Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 Open Chat » Oh, thank goodness... » 2018-04-24 10:36:17 PM

Replies: 1

I was worried the MUCK might have been hit, as well... Earlier today, someone hacked the Dibbuns Against Bedtime website, and completely obliterated it, "for the lulz", as they claimed. I'm glad the MUCK is fine...

#2 Re: Open Chat » Guess who's back? » 2018-01-10 12:50:07 PM

I'm still here! I've been having to dogsit, though, and it's eating more of my time than it should... z.z

#3 Re: RP Chat » A New Sometimes Club? » 2017-12-24 04:01:34 AM

Well, still... It's an idea. One that could be fun.

#4 Re: RP Chat » A New Sometimes Club? » 2017-12-24 12:04:45 AM

Danké.~ Yeah, I hope we can maybe do something similar to this! Ongoing OOC TP would be nice, right?

#5 Re: RP Chat » A New Sometimes Club? » 2017-12-21 06:43:44 PM

It's a bit hard to remember. I think it was OOC RPs, but then again, people posted them to the old forums, back when they were just "the" forums. I can dig up an old log of it...

#6 RP Chat » A New Sometimes Club? » 2017-12-20 10:17:30 PM

Replies: 6

Does anyone here remember the Sometimes Club? Back in 2011, they were a group who RPed nearly separately from the rest in their own little TP. I was a participant, and I forget what happened, but I think that all died down...

Anyways, I'm actually hoping to maybe revive the Sometimes Club, since it seems only one or two active participants of it are still around, not including myself. I'd love to get with a little group and discuss what to do with it. Who knows, the Sometimes Club might just be what it takes to kickstart a new breath of life into the MUCK.

#7 Re: Open Chat » Guess who's back? » 2017-12-20 10:12:28 PM

I'm glad people're welcoming me back. <3 Just makes me not want to leave even more. I'm hoping things'll pick up after the holidays, and I'm hoping to help breathe new life into the MUCK, too.

#8 Open Chat » Guess who's back? » 2017-12-20 01:33:50 PM

Replies: 6

Back again?

Torry's back!

Tell a friend!

But in all seriousness, that little dibbun from 2011 is back! I've missed you guys! And I intend to stay for the rest of my life! Redwall MUCK was practically a part of my childhood, even though I joined when I was 20... I feel ashamed I left in the first place. It was a stupid move, but life happens to us all, doesn't it?

So, what's different about me now that wasn't there back in 2011? Well... I live on my own. My grandma is dead. I've gotten wiser, and better at the art of RP. I guess, beyond that, there's not much else different though... Still, I missed you guys! I hope to see all of you around the abbey again. <3

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