sighs. "Aye, I am feelin' bad. I probably ought not 'ave come back 'ere by mahself, but it wouldn't do for th' Mountain ta be without a Majah..."
Zolomon says, "That' do we go and fight the slavers sur and have Sargeant Tarsa lead sur? She was trying ta get some info earlier I know and had Corporal Felicity helping get some needed info from couple beasts""
Jacenta is done and sits back down now, she speaks "I will help with the slaver mission even if just a tag along healer"
Dominik leans back, and closes his eyes as the medicine begins to take effect, drowsiness overtaking him. "Feeling tired, sir. Vil see in morning, yes?" And before he can really get an answer, the large buck has fallen asleep, slumped back against the wall. It had definitely been a very long last few days.
Varus leans on his walking stick. "Sahgeant Tarsa has mah go-ahead ta lead a mission ta find th' bloody slavahs..."
Zolomon nods "We...will be careful sur and..I can let her know you oked, trust me sur..I will do me best to keep her safe..with my own life if needed"
Jacenta frowns "Slavers are...they are annoying and evil and why must they be around to try and ruin life anyways, slavers all need dead"
Zolomon nods "I don't like slavers either lass and that killed a friend of mine...and I rather not see that cat as some powerful slaver in this area, she needs stopped and stopped now before that happens"
Varus nods. "That we agree on, Private. Do good out there, an' be careful, wot."
Jacenta sighs and goes to slip out "I am going to bed...goodnight"And she is gone off to bed.
Zolomon nods "Goodnight"He nods to Varus "Sur...likely I should rest as well, and you too."He frowns slightly hopefully he wont get in trouble for suggesting rest, but he is tried and he can tell when others are tried as well
Varus nods his head. "Yes, that is precisely wot I need. I'll speak to Tarsa early tomorrow morning' before you lot 'ead out..."
Zolomon nods and then goes to sleep soon afterwards. Rest is good before any mission after all
Jacenta meanwhile has also finally managed to go to sleep, sleep is good
Kenya-Redwall Novice
Oz- Badger Mother/Papa Oz
Sinway- Brother in Redwall
Kenya sits in a chair looking over a finished staff, someone did help her carry it inside and it is done, even has a copper end piece at each end just placed on today. She sighs as she has not done much today, well she has her reasons.
Oz makes his way slowly into the cavern hole. He grumbles but is getting around better than he had been, he has his...well his brother's cane, to help but it's clear he dislikes using it, even if it helps him get around. This is also the first time he has been outside his room without help, ok he go help down the steps and that was it since he dislikes feeling so helpless. He Finally makes it most of the way into the room and grabs a chair for support with a sigh.
Kenya watches the badger for a little while before she walks over" Papa Oz?" She asks quietly making sure he is ok before she speaks more with him.
Oz listens as she approaches and smiles "Hello Kenya, what is it?" His voice is sounding a lot better lately not so tried as he has been.
Kenya keeps her paws behind her paw and then goes to take his paw carefully, it's not too far from where she was, "I's to replace the one that broke." She will let him know where the staff is, he may also ...most likely, notice one paw is bandaged on the palm of her paw as she goes to hold the staff, well sort of..with both paws carefully, its more hold it at one end, not both ends, hey its large ok and she did have help.
Oz arches an eyebrow but lets her lead him to another chair, and listens as she speaks and offers him the new staff. He tilts his head as he feels along it, the tracings and the name in fancy lettering, the vine pattern is like the rose vines, even a couple roses here and there. He smiles and nods, and copper end bits are good as well. He does notice the paw and will ask in a moment as he steps back, almost falling backwards but keeps his balance using the staff, the cane left at the other chair. He smiles as he holds the staff and then uses it to better balance, still a bit unsteady on his foot paws but a lot better than he was, "Thank you Kenya."And then of course a question"Why is your paw bandaged?"
Kenya smiles, then a frown.."The..craving knife wasn't deep and I am ok and it didn't need stitches. Brother Rick helped with the staff and making the craving of the vines and your name deeper so you could feel it and Abbot Benar had someone put the copper end bits on. I..wanted to help you replace the other one and I been working on it, with help..for the past 3 weeks"
Oz nods as he listens"Your need to be careful next time you crave anything. My guess is it's interfering with your chores somewhat. It should heal just make sure to do what the healers tell you to do."
Kenya sighs"It has..some and yes I am listening to the healers..keep it clean and dry so no washing dishes, but I can still sweep and I did help Sister Maywell with folding towels and sheets and some wash cloths, even folded some robes too."
Sinway makes his way down into cavern hole his paws in front of him tucked away into the sleeves of his habit "Hello Oz, and hello me little sea shell, how are ye?" he walks over to them noticing Kenya's paw right away "Did ye hurt yer self Kenya?" he asks as he kneels down beside her
Oz nods a hello to Sinway as he leans on the new staff he has, still getting a bit of a feel for it. He carefully steps back"Welcome back Brother Sinway I hope your visit went well"
Kenya frowns, she then answers "A craving knife slipped but it's ok. A healer looked at it and Brother Rick was there, it is not a deep cut I am fine, just slightly sore if I press down on it or use the paw too much, other wise its ok and healing and a healer checks it every day a couple times"
Sinway smiles patting Kenya on the head "Tis ok Kenya, these things happen when ye learn to do stuff with tools that have sharp edges, ye will get the hang of it in no time." He looks up to Oz "Aye, no trouble getting to Camp Willow or on me way back, Anatole and Tassel made it there safely, spent a few days helping out mainly on rebuildin' the tavern it was me favorite place to be outside of the abbey many seasons ago."
Oz says, "I heard of Camp Willow having some troubles, I am glad they have help bodybuilding likely worked on homes first and fixing up areas to better hide the camp from outsiders. I heard the skipper and a paw full of otters were here briefly to help fight the horde""
Kenya sits down. She listens as they talk and frowns at her paw, it itches slightly but she ignores it best she can."I hope the camp is ready for when it snows, it hasn't snowed yet though"
Sinway pats Kenya's head again "The camp was attacked and most of it was destroyed, I know they be workin' on homes first, I met with Log-a-Log Aella, and it would seem her shrews are camped close by and are going to help rebuild, I was wonderin' if any here at the abbey might want to go help, but it would come at the cost of most likely staying there till winter has past, tis not a long trip but i wouldn't recommend making it in the winter."
Oz hmmms "I am not sure whom might be willing to help, have you spoken with the Skipper on the idea? Also Benar be good to speak to as well, the camp is a little over half a day away...I think, maybe closer to a day I do not know. Some may be willing though, we will have to see"
Kenya smiles, she is staying in the abbey though as she listens. "Winter isn't always bad unless it snows a lot or there is a snow storm"
Sinway nods "Aye, but Mossflower is known fer havin' a lot of snow durrin' the winter, and the cold makes vermin who would normally keep to them self get a little desperate, and instead of askin' fer help the instead think tis a good idea to try and rob travelers which is why I wouldn't recommend any at Redwall to travel to and from here and there." He looks over to Oz "I only made a small comment about it to the Log-a-Log, and I only just got back so I haven't had a chance to talk to Father Benar yet"
Oz nods"If I was in better shape....and younger, I would help. hmmms maybe Xander be willing or some of the Mossflower Defenders prehaps. Though I am unsure who is working on their base and the tavern in Ferravale" He frowns "Seems Ferravale is doing its own repair work as well"
Sinway smiles and stands up finding a place to sit "Aye, I heard that, been meanin' to take a trip to Ferravale as well, need to speak to Xander."
Kenya says, "Some vermin are mean to destroy things, you would think they wouldn't want know have a place to stay if you want to invade it so badly kind of thing""
Oz says, "Xander I think is in a hut he has in Ferravale, use to belong to Zee. Not much of a hut but it's ok, if not then not sure where he is"
Sinway stands up and walks over to Kenya "Who knows what it is vermin think some times." He kneels down and gives her head a soft pat "In a few days I'll be makin' a trip to go see Xander, I'm goin' to ask him if he wants to come to the western shores this spring with us, plus it will be easier to convince Abbot Benar that we will be safe if he comes along." He looks over to oz and nods before turning back to Kenya "Would ye like to come with me to Ferravale?"
Kenya is quiet a moment and then nods "Ok...we can see Blisa maybe , just not rat, he's creepy even if he did help me and Zolomon...don't know who else is there"
Oz listens "Creepy rat? Not sure whom would be creepy then who knows in Ferravale. I was told a couple areas of the old tavern was creepy"
Kenya says, "He has one eye and no eye patch"Not that the badger would know this, "And he has this really creepy hut in the graveyard of all places to live""
Sinway smiles and nods "Ye don't have to go to the graveyard if ye don't want to Kenya, we are just goin' to go visit Xander." He stands back up "Now then I guess I should go let Father Benar know I'm back, I'll talk to ye later." And with that he makes his way over to the stairs "Ohh and Kenya, it really is a lovely staff ye made fer Oz, I'm sure he will treasure it." And with that he walks back up the stairs
Oz says, "Sounds like Markalaway....their undertaker...think he use to live in Send Valley""
Kenya says, "Well he is still creepy"
Oz smiles “I will have to take your word for it Kenya, now if your excuse me, I should get back to my room...”But not the steps, he will just slowly take the long way around, that's fine. The new staff does help but he is still not ready, yet, to get back to dealing with dibbuns just yet
Kenya watches him head off and smiles, she then heads to the library to do some studying.
Kenya-Novice of Redwall
Brother Rick-Brother of Redwall(spoofed by Kenya)
Benar-Abbot of Redwall
Gorvenalus- Recorder of Redwall
Ewan- Resident LP Hare of Redwall
Kenya has been doing her chores still, but also has spent some time working on a sort of project of her's the past couple weeks. It's finally almost done and she is just doing a little sanding of what is a large staff, she looks it over as she still wants to add a bit of a design to it.
Gorvenalus has enjoyed just being outside and walking around, spoting Kenya he smiles and walks over "This is where you have been lately, I have wondered as last I seen you a few days ago you seemed very quiet and upset over something"
Benar is sweeping out the kiln, the abbot is using a rare quiet afternoon now all the disasters are over to enjoy his time cleaning out his workshop. It is nice to have put away the abbot's robe for a bit for a simple vest and apron so he can sweep and work on tidying it all up and getting it back in working order.
Kenya looks up " ok, just making something. I like working with wood and it helps ...sort of, to keep my mind off...past stuff."She frowns a little, "Its a staff, still needs some finishing touches but...I still think it was my fault it was broken in the first place."
Gorvenalus walks closer as he listens "How was it your fault it was broken and it is nice to make a new one. And finding things to do is good, but at the same time don't keep things bottled up, that's not a good thing."
Benar keeps humming as he works, sweeping out the last of the dust from inside the kiln. He looks up at the voices and waves, "Gorvenalus, Kenya good day to you both, enjoying the peace and quiet same as me I hope?"
Kenya sands down the staff a little more and looks at the ends, did the other have anything on the ends...she can't remember, she waves "Hello Abbot Benar. It is nice the peace is back and not all the..."She shivers "Bad stuff..."
Gorvenalus smiles at Benar "It is a good day yes, not yet too cold but I am sure snow will come in a few weeks, but I think the abbey is fairly well ready for winter season."He glaces at Kenya " So..what else needs done for this staff it appears almost done"
Benar props his broom against the wall of the open fronted Kiln then starts to carry in logs from his wheelbarrow and store them in the hopper by the actual kiln oven, "Oh yes we are quite well settled for winter, we are lacking on a few things but nothing that means we'll starve we may just have to have more potatoes then bread for a few weeks at the start of spring and the feast is going to have to be a ... sedate affair."
Kenya looks at the staff "Some sort of design, even if it's not needed I..want to make one, maybe like vines like the ones from the rose garden, and the's to replace the one Papa Oz had since his..."She frowns "Broke..."She is quiet remembering the day with the marten, remembering using what ended up being a ferrets rope to get into the woods to run away and getting lost, she also remembers the camp and sits down hugging her knees to her chest.
Gorvenalus frowns as he goes to lay a paw on her shoulder, "Are you sure your ok Kenya?"
Benar looks up from piling wood and frowns, "Kenya what is it?" He walks over a few steps, "There is something bothering you isn't there?"
Kenya frowns and nods "I...keep having a bad dream about the horde beasts. I...first thought was my fault Papa Oz got hurt the one day by that I ran away, though everyone blame me cause the marten followed me to his room. There was a grabing hook on the wall used it and it broke, I was in the woods and got away from this rat and father had got permission to look for me, we couldn't go back to the abbey cause the horde surround it so we ended up looking for Xander and the long Patrol and we found them like a few days before they got here."She sniffs and shivers a little " S..Some stayed at and most didn't..the camp got ambushed and..and it was scary, and guess a lot d...died on the road and in the abbey t..too..I would of died if this one hare didn't grab me and run..b..but he died too..someone else found me and barely got away...but I sometimes still have a bad dream about it only in the dream everyone died expect me"
Gorvenalus frowns, "You were at the camp?" He heard about the camp some, but not much details just that only 3 survived, 2 hares and an otter...."Oh.."
Benar frowns a bit but doesn't say anything, lets Kenya talk as she clearly needs to get this out
Kenya frowns"I know its just a bad dream but it seemed so real. And I keep having flashbacks sometimes, not as much now as I did ...but sometimes still."
Gorvenalus hmmms" Perhaps..try some meditation, or write down your thoughts, it could help. There is also talking to Abbot any order beast, talking helps. Also as you said finding something to reduce stress, maybe your woodworking it's a large staff or maybe something small and simple"
Benar says, "Indeed Kenya you can always talk to us, and working on a hobby is good I am sure Papa Oz will appreciate a new staff my dear but you should focus on other things too. Maybe new toys for the Dibbuns for the Solstice? Something positive to focus your mind on as you work."
Kenya looks between them "Like..spinning tops or wooden figures?" She isn't sure how to make tops but she can practice maybe, "The..solstice..."She smiles a little, just a small smile "That's when the snow badger is around isn't it?" She still frowns"Talking..helps? How...talking just makes one think on something too much"
Gorvenalus sits down beside her "Talking still helps, or writing it down even to get the feelings out. Trust me keeping any bad feelings...fear...pain inside too long isn't good. My son Minsc did that and it almost made him lose who he truly was, it just keep things inside for seasons and rarely spoke. Friends helped him and he was able to be happy again...also leaning our former home was still around and there were survivors helped a lot also, in fact he is there now acting as their main warrior, sort of like the champion here in a way. he is protector of Willowbark Abbey
Benar inclines his head, "Indeed Kenya that is when the Snow Badger comes so some new toys for Solstice morning for the little ones would go down a treat." He glances at Gorvenalus and nods, "And what Gorvenalus says it helps maybe write it down, put what happened down in writing so it can go in our records so it is not forgotten."
Kenya nods slowly "Not..forgotten...I guess some things are ok remember just not keep remembering over and over again..I could try the writing"She smiles a little better now and goes to give each a hug.
Gorvenalus smiles as he nods "I can place it in the records somewhere."He allows the hug and gives one of his own"But..enough of the horde and the siege, we can speak of other things now."He smiles as he nods to the staff"Such as the staff, maybe Brother Rick can help with the vine design on it, but what else?"
Benar asks, "Perhaps I can make something to cap it? A copper cap with studs so it gives extra support when Oz is using it? We can incorporate it into the design."
Kenya smiles, "It would have rose vines on it and his name, but maybe sort of fancy even if he can't see it someone can tell him or maybe a way to...feel the design and the craving of his name?"
Gorvenalus nods "It's possible yes. Brother Rick can surely help with the craving as he does do woodwork and other minor repairs around the abbey"
Benar says, "Indeed Brother Rick should be able to help with that, or at least show you how to do it yourself if you want to give it a go"
Kenya nods "He can help and I can also do some of it too. I want to learn more of wood working, but also healer skills too maybe."
Gorvenalus says, "Woodwork is a good skill to have, also healers. I am unsure whom is in charge of the infirm now since..Brother Rafeal is no longer with us""
Benar says, "Both good skills to focus on Kenya, but do not spread yourself too thin, you'll never be able to master a trade if you spread yourself too thin." He then frowns and sighs, "I have not appointed a new master healer yet... there are many good healers I don't know if we should elevate anyone above their colleagues just yet and focus on rebuilding.""
Kenya nods "I may focus on woodwork, maybe one day I could make chairs and other stuff like that. I could also help chop wood for winter storage if it's needed. As for healing everyone should know least some basic healing"
Gorvenalus smiles "That's true, all abbey beasts do know basic first aid, its one of the classes for novices and if one decides to learn more than that they are welcome to go deeper into the study, we don't have any wood workers right now, a couple strong beasts have helped get wood into storage. I have not checked how we are on that, I was busy seeing what vegetables, fruits and such we have. I know some was upset over not as much pumpkin this season."He shrugs and smiles " But we are better than I thought we would be on apples and pears"
Benar says, "It is one of the reasons I encourage everyone to have a hobby or a focus, I may be the abbot but I make pottery. Oz may care for the dibbuns but maybe he is good at woodworking, We had a Friar once that also brew beer."
Kenya chuckles as the abbot throws out random names and skills " I wonder what our Friar now likes to do besides Cooking and kitchen stuff? "She smiles more now "I like woodworking, and its sort, even if it takes a long while to make something more than..something small, then something small may take a while also"
Gorvenalus smiles as he listens "Basically you can have an extra skill...I know a lot on healing and also have leadership skills I can use if needed, but my main job is Recorder of Redwall Abbey"
Benar says, "Extra skills are good it helps us all to be a well rounded community not waiting on anyone else," He smiles, "Now I must get the kiln fire going if you will excuse me."
Kenya nods as she smiles "I am gonna find Brother Rick so I can get Papa Oz's new staff done, maybe in a couple days!" She then heads off, she can leave the staff here for now it will be safe, also its a little too heavy for her to carry a lot.
Gorvenalus smiles as he stays seated, he will enjoy the fresh air and sunshine today. Maybe even a nap in the orchards here soon.
Its been a couple days and Kenya has keep herself busy, not only doing chores, and finding time to write down her feelings into a log and give to Gorvenalus, but also working on the staff with Brother Rick's help. The squirrel brother nods as he watches and shows her how to crave, carefully a vine design to look like like rose garden, she even carefully makes, with help, a couple roses, just a couple though.
Ewan wanders into the kitchen yard and nods to the two beasts "Hallo...thar Kenya and...umm..Brother Rick?" He thinks he has the name right, he hopes so.
Kenya smiles "Hello Ewan!" She is in a brighter mood it would seem, as she craves the design, trying to make a rose look nice her paw sort of slips, it doesn't mess up the design as the mark could well be made into a vine, but she does cut her paw some as she whimpers and sniffs, ok that stings as Brother Rick looks at it and uses a clean handkerchief to wrap around it "Its not deep your be fine lass, we can have a healer look at it." The otter maid nods but a cut on the palm of the paw still hurts.
Ewan watches and frowns, "That's...blood..."And he faints, least he lands on some soft grass, he should be fine, but it's still curious how he made it as far as he did into the patrol.
Kenya frowns, "Ewan fainted..."She looks at the staff "Is it messed up? What about the rest of the craving?" All she did was a little more of the vines that she gently craved into it and was making the design a little deeper into the wood so Oz could feel it. Brother rick smiles "I can crave his name and finish making the vines and roses deeper, it's ok lass."He pats her on the shoulder "Go ahead to the infirm and get the paw tended to."He then goes to tap the hare on the shoulder.
Ewan groans as he wakes up and looks at the squirrel, he sits up and frowns and a half glace at the otter maid and back to the squirrel "She is ok right?"
Brother Rick smiles as he nods, Kenya meanwhile goes to the infirm where all that is needed is some healing herbs and a tight bandage and being told to have it checked in a couple days, she will likely have a bandaged paw a week, and oh yeah keep it dry and clean, other wise she is fine.
Ewan stands up "Guess...sight of blood will get to me now..."He takes a deep breath and looks at the staff "That's nice, the staff..Oz will like it most likely."
Brother Rick nods as he finishes the craving and adds in semi fancy lettering =OZ= and nods "He will, all that's left is to finish the craving so he can feel the design and his name, a small bit of paint, and seal for the paint and Benar will add caps at the ends, then it will be finished. Most likely in a day's time." He lets the hare stay by him to watch if he wants to, the day is still only lightly cold, it's sunny and all in all, a very good day in Redwall Abbey.
Kenya-Novice of Redwall Abbey
Mary- Novice of Redwall Abbey
Sinway- Brother of Redwall Abbey
Brother Rick-Spoofed Squirrel Brother of Redwall Abbey
Sister Kathy- Spoofed Mouse SIster of Redwall Abbey
Kenya has been doing chores and spending her free time working on something, even going outside the abbey once, with an adult yes. She is with Brother Rick the old squirrel right now as the two talk, or well one does. "It is a good way to keep busy and your mind off things, but talking is good sometimes as well."The otter just nods as she has sand paper smoothing out a large bit of wood she has been working on the past few days off and on, looks like a sort of quarter staff maybe, or well most of one."
Sinway comes from the kitchen yawning a little, spotting Kenya and Brother Rick and making his way over to the pair, looking like he has just woke up "Mornin' Brother Rick." He greets before walking over to Kenya kneeling down next to her "Mornin' me little sea shell, did ye enjoy yer trip with Ewan?"
Kenya smiles "Hello dad...yeah it was nice to be able to walk and see the fall colors. Anatole and Tassel and their baby are gonna live at Camp Willow but we didn't follow them that far." The squirrel nods a hello as he smiles.. Kenya looks down at what she is working on, it's taken the past few days and she still has some work to do.
Sinway nods looking down at what Kenya is working on "So what ye makin' Kenya?" He asks as he shifts from kneeling to sitting, best not put to much pressure on his still not fully healed leg.
Kenya smiles "A walking staff and Brother Rick has helped me a little but it's not done yet but may be in a week..or I hope so. I then need to make a design."She hmmms "Well its a...ummm...also a ..what staff?" Brother Rick smiles "Quarter staff but they are also used for walking when needed."
Sinway nods watching Kenya work "And who are ye makin that for Kenya?" He asks
Kenya looks it over, it still needs sanding and one end fixed up, and finishing touches as she speaks. "Papa Oz..."She says quietly and frowns a little, she still remembers that day, as well as later on. Quiet a little while she finally speaks again"His was broken and I wanted to replace it even if it will take a little longer than a staff that anyone else would use, cause this one is a little thicker and taller than other ones."
Sinway nods giving her back a soft rub "Ain't that thoughtful of ye, Oz was just talkin' about needin' a new staff. Someone went and got his brother's staff out of his room and Oz wasn't to happy about that but he be usin' it till he gets a new one."
Kenya nods. "Maybe using it makes him...remember too much, but isn't remembering someone good also?"
Sinway nods "Aye tis, I'm sure Oz has his reasons fer not wantin' it moved from where it is suppose to stay restin' forever."
Kenya frowns a little, and looks at the staff she is working on "I am hoping to have this done in 2-3 days or so then he can use this one and someone can put the cane he has back where it belongs. "
Sinway playfully pokes the side of Kenya's face "No frownin' now me little sea shell, ye look better with a smile on yer face, no need to be sad. I'm sure Oz will be very happy when he hears yer makin' him a new walkin' staff."
Kenya smiles a little and looks back to the staff, Brother Rick walks off quietly to do some other needed things. The otter maid works a little more on the staff"I like..making things its nice and relaxing does help keep me focused and not think of anything else"
Sinway nods giving the top of her head a soft rub "Those will pass Kenya ye know that right, I know a lot of bad has happen but soon yer bad dreams will fade and all that has happen will be a distant memory." He looks at the staff rubbing his paw over the sanded part "I know it doesn't seem like it, but it will trust me I know. After all peace has returned to Redwall, I'm sure by time winter is over ye wont even think about these bad times."
Kenya nods slowly and then goes to hug Sinway tightly and is just quiet, she finally sniffs and looks at him "I..know dad just...its hard to forget"She is crying some now.
Sinway returns the hug lifting her up and onto his lap "Of course, yer not goin' to forget, I never said ye would, but soon the memories wont scare ye so much, wont be able to control ye, soon ye will be full of happiness and joy that they will become just that, a memory." He wipes away a few of her tears "Now cheer up me little sea shell, didn't I say ye look more beautiful when yer smilin'." He wipes away the rest of her tears "If it helps just think about next spring....or maybe summer when we take our trip to the western shores. I haven't worked out the details yet, but maybe I can get the Gousim to take us there in there long boats, wouldn' it be nice to spend some of the summer at Salamandastron?"
Kenya smiles widely at this, but also "But....what would Abbot Benar think, would he let us go there?"She seems to like the idea of going though "And we can look at the sea shore too"
Sinway smiles and nods "I'm sure the father will, I'll be sure to talk to him though and if it will help ease him we can have one of the Mossflower Defenders escort us but i be sure we will have the help of the Gousim and if not I'm sure we will find some otters to help us, with the woods safe again i imagine we will see a few otter clans and there boats back out in Mossflower River, I''ll assure him we will be safe."
Kenya smiles "Other otter clans? So others are around not just Camp Willow"
Sinway nods his head "camp willow be the biggest yes, but there be other small clans and holts all around Mossflower, don't worry we will get there safely, and besides ye have me as well.
I may not ever hold a sword in these paws again, but if some beast where to threaten us well." He gives Kenya's head a soft pat "I'm just as good with a quarter staff as I am with a sword."
Kenya smiles "I could make you a staff too maybe, it wouldn't take as long as one for a badger"
Sinway grins and nods "That be nice, a walking staff would be good even if we don't need to use it to fight." He looks over towards the Abbey "Besides, despite what has happen this pass month, not all vermin are evil and a lot of vermin tend to treat the abbey with respect."
Kenya says, "I the monitor in Ferravale, he is...sort of scary looking but nice, but there is a one eyed very creepy looking rat in Ferravale...he is good, I think and he lives in the graveyard in some creepy hut""
Sinway nods "Aye Ferro is a good beast, not had the chance to meet this one eyed rat but if I remember correctly he took care of ye and Zolomon right?" He asks putting Kenya back down on the ground and standing up.
Kenya nods , "Sort of...we were at his hut, he scared Zolomon though and Rayen was there too but she left with some others she said she didn't like it here anymore. I think no one bothered us cause the hut is creepy and who would live in the middle of a graveyard, also think most of the bad beasts were by the abbey anyways at the time"
Sinway nods "Well he still gave ye aid, so he can't be bad right?" He then turns towards the abbey "I'm glad ye found somethin' ye enjoy doin' but don't neglect yer chores." He then turns and smiles down at her "Sorry, being a Brother now I am obligated to tell ye such things." He gives her a playful tap with his tail
Kenya frowns but nods "I know and I will do chores here soon promise"
Sinway pokes Kenya's nose with his tail "There that frown again." He comments before chuckling "Chores are a part of life, the sooner ye get them done, the sooner ye can do the things ye enjoy, look at me I'm off to do chores as well." He kneels down again whispering to her "But between ye and me, I don't much like them either." Then he stands back up
Kenya chuckles a little, but first she has to put away what she is working on "But you have different chores than I do, yours are likely easier"
Sinway smirks "I don't know about that, just because I be a Brother doesn't mean I don't ever have to wash dishes or clean tables, or sweep, and here soon when winter be over I'll have to take care of the abbey pond, though I'll also have to train some to do it while we are gone." He grins at Kenya "And now I must go I'll talk to ye later me little sea shell." And with that he walks off towards the abbey
Kenya waves and heads inside for lunch. After lunch it's time to..oh joy she is picked to help wash dishes today for after lunch and after dinner.
Lunch has ended, and Novice Mary is only visible as a pair of ears that jut around the sides of a monumental stack of dishes on a cart. The young mouse labors, huffing and puffing and muttering under her breath, until it is up alongside the cleaning trough. "I say, it should be /quite/ against the rules to force dish duty on a beast /three days/ in a row." She huffs, seemingly to herself. "I'll have all the fur scrubbed off my paws by the weeks end."
Kenya steps inside and sighs, she watches Mary for a little while before steping over "Washing dishes isn't..too bad really, there is worse things one can have to do"
"Oh my, yes." Mary huffs, rolling up her habit sleeves and groaning as she lifts the dirty plates and bowls, a couple at a time, into the washing basin. "After the... The battle, they had me hauling /dirt/ over to fix up where the grass had gotten all torn up." She sighs, scooting over to allow the sea otter more room.
Kenya steps over and goes to start helping with dishes," I am gonna help fix the door on the tool shed...I think"She isn't sure really and shrugs, "I found I like working with wood, I am even making a walking staff for someone but it's gonna take a couple weeks to make it."
Mary leans into the wash basin, her habit sleeves growing damp as she furiously scrubs at a bit of pastry filling that was left to dry too long on the dishware. She hums noncommittally. "Seems like something the Abbey always needs. I just want to work in the library, myself." She admits, holding the dish up to inspect all the tiny food bits still stuck to it. She huffs and submerges it again, happy to let it soak while she moves onto one that isn't as crusty.
Kenya frowns "I..don't know what I want to learn, wood work is nice but I also thought of learning healing skills, maybe I can do both somehow." She cleans a couple bowls and carefully sits them aside where they can dry. "Then I think all novice learn some healing, it's like something all abbey beasts are suppose to know like basic healing skills and stuff like that."
"Well, yeah. It's the point of the Abbey, in a way - care for the sick and the injured and the orphans and all that." Mary shrugs with a wince. "I've been failing horribly at my healing classes - I can't stand the sight of blood. I passed out the first time I was supposed to assist." Her cheeks redden. "It wasn't even that bad a cut - just a dibbun with a paw they nicked climbing, but -" Even thinking about it, she can feel her legs going weak and shakes her head to clear the thoughts before she faints again.
Kenya frowns, but does manage to catch her before she hits the floor anyways and looks around, still frowning. She isn't sure what to do, at least it's not something serious. She will make sure she is laying down and decides to flick a few little drops of water at her face.
Mary is out like a light! Luckily, Kenya caught her, so there isn't any blood of her own for the mouse to wake up to. For now, though, she is unresponsive - but she looks so peaceful in her spontaneous scullery nap!
Kenya frowns and just sits there till one Sister Kathy comes in “What is going On I don't hear plates and such going into...” Into view comes a rather grumpy Mouse maid who just frowns at the passed out Mary and sighs, she looks at Kenya “Well..your not passed out or napping” Kenya tries to say something only to get yelled at “BACK TO WORK!!” The otter maid frowns and quickly gets back to washing and drying the dishes, all the rest of the dishes, she should so make Mary do one of her chores, but she will be nice and not do that..least this time.
Jacenta- Healer/Private in Long Patrol
Zolomon- Runner/Private in Long Patrol
Monty- Fighter/Private in Long Patrol
Zolomon shouldn't of went on a walk, it only made his legs more sore, he still needed some rest and going out to soon made him ill and now he is stuck in the infirm, also chowing down made it worse too.
Jacenta frowns as she walks in to check on beasts in the infirm. The last 2 days have been horrible. She learned of her brother's death, and then seen strange fox ghost creature what evers and the large bird didn't help at all. She some reason went back to the tavern, well least she didn't have to walk back home alone but she is still jumpy, still depressed and when she tried to sleep she had a nightmare. So she is making a tea to help her sleep, and quietly looks to see whom is here, likely only 2...maybe 3 hares.
Zolomon looks over at the hare maid and clears his throat "Hey....lass, you ok?"
Jacenta frowns as she finishes making the tea and sips it "No...I am not ok, my brother is dead. There is..creepy..things on the beach and I had a bad dream last night."
Zolomon sits up slowly "Creepy things?"
Jacenta shrugs "I..I don't know..creepy ok, and thy like to laugh like it was funny to scare beasts. I think they eat birds, hopefully not hares"
The infirmary, Monty's favorite place in the world! The young hare had been brought up to the infirmary after the incident on the beach, his injured ribs bandaged and most of the raven blood cleaned from his fur. Upon finally regaining consciousness, he was given a change of clothes as his previous ones were soaked with blood and covered in sand. Presently, the small buck sits huddled up on a cot near the back corner of the room, his ear(s) folded back against his head, his gaze hollow as he stares ahead at the wall. A light frown sits upon his muzzle as he mutters very softly to himself, though what he is muttering is difficult to hear.
Zolomon frowns "A lot can be creepy if it was say...nighttime lass."He glaces over at Monty and frowns "Wot bally well happen to him?"
Jacenta goes to check on Monty"A bird landed on him and then the creepy beast tried to kill him and Quentin, but Quinten is ok...or maybe it just wanted the bird I don't know...ok."
As Jacenta gets closer to him, she can hear Monty's voice, low but audible. "...bird. BIRD. Bloody bird. Blood. Bird. No." The buck continues to stare straight ahead, something within his eyes a little off kilter. Eventually, he turns his gaze to Jacenta and merely stares at her, head tilting just a little as a smile crosses his muzzle. He chuckles very softly, his ear perking for a moment. "You saw it, didn't you?"
Zolomon frowns "A bird attacked some hares?" He speaks "When was this?"
Jacenta nods "I saw the bird yes, and..the , what ever it was with it."She frowns at Zolomon "Before I went to the tavern, tis one reason I didn't want to travel back alone when it was dark outside."
Monty turns his gaze towards Zolomon, "Not attacked." He shakes his head slowly, the smile still present which is a tad unsettling given the situation. "Fell out of the -sky-. Like a fish on a hook. A bloody FISH. Birds...should not be like fish." The hare turns back to Jacenta. "You know what it was. It was THEM. It was IT." His voice turns colder, as does his expression. "They are out there. Still out there. They don't want the birds, anymore."
Zolomon tilts his head "Ok..he seems to not like birds and is the bird dead or alive, if its dead then tis not a worry, right lad?"
Jacenta frowns, she looks at Monty "Them who? And yeah the bird was dead but not the creature...or creatures that took it away, they are clearly alive"
Monty shifts a little, wincing at the pain that sears through his chest from his bruised ribs. "Mmmmf. Oh, it's dead. And if's likely wishing it was...." he chuckles dryly. "I don't's the bird we have to worry about, though. all." He lifts a paw, rubbing his temple as his eyes close, the frown returning to his muzzle. "THEM. The foxes. You saw the dagger hit it. He just stood there. He LAUGHED. Not alive. NO one could be. No one WILL be. They'll be here soon." He sinks down a little lower on the cot as his energy lulls a bit, an eye peeking open as he stares at Jacenta.
Zolomon frowns "We are likely safe here me lad I seen worse than half dead foxes, but I am not gonna repeat wot I saw, your..the hares here will learn soon enough what his Lordship sent in some scrolls for me to deliver"
Jacenta frowns "There has foxes with their fur falling off...ghosts or something creepy and they laugh even more creepy like, they also don't seem afraid of the long patrol, least that I have noticed"
Monty turns his stare towards Zolomon and grins at the other hare quietly for a few moments. "There are things...worse than death, sah. SO much worse." Shaking his head at Jacenta, the hare chuckles softly. "Not ghosts. Ghosts...don't get stabbed. They CAN'T get stabbed. He bled. He bled...but DIDN'T CARE. Ghosts...don't bleed. Ghosts...don't kill the birds. Don't drag them off into the dunes...." The volume of his voice rises with each word. He seems to pause to think about something briefly, voice calmer..."They DO disappear though. They probably laugh, too. Hmmm." Monty is acting reaaaally weird tonight.
Zolomon frowns, "Maybe....the fox is just...had a healer nearby?"
Jacenta frowns, "Monty has a point, ghosts DON'T maybe they are just insane foxes that somehow have more than one life or like a lot of blood, they are still creepy and I hate the dark now thanks to them, you would have to see them understand"
Monty cannot help but burst into laughter at Zolomon's comment, immediately regretting it afterwards. "AHAHAHAowwww...." He winces heavily, leaning forward and clutching his middle. Tears welling up in his eyes, the hare leans against the wall as he waits for the ripples of pain to subside. "No healer." He inhales sharply, voice strained. "No healer...could help them now. Ow." Monty shakes his head slowly, " don't want to see them. You don't." The buck closes his eyes, head resting against the wall. "Cursed. They....are CURSED. They won't die. They won't."
Zolomon says, "Everything dies somehow...."He grins as seems unworried right now "Let me fill it full of arrows, bet it dies then lad and it would be fun.""
Jacenta shrugs "Arrows might anger them or go through them for all we know, I mean it's...odd it had two daggers in it and laughed about it, the one fox, if its a fox, was insane"
Monty falls silent for a few moments, head resting against the wall as he attempts to catch his breath. "Is a fox. Was a fox. Has to be. Won't be arrows. Doesn't care. Took a the chest. He didn't CARE. Can't fight them." The buck shakes his head. "CAN'T. Will end up like the birds. Dragged away, into the dunes. Will be GONE. No traces. No....traces..." He chuckles softly. "Blood. Blood, everywhere. Mine, yours, hers, theirs..." He lifts a paw and nonchalantly waves it around. "Everyone's."
Zolomon frowns " Ya know lad you can jolly well focus on other things. nice things like friends or...pie, think about pie or a happy tune"
Jacenta says, "focus on other things, how do we do that when....depressing things are happening, what if all the hares die?""
Zolomon lays down and sighs, he then hums softly a nice tune with a little bit of a beat to it, he smiles at them "Happy...see....think of butterflies and your fave food and hum a happy tune, focus on positive not negative "He yawns, tried and he then soon falls asleep.
Monty turns his gaze towards Zolomon and stares at the other hard incredulously. He doesn't reply to his words, watching as he ends up falling asleep. Pointing a paw in his direction, he looks over at Jacenta. "He has no idea," he replies, his voice eerily calm. "Nooooo idea. At ALL. None." The frown returns to his muzzle, as he attempts to sit up a bit more. "Butterflies, gone. Food, happy tunes, all gone. Thinking positive?" He laughs again harshly, this time not caring about the pain that explodes in his midsection. "He's out of his bloody MIND. He didn't see. None of them have seen. But you have. -I- have. Quinten....he has. All of us have."
Jacenta frowns “I don't know it's just been a bad past couple days....”She glaces at Zolomon and shakes her head “And he can sleep somehow, wot ever...I need sleep let's hope it comes...try and have a good day”She walks on back to her own bed, more cozy than the infirm, yeah its further away but it's closer.
**The creepy things are mentioned A LOT more in this list of logs ***
Jacenta-Healer in LP..A Private
Zolomon- Archer, Private in LP..Runner
Misu- Otter maid of Western Shores
Spoofs of tavern beasts....
It had been a couple days since the news was given, she told no one but had been away a couple days , the so called fresh air turned into a couple days being away and no one seemed to care, least in her mind no one seemed to care. The healer Jacenta just sat at a table alone, all alone her tears all dry by now, its hard to say how much she cried, it was a lot.
Zolomon walked to the entry of the tavern and looked around. He had on a clean uniform, his other one a bit..well torn and stuff, so they gave him a new one. as he looked around and soon spotted the hare maid and walks over, sits down and just stays silent for a long while before speaking "Ya know..disappearing at a blooming bad time like this is not a good thing lass"
Jacenta looks up at him and frowns"Shouldn't you be resting sur. I don't need looked for by no one"
Zolomon frowns "I heard ya didn't report to training so...thought look for ya."His ear droops "I'm.....sorry bout ya brother. He died saving a Redwall novice by de way. He was pretty brave..a good fighter. If I could of I would of got him to safety, but he ...he died in me arms. A couple beasts went to the camp, bally well got whomever...died thar and got them to the abbey. They are supposed ta have some memorial thar"
Jacenta wipes away some tears and sniffs."I should of talked him into staying at the mountain, I was supposed to go but...I was scared and he said to stay if I could, that well the mountain needed healers to stay behind right..."Tears go down her face.
Zolomon frowns, he would hug her he will wait. But just seeing someone cry gets to him. He looks around as he sighs "I am supposed to find Misu and I have no idea where ta even look"
The otter was always one to just appear, and today is no different as a monotone voice speaks "Why look for me, why are you even here Zolomon aren't you off saving Redwall with the others or did that fail?"
Jacenta jumps slightly and looks at the otter, like where did she come from all of a sudden? She blinks and just stays quiet, well seems the hare found whom he was looking for fairly quickly.
Zolomon blinks, then frowns "Misu..I...and no, no the mission was successful and the horde died, all of the horde died."He points to the fact he has one ear "I am one eared now and ya still knew who I was."
Misu just stays standing and stares at the hare "There is something else, isn't there. what is it? You tell me now or I hang you upside down from the cliff nearby, its a good view and you can tell me how it looks upside down" So monotone its creepy.
Jacenta frowns, ok the otter maid is creepy indeed, "He didn't tell me if your gonna ask, he just mentioned finding a Misu"
Zolomon frowns "I.....ummm..." And looks like news on an empty stomach, what's new..."Tis about Karth....he helped rescue some slaves and..sadly he was killed in the progress. I am sorry Misu."
And Misu looks ready to stab someone, lucky it won't be Zolomon, a drunk weasel makes a mistake, his last when he laughs and the otter looks at him"What do you laugh at?" The weasel seals his doom "You...hee heee....stupid woodlander and you talk funny-----" And more words are lost as a dagger is in his throat. She turns to Zolomon and takes a few deep breath and then starts crying and yeah beasts MOVE away from her, you know she is in a stabby mood so its best to move.
Jacenta gasps, she stays where she is and just sits quietly, note to self don't talk to this otter as you may say the wrong thing.
Zolomon frowns and is unsure, but he thinks it will help as he goes to hug the otter, and says a silent prayer he doesn't wake in the dark forest for this possible dangerous move.
Misu tenses up and then just allows the hug, in fact crying even more so now as she coughs and then steps back, "Thank you for the news"She says simply and speaks again " I have a clan now...of some sea otters by the mother and an old fisher beast is there, and some others. They made me their Skipper of sorts"
Jacenta just watches, ok that's nice as she decides to just get a small bowl of soup and some tea, ""
Zolomon nods"That is good Misu and I am a long Patrol hare now..."He looks at the healer hare "Food....ummm you paying I am sort of, kinda..broke. I'll pay ya back"
Misu beats her to it as she motions to a waitress.."What ever they want its on my tab.."She gives an or else look and then walks off, she needs to get back to her clan but will check and make sure it was on her tab.
Jacenta starts to speak and blinks "Oh...well, ok then. "And waits till out of earshot "Your otter friend is..strange, and serious would not want to run into her and be an enemy or in a dark alley"
Zolomon orders food and grins, he then nods "Yea Misu me she is a good friend and very loyal, Karth was sort of like her and they got along...though he was a bit more...or less..monotoned at least and had a longbow."
Jacenta shrugs and then the food comes, she did get a couple rolls and some more tea, wow she seems to not eat like a hare at all.
Zolomon grins "Food!" He has a whole apple pie, 12 rolls, some salad, fish and some ale to wash it down. He also gets some mixed veggies steamed, a small slice of cake, a little mug of potato soup and more ale as he eats happily and smiles"Ohhhh yeah not ate good in a long while, rasions and all marching and packed super light ta get here faster and the infirm....yeah oatmeal , though its good.....warriors need better food choices when recovering wot" He sips some ale "Aren't ya..eating lass?"
Jacenta just watches him eat and drink as she sips tea "I..don't eat much, never did"
Zolomon gets more rolls and some sort of soup as he nods, eats and hmms "Odd lass but hey we all be different."He looks around "Me pal Xandy was in here couple times...maybe more, I could of went but...oh well. Use ta be this Tavern in a village called blow up, the tavern that is not the town"
Jacenta asks, "Ferravale? Close to the abbey right? I had always thought of going there one day...tell me about it "Anything to get her mind off her depression"Please"
Zolomon gets in a few mouthfuls of food first, "You mean de abbey lass? Or Ferravale?" Well he can explain both "The abbey is nice..a pond, great food. Orchards and such. No one can have weapons but the champion and even she only carries it in times of ..well like when the siege was happening she carried it, likely put it away now. Beasts get along fairly well at the abbey"
Jacenta nods as she listens, a small bit of the soup she still has, a sip of tea " Ferravale"
Zolomon nods, drinks ale and gets more "Run by a cat named Blisa, she has like body guards and is nice. Ferravale has a peace treaty with the abbey by the way, so they do help one another and in fact joined the fight to help protect the abbey"
Jacenta says, "Interesting, then again one could be friends with like....I don't know really, there is a ferret here somewhere who is good, walked me almost all the way back the other day, course he didn't go all the way""
Zolomon says, "Just be careful of who ya try to befriend" Well least he has slow down on the eating, poor Misu has a much larger tab now."Make sure they be friend and not foe"
Jacenta nods "I know that"She frowns "Wot's..gonna happen now?"
Zolomon tilts his head "Wot do ya mean what is gonna happen? To what lass?"
Jacenta frowns "To..the long patrol, many, not just James. Things are not gonna be the same..ever"
Zolomon looks around, he is glad no one is listening as he sighs "I...don't know lass. I am sure the rest will get back safe and sound, heard on a boat maybe so quicker. And..well change happens, sometimes when we don't want it ta and..we are tested to see if we pass or fail"
Jacenta sighs "I don't know if I like change"
Zolomon says, "Not many likes change lass. But I say the Long Patrol will get through this, we always do right?"
Jacenta nods and frowns "Its dark now and..there has been scary stuff goin' on lately and then..the news you had "
Zolomon says, "Well I can led us home"
Jacenta says, "I..don't know, its creepy outside, more so now it seems."
Zolomon nods as he glaces around "Well..I wouldn't let a fellow hare get hurt lass, I would keep ya safe."
Jacenta stands and then just starts crying all of a sudden, yeah maybe they shouldn't walk tonight, "I'm..sorry...I just...miss James..I ..want him back, I want him back..."
Zolomon frowns and the tears, the crying he goes to hug her if he can "Shhh shhhh lass, tis ok to cry. He was your brother and will be missed, and I wish he could come back too...wish they all could"
Jacenta just sobs onto his shoulder, a racking sobbing mess as she coughs and sniffs, sobs more now and just....yeah, just a mess of tears.
Zolomon just stays quiet, just a shoulder to cry on and most likely she won't be the only one once news gets out. There will likely be a meeting to attendant, meetings are such a joy...well not really as he frowns and just stays where he is.
Jacenta calms, only to cry some more and sniffs when ferret hands her a note she reads " seems Misu paid for 2 rooms, one for me and one for you for the night...."
Zolomon looks at the note and nods "Well jolly well nice of her wot, ok so we walk back to the mountain in the morning."
Jacenta nods, she still seems worried. ok she isn't the most brave of beasts ok, so what..she is a healer not like a fighter or runner.
Zolomon nods "Ok now lass and if ya need to talk or wot ever I am next door, ok...your be ok?" He leads them to the rooms.
Jacenta follows him up and frowns "S..Stay here till I fall asleep..please sur."
Zolomon blinks "I..sure lass"And he will sit in a chair till she falls asleep, stay an extra little bit just to make sure she is asleep and then on his way out locks the door and goes to his own room and goes to bed, he still needs sleep.
Jacenta will fall asleep, not too quickly but she feels safe with another hare nearby, even if he is next door.
I would say have a feast at the mountain but they may be too sad for one. Unless its like in memory of them sort of feast.
Yeah but the siege is over by late Thursday so she could enter the abbey like friday... My otter Kenya is ok with vermin, long as they arnt like trying to stab hare is uncertain, my hare name is Jacenta.
I think the falcons opening the back gate be good, letting in the badies....and then whom ever opens the front gates to let in the badger lord and hares and who ever else is there to help defeat evil.
I know some random npc woodlanders and a few npc redwall beasts were to die..well that can happen still too if the horde gets in the back mainly any wall guards would one or two get away and raise the alarm "vermin inside the abbey!"So beasts like the abbot ect get to safty and manage to shut doors leading inside the building and any who can fight slip outside to help fight the evil till the Long Patrol and others get to the front and are let in to help...well defeat evil and fighting is mainly still in the entry area. No evil manages to get inside like the building...well maybe 2-3 do but they are killed by some of the refergeees there.
So as outline says they get in....its not too long after they are in that the main help arrives, only not as much a surprise BUT it will still be thanks to the Long Patrol,The badger Lord, the guisom...we can also say Camp Willow maybe had some otters come...
Hello and welcome back
cool hope to see more drawings
They would have to get along..well fairly with the abbey at least. The peace treaty after all.
I wonder what Blisa's reaction will be once she learns Vojin sort of..abandoned them.
Its good....maybe its PAPA OZ . Your cool always change the look slightly and draw other badgers too. But without Armor it could be Papa Oz..
Add armor and maybe its the badger Lord:) Who knows....
Kenya can still learn healing, maybe Angela?
Kenya-Novice of Redwall
Ciocan-Badger Lord
Xander- Leader of Mossflower Defenders
Ewan- Prvate fighter in the LP
Zolomon-Private Runner in the LP
Some spoofs hares, shrews
Kenya sighs, good grief those creatures argue too much she had to leave, they annoying.
Xander is a little ways from Camp, he sighs as he sees Kenya and walks over to her "You left...why?" Keep it simple.
Ewan sits close by and looks between them, "I seen Zolomon follow her.."He says quietly.
Kenya frowns and cross her arms.."My dad have you look for me and not himself?" She frowns "He just wants to go play..hero, says he wants to rejoin the order but oh first let me go fight...why?"
And..voices "She has a point?" "The grumpy otter left" "Oh shut up...hey its a badger...and hares......hey don't shove me!!!"
Xander lays a paw on his blade as he looks around "Who's there?"
Ewan frowns, "Its horde beasts isn't it?" He stands "They are attacking...should I find his Lordship....should we panic?" He clearly wants no fighting, or worse blood"If your gonna kill vermin can I leave first?"
Kenya seems not worried and rolls her eyes " Its just the shrews, they argue over everything"
A couple shrews step out in colored headbands and one looks at the hare "Panic?" One chuckles and gets slapped by another shrew, till a taller one comes out and slaps both shrews "Enough..ya pests, your annoying..why do I brother"He sighs and bows to the badger and hare "Log a log...this is the Guosim and as stated by the hare your not the Badger Lord.." "he isn't?" "No ya....sorry" The taller shrew sighs as he frowns "Excuse them, they woke on de wrong side of the bed.".."Bed..what bed...ya calls the grass a bed good grief Log-alog"
Xander blinks and studies the shrews and just looks confused and then over at Ewan and shrugs.
Ewan watches the shrews, "The..who..what?" He frowns and is curious as he gets a little closer "Why are you..agueing with each other?"
Kenya sits down on a tree stump " and Zolomon found them yesterday or maybe they found us, they want to help and want to talk to Lord Ciocan...and they make this really sweat bread with nuts too, its good "She smiles.
Xander looks between them and hmms "4..shews...I mean they could be of some help...wait Guosim? I think heard of them but still...this horde is sort of dangerous. I know ever little bit helps but...."He seems unsure.
Ok the one shrew seems insulted, then he is always moody as the taller one just smirks calling out as guess they are close "Logalogalog" And...yeah you got 50-sih shrews here as the leader grins "Small..but mighty, size matters not my friend, we can also be deadly to an enemy."
Ewan blinks and then watches"Whoa....ok..umm"And a quick glace "50 shrews..well 51 one counting him...that's a good number. Lord Ciocan probably would see more help as good..I think..."
Kenya chuckles as the shrews show up, "They hide good too, don't they?"
Xander nods in a agreement "Yeah they do..ok maybe they can help out then"
Log-A -LOg states "Of course we help..Mossflower is our home too and Redwall out allies, we aid them in times of need"
Ewan listens as he tends to remember things well,"I can give a message"
Kenya is careful to not trip over a shrew and goes to sit by Ewan and just listen a while.
Xander nods "Yeah Ewan can let Lord Ciocan know your helping Log-a-log, or maybe take you to talk to him even if needed."
Ewan blinks "Umm..I don't know where he is..I can look..yeah looking is good"Sides he has been on the boat a couple days, land is better and its likely the LP is gonna go marching soon"So..umm..follow me?"
Xander hmms and now that the shrews went away, or he thinks they did a couple likely followed after Ewan and Log-a-log he looks to Kenya.""
Kenya frowns "About what?" She rather not talk"Don t you gonna go march soon...I may go back on the boat...or maybe March."
Xander sighs "It....we can catch up and the shrews need to chat first." He is not the best one for this but he can try "You ran off last night and its dangerous even if you found the Guosim, what if you didn't? I know Zolomon followed but...still"He frowns"You could of ran into a horde beast or a group of them and..your father likely worried."
Kenya blinks, he of all beast is lecturing her?She frowns, "I was ok...and"She frowns "Dad just wants to go fight cause the horde killed his friend..isn't that revenge and he wants to join the order but ohhh he is waiting till this is over, if he wants to rejoin the order why doesn't he, why fight..something bad for..fighting is bad and he just wants to..."Tears..."He...."
Xander frowns, and....yeah not that it was really a lecture as he sits down now, he is not good with this really, "Umm...did you talk to him about it?" He looks around "Though still its not wise to..go off alone escaiapally right now"
Kenya frowns "I..I don't want him to die like my birth parents did and no one can promise he won't"
Ciocan comes walking over toward Xander and Kenya, "What's up?" He looks down at Kenya, leaning on his hammer, "Has your father done something silly again?"
Xander nods a hello to Ciocan, he clears his throat "Her father is Sinway...he is going to be one of..the many beasts helping in the fight Mossflower and the Abbey."He hmmms "Maybe he could be asked to stay here as a guard"He knows the camp will need guards and a lot less chance a fight will happen in camp.
Kenya frowns "I ..I don't want my father to go off and fight, I mean he keeps saying he wants to rejoin the order, but one of the things the order believes in is no..fighting, unless like its self defense and you have no other choice and..and he does...there is the hares, and those shrews now, and you and the Defenders..that's a lot of beasts to help and..I don't want my dad to get killed"
Ciocan shakes his head and rests a paw on Kenya's shoulder, "Miss Kenya I can see you are upset, but your father is a warrior. He may wish to put up his sword and join the order but until he takes those vows he is under no obligation to live by their creed," He looks down into her eyes, "I will not force him to remain in camp on some excuse... even to soothe your worry my dear. We need every able bodied warrior at our side when we try to drive that horde away from the Abbey and he knows Mossflower, the woods and trees and secret pathways, I cannot in good conscience deprive the army of his skills when they will be needed most."
Xander nods "Sinway does know a lot about Mossflower most likely been in more places than I have. He is likely to be careful and if I am able I will do my best to keep an eye on him when I am able to."
Kenya sighs as she frowns but finally nods slowly as she sniffs "Ok..ok and I am gonna stay in camp."She frowns she will need to keep her mind off this somehow, "Maybe..there anything I can do in camp to still help? I am learning a little healing and...and maybe I can let them know when a beast gets back to camp or something."
Ciocan says, "Well miss Kenya I am sure there are plenty of things you can do to help us," He smiles at her, "We shall have to see what we can come up that you can help us with."
Xander nods "We are...very close now, I will have to have a meeting with the Defenders that came with me figure out what to do once we are..well at the final camp"And he knows that is in a few days.
Kenya smiles a little "I want to help..somehow.."She looks over at Xander "You don't have as many Defenders..least here with us and...."Hmmms mention news or not, then his friend should not her.
Ciocan says, "Well Miss Kenya, what say we have you talk to the Quartermaster, she is in charge of the camp, she'll get you sorted out with a job and things to do."
Xander hmms "Well I have Ximena and Sinway still for now, and Zolomon and there is also Minsc,Chip and Flea from Willowbark they are here to help too."
Kenya smiles at the option to help, it will help her think less of some of the stuff going on, she glaces at Xander and then speaks "You should talk to Zolomon soon..." She leaves it at that, not a why .
Ciocan asks, "See we have plenty of people to help," He motions Kenya to follow him and he walks over toward one of his hares, "Quartermaster Zuebreck I have Miss Kenya here eager to help," He motions to the one earred hare, "If you would tell her what you want to do Miss Kenya," The hare looks down at Kenya and grins, "Always happy to have more help around camp Missy, so what are you skills?"
Xander blinks "Talk about what?"He shrugs "I am sure he will say something soon and I am likely talking with him soon anyways..where ever he is"
Kenya nods, but first."I think he is joining the Long Patrol.." She then goes over to the hare and smiles "I know a little healing, and I can sew..I can also work with a wood...a little, they let me fix the door to the book binding room of the Library..well Brother Rick did..most of the work, but I helped and watched him and..."And she is off talking to the hare.
Xander listens and tilts his head, "Jon the Patrol?" Ok that's news
Ciocan turns to look at Xander, "Who is joining? Do you mean Zolomon? HE has expressed an interest yes. Now then Xander if you will excuse me I need to go see about the privates."
Xander blinks "But....." He has got to find his friend, his friend wouldn't leave Mossflower..would he?
Ciocan shrugs at Xander, "He asked to train as a recruit, if he wishes to join up he will be welcome. But he'd have to come back to the Mountain when we march, it is very rare we station hares in Mossflower," He nods to Xander and walks off toward a group of training privates.
===An hour later==
Zolomon makes his way into the camp and nods to a couple passing hares.
Kenya is helping, learning a little healing in fact as she smiles and nods. She even has learned to make some arrows, making arrows is easy once you get the hang of it and she is just making them to help, not to use and places them in a pile, every so often looking at a couple healers going over some herbs that are useful.
Zolomon smiles "Your happier lass good to see, jolly good"
Kenya smiles as she stands and goes over to him "Yeah...I am...I am helping and those 3 over there are talking about herbs so I am learning that at the same time!"
Zolomon nods "Good lass...and your staying in camp, double good"
Xander walks over to the hare and stops a short way "Zolomon.."He says softly.
Kenya frowns and looks at the hare "I'm sorry..I told him you were joining the Long Patrol"
Zolomon ears droop a little as he nods "Its....ok lass, tis fine" He smiles a little "Hey...Xandy"
Xander frowns "Your joining the Long Patrol? But....what about Mossflower Defenders?"
Ciocan walks over, beside him is the shrew Log-A-Log and they chat as the badger grins"Thank you friend..."The shrew bows and heads off, as the Badger Lord walks over to the others "What is going on?"
Kenya steps aside and lets them talk, yeah...this could end badly or good...who knows.
Zolomon salutes the Badger Lord and glaces at Xander, he decides to answer Xander first"I..yeah, umm if the badger Lord is..if he feels its..I want to officially join the Long Patrol, offer my skills of runner..archer not just as a recruit."
Xander listens as he looks between them, "But.."He frowns, ok he knows the hare has skills and could be useful" ..your have to move to the western shores you know that right, we would hardly see each other..."
Ciocan glaces at Zolomon and nods "You would be most welcome to join Zolomon.."He hmms and smiles"I will have to get something I will be right back"
Kenya speaks "You would still be like friends, cause friendship is like strong and stuff, you don't ever truly lose a friend unless they like..die or something"
Zolomon nods and sighs at Xander "Xandy..I..I know that."He smiles "Wise words lass..."Ok serious, he means it now oh the full name "Xander....course we still be friends, best friends I even remember when we first eagle and gramps was thar...ya know Zee..on Ferravale path, and we all went to the tavern but you couldn't handle light ale and passed out..ya Uncle Zee won the drinking contest me and him had, hee hee...and shortly afterwards the Mossflower Defenders was formed, hee we were like the first two members..."
Xander listens as the hare talks and frowns as he uses the full name not a nickname "Zolomon....." He frowns yes he remembers that day too,"I..don't want you too..go were my first..friend, my first real one anyways.."
Zolomon nods as he listens "I..know and we still be best pals til the end"
Xander seems unsure of that,"But...your....if you survive this horde your going away..I can't go that far"
Kenya sits down
Ciocan returns with a folded uniform as he nods to Xander and looks to Zolomon "How ..serious are you on this Recruit Zolomon? This is a lifetime vow not just a temporary job..its for life and I expect a lot of my Long Patrol hares."He keeps eye contact with the hare.
Zolomon stands at attention and salutes, keeps eye contact "Serious sur, your Lordship sur"
Xander steps back and watches this, looking like he rather bolt somewhere than watch this, his best friend ...leaving Mossflower?
Ciocan nods as he hands him the uniform"Then I expect you to change into this..Private Zolomon. You are dismissed.....oh and there is a meeting in 30 minutes...I expect you there, we have to discuss serious matters since we are very close now" He walks towards his tent, he needs to also do a few things before the meeting elsewhere in the camp here in a little while, after dinner in fact.
Kenya smiles "Congrats Zolomon..I bet your look cool in a uniform, you didn't even have a recruit one"
Zolomon smiles"Thank ya sur" He watches the badger head off and smiles, he grins at Kenya "Ya think...?" He smiles at Xander even."Isn't it awesome!"
Xander frowns "It's....I need to..going to check on the boat and Marek...make sure hares are not bothering him excuse me..."He sighs as he adds "Private..Zolomon"And quickly walks away.
Kenya frowns "He don't sound happy."She then ohhs "And..I decided, its ok if my dad helps out, he does know Mossflower and..they need him to help, and I know he will be careful and you and the others will keep him safe too but he is needed and ..maybe if he didn't help we would like all lose, he can help the badger lord find the best routes and like tell him trails of Mossflower on the maps the hares have, one had a map and I know Rupert does and he is a rabbit I know"
Zolomon nods "I..know lass..Xandy will be ok, I think he is just....yeah we been friends since he was barely above novice age and I am like...ohhh...5 or so seasons older than him but we still be best pals, best friends till the very end and I think that will last...even miles apart, sure of it"He smiles "I wonder what Tarsa will say"
Kenya shrugs "Hard to like her don't you?"
Zolomon blinks "I..she is my commanding officer lass...a Sargent"
Kenya rolls her eyes "You smile and you danced on the ship..."She is young yet seems to understand this a little, "I think she likes you too..maybe I don't know."
Zolomon kneels down " right back lass" He leaves long enough to change into the uniform of a Private and returns as he smiles "Now..this like I..well.."He chuckles a little.
Kenya smiles " Tarsa.."She giggles a little "Maybe tell her"
Zolomon blinks, "Ummm...and ..she likely slap me"Ok he does like Tarsa and maybe a lot but he isn't saying a word, yet anyways"And right now more serious things ready for lass"He nods "You were making arrows...that's pretty skillful."
Kenya sighs and nods "Yeah I just watched the other hare and helped, the archers will use them to..fight the bad beasts, and I can sew like I sewed one hares sleeve for her, it was torn a little...and I know a little healing and want to know more"And keeps her mind off things too.
Zolomon nods and pats her on the head"Things will be..well...may be tough..scary but we shall get though all this horde and what not..right lass?"
Kenya nods"And your help protect dad too. I am still a little worried but, its not as bad. He is very much needed and..that's ok. He will be back in camp when he can be back and maybe someone can come back to camp and take me to the abbey if he hasn't left yet, unless he is elsewhere"
Zolomon says, "Who knows maybe he will be ...Brother Sinway" He grins "Maybe put a good word in since he mentioned being a novice before..why go back if he was jolly well into the 2nd rank""
Kenya says, "Maybe...and that be cool if he gets to be A full Brother...our robes would be different as his would be brown and mine green"She walks around the hare and smiles "I think you look very nice in uniform""
Zolomon chuckles "Ya think little lass"He smiles "Reminds me..Jhan, wonder where that little chap is, he is at camp too..younger than you, most likely will live at the abbey...likely"
Kenya says, "Maybe take him to Salamandastron with you""
Zolomon says, "Thats something ta think on...later lass, not right now...well I need to get to a meeting, later lass"And he is off to the meeting and is right on time."
true...Maybe he just helps out...someone could EARN Head Healer and it be nice:)
Kenya- Novice of Redwall
Zolomon- Private Runner in the LP, and Archer
Some spoofed Guosim shrews!
Kenya slipped out of bed and moved slowly and went to be up on the main deck. walking towards the railing she looked at the water and then back to when she was sleeping and then quietly slipped off the boat and too the shore while it was docked.
Zolomon is on night watch but decides to wake a squirrel, an hour early yeah but hey he needs to do something, like follow the otter.
Kenya made her way quietly down the bank and keep an eye out for any dangers, she decided to not take anything with her as it would just slow her down, something she rather not need to deal with.
Zolomon follows as he then speaks "Sort of late for a walk lass, isn't it?" One ear sort of flicks up and the other stays slightly curled as he stands close by.
Kenya gasps as she sees the hare and just frowns, "Go away, its not a walk."And she turns around and continues walking away
Zolomon tilts his head "It would seem your walking now lass, one foot in front of the other and all that wot" He grins
Kenya glares but then frowns and shrugs "WHAT ..what ever I'm going away, so leave me alone and go back to the hares or something"
Zolomon gets to where he is beside her and speaks "You see...I can't go away, tis my job to jolly well protect anyone on that boat and you were on the boat, so..and a walk alone is bad right now, too close to our final stop now."
Kenya frowns "Well I am not on the boat and..don't care..Dad wants to help fight and...and he is probably just gonna end up my real parents and I'll be alone again and I don't wanna be alone but its probably gonna happen so why wait around till it does."
Zolomon looks around and speaks "I don't know lass...this is something that's even big for me, horde and all that..seen large vermin groups but this one..well a LOT worse and maybe the one before this, some insane squirrel of all things would of been bad too had we not be warned but some were starting to dislike the chap even before that"
Kenya sits down finally "How can a bad?"
Zolomon shrugs "How can a stoat be good? It..happens and I have learned some be in between or...well not too sure of, but I try to figure out by how they act"
Kenya shrugs "What ever, so what this haf to do with me running away and leaving....its still gonna be bad stuff coming and no one can stop it...not like everyone gonna be like yeah lets not fight and go away or go home, they still gonna fight anyhow till..till they are stopped or the other beast is dead"
Zolomon ears droop"I..rather not fight myself lass but sometimes you have to."
Kenya looks at the hare "But my dad don't, he..he keeps saying he wants to go back to being a novice and oh he would of already but he just wants to fight beast and..and get revenge and revenge only gets you killed, and revenge is not how a Redwaller thinks...he can let the long patrol or others fight, but..but not him...he wont listen to me, or Xander and..and he is gonna die I just know it, but oh that's fine he will just get even with all the bad beasts" As she cries tears go down her face.
Zolomon frowns "I..would agree, if its for revenge. I had another beast tell me revenge leads to anger and that clouds the mind. beasts don't think clearly and I have seen it happen...friends hurt and almost dieing, one dying in grandfather was trigger happy me mom always said, he finally retired but he was hurt, only thing is he didn't tell a beast till it was too late and the wound was infected....and he died, he could of gotten healing help and been fine, but he didn't"
Kenya frowns"Was he in the long patrol?"
Zolomon nods "So was my mother, and an uncle lived at Redwall in fact for a bit of time and....well no one knows where he went off too..supposedly southward"He shrugs "I don't think he knows bout me and that's fine"
Kenya asks, "What happen to your mom and did your uncle leave the LP?"
Zolomon says, "Mom got ill and died...and my uncle did leave the Long mom said he didnt like it and barely got into basic training and was kicked out, so he left for southward and me mom stayed...till a patrol she was in..was attcked and she and another surived, she left and meet me dad in Mossflower..lived south of the father died when I was very young, me mom before I was 6 seasons old..sort of was on me own after some friends...lost soem frends...still have some friends.."He shrugs " Adventures here and thar, and here I am today with the jolly Long Patrol""
Kenya listens as the hare talks of his past" the Long Patrol now?"
Zolomon nods and grins.
Kenya says, "And your gonna go live in the mountain...well if you don't..die""
Zolomon frowns "Well not me plan to die lass but yes..."He blinks as he starts thinking.."Yeah and de Lp likely wont jolly well stay long.."
Kenya shrugs "Oh well...."
Zolomon folds his paws in his lap"Oh well? I have yet to tell..Xandy, I mean at first it was just a..yeah yeah basic easy, trust me last far from easy...but now I am..I like it, made friends and feel like part of a..sort of team/ family and thar is Tarsa..."He smiles but still..he has yet to tell his best friend, he plans on..leaving Mossflower, like forever.
Kenya says, "Then tell him, he may think your in trouble if you suddenly disappear..least you would be not around cause of leaving with the other hares...some beasts gonna be gone cause they went to the dark forest""
Zolomon frowns "Lass..."Ok he wants to cheer her up but is failing ok think clearly and not on news to anyone yet "Look lass...yes beasts will die in this battle but not everyone...some may be hurt even but.....and if one does die it doesn't mean your alone"
Kenya frowns "Yeah it does...cause someone else just get dead one day why brother"
Zolomon frowns "Lass.....look being alone in life is not good one needs friends and those"
Kenya frowns "No they don't cause...cause you get someone in life that cares and then they just die...and you never see them again"
Zolomon frowns "I.."Sighs "I am not good at this, I admit..usually I am, I usually do me best to cheer one up and I have gotten beasts cheered even if its for a short while, but your..difficult to cheer up..but I shall not give up, me best pal I even managed to cheer up and he had some fairly bad times in life, one was a bit hard for me too though..but I helped him out and would like to think I am part of de reason he never..went insane or left or..maybe even..who knows...became some in between beast."He smiles "I remember when I first meet him..him and gramps and this eagle were fighting vermin and I helped and we went to the tavern in Ferravale...hee..Xandy is like....oh 4..or so seasons younger than me...we be best friends"
Kenya frowns "So...I don't have any best friends"
Zolomon says, "Well..make one..Xandy even....or..maybe Ewan or..well someone , another novice?""
Kenya frowns "Least I am...bit more on harm and no fighting unless life is in danger...then dad isn't a novice right now but he wants to be...but why if he wants to fight, and ..oh cause of losing friends isn't that revenge? Isn't that fighting for the wrong reasons, he says he isn't ready to be a novice..maybe he just doesn't want to be one and just stay a warrior all his life..I..I don't want him to stay a warrior..I..I just want things to be normal again and him...him to be my dad not..not some fighter..or warrior in a battle and want to go off to battle no matter what I say...I though he cared cause he came to find me and he keep me safe till we found you guys and finding you guys seems to just make him want to fight even more...and..and he shouldn't, he should just lay down his blade now if he really really wants to be a novice but he wont!"
Zolomon frowns as he stands "Lass....look maybe we can talk to him together, wot do ya say?"
Kenya tears go down her face "NO!!!" She suddenly screams, "No..I..I HATE HIM!!" Words she likely doesn't mean, but words come out and she bolts away from the hare.
Zolomon gasps as he jogs after her, like she could run that easy from the hare, he is a skilled fast runner and easily catches up as he runs along side her "Lass..lass we can chat...chatting is nice...whoa your quick arnt ya a good good skill ta have."He somehow avoids trees as he runs after her.
Kenya easily avoids trees also and she glares at him as tears go down her face and she dives into the river..yeah follow her now!
Zolomon slows and frowns, ok just follow the river as he keeps an eye on her,he frowns to himself.
Kenya is a little unused to the river current, the sea sort of stays in one place, yes it has undertow in storms and sometimes without storms but she is fighting a current upstream that's is going downstream, she frowns and manages to go sideways and gets back to shore and shakes herself dry.
Zolomon catches up and grins "Hey..lass...can ya stop"He looks around..ok how far are they from the camp and boat?
Kenya frowns, she is tried as she sits down and rubs her eyes, still some tears under her eyes.
Zolomon sits down beside her"Ok..lass...first listen we sort of went a good distance and need to get me..where are we?Does it matter?"
Kenya shrugs "How should I know..I don't think it does"
Zolomon frowns " bally well does wot am I thinking...ok went more up river...lets see.....umm...yeah"He could run if needed but...well not as fast most likely"
Kenya watches the hare as she looks around and frowns, a little worried "Are we close to the LP camp?"
Zolomon wont lie "No lass....or the boat...."He thinks where are they, well least he has his longbow and arrows.
Kenya frowns and no looks scared,"Where are we?"
Zolomon frowns "Umm...don't know just yet lass"
Kenya sniffs and then starts crying, yep now you have a crying otter on your paws.
Zolomon blinks, "No no don't cry, we aren't lost...we just don't know where we are and crying isn't a good thing now"
Kenya frowns and just looks at the ground and sniffs.
Zolomon says, "I bet his Lordship is like oh hey Zolomon..he isn't here I shall look for him and the otter""
Kenya frowns "No he won't...your like one hare and your supposed to be on the boat with me"
Zolomon sighs "Well then lass guess me and you be stuck with one another then huh..we can walk a little more, not sure sitting around be good or really walking but...we should figure it out sooner rather than later"
Kenya frowns as she sniffs "I'm...scared, its creepy here in the dark I don't wanna stay here"
Zolomon nods and speaks "Well then we walk to a non creepy area and be careful lass..never know dangers around here"
Kenya frowns "Dangers?"
A voice speaks"Dangers they say?" "Hey don't speak".."I can speak it I wants ta ya annoying pest!" And another voice "Shut up de both of you.."Out steps one..two..three shrews with brightly colored headbands, small rasipers and simple tunics,short pants and no shoes.
Zolomon lays a paw on his saber and blinks as he sees the shrews "Well..tis be..good"
Kenya frowns and looks back at the creatures and sniffs as she rubs her eyes, still upset.
"Great now she is crying" .."Do tis your fault Groundfoot.." Naaa uhhh Swiftpaw" The 3nd just sighs and glares at them "Shut want to attract the wrong attention you two?" He turns to the two beasts and smiles "Greetings your in the company of the Guosim "
Zolomon frowns "Fun...they argue among them selfs.."He looks around and back to the shrews "Look nice to see ya but 3 little shrews...don't think you should be out, dangerous and all."
One smirks"Your out..."He just chuckles "You joke right...3 of us?" He grins and cups his paws "Loglogalogalogalog!!!" And the 3 seems to grow to about 50 shrews, one has much brighter clothing, a more colored headband and a black stone on a chain around his neck as he studies the hare "Your a Long Patrol member...and the otter is a Redwall novice...first follow us to camp..we were about to have dinner"
Zolomon smiles "Dinner?"
Kenya giggles a little as she follows the shrews to their camp, not too far away and hidden behind some tall reeds and bushes.
Zolomon follows and looks around "I say...nice"He sits down.
Log-alog nods "There is many vermin around, near Redwall in fact so why is a long patrol hare and a Redwall novice outside, then again one did say the abbey was surrounded not a good thing"
Kenya frowns""She frowns"I was running away and then we got lost and Zolomon was only going after me and we didn't see any bad beasts."
Zolomon frowns "Well...we heard the abbey was Long Patrol and his Lordship is..not too far down river, likely coming this way, also me friend Xandy and some Mossflower Defenders."
Log-a-log nods and smiles " is shrewbread and skinny and duff...and some nice friend fish with rice, he also have a nice apple/cheery drink for young ones and ale for no so stay,eat..drink and rest. I can get word to the Badger Lord...we Guosim we shall jjoin the fight agiast this horde"
Kenya smiles and gets some apple/cheery drink, some bread,rice and fish and happily eats and drinks, she yawns and goes to lay down to sleep.
Zolomon grins, he clearly enjoys the food but manages to not eat a lot..even if he is a hare, he drinks down the ale and smiles "This be SO much better than rasions trust me friends"He looks to Kenya as she falls asleep and sighs "Her likely worried about her"
Log-alog nods "Then we send word and find him and get a meeting with...whom is the badger lord?"
Zolomon sips some ale "Lord Ciocan..tall fellow cant blooming miss me, has a large blooming war hammer"
Kenya whimpers a little in her sleep and curls up shivering a little,
Log-alog frowns, he motions for a blanket for her and sighs , he nods to the hare "Then first light we try and find this Lord Ciocan, let him know we join you guys in battle soon..we all be ready to help Redwall Abbey anytime."
Zolomon nods and sits by Kenya and looks around "We are...close being careful is more of a thing now."
Kenya calms a little and seems to go back into sleep.
Log a log nods as he yawns "Yes...careful is the rest I have night watchers here, not to worry."
Zolomon nods and decides ok..sleep is good, he is likely gonna need as much sleep as he can get.
Kenya curls closer to the hare and drifts in and out of sleep through out the night.
Also he is supposed to be helping Kenya learn some healer skillls so please remember that